Joana Soto Questions

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Joana Soto Period 4 3/6/13 I Choose Anti-Bullying Campaign 1.

What was your first reaction when reading the title of the story? (4 sentences) I thought she really did die in the 6 grade but she really meant that she was suffering that year. There were many crews in that year and some crews would pick on her. She got slapped by some girls and they ran away a few seconds later. Her parent saw that her cheek was very red. 2. After reading the story, what does the author really mean when she writes that she died in the sixth grade? Did she really die? Explain your answer using examples from the story. (4 sentences) No what she really meant that she was suffering that whole year. People would always pick on her. She would have to move to a bunch of schools. She was in a crew before and they kicked her out.

3. How does the author describe herself before she died? Go back to the story and find adjectives that describe her personality. (2 sentences) She said she was Out-going, compassionate, smart, and sometimes overbearing. She said she really didnt die but she felt a stopped-heart, doctor-call-it, ER kind of death.

4. In the second paragraph the author says she flat-lined. What does she mean? Look up the word in an online dictionary and write the definition. What she meant was she wanted to come to an end. 5. How did The Crew influence others in school? Give specific examples that you found throughout the story. (4 sentences) They infused people because they were popular. People wanted to be like them. Lots of people wanted to be in the crew but didnt make it. The crew would always make fun of people by the way they are. 6. The author mentions that the girls at the sleep over were 11 going on 17 then she states that she was content to be a kid for a while longer. How is it possible to be 11 going on 17? Describe some of the things the girls wanted to do that wasnt age appropriate. She was greeted by the gazes of four other girls sporting side ponytails, ready to pump Ace of Base and also talk about boys. 7. What were 3 specific negative effects the bullying had on the author? (4 sentences) They would call her a cry baby. When she would cry they would say see we were right. A bunch of girls would always gang up on her. They would write bad stuff on the bathroom stalls. 8. When did things finally turn around for her? What exactly happened? How did she feel? (4 sentences) She felt better by going somewhere called an advanced placement. She became friends with 3 nice girls. She would quickly solve her problems and she really didnt have much that time. Her carefree positive attitude was gone.

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