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Sect|on I

Computer 8as|cs
l1 Lralnlng for Lmployees of lA1A Covernor secreLarlaL and lA1A uevelopmenL AuLhorlLy

P8uC - lnsLlLuLe of ManagemenL Sclences eshawar (CcLober, 2008)
8as|cs of Computers

A compuLer ls an elecLronlc devlce LhaL can accepL daLa (lnpuL), process Lhe daLa accordlng Lo
speclfled rules (process), produce resulLs (ouLpuL), and sLore Lhe resulLs (sLorage) for fuLure

?our "compuLer" ls a collecLlon of devlces LhaL funcLlon as a unlL. 1he mosL baslc collecLlon
1. SysLem unlL
2. CuLpuL devlces
3. lnpuL uevlces.

1. System Un|t:
1he SysLem unlL ls normally a recLangular box LhaL slLs on your deskLop (called a "ueskLop
Case") or nexL Lo your knee under Lhe desk (called a "1ower Case"). 1he mosL lmporLanL plece
of hardware ln your compuLer sysLem ls Lhe sysLem unlL. lLs Lyplcal componenLs are:
1he moLherboard, or sysLem board, whlch ls Lhe maln clrculL board of Lhe sysLem unlL
1he processor, also called Lhe cenLral processlng unlL (Cu), whlch lnLerpreLs and
carrles ouL Lhe baslc lnsLrucLlons LhaL operaLe a compuLer
Memory, also called random access memory, or 8AM, whlch conslsLs of elecLronlc
componenLs LhaL sLore daLa, lnsLrucLlons, and lnformaLlon, as needed by Lhe processor
Pard ulsk whlch sLore daLa permanenLly
Cu 8CM urlve whlch ls used Lo run Cus.
l1 Lralnlng for Lmployees of lA1A Covernor secreLarlaL and lA1A uevelopmenL AuLhorlLy

P8uC - lnsLlLuLe of ManagemenL Sclences eshawar (CcLober, 2008)

Motherboard - 1he moLherboard ls Lhe maln clrculL board of a mlcrocompuLer. lL ls
also known as Lhe malnboard or sysLem board.
CU - 1he Cu ls Lhe cenLral elecLronlc chlp LhaL deLermlnes Lhe processlng power of
Lhe compuLer.
Memory - Memory ls Lhe parL of Lhe compuLer LhaL Lemporarlly sLores appllcaLlons,
documenLs, and sLem operaLlng lnformaLlon.
8us - A bus ls an elecLronlc llne LhaL allows 1s and 0s Lo move from one place Lo
Lxpans|on S|ots - Lxpanslons sloLs appear on Lhe moLherboard. 1hey are sockeLs lnLo
whlch adapLers are connecLed.
orts and Connectors - A porL ls a connecLor locaLed on Lhe moLherboard or on a
separaLe adapLer.
8ays - A bay ls a space lnslde Lhe compuLer case where a hard drlve, floppy drlve or
Cu-8CM drlve slLs
ower Supp|y - A power supply changes normal household elecLrlclLy lnLo elecLrlclLy
LhaL a compuLer can use.
Sound Components - A sound card leLs a compuLer play and record hlgh quallLy

l1 Lralnlng for Lmployees of lA1A Covernor secreLarlaL and lA1A uevelopmenL AuLhorlLy

P8uC - lnsLlLuLe of ManagemenL Sclences eshawar (CcLober, 2008)

a. Centra| rocess|ng Un|t (CU)

uoes all of Lhe work for Lhe compuLer
1. uoes all of Lhe maLhemaLlcs, malnly
2. uoes all Lhe loglcal comparlsons of values
3. ulrecLs Lhe flow of daLa ln a compuLer
4. ConLrols Lhe operaLlon of Lhe parLs of Lhe

CUs have three bas|c parts
1. 1he ArlLhmeLlc Loglc unlL (ALu)
does all of Lhe maLhemaLlcs ln a compuLer
does all of Lhe loglc comparlsons of values
some common loglc comparlson symbols
= equal Lo
< less Lhan
> greaLer Lhan
<= less Lhan or equal Lo
>= greaLer Lhan or equal Lo
<> noL equal
2. 1he ConLrol unlL
dlrecLs Lhe flow of lnformaLlon lnLo Lhe Cu and/or memory or sLorage
conLrols whlch lnsLrucLlons Lhe Cu wlll do nexL
3. 8eglsLers
used Lo sLore daLa and lnsLrucLlons lnslde Lhe processor
Slze of Lhe reglsLers can affecL Lhe speed and performance of Lhe

