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Kuntimaddi Adarsha,
Final Year ECE,

Vakkasila Omprakash,
Final Year ECE, Contact No: 08122159491


Enormous number of people die

due to lack of medical aid at the appropriate time as in the case of road accident in the remote areas , sudden imbalances in a person living alone in his house or heart attacks in the nights. In such cases , the whole accident may go unnoticed and been by the time it is discovered, it may have too late. We suggest a model that uses with the existing

In this fast-paced world , no one has time to spend leisurely with their neighbours or even to gossip . In this machine life , lot of accidents are going unnoticed and due to our inability to provide medical assistance to the victims at the appropriate time and at appropriate place , precious lives are in danger. This paper suggest a way to provide medical assistance to those who are in need of difficulties in it (mobile) it desperately , overcoming the using the existing cellular with slight system


cellular system , which can help in attending to such situations immediately. we also bring in notice about the new WIRELESS DIGITAL JWELLARY Whenever a human body is affected , physically or mentally , theres a change in the pulse rate . An abnormality detector watch of the with a short detector range transmitter (SRT) is attached to the wrist user . Abnormality track of periodically keeps the pulse .Whenever


modification .We have

combined the fields of

Engineering and Medicine to provide a solution for this problem. The latest computer craze has been to be able to wear wireless computers. The Computer Fashion Wave, "Digital Jewelry" looks to be the next sizzling fashion trend of the technological wave. The combination of shrinking computer devices and increasing computer power has allowed several companies to begin producing fashion jewelry with embedded intelligence. The whole concept behind this is to be able to communicate to others by means of wireless appliances. The other key factor of this concept market is to stay fashionable at the same time.

there is abnormal change , it activates the SRT which then sends signal to the short range receiver (SRR) incorporated in the cell phone . Then cell phone sends help signal to the Mobile Telephone Switching Office ( MTSO ) . The cell phone is then located by Tri Circle method using the received signal's strength by a base

station and two towers in a cell site and medical assistance is sent. The cell phone is also made to ring an alarm which can help the medical team to reach the location with ease. Thus invaluable WIRELESS TECHNOLOGY: human lives can be saved. A notable advantage of this system is that even though the cell phone is switched off, the mission never fails KEYWORDS:MTSO,SRR,SRT,ABNORMALI TY DETECTOR, SQUELCH CIRCUIT,VGA. INTRODUCTION: Wireless technologies represent a rapidly emerging area of growth and importance for

providing ubiquitous access to the network for all of the campus community. Students, faculty and staff increasingly want un-tethered network access from general-purpose classrooms, meeting rooms, auditoriums, and even the hallways of campus buildings. There is interest in creating mobile computing labs utilizing laptop computers equipped with wireless Ethernet cards. Recently, industry has made significant progress in resolving some constraints to the widespread adoption of wireless technologies. Some of the constraints have included disparate standards, low bandwidth, and high infrastructure and service cost. Wireless technologies can both support the institution mission and provide cost-effective solutions. Wireless is being adopted for many new applications: to connect computers, to allow remote monitoring and data acquisition, to provide access control and security, and to provide a solution for environments where wires may not be the best solution. What follows is an overview of existing wireless technologies and related issues. THE WORKING OF WIRELESS: There are several components necessary to wireless enable an existing enterprise application. On the backend, there is the existing enterprise application. The application contains the business logic to make decisions and deliver the appropriate information to the user. In addition, the backend may contain the data the enterprise application is based on - this is standard for any PC application.


OVERALL VIEW A basic cellular system consists of three parts : a mobile unit , a cell site , and a mobile telephone switching office (MTSO) , with connections to link the three subsystems. 1. MOBILE UNIT A mobile telephone unit contains a control unit , a transceiver ,and an antenna system. 2. CELL SITE The cell site provides interface between the MTSO and the mobile units. It has control unit , radio cabinets , antennas , a power plant , and data terminals. 3. MTSO The switching office , coordinating with central coelement for all Cell sites , contains

cellular processor and cellular switch. It interfaces telephone company zone offices , controls call processing , and handles billing activities. 4. CONNECTIONS The radio and high speed data links connect three subsystems. Each mobile unit can only use one channel for its communication link. But the channel is not fixed ; it can be any one in entire band assigned by serving area , with each site having multichannel capabilities that can connect simultaneously to many mobile units. The MTSO is the heart of the cellular mobile system. Its processor provides the central coordination and cellular administration. The cellular switch ,which can be either analog or digital ,switches calls to connect the

