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This Week in Syria, Deeply

3/11/13 4:48 PM

This Week in Syria, Deeply

Dear Deeply Readers, In a week where the official refugee count topped 1 million people, Syria Deeply Asked: Whats the Best-Case Scenario for Syria? Analysts gave us their answers, which were fairly grim, as the civil war nears its two-year mark. Our Mohammed Sergie, reporting from Syria, looked at A Familys Pain and Stoicism: Civilians in Maaret Al-Numan and took us into the tension between religious conservatives and secular revolutionaries in Kafranbel, Witty Slogans and Encroaching Islamists. We looked at How Michel Kilo Negotiated a Tenuous Truce in Ras Al Ayn and went Oneon-One with Terry Moran of ABC News, on his reporting from Damascus. He described how he passed by Syria's National Museum, where "they were crating up all the treasures of 5,000 years of civilization...a good 80 percent is all crated up now, because theyre worried about whats going to happen to the city." In The Interview: Malek Jandali, one of Syria's foremost musicians spoke of art and its role in the revolution. In community op-eds, Karl Sharro wondered whether To Externally Broker a Peaceful Settlement, or Not? Our hottest piece to date on social media came in Dina Shahrokhi's The Syria I Knew, a remembrance of the country's grace and beauty before the war. Our Karen Leigh joined The Guardian's Live Blog on Syrian Refugees, while the UN's Syrian Refugee Coordinator Panos Moumtzis joined Lara Setrakian on a Google Hangout, telling human stories from the mass exodus. Moumtzis called today's scenario the "hemorrhaging of a country" and told us that many of Syria's children -- kids make up roughly half of the refugees -- have stopped talking and begun to wet the bed, as symptoms of their trauma. As always, to help you review, heres our day-by-day roundup of Syria news this week:

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This Week in Syria, Deeply

3/11/13 4:48 PM

Monday: Syria Troops Launch Major Assault on Homs City; Secretary of State Says U.S. to Empower Syria Rebels Tuesday: Rebels Battle Regime Forces in Raqqa, Capture Provincial Governor; Aleppo Council Seeks to Assert Civilian Power Wednesday: Syria Military Pounds Homs; Refugee Crisis 'Spiraling Out of Control'; Syria's Education System is 'Reeling,' UNICEF says Thursday: Syria Jets Pound Raqqa, After Capture By Rebels; Unrest Has Wrecked Health System, Says MSF Friday: Thousands Flee Northern Syria After Latest Airstrikes; Opposition to Pick Interim Prime Minister We hope our work has helped to better engage and inform you on a critical issue. Were fielding your feedback on how to better serve you and the story, via email at Sincerely, The News Deeply Team

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