2013, January 21st (COM Minutes)

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GULGBT Committee Meeting Agenda 21st January 6pm Committee Room 2

In attendance: Lauren, Livvi, Amy, Kim, Ciara, David, Jess, Tabitha, Becky. Apologies: Hannah Curley, Erin Committee Business 1. Committee Auction update! Those who have not got in contact with who has purchased their services, do so. 2. Welfare Event - update and details Lauren and Ciara had a meeting: Wont just be us talking, we will be facilitating. Lauren will send out resources tomorrow for feedback from Stonewall and the internet. Tackles the issue of Bi*phobia/assumptions. Also taking out bi*pbhobia things gathered from the campaigns events. We will be tackling these issues from a committee point of view, making sure the B is highlighted in our community/committee. Need to make sure that its clear that the event is not a bi* social its for educational purposes may even be more relevant for people who do not identity as bi* Stonewall report is 48 pages long so well pick out key things from the report. Will be better to have small groups, rather than being one huge group ensures that people all get a chance to speak and voice their opinions. Event will be taking place in Committee Room 1. 3. Wednesday Events - updates, details and feedback Murder Mystery We are (hopefully) meeting at Chris for the writing. This is 5pm on Friday 5th, will probably only take a few hours. Someone named Nicola Williams is coming along to be involved. Venue will probably be the Reading Room, but GUU have been having problems with booking system 6th February originally Cocktail class, but we also have the Debate with the dialectic society but they are not free. However, they do have a debate that night which is on gender independence and they are keen to have someone from LGBT with them. Cardonald College also having an event that night for LGBT history night that starts at 4.30pm and runs from 9.30. They are having a lecture, information stalls, a buffet and a DISCO. Could be a chance to get involved with colleges, but not sure whether we can actually go because of time. *NOT HAPPENING BUT WE WILL INVITE THEM TO QUEERFEST. * Could likely do debate and then cocktail class.

13th Feb Guys and Dolls, opening night of guys and dolls support their society because they are likely doing something for queerfest. However, having the cocktail class and then guys and dolls might be a little too much money for our members.

20th Feb Queer 101 Venue trouble? We could have it in a lecture theatre, but this will likely cost a lot of money. We could use the reading room but we may be having too many events in there? 27th Feb Reading Party Lauren convinced them to have it in the Reading Room, GUU. 13th of March Farewell dinner, last actual event Black tie/black and white event Itll be classy! We should have U-shaped tables instead of round tables. Vicky Gunn is happy to be involved wants to know if it is pre-dinner speech/after dinner. White on black card for place settings! What about gift ideas? Tunnocks Tea Takes and custom made lovehearts. Prom-style photo as people are coming in. There might be a better name for the Farewell Dinner if anyone has ideas email Tabitha/Erin/Ciara 4. QueerFest - updates, details and feedback a. Funding: Lauren already started e-mailing Universities, and is meeting with Sub-Committee tomorrow. Polo are having an event on Saturday Theme is Iconic LGBT youth will be there. RAG week: Fund-raising might help us to get SRC grant application. We are running our events for free, so if we have rag week buckets there that would be good. Chris Cabaret is fine, can be finalised by tomorrow. Amy STAR What would they do? Lauren just wants to have a stall, so other socieites Ciara Lock Up your daughters Could have films all day, and a couple of shorts from them. Could be a nice chill out space. Steen Swing dance seem keen. 5. Bookclub a. Feedback from meeting with Louise: Meeting went well. Will replace our bookclub, but with video-link. Erin is keeping control of this and is trying to find a space.

6. M/W/T*/P-M Events (+ Asexual Event) dates and details please! Week beginning 4th Feb Chris Week beginning the 11th David for Post-Mat Colvin still coffee. Week beginning 20th of Feb Asexual Event coffee Week beginning 4th of March Tabithas eventWeek beginning 20th March Chris event.

7. Next Meeting Monday, 28th Committee Room 2 Other Business Action Points

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