b. Memory
r|mary memory can be used d|rect|y by the CU
1. ConslsLs of slllcon chlps, usually
2. 1wo forms of rlmary Memory
o 8ead Cnly Memory (8CM)
o 8andom Access Memory (8AM)
3. rlmary memory ls also called prlmary sLorage

kead Cn|y Memory (kCM) Stores |nstruct|ons that are used by the CU
1. 1ells Lhe Cu how Lo be Lhe klnd of
compuLer lL ls, for example a
Wlndows, MaclnLosh, or lay
SLaLlon compuLers.
2. 1ells Lhe Cu how Lo work wlLh Lhe
dlfferenL parLs of Lhe compuLer
3. 8CM can also hold programs LhaL
are dlrecLly accessed by Lhe Cu.
l1 Lralnlng for Lmployees of lA1A Covernor secreLarlaL and lA1A uevelopmenL AuLhorlLy

P8uC - lnsLlLuLe of ManagemenL Sclences eshawar (CcLober, 2008)
Cne such program ls Lhe self-LesL when Lhe compuLer ls flrsL Lurned on. 1he self-
LesL LesLs Lo seem lf all Lhe parLs on Lhe maln clrculL board (moLher board) are
worklng correcLly.
1he lnsLrucLlons ln 8CM can noL usually be changed
1he lnsLrucLlons are bullL lnLo Lhe elecLronlc clrculLs of Lhe chlps
1hese lnsLrucLlons ln 8CM are called f|rmware
1o change Lhe lnsLrucLlons ln 8CM you need Lo usually change Lhe chlps or do
some oLher speclal process LhaL ls normally noL avallable Lo an average user.
1he lnsLrucLlons ln 8CM are nonvolaLlle. 1hey sLay ln 8CM even when Lhe
compuLer ls Lurned off.
Access Lo lnformaLlon ls random access.
8andom access means LhaL any plece of lnformaLlon ln 8CM can be accessed
aL any glven Llme wlLhouL access oLher lnformaLlon flrsL. lL ls a loL llke Lhe
Lracks on a muslc Cu. ?ou can access any Lrack aL any Llme and ln any order.
1he oLher klnd of access ls sequenLlal access. ?ou musL access Lhe
lnformaLlon ln Lhe order LhaL Lhey are locaLed. 1hls ls a loL llke a muslc Lape.
?ou musL play Lhe songs ln order, or you have Lo fasL forward pasL songs Lo
geL Lo Lhe one you wanL.

kandom Access Memory (kAM)
1. SLore daLa and lnsLrucLlons LhaL are used by Lhe Cu Lo perform some Lask.
1hese lnsLrucLlons are usually loaded lnLo
8AM from a secondary sLorage devlce.
8AM ls also used Lo sLore lnsLrucLlons LhaL
Lell Lhe Cu how Lo work wlLh lLs parLs.
1hese lnsLrucLlons are usually called
2. 1he lnsLrucLlons ln 8AM are consLanLly changlng, dependlng on Lhe needs of Lhe
3. 1he lnsLrucLlons ln 8AM are volaLlle.
When Lhe compuLer ls Lurned off Lhe lnformaLlon ln 8AM dlsappears.
1he lnformaLlon ln 8AM needs Lo be saved Lo secondary sLorage before Lhe
compuLer ls Lurned off.
4. Access Lo lnformaLlon ls random access.

c. nard D|sk Dr|ves: Long-1erm Storage:
AnoLher lmporLanL physlcal componenL lnslde your sysLem
unlL ls Lhe hard dlsk drlve. 1he hard dlsk permanenLly sLores
all your lmporLanL daLa. Some hard dlsks Loday can sLore up
Lo 730 glgabyLes of daLa. A hard dlsk conslsLs of numerous
meLalllc plaLLers. 1hese plaLLers sLore daLa magneLlcally.
8efore daLa can be sLored on any dlsk, lncludlng your
sysLem's hard dlsk, LhaL dlsk musL flrsL be formaLLed. A dlsk
LhaL has noL been formaLLed cannoL accepL any daLa.

d. CD-kCM Dr|ves: Storage on a D|sc:
l1 Lralnlng for Lmployees of lA1A Covernor secreLarlaL and lA1A uevelopmenL AuLhorlLy

P8uC - lnsLlLuLe of ManagemenL Sclences eshawar (CcLober, 2008)
noL all Lhe sLorage on your C ls lnslde Lhe sysLem unlL. MosL Cs have a fronL-accesslble Cu-
8CM drlve (compacL dlsc-read-only memory), whlch leLs you play audlo Cus, lnsLall Cu based
sofLware programs, and (lf Lhe drlve ls enabled for recordlng) copy daLa from your C's hard
drlve Lo a blank Cu-8CM dlsc.

