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Monster in my head by Veno Ivankovic

FADE IN: INT. Samuelss bathroom 11 PM Samuel, a 16-year-old high school student is dressed in his pajamas brushing his teeth. He is looking at himself while hes brushing his teeth. Cut to a shot of him in his room. INT. Samuels room 11 PM In front of the door of his room, he shouts SAMUEL Goodnight! He closes his bedroom door, turns the bedroom light off and walks over to bed, with the camera panning with him. Medium shot of Samuel while getting into bed. Next to his bed his lamp is on, illuminating his face, while Samuel looks into the distance as if awaiting something. He waits for a while and gets out of bed. Cut to black screen, suddenly the bedroom light goes on and a close up shot of Samuel pressed on his bedroom door is visible. Samuel looks around the room while his head is pressed on the door. SAMUEL Shes asleep. He mutters to himself, confirming that his mother is asleep. Close up shot of Samuels computer being turned on by him. Medium shot of Samuel waiting while his computer is turning on. Switch to a shot of his computer screen as it loads the desktop. Once it loads to the desktop a pop up window saying that hes receiving a call from Harrison, switch shot back to Samuel and hes putting on his headphones and says: SAMUEL Harrison. You here? *pause* Wanna play? *pause* Alright Cut to sequence showing Samuel playing video games, having a good time. Credits roll

INT. Samuelss bedroom 5 AM Shot of Samuel lying on his bed, fully clothed with his eyes closed. After a beat or two he opens his eyes. He is looking back and forth between his computer and his phone. He hears a message from his computer and goes to check it. It is a Facebook message from Harrison, his best and friend, who lives in a different city. The message reads awake?. Samuel types in his response of course. Harrison then types in the message wanna play COD?, and Samuel replies sure. The two then play Call of Duty online and talk. They are both very cheerful. HARRISON Hey! How are you? Hows school. SAMUEL Oh my god! Its horrible. Everybody in it is so, stupid. Can you please just like, live here with me. Just like, move here. HARRISON I wish. I cant, but itd be awesome. SAMUEL Yeah, I know. HARRISON I got invited to a party on Friday. SAMUEL Yeah? HARRISON Yeah. SAMUEL Are you gonna go? HARRISON Yeah. SAMUEL Why? HARRISON

I dont know. I thought it could be fun. SAMUEL Im disappointed! Theyre stupid, just chill with me on the computer and play CoD. HARRISON (Laughs) I want to. But I promised Id go. SAMUEL Fair enough. Just dont make a habit of it. SAMUEL (V.O.) Harrison and I were best friends. We would always talk online. I was never lonely because I was with him. He was my only friend. He was all I had. High school was very hard for me, I had to deal with a lot. Making friends was just always, difficult for me. Just because I didnt want any. INT. Hallway School break Samuel is walking through the hallway alone, whilst everyone else is walking around in groups. He is shoved around a few times, showing that he is bullied. INT. Class Lesson Samuel is shown sitting in the back of the class, alone. However it is shown that instead of paying attention he is texting Harrison on his phone. SAMUEL (V.O.) All I ever needed in a friend I had in Harrison. Every single day, when Id come home, Id call him and wed talk till we both went to bed. INT. Samuels bedroom - day Samuel enters his bedroom. He goes on the computer to contact Harrison. He calls Harrison a few times on Skype and messages him on Facebook, but does not get an answer. He then calls Harrison on his phone.

EXT. Cafe - day

Harrsion is sitting with newfound friends when he receives a call from Samuel on his phone. He looks at it, contemplates answering but then decides not to answer and disconnects the call. Cont. Int. Samuels bedroom day Samuel sees that his phone has just been disconnected. SAMUEL (Worried) Thats weird. As he sits on his computer he sees next to him a hallucination of himself, but the hallucination looks kind of evil. He is very startled. BAD SAMUEL Hello Samuel. SAMUEL The hell? Who are you! Samuel is very frightened when he sees an image of himself talking to him. BAD SAMUEL You seem in distress. Go drink a glass of water and come back in here when youre calm. Samuel does as he is told and leaves the room completely shocked. He comes back with the water in his hand and drops the glass on the floor when he still sees an image of himself sitting on his bed, only this time he is playing with a knife, the glass cracks and water spills all over the floor. BAD SAMUEL (Laughs) Jesus. Maybe I should leave you. SAMUEL No. What, who are you? BAD SAMUEL