Eg :1) TV remote system.

mobile subscribers to other mobile subscribers and

to nationwide telephone network. It uses the voice trunks similar to telephone company inter office voice trunks. It also contains data links providing supervision switch and links between the processor and between the cell sites and the

Abnormality detector

kept around



(explained latter) and is informed to cell phone ( by means of SR transmission ) , then cell phone will sends help signal to the MSTO using the existing cellular system . On receiving the help signal from any cell , MTSO has to locate the cell phone (i.e., the user ) .Then, it should send medical assistance ( say ambulance) to the spot immediately . Meanwhile , it has to activate alarm circuit the so that it will be useful for the

processor. The radio link carries the voice and signalling between the mobile unit and the cell site. The highspeed data links cant be transmitted over the standard telephone trunks and therefore must use either microwave links or T-carriers ( wire lines ). Microwave radio links or T-carriers carry both voice and data between the cell site

medical team to reach the spot exactly. Thus, precious lives of the victims are saved. WHY PULSE RATE RATHER THAN TEMPERATURE . As mentioned already , external temperature of body also changes in case of sufferings but not in all cases . For example in case of some heart problems , external temperature of our body remains constant . Infact sensing temperature and using it in the suggested system is easy because temperature sensor can be in-built within cell phone . Thus short range transmission is avoided reducing the complexity of the suggested system . But pulse rate varies for almost all the cases . So we are opting for pulse rate rather than temperature .

and MTSO. CORE CONCEPT BEHIND THIS PAPER Normal pulse rate of a human being is 60 to 100 beats/min . If we , the human beings suffer (by any means physically or mentally) pulse rate will be affected first (body temperature also gets affected) . If pulse rate changes below or above certain level , then it is a indication that we need medical assistance right then. So, if we detect any abnormal change in pulse rate of user by

OPERATION A device that detects electro chemical reactions on skin surface of a living organism that corresponds to the biomedical signals within that organism is called biopotential electrode. INTERNAL CIRCUITRY Sensors used to convert body phenomena such as pulse rate ,heat , pressure , blood flow or motion , into electrical signals are classified as transducers. IMPLEMENTATION Here, we use pulse sensors in abnormality detector which senses the pulse rate of the human body and converts it into electrical signals ( in the range 10 micro volt to 5 milli volt). This should be amplified for further processing .

The overall suggested system is visualized as follows : ABNORMALITY DETECTOR This abnormality detector is kept around the wrist so that it can (cell phone users) pulse keep track on users rate. This can be

achieved by placing detector on users watch. Small battery is provided for this part which should be rechargeable or a solar cell). Voltage corresponding to normal puse rate pre( arbitrarily chosen as 80 beats/min ) is

determined by pulse sensor and amplified .This is reference voltage Vref is applied at B. Voltage corresponding to pulse rate is determined Vref . This is voltage Vuser terminal A. Output of by pulse sensor and amplified to the same amount as is applied at the amplifier differential of users

If we use ordinary FM transmitter , then assigning separate frequencies for large number will be a great problem. Transmitter Section

corresponding to maximum tolerable variation in Vuser is given by threshold voltage Vthres and is given to inverting comparator. Output the voltage of terminal of D of the Receiver section differential amplifier is D

given to non-inverting terminal C of comparator. If at C exceeds voltage at ( threshold voltage ) , then output of comparator becomes high and then SRT activator activates the short range transmitter . With advancement in VLSI technology above circuit can be fabricated in a small chip and it can be placed even in a watch as suggested . SHORT RANGE TRANSMISSION In this short range transmission , short range transmitter is a part of the abnormality detector and short range receiver ( it is given a separate small battery so that it is on independent of handsets on/off state) is a part of the cell phone. If the short range transmitter is activated , transmits the signal at particular frequency in the unlicensed spectrum (in GHZ range ). As name indicates , it should transmit for only short distance (low power transmitter).The receiver in the cell phone must be pre tuned to that particular frequency. If it receives the signal, then the cell phone will sends help signal through its reverse control channel using the existing mobile communication system . DIGITAL DATA TO INCREASE NUMBER OF USERS : PHONE CIRCUIT ACTIVATOR USING SQUELCH Instead , if we transmit digital data ( n bit ) , as message , then 2^n users can be serviced . At receiver section ( in handset ) , output of decoder circuit ( it will be designed such that its output will be 1 ( high ) only if is particular is received ) high then cellphone is made to send help

signal .Depending on number of users , n can be selected . CELL PHONE On receiving the signal from short range transmitter , cell phone , using the transistor switch , switch on the handset (if necessary ) .Then , it transmits help signal to MSTO using existing cellular system.

