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By Kerry Stark

Word Count: 888 words Who

More sightings have come in, of the ever moving attic monster. A girl, named Amy, has been found dead in her attic. Was it the monster? This is Sammy Slither giving you the evening news. Mollys mum turned of the T.V.

Honey can you go to the attic to get me some fabric? she shouted. Her young daughter replied, Yes mum Ill be as fast as I can. Running upstairs Molly heard the sound of crashing boxes. As she lifted the attic door it creaked. She looked around and saw a faint figure run and hide behind a pile of boxes. Whos there? She shouted. Molly listened, but there was no answer. She was scared, for she heard of the creature that roams peoples attic.

As Molly was searching through the piles of boxes an old, dusty piano started to play the scariest tune. Whos there? Molly shouted, but again there was no answer. Reaching in to a box Molly pulled out a piece of an old curtain. This will do she thought. Molly picked up the box shut the attic door and ran down stairs. When she was in the living room she told her mum what had happened in the attic. Her mother told her it was all just nonsense but Molly new what she had heard and seen. That night when Molly was just about to get into bed, she heard a terrible sound. It was once again the old piano playing the worst ever

tune. To Molly it sounded like a thousand animals screaming at the same time.

Mollys mum shouted, Get out of the attic and get into bed. Molly shouted back I am in bed mum its not me I swear. Mollys mum was angry. She was so angry she came upstairs and walked into Mollys room. When she got there Molly was there and the piano was still playing. Mollys mum asked, Whos in the attic sweetheart? Molly replied I dont know mum. They wanted to find out but Molly was too scared so her mum went in stead. Lifting the attic door Mollys mum saw a strange shadow disappear into the darkness. Did you see that Molly? There was no answer. Molly was still in her bedroom hiding under the cover. Molly Im going into the attic to see whats up there you stay in your room with the torch just in case something happens So mollys mum went into the attic.

She screamed. Molly heard a loud crash. Molly was scared but she went into the attic to see what was wrong. She saw her mum laying unconscious on the attic floor. Mum, mum wake up. Whats wrong? Silence. Molly ran from the attic and down stairs to the phone.

Immediately she called 999 and got ambulances and the police. Within 5 minutes the ambulances and police were at Mollys house. The police talked to Molly and calmed her down while the ambulance service

helped her mum. Mollys mum was rushed to the hospital. Molly was allowed to go too. When they got the hospital Mollys mum started to wake up. She was still in shock but she managed too say what happened. She said it slowly, but this is what she said. When I went into the attic the piano stopped played and when I looked at it this creature jumped out at me. Thats all I can remember. Molly was scared for what had happened to her mum. She was so scared she started to cry. Mollys mum wondered what was wrong. Molly what is the matter. Molly replied, I dont want anything happen to you mum.

Although she said that she new in her heart that everything would be ok. When they finally got out of the hospital a few days later the media was all around them. They where asking questions like what did the creature look like? And what did it feel like to be in that sort of position? Molly didnt like it, it was too noisy. When they where home they went up to the attic to see if the creature was there. They were in luck. It was there. There on a pile of boxes. It had red beady eyes and sharp white teeth. It had a human body and claws for finger nails. It seemed to have a dog like brain. It was chewing on a bone. Probably a bone from a smaller animal.

It leaped at Molly and her mum they screamed and threw a net bit over it. They had done it. They had finally caught it. They struggled to get it down stairs and into the living room. While they did that the

creature just howled. Molly called the R.S.P.C.A. to come and get it. When they got there the creature was a sleep. While it was a sleep they quickly took some blood samples. Then they took the creature away. That was the last they saw of it until. They brought the paper a month later. In it, it said ATTIC CREATURE CAUGHT. Molly and her mum looked at each other. Then they carried on looking at the paper. It turned out the creature was a person that had been experimented on. So every thing turned out fine except for one thing. The piano still played.

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