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I love my murderer, but

how could I love yours?

- Emily Bronte Wuthering Heights
Wuthering Heights
-from book to film-
Wuthering Heights is not a book which describes an
impossible love or a love story thate fate doesnt accept! It is a
continuous fi"ht between sin and chasity, a reincarnation of pasts
pain-dust! It is a book of spiritual strain!
#atherine and $eathcliff are forced to support a cruel fate,
which will thorw them in a world full of emotional instability
which will destroy them and the people around them! %espite their
true love which have haunted them since they were kids, the story
will be a"ainst them! %eath will be the one who will "ive some
time for their thou"hts& but not for so lon"!
The book
Wuthering Heights is the only novel which Emily Bronte
chose to publish! 'he tried to make a symbolic and psycholo"ical
novel, even if on the surface it is a tumultuous romance!
In this masterpiece of literature, Bronte combined the realism
and "othic symbolism! 'he used the conventions of the time not to
recreatin" them, but to use them as an impulse to write a
differently tale, to create comple( characters with symbolic and
also real personalities!
Bronte used there characters to create an antithesis between
evil and "ood, crime and chasity, passion and rationality, chaos and
order, selfishness and true love, life and death, mercy and escape
from life! 'he tried not to make them independent one from
another, but to mi( them and create a novel ehich can be an
accurate portrayal of a life happened in an early era! Even if the
today society chan"ed so musch than the one who was two
centuries a"o, people remain the same! Bronte mana"ed to brin"
those feelin"s at any point in humans development!
)utherin" hei"hts is a novel which reaches four
"enerations over twenty years durin" which "oes a battle between
virtue, sin and love! Even if the *ictorian society would never
accept the novel with all of its violent characters and harsh reality,
)utherin" hei"hts remains a book which will always be a trofee
for those who know what is a unfulfilled love!
The film
+ersonally, Im verry disappointed with all the screenin"s of
this book! If I had to chooe one, Id pick the one made in ,-.-,
directed by )illiam )yler! In this adaptation starred /aurence
0livier as $eathcliff and 1erle 0beron as #atherine! It is a "ood
movie, better than the ones made, for e(ample, in ,--2, 233- or
23,,! Because it was created at the be"innin" of the last century,
the movie is more authentic, a reason could be that it is black and
white! 4he characters roles are more realistic and the really feel
everythin", they "et into the character and try to make you think
that everythin" is real!
4he bad part in each adaptation is that they elimined the third
"enerations story, the love story between #atherines dau"hter,
#athy and $eathcliffs son, /inton!
)hat I didnt like in ,-.-s )utherin" hei"hts screenin" is
the soundtrack! It isnt a very comple( one! 5ust a little piano,
periods specific music! %espite this, the costumes and actors are
ama6in"! 1erle 0berons beauty is breathtakin" and $eathcliffs
love for #atherine which cand be seen in his cold eyes makes
everythin" much intense!
In my opinion, the film doesnt help the book so much,
beyond the fact that it fives a better view about the sentimental
fi"hts and their power on the entire universe stretched over
)utherin" $ei"hts mansion!
4he book is the one which can teleport you in that world full
of misunderstooden decisions, impossible love and unconditional
fi"ht, poor souls and for"otten minds&
Oancea Alexandra

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