2. Input Dev|ces:
An lnpuL devlce leLs you communlcaLe wlLh a compuLer. ?ou can use lnpuL devlces Lo enLer
lnformaLlon and lssue commands. A keyboard, mouse, scanner, dlglLal camera, Louch pads
and [oysLlck are examples of lnpuL devlces.
Some Common CompuLer lnpuL uevlces:

used Lo Lype daLa lnLo Lhe compuLer
MosL common lnpuL devlce Loday
Pas speclal keys for glvlng Lhe compuLer commands
o Commands Lell Lhe compuLer Lo do someLhlng, llke
save Lhe flle
o 1hese speclal keys are called command or funcLlon
o|nt|ng Dev|ces
olnLlng devlces move some ob[ecL on Lhe screen and can do some acLlon
Common polnLlng devlce
o Mouse - mosL common polnLlng devlce

Can be used Lo puL boLh sound and lmages lnLo a
use a laser Lo read a CompacL ulsk (Cu) or a uvu dlsk

l1 Lralnlng for Lmployees of lA1A Covernor secreLarlaL and lA1A uevelopmenL AuLhorlLy

P8uC - lnsLlLuLe of ManagemenL Sclences eshawar (CcLober, 2008)
3. Cutput dev|ces:
An ouLpuL devlce dlsplays lnformaLlon on a screen, creaLes prlnLed coples or generaLes sound.
A monlLor, prlnLer, and speakers are examples of ouLpuL devlces.
Some Common Cutput Dev|ces:
Mon|tors and D|sp|ays
Shows Lhe processed lnformaLlon on a screen. A monlLor
uses a lcLure 1ube llke a Lelevlslon wlLh Lhe lmage
dlsplayed on Lhe fronL of Lhe Lube, whlch ls called Lhe

rlnLers produce a hard copy
1he lnformaLlon ls prlnLed on paper and can be used when
Lhe devlce ls off.
lL ls also called a prlnLouL

Software -- Genera| Informat|on
CompuLer sofLware provldes lnsLrucLlon LhaL Lell Lhe compuLer how Lo operaLe.
1. SofLware ls also called programs.
2. rograms are usually creaLed uslng oLher sofLware called programmlng languages.
1here are two (2) ma|n types of software
1. SysLem SofLware
used by Lhe compuLer Lo accompllsh a Lask.
WhaL sysLem sofLware does:
conLrols Lhe lnLernal funcLlon of Lhe compuLer
conLrols oLher devlces connecLed Lo Lhe Cu
2. AppllcaLlon SofLware
used by people Lo accompllsh a speclflc Lask.
Some common klnds of appllcaLlon sofLware
Word rocessor sofLware
uaLabase sofLware
SpreadsheeL sofLware
Web age 8rowsers

Cperat|ng Systems
1. 1he operaLlng sysLem ls usually locaLed on a dlsk.
Can be on elLher Lhe hard dlsk drlve, a floppy dlsk, or Cu-8CM dlsk.
MusL be loaded lnLo 8AM before lL can be used.
2. used by Lhe compuLer's hardware Lo work wlLh lLs parLs.
l1 Lralnlng for Lmployees of lA1A Covernor secreLarlaL and lA1A uevelopmenL AuLhorlLy

P8uC - lnsLlLuLe of ManagemenL Sclences eshawar (CcLober, 2008)
1ells Lhe compuLer how Lo:
ulsplay lnformaLlon on Lhe screen.
use a prlnLer.
SLore lnformaLlon on a secondary sLorage devlce.
1he sysLem sofLware LhaL conLrols perlpherals are called drlvers.
3. An operaLlng sysLem works wlLh appllcaLlon sofLware.
uoes baslc Lasks, llke prlnLlng a documenL or savlng a flle
1he operaLlng sysLem sLarLs (launches) Lhe appllcaLlon sofLware so LhaL lL can
be used.