If cell is in off state , and if short range receiver receives signal (i.e, output of short range receiver is high ,then cellphone is switched on by cell phone activator using Squeleches circuit. If cell phone is in ON state, then cell phone transmits the help signal using existing system But if it is in OFF state , then Squelch circuit is used


, sends





activates the alarm signal in the users cellphone . LOCATING THE VICTIM BY TRI CIRCLE

to switch on the cell phone. R1 , R2 are selected such that when output of SRR is high, then only voltage across R2 will be high enough to bias the transistor Q2 . Then Q1 also conducts . Since Q1 is parallel to ON/OFF switch of cell phone , if Q1 conducts, it act as short circuit and hence the cell phone is switched on . Then ,cellphone transmits help signal using existing system

METHOD Depending on the strength of signal received at base station ,The approximate distance of user from the base station can be determined. But still, direction of user from station is to be found. For this , in each cell site , apart from the base station , two towers are used. These two towers and base station should be placed such that they cover the entire cell site and depending on their received signal strength , draw the circles keeping

MTSO MTSO on receiving the help signal from any cellphone , first it should locate the user

In the case of big accident , (say collision of two passenger trains in a remote area) atleast if any one has a cell phone , then all of them will get medical attention immediately thus saving lives of many innocents . In this machine life where human values are not given importance, even those who are in the accident spot are reluctant to help victims afraid of facing police investigation . Even hospitals are not ready to admit the accident victims . In this present scenario, suggested system each of them as centre . Point of the intersection of 3 circles gives the exact location of the user . Here two towers used are not entirely base station but just transceivers. So it is economical . They inform the strength of the signal received to base station and base station can locate the user exactly ( with strength of signal at 3 places ) as explained in the fig .Thus, MTSO can locate the cell phone (user). MEDICAL ASSISTANCE MTSO , after locating , sends medical help via ambulance . Mean while it activates the alarm circuit in the cell phone so that medical team can find the victim easily , and rescue them . of providing automatic .As this system medical help to those medical help at will who are in need of it is a gift to the mankind provides rate appropriate time and at right place , it decrease the death makes this world a safe place. DIGITAL JEWELERY MADE POSSIBLE USING WIRELESS COMMUNICATION By the end of the decade, we could be wearing our computers instead of sitting in front of them. Digital jewelry is the fashion jewelry with embedded intelligence. Digital jewelry can help you solve problems like forgotten passwords and ADVANTAGES OF SUGGESTED SYSTEM This suggested system will work even if cell phone is in OFF state by switching on it using cell phone activator, Even if the user is in a big house alone and if he is affected by mild heart attack or automatically immediately . some he other will health problem , get medical help security badges. Digital jewelry is a nascent catchphrase for wearable ID devices that contain personal information like passwords, identification, and account information. They have the potential to be all-in-one replacements for your drivers license, key chain, business cards, credit cards, health insurance card, corporate security badge, and loose cash. They can also solve a common dilemma of todays wired world the forgotten password.

to large extent thus

Ring - Perhaps the most interesting piece of the DIGITAL JEWELRY AND ITS COMPONENTS: Soon, cell phones will take a totally new form, appearing to have no form at all. Instead of one single device, cell phones will be broken up into their basic components and packaged as various pieces of digital jewelry. Each piece of jewelry will contain a fraction of the components found in a conventional mobile phone. Together, the digital-jewelry cell phone should work just like a conventional cell phone. The various components that are inside a cell phone: Microphone, Receiver, Touch pad, Display, Circuit board, Antenna, and Battery. IBM has developed a prototype of a cell phone that consists of several pieces of digital jewelry that will work together wirelessly, possibly with Blue tooth wireless technology, to perform the functions of the above components. phone, this "magic decoder ring is equipped with light-emitting diodes (LEDs) that flash to indicate an incoming call. It can also be programmed to flash different colors to identify a particular caller or indicate the importance of a call. Bracelet - Equipped with a video graphics array (VGA) display, this wrist display could also be used as a caller identifier that flashes the name and phone number of the caller. With a jewelry phone, the keypad and dialing function could be integrated into the bracelet, or else dumped altogether -- it's likely that voice-recognition software will be used to make calls, a capability that is already commonplace in many of today's cell phones. Simply say the name of the person you want to call and the phone will dial that person. IBM is also working on a miniature rechargeable battery to power these components.

