Airplane Brothers

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Airplane Brothers By C Jay Lenhart

Draft 1 Revised 5/5/11 Current 10/27/12 C Jay Lenhart, Jodie Sherman

BLACK A young boy is making AIRPLANE NOISES.

INT. SUV - DAY A little toy plane. Flown by a small hand against the window. The orange of the bright, spotty sky bleeds through the glass, creating a sparkling silhouette as the mid-sized car rides along. Silent to the outside world. Jeremy, the pilot, is only eight. Dark hair, pale skin and nice polo innocently hugging his body. His brother is next to him, in the back seat.

TYLER is a bit older, maybe 13. He doesnt look too much like Jeremy -- more tan. Ethnic. Obviously going through the graphic T-shirt and jeans phase. He is looking down at the the book in his lap, studiously. Jeremy still NOISY. A pair of tired eyes stare through the rear view mirrors soul. Its EMILY, watching Tyler. TYLER (whispering to Jeremy) Shut up. Jeremy looks at him, embarrassed. Lowers the plane. Emily glances again. TYLER (CONTD) Mom. When can I go back to school? Emily SIGHS, stopping at the red light. EMILY When you start taking your medicine, Ty. TYLER But if I take it then Jeremy will... Emily jerks her head around, straight to Tyler. Shes tan, too. Hispanic. The tired expression matches her hurriedly-brushed hair, flowing messily down a spaghetti strapped dress. He looks up at her, just for a moment. And back down. Jeremys eyes dart back and forth between them, confused.

2. JEREMY Jeremy what? You always talk about me! Green light reflects onto them. Emilys head instinctively turns forward. TYLER (Under his breath) Nothing dude. Just shut up. The ENGINE whispers as the car continues. Jeremy glances to the front seat. Sadly. 3 EXT. FAST FOOD RESTAURANT DRIVE THROUGH A dirty drive-through, marked by a creepy smiley face. The SUV stops abruptly in front. FAST FOOD VOICE (V.O.) Welcome to Rennys Burger House, can I take your order? EMILY One minute. (to the back) What do you want? Tyler stays focused on his book. TYLER Number three with a sprite. JEREMY Me too! I want that too. TYLER (whispering) Stupid copycat. Emily turns to face them once again. EMILY What did you just say, Tyler? TYLER Nothing. EMILY I thought we just talked about this? Tyler rolls his eyes. 3


TYLER (insincerely) Sorry. Emily breathes out heavily, turns, and softly takes her ORDER. Jeremy sticks out his tongue at Tyler. TYLER (CONTD) (under his breath, Spanish) Maricn. Jeremy makes a sour face, and punches Tylers side with his little fist. TITLE CARD: "AIRPLANE BROTHERS" fades on screen. White, slightly opaque. 4 EXT. HOUSE - MID DAY Behind the dusty driveway lies an old and odd house, pinned to a fair amount of property. The car rolls in, splitting through the shadows and falling leaves. Tyler throws the SUV door open and hops out -- crushed fast food bag and soft drink cup in hand. JEREMY (O.C.) Come on Tyler. He lunges out of the car and follows from the same side. Tyler glances back and stops, annoyed. TYLER Why do you always have to get out on my side? JEREMY Its a free country. Jeremy glides past Tyler, who leaves the car door open and continues to walk towards the back of the house. BEEP BEEP, BEEP BEEP, BEEP BEEP An alarm on Emilys phone. She struts briskly around the front of the car. Her long sun dress waves in the wind, smacking her purse, as she SLAMS Tylers door closed. 4

4. EMILY Wait, Ty. Its time to take your medicine. TYLER I dont like to take it. EMILY No. But I like when you take it, and so does Dr. Marshall, your dad, and so do all the kids and teachers at school. -- Here. She opens the pill bottle and gently sets two pills into Tylers mouth. He doesnt budge. Its normal. EMILY (CONTD) (gesturing towards his drink) Swallow. Tyler reluctantly moves the straw to his lips. Jeremy is standing a few steps behind. JEREMY Im gonna find the ball. Still facing forward, Tyler raises his hand, waving, and speaks with his mouth full of drink. TYLER Ok. Emily glances blankly past Tyler, in Jeremys direction. Her eyes dart back. EMILY Let me see. Tyler opens his mouth. Empty. EMILY (CONTD) Good boy. She forces a smile, fixing the collar on his thin jacket. Tyler turns and jets towards the back yard. EMILY (CONTD) (yelling) Tyler be careful. Tyler doesnt bother to turn around, but continues to the back of the house. He stops to throw his trash away... And spits the pills into the garbage can.