App||cat|on Software
AppllcaLlon sofLware programs work wlLh Lhe operaLlng sysLem sofLware Lo help you use your
compuLer Lo do speclflc Lypes of work such as word processlng Lo Lype a leLLer.
1. used by people Lo solve general problems
Can be used Lo do more Lhan one Lhlng - adapLed Lo a wlde varleLy of Lasks
Some common Lasks done by general purpose appllcaLlon sofLware
8ecord keeplng
WhaL can be done wlLh general purpose appllcaLlon sofLware ls only llmlLed by
Lhe lmaglnaLlon of Lhe user.
1. Lxamples of general purpose appllcaLlon sofLware
Word rocesslng SofLware
uaLabase SofLware
SpreadsheeL SofLware
ueskLop ubllshlng SofLware
alnL and uraw SofLware

uLlllLles allow you Lo compleLe cerLaln Lasks on your compuLer. Lxamples of some of Lhese
Lasks are flle organlzaLlons.
Speclflc purpose appllcaLlon sofLware used Lo help a compuLer work beLLer or Lo avold
Some uLlllLy programs are bullL lnLo Lhe operaLlng sysLem
Scandlsk ln Lhe Wlndows operaLlng sysLem
ulsk formaLLlng sofLware
Lxamples of uLlllLy programs
AnLl-vlrus sofLware
ulsk malnLenance sofLware
llle managemenL programs
SecurlLy sofLware
l1 Lralnlng for Lmployees of lA1A Covernor secreLarlaL and lA1A uevelopmenL AuLhorlLy

P8uC - lnsLlLuLe of ManagemenL Sclences eshawar (CcLober, 2008)

Sect|on II
1he Internet

l1 Lralnlng for Lmployees of lA1A Covernor secreLarlaL and lA1A uevelopmenL AuLhorlLy

P8uC - lnsLlLuLe of ManagemenL Sclences eshawar (CcLober, 2008)
1. Understand|ng 8as|cs

1he lnLerneL ls a neLwork of compuLers spannlng Lhe globe. 1hls communlcaLlon sLrucLure ls a
sysLem connecLlng more Lhan flfLy mllllon people ln counLrles around Lhe world. A global Web
of compuLers, Lhe lnLerneL allows lndlvlduals Lo communlcaLe wlLh each oLher. CfLen called
Lhe World Wlde Web, Lhe lnLerneL provldes a qulck and easy exchange of lnformaLlon and ls
recognlzed as Lhe cenLral Lool ln Lhls lnformaLlon Age.

Internet 8rowser
An lnLerneL browser ls a sofLware program LhaL enables you Lo access and navlgaLe Lhe
lnLerneL by vlewlng Web pages on your compuLer. 1he label lnLerneL 8rowser descrlbes a
sofLware program LhaL provldes
users wlLh a graphlcal lnLerface
LhaL allows Lhem Lo connecL Lo
Lhe lnLerneL and "surf Lhe Web."
Slmply speaklng, a browser ls a
sofLware program LhaL enables
you Lo vlew Web pages on your
neLscape navlgaLor and lnLerneL
Lxplorer (lL) are Lhe Lwo browsers
mosL commonly used for vlewlng
Lhe lnLerneL. neLscape and
lnLerneL Lxplorer share many of
Lhe same funcLlons, and lL ls
posslble Lo use boLh. MlcrosofL ls
Lhe creaLor of lnLerneL Lxplorer, and neLscape navlgaLor, orlglnally developed by neLscape, ls
now owned by Amerlca Cnllne/1lme Warner. 1here are oLher browsers avallable as well. lL
does noL Lake many users long Lo develop a preference and "adopL" a browser. ?ou may have
already made Lhe cholce. Whlch are you uslng?

Web S|te
A slLe or area on Lhe World Wlde Web LhaL ls accessed by lLs own lnLerneL address ls called a
Web slLe. A Web slLe can be a collecLlon of relaLed Web pages. Lach Web slLe conLalns a home
page and may also conLaln addlLlonal pages. Lach Web slLe ls owned and updaLed by an
lndlvldual, company, or organlzaLlon. 8ecause Lhe Web ls a dynamlcally movlng and changlng
enLlLy, many Web slLes change on a dally or even hourly basls.

Web age
A Web page can be explalned as one area of Lhe World Wlde Web. Comparable Lo a page ln a
book, Lhe baslc unlL of every Web slLe or documenL on Lhe Web ls a page. A Web page can be
an arLlcle, an orderlng page, or a slngle paragraph, and lL ls usually a comblnaLlon of LexL and

l1 Lralnlng for Lmployees of lA1A Covernor secreLarlaL and lA1A uevelopmenL AuLhorlLy

P8uC - lnsLlLuLe of ManagemenL Sclences eshawar (CcLober, 2008)
nome age
1he Lerm home page has a couple of meanlngs. lL ls Lhe Web page LhaL your browser uses
when lL sLarLs, and also Lhe Web page LhaL appears every Llme you open your browser.
Cllcklng Lhe home page lcon on your browser screen wlll Lake you Lo Lhe speclflc page you
have seL as your browser's home page.
nome poqe also refers Lo Lhe maln Web page ouL of a collecLlon of Web pages. Cn each slLe,
ofLen you wlll see home page as a cholce on a Menu 8ar. Cllcklng on Lhe word Pome on a Web
page wlll Lake you Lo Lhe home or maln page of LhaL parLlcular Web slLe.

