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Press Release For Immediate Release

Breaking Down Barriers

A bilingual forum on accessibility for people with disabilities in Montreal Wednesday, April 3, 2013 at UQAM MONTREAL, March 2013 Breaking Down Barriers aims to improve awareness about the lack of accessibility for people with disabilities in the Montreal area. This bilingual forum was created by a group of this years Fulbright Canada students, along with the Regroupement des activistes pour linclusion au Qubec (RAPLIQ) and The Yellow Door (McGill University). The forum will take place on April 3rd at the Universit du Qubec Montral (UQAM). The general public is encouraged to attend. Following the forum, an online resource will be created to share information about the disability rights movement in Montreal. After noticing the lack of accessibility and the paucity of support networks available for people with physical disabilities in Montreal, Fulbright Canada students Karl Barber, Anjali Cera, and Anna January saw an opportunity for growth and change. They submitted a project proposal and received a Community Leadership Grant from Fulbright Canada. The students partnered with UQAM Professor and Fulbright alumnus Bernard Duhaime, McGill University student Isadore Friedman and local grassroots organizations. The goal of the forum is to improve the quality of life of people with various physical disabilities in Montreal and to increase community awareness about disability issues. Local government officials, non-profits, and members of academic institutions will be invited to attend. Speakers include Melanie Benard (McGill Law Graduate), Pietro Bozzo (Director & General Secretary, Yellow Door), Linda Gauthier (President, RAPLIQ) and Laurence Parent (Vice-President, RAPLIQ). Presentations will be in French and English. Members of the community will also be invited to participate in a group discussion. Breaking Down Barriers hopes to promote community growth by facilitating a dialogue about disability rights and accessibility. The forum will highlight key issues in need of immediate attention, including accessible public transportation and voting stations, and television subtitles. The Fulbright Program is sponsored by the U.S. Department of State to promote the international exchange of students and scholars and to foster bilateral relationships. In 1946, President Harry Truman enacted legislation authorizing the international scholarship program bearing the name of Senator J. William Fulbright. Now, some sixty-five years later, Senator Fulbrights dream is a powerful reality with more than 300,000 Fulbright alumni in more than 150 countries. Breaking Down Barriers A bilingual forum on disability rights and accessibility in Montreal Wednesday, April 3, 2013 (7-9pm) UQAM, 1430 Saint-Denis St. Salle De Reconnaissance (D-R200, Pavillion Athanase-David) Accessible entrance: corner of Saint-Denis and UQAM For more information, contact

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