EXT/INT. HOUSE - SAME Emily unlocks the front door and steps inside. The house is plain. Boring. Slightly messy. She walks to the counter and presses the answering machine button, setting her purse near it. Next to the phone is a picture of Jeremy, Tyler, Emily and TONY, a white man around her age. Emily is showing off an engagement ring, and the rest are making silly faces. VOICEMAIL (V.O.) You have, two, new voice messages. As the MESSAGE plays, Emily takes the container of pills from her purse and sets them in a high cabinet. We see Tony in the photo again. TONY (V.O.) Hey Em. Its Tony. Just wanted to make sure I can still come by today. I have a meeting at six, but Id like to- come by for a minute or two.. Or I can cancel if you want me to stay longer... So, uh, Ill probably be there soon when you get this... Um... Ok... See you soon. Bye. VOICEMAIL (V.O.) End of message. To erase this mes-BEEP Emily pressed a button. She leaves the kitchen for the HALLWAY VOICEMAIL (V.O.) Message erased. Next message. Emily opens a door. Walks through. BEEP


INT. TYLER AND JEREMYS ROOM - SAME The room is small, decorated with airplanes on the wall paper and bed sheets. There are two beds, separated by a small stand in between. Above them is a large window, showing a full view of the back yard. Tyler and Jeremy are walking around near a basketball hoop. "TYLER" is written in wooden letters above the left bed. "JEREMY" above the right. Tylers bed is messy and unmade, while Jeremys is tidy. Perfect. Almost untouched. DR. MARSHALL Hello Emily, this is Doctor Marshall from St. Peters neurological centre... Emily listens, makes Tylers bed. More focused on the latter. DR. MARSHALL (CONTD) Im calling to follow up in regards to the prescription I signed for you last week. Emily looks outside at the boys who are getting ready to play basketball. Lost in thought. Tyler is picking up a ball from one side of the yard. He runs over towards Jeremy. DR. MARSHALL (CONTD) You can reach me at the office through eight on Saturday, or any time on my cell, 901-235-8379. As soon as possible would be, great. Have a good day Emily. The machine BEEPS, so violently that Emily flinches. She looks away from Tyler. VOICEMAIL (V.O.) End of messages.

EXT. BACK YARD - SAME Tyler WHIPS the ball at Jeremy. Hard. TYLER Check.

7. Jeremy covers his face and ducks. The ball bounces off of his arm to the side of the house. Tyler jogs by Jeremy to get it, shoving him further. TYLER (CONTD) Youre such a baby. JEREMY Am not! TYLER Are too. JEREMY (whiney) Mom said you have to be nice to me, especially after what happened. Tyler DRIBBLES around Jeremy as his little feet try to keep up. TYLER (casually) Shes not your mom, shes my mom. Tyler fakes him out, runs past. WOOSH. Into the basket. JEREMY So? Were still brothers. Tyler starts to DRIBBLE again, still teasing. Each BOUNCE more violent than the last. TYLER No, were not. JEREMY (trying to sound smart) But, dad said we both have, 50 percent of our DNA... so were brothers. WOOSH. Another shot. TYLER You dont even know what youre talking about. We dont have the same mom. Fifty percent, thats like an F, it doesnt mean anything. He DRIBBLES again.


JEREMY But dad saidBOUNCE TYLER Dad left and doesnt give a shit about any of us. JEREMY Yes he does! TYLER Shut up! You dont know anything! Tyler WHIPS the ball at Jeremy again, harder than before. Jeremy ducks and blocks his face. TYLER (CONTD) Youre not even supposed to be here! 8 INT. TYLER AND JEREMYS ROOM Emily looks outside. TYLER (Through the window) Why are you even here, huh!? 9 EXT. BACK YARD TYLER Youre not supposed to be here so just go away! He violently pushes Jeremy to the ground. 10 INT. TYLER AND JEREMYS ROOM Emily rushes out of the room. 11 EXT. BACK YARD Tylers eyes have suddenly filled with tears as the boys yell at one another. 11 10 9 8

9. TYLER Just go fly away like a little baby and leave me all alone again! JEREMY It wasnt my fault! Jeremy runs into Tyler, trying to fight him. TYLER Everythings your fault! They punch each other. Tyler raps Jeremy in a headlock as they fall to the ground in unison. Emily runs towards them, frantic, holding the pill bottle. EMILY Tyler! Stop it! You didnt take your medicine! She pulls him up, Jeremy rolls off to the side. Emily stares through Tylers eyes, violently shaking him by the shoulders for attention. The pill bottle trembles in Emilys hands as she tries to open it. EMILY (CONTD) I gave you your pills, why didnt you take them? Tyler is looking down at Jeremy, who starts to stand once again. Emily grabs Tylers face, turning it towards her. She tries to force the pills into his mouth but... Tyler shoves her to the ground. Her hand slides against the broken rocks of cement. Sliced open. Blood. Tyler starts crying silently, frozen in shock. His mothers soft, bloody hand scoops up two pills. TYLER I dont, like, to take them. EMILY Ty, please. A pause, as his glossed eyes overflow with water. He opens his mouth. Emily reaches up, as before. The blood-stained pills hit Tylers tongue. He swallows, still sobbing. Tyler looks Emily dead in the eye and scoots backwards, out of her arms.