2. 1|t|e, Menu, and 1oo|bars
1hls secLlon wlll help you undersLand common Lerms and Lools of Lhe lnLerneL explorer:

1|t|e 8ar

1|t|e bar w|th ca||out
LeL's Lake lL from Lhe Lop. 1he name of Lhe Web slLe or LlLle of Lhe page you are vlewlng ls
found on Lhe Lop lefL hand corner of your
screen. 1radlLlonally, Lhls horlzonLal blue bar
runs across Lhe enLlre wldLh of your screen.
1hls blue bar LhaL conLalns Lhe name of Lhe
Web slLe ls called Lhe 1lLle 8ar. 1he 1lLle 8ar
wlll serve as a LrusLy anchor, always leLLlng
your know where you are by sharlng Lhe LlLle of Lhe Web slLe you are vlslLlng. 1hls bar does
noL Lake you anywhere, buL lL always leLs you know where you are.

Menu 8ar
underneaLh Lhe 1lLle 8ar are oLher bars LhaL
can be used for movlng around Lhe
lnLerneL. lf you are looklng for qulck and
easy ways Lo navlgaLe, Lhe bars locaLed aL
Lhe Lop of your screen under Lhe 1lLle 8ar
wlll be helpful. Cne of Lhe mosL useful bars
ls Lhe Menu 8ar. ?ou wlll qulckly appreclaLe
each of Lhe opLlons found on Lhe Menu 8ar.
1he Menu 8ar ls Lhe horlzonLal band LhaL conLalns commands and opLlons LhaL can be chosen.
ln lnLerneL Lxplorer, Lhese selecLlons are llle, LdlL, vlew, lavorlLes, 1ools, and Pelp.
Cllcklng on each of Lhe lLems ln Lhe sLandard Menu 8ar aL Lhe Lop of your page wlll drop down
a menu LhaL ls a useful way Lo access Lhe many feaLures of Lhe lnLerneL Lxplorer program. 1he
lasL menu lLem ls Lhe Pelp lLem. ?ou wlll be surprlsed and relleved how ofLen you wlll be able
Lo cllck Pelp and flnd Lhe answers you need.
1he Menu 8ar ls a very useful Lool when Lrylng Lo make your way around a Web slLe. 8ecause
Lhe Menu 8ar offers so many helpful funcLlons, Lhe qulcker you masLer llle, LdlL, vlew,
lavorlLes, 1ools, and Pelp, Lhe beLLer. lL does noL Lake long Lo learn Lhe purpose of each of
Lhese menu lLems LhaL help you move around Lhe lnLerneL.

l1 Lralnlng for Lmployees of lA1A Covernor secreLarlaL and lA1A uevelopmenL AuLhorlLy

P8uC - lnsLlLuLe of ManagemenL Sclences eshawar (CcLober, 2008)
1oo| 8ar

As lLs name lmplles, Lhls ls Lhe area where
a loL of work geLs done. 1he 1ool 8ar ls
much llke Lhe Menu 8ar sLreLchlng from
lefL Lo rlghL across Lhe Lop of your screen
[usL under Lhe Address 8ar. 8ecause Lhe
1ool 8ar ls Lhe workhorse of bars, lL ls
larger and conLalns many useful lcons dlvlded
lnLo Lhree areas. Lach of Lhese lcons has a LexL descrlpLlon of lLs funcLlon under Lhe lcon lLself.
lf you do noL see Lhe LexL descrlpLlon, hold your cursor over Lhe lcon, and Lhe funcLlon of Lhe
lcon wlll appear. LlLher way, lL wlll noL Lake you long Lo assoclaLe each funcLlon wlLh lLs
plcLure. LeL's become famlllar wlLh Lhe flrsL area whlch conLalns flve lcons. 1he remalnder of
Lhe lcons on Lhe 1ool 8ar wlll be explalned ln laLer lessons.

1he flrsL lcon on Lhe 1ool 8ar ls Lhe 8ack lcon. ?ou
wlll be surprlsed how ofLen you wlll wanL Lo
reLurn Lo a Web page or Web slLe you en[oyed

Grayed Cut Iorward
Pow abouL anoLher dlrecLlon change? 8eady Lo reLurn Lo Lhe Web page you were vlewlng
before you backLracked wlLh Lhe 8ack arrow? ?es, Lhere ls a Lool for LhaL. 1he lorward lcon
can reLurn you Lo square one by revlslLlng each page successlvely.