Isnt it obvious? Im you. SAMUEL But, Im me. How can you be me if Im me? BAD SAMUEL Im a better version. A more psychotic one. Some would even say an insane one. But above all I am a strong one. Youre weak. Im strong. Ill make things easier. SAMUEL Make what easier? BAD SAMUEL (Smiles) See you soon. Samuel looks away for one second and the other Samuel, his hallucination, is gone. He sits down on the bed and thinks about what he has just witnessed. SAMUEL (V.O.) I had hallucinated. My aggressive thoughts manifested themselves in the form of this monster, and the monster was in my head. EXT. Soccer field Samuel is shown playing on the soccer field alone. He is kicking the ball as hard as he can repeatedly into the goal. He is obviously angry. EXT. Bus stop Night Samuel is waiting for the bus when he sees his hallucination (Bad Samuel) come by, and near the hallucination are a lot of friends, all of whom seem to be having fun. Some seem intoxicated, as if they had just been at a party. BAD SAMUEL Hey Samuel! GROUP (in unison) Hey Samuel! BAD SAMUEL

I know you wish this was real. I can make it real. SAMUEL I dont want that. Leave me alone. BAD SAMUEL Dont lie to me. Or yourself. Its basically the same thing. (Laughs) Im you, remember? I know what you want. I know youre worried about Harrison, hasnt answered you in days. DAYS! Well guess what! Hes never gonna answer! Hes gone, hes deserted you. Samuel has an expression on his face which suggests that he thinks that his hallucination is right. BAD SAMUEL Come on guys, lets go party! WOOOOO. The hallucinations cross the street and leave Samuel. Samuel is left in thought.

INT. School hallway - day SAMUEL (V.O.) I became angrier with Harrison for not answering his phone. So I was a little agitated that day and it showed. Im glad I did it though. A few kids come up to Samuel and begin slapping him around and shoving him. At this point Samuel hears and sees his hallucination. BAD SAMUEL Fight back! Fight! Samuel shoves one away and the others look at him. SAMUEL Dont touch me anymore. Touch me one more timeClark And what? Youre gonna beat me up? Come here!

The bully attempts to grab Samuel. At this point Samuel rages and punches him in the face. He proceeds to brutally beat him up and beats him relentlessly even when the bully is on the ground. INT. Samuels bathroom After school Samuel comes back from school blooded and bruised. He looks himself in the mirror and starts cleaning himself up. He is obviously very worried and is almost crying. He begins having a conversation with his reflection in the mirror, which is the bad Samuel. BAD SAMUEL Im proud of you. SAMUEL I shouldnt have done that. BAD SAMUEL You did the right thing. He deserved it. SAMUEL He didnt deserve this. I shouldve told someone about the problem instead of doing this. BAD SAMUEL Oh stop! You fought back! And now nobody will ever bother you. Theyll be afraid of you. Its exhilarating to have people fear you, isnt it? SAMUEL I dont want to change! BAD SAMUEL Then stay this way. Stay lonely. Stay sad. Stay weak. Dont change. But then dont be surprised when youre pathetic little trash on the street drooling and begging for love, screaming about conspiracy theories and about how you see images and hallucinations that arent real. Dumb schizo. As the reflection says these words an image of a man in a gorilla suit and Santa Claus appear near him for a brief moment before exiting the room.

SAMUEL I refuse to change. Ive always had integrity, I wont become you. I refuse to. I wont become some psychopathic sadistic aggressive creep. BAD SAMUEL You just nearly killed someone. SAMUEL BECAUSE I LISTENED TO YOU! I WONT DO THAT ANYMORE! BAD SAMUEL Don say that. You did it because you wanted to and you knew it felt good. And you shouldnt feel guilty about it. Guilt is for the weak. You did a good thing, he deserved it. SAMUEL I have to talk to Harrison. I need him. BAD SAMUEL Harrison is gone. He left you. He deserted you. And when your friends leave you all you have is you. And me. Which is the same thing. SAMUEL NO! Were not the same you psychopath. Im going to visit Harrison. BAD SAMUEL Youll be disappointed. You will be. SAMUEL I dont care. I need to see him. BAD SAMUEL Fine. Dont say I didnt warn you when youre pathetically begging for his forgiveness even though you did nothing wrong. Bad Samuel leaves. Samuel begins crying and starts punching the cabinet. EXT. Bus stop - day Samuel gets on the bus. INT. Bus day