IBM's magic decoder rings will flash when you get Cell phones may one day be comprised of digital accessories that Work together through wireless connections. Here are the pieces of computerized-jewelry phone and their functions: Earrings - Speakers embedded into these earrings will be the phone's receiver. Necklace - Users will talk into the necklace's embedded microphone. a call. The same ring that flashes for phone calls could also inform you that e-mail is piling up in your inbox. This flashing alert could also indicate the urgency of the e-mail.

player and cell phone. The Communicator runs on the company's Linux-based Nanix operating system. The eyepiece above displays images and data received wirelessly from the Communicator's belt module. The mouse-ring that IBM is developing will use the company's Track Point technology to wirelessly move the cursor on a computer-monitor display. (Track Point is the little button embedded in the keyboard of some laptops). IBM Researchers have transferred Track Point technology to a ring, which looks something like a black-pearl ring. On top of the ring is a little black ball that users will swivel to move the cursor, in the same way that the Track Point button on a laptop is used. This Track Point ring will be very valuable when monitors shrink to the size of watch face. In the coming age of ubiquitous computing, displays will no longer be tied to desktops or wall screens. Instead, you'll wear the display like a pair of sunglasses or a bracelet. Researchers are overcoming several obstacles facing these new wearable displays, the most important of which is the readability of information displayed on these tiny devices. Prototype bracelet display developed by IBM Charmed Technology is already marketing its digital jewelry, including a futuristic-looking eyepiece display. The eyepiece is the display component of the company's Charmed Communicator, a wearable, wireless, broadband-Internet device that can be controlled by voice, pen or handheld keypad. The Communicator can be used as an MP3 player, video The Java Ring can be programmed to give you access to every door and device. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS OF DIGITAL JEWELRY: Digital jewelry devices consist of a screen or display for information, most likely consisting of 716-segment, or dot matrix LEDs, LCDs, or other technologies such as electroluminescent material (EL) or others, which could become an optional display. So too, an audiovisual or other 'display' could consist of a speaker, a single flashing light, a sensor of some kind (such as a temperature driven EL display), or other informational aesthetic. The display layer sits on a face of the device, which is enclosed in some material such as plastic, metal, crystal, or other material. It has external switches and buttons on its side and a dataport for accessing the programmable electronic circuit inside. A micro controller that is a surface mounted device (SMD) on a printed circuit board (PCB) with resistors (R) and capacitors (C) are the internal 'guts' of the jewelry. THE JAVA RING: It seems that everything we access today is under lock and key. Even the devices we use are protected by passwords. It can be frustrating trying to keep with all of the passwords and keys needed to access any door or computer program. Dallas Semiconductor is developing a new Java-based, computerized ring that will automatically unlock doors and log on to computers.


system to achieve our aim of providing medical assistance to the innocents who are the victims of unnoticeable accidents , we have to do it for our own safety . Nothing is more important than our safety. REFERENCES: BLUE DOT RECEPTOR: Books: 1. Mobile Communications --Jochen Schiller 2. Bluetooth Connect without Cables--Jennifer Bray and Charles F Sturman 3. Cellular & Mobile Communications-- LEE The Java Ring is a stainless-steel ring, 16millimeters (0.6 inches) in diameter, which houses a 1-million-transistor processor, called an iButton. The ring has 134 KB of RAM, 32 KB of ROM, a real-time clock and a Java virtual machine, which is a piece of software that recognizes the Java language and translates it for the user's computer system. Digital jewelry, (designed to supplement the personal computer,) will be the evolution in digital technology that makes computer elements entirely compatible with the human form. Websites:

The Java Ring is snapped into a reader, called a Blue Dot receptor, to allow communication between a host system and the Java Ring.

CONCLUSION: In this artificial computerized , machinelike life , even though developments in science and technology is tremendous , still there occurs lot of unnoticeable accidents such as mild heart attacks , accidents in the National Highways ,accidents in the remote (uncrowded) areas which inflicts heavy human losses nowadays .This should be attended immediately . Even though there are few changes to be done in the existing mobile (cellular)communication


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