Stop and kefresh Icons
lL wlll noL Lake you long Lo appreclaLe Lwo oLher
lcons found on Lhe 1ool 8ar. 1he SLop lcon ls
locaLed Lo Lhe rlghL of Lhe 8ack and lorward
arrows. Cllcklng Lhe SLop lcon wlll sLop Lhe page
you have selecLed from downloadlng.
1hls lcon ls especlally useful. Cllck Lhe SLop lcon lf
a page ls Laklng Loo long Lo download. WhaL lf you changed your mlnd and do noL wanL Lo vlslL
a page? !usL cllck Lhls lcon. Cccaslonally you flnd LhaL you have cllcked on a wrong llnk. Agaln,
Lhe SLop lcon Lo Lhe rescue.

1he nexL lcon ls noL qulLe as lnLulLlve as Lhe old
famlllar SLop lcon. lL ls Lhe 8efresh lcon. 8efresh
makes sure you are vlewlng Lhe laLesL verslon of Lhe currenL Web page. 8emember one of Lhe
unlque characLerlsLlcs of Lhe lnLerneL ls LhaL lL ls dynamlc and fluld. lnformaLlon ls
conLlnuously belng added, and Web pages are consLanLly changlng. lL mlghL be lmporLanL Lo
l1 Lralnlng for Lmployees of lA1A Covernor secreLarlaL and lA1A uevelopmenL AuLhorlLy

P8uC - lnsLlLuLe of ManagemenL Sclences eshawar (CcLober, 2008)
you LhaL you are vlewlng Lhe very laLesL lnformaLlon. lor LhaL reason, you have a 8efresh lcon.
!usL cllck Lhe 8efresh lcon and your browser wlll reload Lhe laLesL verslon of Lhe page you are

nome age Icon
ln reference Lo Lhls lcon, home page ls Lhe Web
page LhaL your browser uses when lL sLarLs, Lhe
Web page LhaL appears every Llme you open
your browser. Cllcklng Lhe home page lcon
found on Lhe 1ool 8ar wlll Lake you Lo Lhe
speclflc page you have seL as your browser's
home page.

Address 8ar
1he Address 8ar ls an excellenL Lool LhaL can be
used for navlgaLlng Lhe Web. lf you know Lhe
address of a page you wanL Lo vlslL, Lype Lhe u8L
ln Lhe Address 8ar. 1hen press LnLer on Lhe
keyboard or cllck on Lhe word Co on Lhe rlghL slde
of Lhe Address 8ar.
1he power of Lhe compuLer really shlnes Lhrough wlLh a feaLure called AuLoCompleLe whlch ls
bullL lnLo lnLerneL Lxplorer. lf you sLarL Lyplng a Web address LhaL you have prevlously used, a
llsL of maLchlng addresses appears. 1he addresses of all Lhe Web slLes LhaL you have vlslLed
are kepL ln Lhe compuLer memory. ?our browser wlll locaLe an address LhaL you have
prevlously Lyped ln Lhe Address 8ar by searchlng for slmllar addresses Lrylng Lo flnd a maLch.
As you Lype each leLLer, Lhe llsL ls reflned Lo maLch your Lyplng. ?ou can choose one of Lhese
addresses by slmply movlng your mouse over Lhe name and cllcklng.

Address 8ox
uon'L be afrald of geLLlng losL or overwhelmed on Lhe mammoLh lnformaLlon Plghway. 1here
ls an easy way Lo know where you are aL all Llmes. Cne way Lo keep Lrack of where you are on
Lhe Web, especlally lf you have been movlng around by llnks, ls Lo check ouL Lhe Address 8ox.
1hls box glves you Lhe locaLlon or address of Lhe currenL page you are vlewlng.

UkL (Un|form kesource Locator)
1haL unusual word aL Lhe Lop of Lhe page ln whaL ls known as Lhe locaLor box or address box ls
Lhe address of a Web page. Lach Web page has a unlque address called a unlform 8esource
LocaLor or u8L. 1he u8L (pronounced u-8-L) ls Lhe speclflc address of a Web page.
1here ls a speclal sysLem for addresslng lnLerneL slLes. 1he u8L or Web address ls Lyplcally
composed of four parLs:
A proLocol name (a proLocol ls a seL of rules and sLandards LhaL enable compuLers Lo
exchange lnformaLlon)
1he locaLlon of Lhe slLe
1he name of Lhe organlzaLlon LhaL malnLalns Lhe slLe
A sufflx LhaL ldenLlfles Lhe klnd of organlzaLlon lL ls
lor example, Lhe address hLLp:// www. aarp. org ls made up of Lhe followlng areas:
l1 Lralnlng for Lmployees of lA1A Covernor secreLarlaL and lA1A uevelopmenL AuLhorlLy