Samuel is looking out of the bus window. SAMUEL (V.O) I just had to know what happened; I had to know what I did and why he wasnt answering me. He was my best friend and he just left. INT. Harrisons apartment building day Samuel knocks on Harrisons door and Harrison answers it. They look at each other for a brief moment. HARRISON Hey. Samuel hugs Harrison, but Harrison pushes him away. SAMUEL Im so sorry. Please! HARRISON We cant be friends anymore. SAMUEL What? Why? What did I do? HARRISON Ive realized that talking to you so much, spending so much time online and those things were just bad for me. I needed to enjoy myself, so I found new friends. SAMUEL New friends? Its that easy to desert your friend, ha? Fine. Do it. Samuel leaves his apartment building. Just as he is about to get out of the building he tears up, obviously about to cry. Bad Samuel appears. The two share a look before Samuel leaves the apartment building. INT. Classroom During class Samuel is sitting in English class listening to the lecture, which is about morality.

Teacher We all have certain morals. We can all agree that killing another human being is immoral, right? Samuel? Samuel I dont agree. Teacher OK. Well murder is sometimes justified, who can tell me when? Girl #1 When the person has killed another person. Teacher When else? Boy #1 When killing the person saves more lives. Teacher OK. Very good. Samuel No. Youre wrong. Circumstances change whether or not killing someone is OK. Either it always is, or it never is. Teacher Well Samuel Id have to disagree with you there. How would you like it if someone came up to you right now and shot you? Do you think they have the right to kill you? Samuel The morality of murder is a complex thing. We are not simple creatures, we are very hurtful ones capable of inflicting all sorts of pain. In many ways, we all deserve to die and burn in hell, and we shouldnt discriminate between each other. We all deserve death and in the end death finds all of us. For a reason. Teacher But surely you do not think you have the right to end my life prematurely?


I think I have a right and so does everyone. We should all just kill each other. The class stares at him in horror. The scene cuts back to the beginning of their conversation, showing that this entire conversation was imagined. Teacher We all have certain morals. We can all agree that killing another human being is immoral, right? Samuel? Samuel Of course. INT. School library day Samuel is sitting in the library alone reading a book about weapons when David, also a shy lonely student approaches him. DAVID Did you, are you the guy that beat up Clark? SAMUEL (Pauses and sighs) Why? DAVID Nothing, just thanks I guess. Im David. SAMUEL Samuel. DAVID Thanks for that, that guy really had it coming. So thanks. SAMUEL It was the wrong thing to do. DAVID No it wasnt. Aggression is sometimes good. Sometimes its necessary. Hes not hurting anyone anymore since you did that. So thank you. SAMUEL

I dont know. DAVID You play Call of Duty? SAMUEL Yeah. DAVID Maybe we can play some time together online. Ever since my brother left I have nobody to play it with, so I get kinda lonely. SAMUEL Um, ok sure. DAVID Great. You wanna come to my house actually, we can play it there. Heres my address. David hands Samuel a piece of paper with his address on it. SAMUEL OK. Ill come by tonight. DAVID Great. David smiles and leaves the library. INT. Davids house night

Samuel comes to the address given to him, and double checks the paper to make sure the given address is correct. He knocks on the door and rings the bell a few times but to no avail as nobody answers. Samuel turns around to find David and the Bad Samuel staring at him. SAMUEL What the? DAVID Im not real. Im in your head. BAD SAMUEL You created him because youre so lonely. DAVID

I dont exist. BAD SAMUEL Youre all alone, and you know whos to blame. Harrison. SAMUEL Im not gonnaBAD SAMUEL He deserves it. Youve been thinking about it, so do it. SAMUEL I wont do it. BAD SAMUEL If you dont, I will. INT. Samuels bedroom Midnight Samuel awakens to find the bad Samuel pointing a gun at him. BAD SAMUEL Bang, bang. SAMUEL How are you holding that, arent you a hallucination. BAD SAMUEL No. I am in control now. SAMUEL Is that moms gun? BAD SAMUEL Yes. Time to visit Harrison. (Pause) SAMUEL I can control my own body. You arent me. Bad Samuel exits the room. Samuel follows him. They travel to Harrisons house by bus. EXT. Outside of Harrisons building

Samuel Dont do this. Bad Samuel I have to. For your own good. Samuel Listen, if youre me, that means you also loved Harrison. So we cant do this to him. Its wrong. Bad Samuel He deserted us. Samuel And we have to let go. Its not the end of the world. We shouldnt let this define our happiness. The only person who can define our happiness is us. Bad Samuel disappears, and Samuel throws the gun into the bushes and takes the bus back home. He receives a text from Harrison which states Im sorry, Samuel looks at the text and contemplates his answer. He then types in Its OK . The End

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