TYLER (soft) I just want him to go away. Jeremy is now standing behind him, watching. Sobbing. JEREMY Fine! You want me to go so bad? I hate both of you! He runs past them, further to the back yard. Tyler turns around. TYLER No! Stop! He darts away in the same direction. EMILY Tyler! Tyler chases after Jeremy through the large back yard. Emily follows behind. They speed downhill, so fast their legs seem to outpace gravity. They wont stop. A LARGE POND in the distance. Straight ahead. TYLER I didnt mean it! Jer! Tyler steps over holes in the back yard. Emily follows, pushing her hair from her face as Jeremy approaches the pond... He jumps in, engulfed by the dirty water. Tyler almost stops. for a moment. in shock. He blinks in disbelief, and runs to the edge. EMILY Ty! Tyler JUMPS in, arms flailing, as Jeremy gasps for air above the surface. Tyler tries to grab his drowning brother in the mirky water, but Jeremy is too frantic. He pulls and squirms until they both end up on the other side of the pond.

11. Emily JUMPS in after them. She swims, and grabs Tyler, letting Jeremy stay in the water. TYLER No! Stop dont let him! Emily lifts Tyler out of the water on the opposite side of the pond. 12 EXT. HOUSE - CONTINUOUS A small car rolls into the driveway. Tony steps out, in a nice jacket, and glasses. He looks at Emilys SUV. The back, side door is still open. He shuts it. 13 INT. HOUSE Tony curiously steps inside. TONY Em? A concerned expression overtakes his face. 14 EXT. BACK YARD 14 13 12

Tyler, soaked, spits up dirty water. He caughs, trying to stand to his feet. But falls. His head slams against the wet grass as Emily struggles out of the pond. TYLER (gasping for air) I didnt mean it like that. I told you I dont want to take them! -- I want him to come back now! Emily reaches towards Tyler, who is half way standing but struggling. EMILY Ty... He shoves her hand off and runs away. EMILY (CONTD) Ty come back! JEREMY Unconscious. Fading under the brown water.

12. 15 EXT. WOODS Tyler runs through woods as Emily follows in her drenched dress. He is still shaken up and out of balance, barely managing to dodge between trees. Tyler approaches a bare section of grass and slows down. He falls to his knees at a TOMB STONE near the large tree. Emily approaches, and hugs him from behind. Softly. EMILY Come here, mejo. On the tomb stone: "JEREMY GARCIA 2003-2012 BELOVED SON AND LITTLE BROTHER". A picture of Jeremy stands in a golden frame by the tomb stone. The toy air plane, weathered and worn, next to it. EMILY (CONTD) Can you promise me youll take your medicine? TYLER (still crying) But then he wont come back. EMILY No... No, he wont come back any more. They continue to hung each other for a moment. Tight. TYLER (whispering) I want him to come back. EMILY Me too, baby. TONY Steps out of the woods behind Emily. He runs to them. TONY Oh my God, youre soaked. EMILY Tony... Tony takes off his jacket and kneels, wrapping it around Emily. She burrows her body into his arms. 15


EMILY (contd) Me and Ty were just visiting Jeremy. Tony glances at Tyler. They dont make eye contact. His eyes swell, more out of pain than sadness. A beat, as he takes a moment to breathe, and reaches towards her hands. TONY Em, did youHis fingers brush the empty pill bottle in Emilys hand. He looks down. EMILY Did I what? Tony gulps. Barely managing to forces a smile so small, its nearly invisible. He squeezes her hand, staring into her wide eyes. TONY Lets go inside. Get you cleaned up. He helps her rise the ground. Tyler stays sitting. Emily looks back at him. EMILY Come on Ty... Tony pulls her close. He stares comfortingly in to her eyes, never acknowledging Tyler. TONY Ty can follow us. Is that okay, Ty? Tyler raises his hand, waving in the air, as before. And nods. Emily sighs, relieved. EMILY Ok... Okay. Tony wraps his arm around Emily as they walk off. Tyler continues to stare at the tomb stone. WE PAN SIDEWAYS, FROM TYLERS FACE AND THE COUPLE BEHIND HIM, SLOWLY REVEALING THE SIDE OF THE TOMB STONE WE HAVENT SEEN BEFORE: "TYLER GARCIA 1998-2012 BELOVED SON AND OLDER BROTHER"


A picture of Tyler stands in a frame on this side of the stone. A weathered basketball next to it. In the background, Emily and Tony continue to walk off through the dark trees. Tyler is gone. BLACK

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