P8uC - lnsLlLuLe of ManagemenL Sclences eshawar (CcLober, 2008)

3. I|nd|ng 1h|ngs

1hls secLlon wlll help you undersLand common Lerms and Lools of Lhe lnLerneL: Search,
lavorlLes, PlsLory.

now we are ready Lo Lackle Lhe mlddle segmenL of
Lhe 1ool 8ar. 8ack Lo Lhose lcons LhaL do much of
Lhe work for us when surflng Lhe Web. 1he flrsL lcon
ln Lhls secLlon ls Lhe magnlfylng glass or Lhe Search

Search Icon:
1he ouLsLandlng value of Lhe compuLer ls Lhe access
LhaL lL offers Lo lnformaLlon. 8uL users need some help ln geLLlng Lo LhaL greaL source of
lnformaLlon. And here ls LhaL help - Lhe Search feaLure. 1he compuLer has a greaL program Lo
flnd a parLlcular area of conLenL for documenLs LhaL conLaln cerLaln keywords, Lhe search
1o use Lhe Search feaLure, cllck Lhe Search lcon (magnlfylng glass) on Lhe 1ool 8ar and you wlll
galn access Lo a search englne. ln Lhe Search bar, Lype LhaL word or phrase LhaL descrlbes
whaL you're looklng for. 1ry Lo keep your Loplc as shorL and speclflc as posslble. When your
search resulLs appear, you can vlew Lhe lndlvldual Web pages wlLhouL loslng your llsL of search

Search 8ox:
?ou can also search dlrecLly from Lhe Address 8ar.
!usL Lype common names or words, and your browser
can auLomaLlcally Lake you Lo Lhe slLe LhaL mosL llkely
maLches whaL you are searchlng for. ?our browser
wlll llsL oLher llkely slLes as well. !usL Lype common
names or words ln Lhe Address 8ar, and Lhen cllck Co.

1he nexL lcon ln Lhls cenLer secLlon of Lhe 1ool 8ar ls
lavorlLes, Lhe real sLars of your lnLerneL show. ?ou
wlll easlly recognlze Lhe folder wlLh Lhe sLar (asLerlsk)
as your lavorlLes lcon.

1he real Lrlck Lo Lhe lnLerneL ls havlng lL work for you. 1here ls so much lnformaLlon avallable
LhaL you musL be able Lo manage lL raLher Lhan lL manage you. robably Lhe flrsL experlence ln
cusLomlzlng Lhe Web for yourself wlll be selecLlng some lavorlLes. lavorlLes are [usL whaL Lhey
sound llke - your favorlLe slLes on Lhe lnLerneL. 8eLLer Lhan LhaL, Lhls speclal funcLlon offers
you an express rlde Lo your favorlLe and/or mosL vlslLed slLes on Lhe Web.
l1 Lralnlng for Lmployees of lA1A Covernor secreLarlaL and lA1A uevelopmenL AuLhorlLy

P8uC - lnsLlLuLe of ManagemenL Sclences eshawar (CcLober, 2008)
When you flnd Web slLes or pages LhaL you llke, you can keep Lrack of Lhem uslng Lhe
lavorlLes feaLure, maklng Lhem easy Lo reLurn Lo ln Lhe fuLure. lavorlLes ls a cusLomlzed llsL of
llnks Lo your mosL frequenLly used and popular onllne areas or Web slLes.

Dropdown Iavor|te L|st
Wasn'L LhaL a snap. lL's easy Lo add a Web page Lo
your llsL of lavorlLes. AfLer you have done LhaL, any
Llme you wanL Lo open LhaL page, all you have Lo do ls
cllck Lhe lavorlLes lcon on Lhe maln 1ool 8ar. ?ou wlll
Lhen be glven a dropdown menu from whlch you can open one of your favorlLe pages. AfLer
you add a slLe Lo your llsL of lavorlLes, you can access lL aL any Llme from your llsL wlLh a
slmple cllck of your mouse.

?our LrusLy 1ool 8ar offers anoLher
feaLure for reLraclng your surflng sLeps -
Lhe PlsLory lcon. 1hls lcon wlll offer you
Lhe opLlon of revlslLlng a Web slLe you
have prevlously vlslLed durlng your lasL
several lnLerneL sesslons. 1hls ls a real
LreaL and can save you from havlng Lo Lype long, compllcaLed u8Ls ln Lhe search box.

n|story Drop Down 8ox
CeL Lo know Lhe lcon LhaL represenLs PlsLory. lL ls a
sundlal. 1he PlsLory funcLlon wlll leL you sorL and
choose slLes Lo revlslL by daLe, by slLe, by mosL vlslLed,
by order vlslLed Loday, and even by search.

n|story Sort|ng Cpt|ons
Cn Lhe PlsLory menu, cllck a week or day. 1hen cllck a Web slLe folder Lo dlsplay lndlvldual
pages, and Lhen cllck Lhe page lcon Lo dlsplay Lhe Web page. Pere ls anoLher llLLle Llp: lf you
declde you wanL Lo hlde Lhe PlsLory Menu box, [usL cllck Lhe PlsLory lcon agaln.
l1 Lralnlng for Lmployees of lA1A Covernor secreLarlaL and lA1A uevelopmenL AuLhorlLy

P8uC - lnsLlLuLe of ManagemenL Sclences eshawar (CcLober, 2008)

now to open an ema|| account at

1. Co Lhe home page of ?ahoo aL

2. AL Lhe Lop of Lhe web page, cllck on Lhe emall lcon

?ou wlll see a new page LhaL looks llke Lhls:

3. Cllck on Lhe Slgn up now hyperllnk.

4. Cllck agaln on Lhe free emall opLlon.

3. Cllck here Lo open a
new Lmall accounL.
Cllck Lhls
buLLon, lf you
have already
an Lmall
l1 Lralnlng for Lmployees of lA1A Covernor secreLarlaL and lA1A uevelopmenL AuLhorlLy

P8uC - lnsLlLuLe of ManagemenL Sclences eshawar (CcLober, 2008)
S. I||| out the form ||ke the one be|ow

Pelp - ?ahoo!

S|gn up for your ahoo! ID w|th Ma|| A|ready have an ID? S|gn In
CeL a ?ahoo! lu and password for access Lo ?ahoo! Mall and all oLher personallzed
?ahoo! servlces.

?ahoo! lu:
(examples: "llldude36" or "goody2shoes")

8e-Lype assword:

your ID
?ou wlll use
Lo access
?ahoo! each
maLLers for

lf you forgeL your password, we would ldenLlfy you wlLh Lhls
SecurlLy CuesLlon: [select a question to answer]

?our Answer:

[select one]
, (MonLh uay, ?ear)
CurrenL Lmall

llrsL name:
LasL name:

Language & ConLenL:
English - United States

Zlp/osLal Code:

1hls ls our
only way Lo
verlfy your
ldenLlLy. 1o
proLecL your
make sure
answer" ls
for you buL
hard for
others Lo
CreaLe your lu and
password ln Lhls
secLlon. ?ou may use
upper or lower case
leLLers and numbers
ln your password.
lleose wtlte Jowo
yoot posswotJ!
ln Lhls
secLlon, you
choose a
and answer
Lo help you
password ln
case you
forgeL. ?ou
also puL
your blrLh
ln Lhls lasL secLlon, you flll ln some personal
lnformaLlon abouL yourself. Cllck on Lhe
down arrow Lo choose a caLegory.

l1 Lralnlng for Lmployees of lA1A Covernor secreLarlaL and lA1A uevelopmenL AuLhorlLy

P8uC - lnsLlLuLe of ManagemenL Sclences eshawar (CcLober, 2008)
[select industry]

eople Search LlsLlng:
LlsL my new ?ahoo! Mall address for free

LlsLlng lncludes real name, clLy, sLaLe, and

ConLacL me occaslonally abouL speclal offers, promoLlons and ?ahoo!

lnLeresLs (opLlonal):

Pome &
CompuLers &
ersonal llnance
Small 8uslness
SporLs & CuLdoors
SweepsLakes & lree

LnLer Lhe word as lL ls shown ln Lhe box below.

lf you cannoL see Lhls lmage cllck here.
Word Ver|f|cat|on
1hls sLep helps ?ahoo!
prevenL auLomaLed

6. When you have flnlshed fllllng ouL Lhe form, cllck on Lhe SubmlL buLLon.

8emove Lhe
check mark
from Lhls box.
uon'L check
any of Lhe
boxes ln Lhls
Look aL Lhe word ln Lhe
large box. 1ype Lhls
same word ln Lhe llLLle
box above lL.
l1 Lralnlng for Lmployees of lA1A Covernor secreLarlaL and lA1A uevelopmenL AuLhorlLy

P8uC - lnsLlLuLe of ManagemenL Sclences eshawar (CcLober, 2008)

Sect|on III
Introduct|on to
M|crosoft W|ndows

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