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Gracious Woman A gracious woman retaineth honour: and strong men retain riches.

~ Proverbs 11:16

Gracious Woman A gracious woman retaineth honour: and strong men retain riches. ~ Proverbs 11:16
Let us take a few moments to dene some of these words: ! Gracious: _________________________________ Retaineth: ________________________________ Honour: _________________________________ Read the book of Ruth. ! Matthew Henry said of this passage: A pious and discreet woman will keep esteem and respect. A gracious woman is well-liked. She receives praise, honor, and love. In a good way she reaps what she sows. She is kind to everyone, consistent in her attitudes and in her actions. She tries to bestow the same grace that has been shown her by God. She is always looking for ways to be a blessing to people which results in self-sacrice on her part! Being gracious is a characteristic of the Virtuous Woman, but God felt it important enough to point her out in a special way. Ruth lived this out on a day to day basis. As we study the life of Ruth, let us remember that she was a gracious woman. ! Ruth is one of my favorite bible stories. It could be that my middle name is Ruth or it could be that Im a hopeless romantic. Elimelech lived in Bethlehem with his wife, Naomi and two sons, Mahlon and Chilion. Because of the draught Elimelech thought it is best to move his family to Moab. In Moab Mahlon and Chilion get wives, Orpah and Ruth. History tells us that there was a possibility that Ruth was a temple prostitute or at the very least worked in the temples. While they are there Elimelech passes away and his two sons, Mahlon - which means sickly, and Chilion - which means pining, also pass away. ! This leaves Naomi as a widow with her two widowed daugther-in-laws. Naomi decides to go back to Bethlehem but encourages her daughter-in-laws to stay in Moab. Orpah takes her up on the offer but Ruth begs Naomi to let her follow. Ruth goes to Bethlehem with Naomi and soon takes up the job of taking care of her mother-in-law. She goes to the elds and gathers the harvest that either falls to the ground or from the edges that are reserved for those who are poor. Boaz sees her working in his eld and is immediately smitten. He tells the workers to drop handfuls of purpose. When Ruth goes home with all of her food Naomi realizes it is much more than she should have had. She asks Ruth where she went gathering that day and Ruth tells her in Boazs eld. Naomi begins to put the pieces of the puzzle together and realizes that Boaz has a thing for Ruth and encourages Ruth to go back. ! After a little while of this, Naomi encourages Ruth to propose marriage to Boaz by lying down at his feet. Boaz tells Ruth that he wants to marry her but that there is a nearer kinsman redeemer that has the rst right to marry Ruth. In Bible times the custom was that if a man dies than the next of kin was to marry

Gracious Woman A gracious woman retaineth honour: and strong men retain riches. ~ Proverbs 11:16
the woman and raise up a child to continue the rst husbands name. Ruth had a kinsman redeemer that was closer to her than Boaz. This rst kinsman redeemer is a picture of The Law. ! Boaz goes the next day to talk to the nearer kinsman redeemer. When told that he has to marry Ruth to get the land, the nearer kinsman redeemer turns down the offer, leaving Boaz free to marry Ruth. They exchange shoes as a sign of their agreement and there is a wedding! Boaz is a picture of Jesus Christ. We had a debt we could not pay and we needed a kinsman redeemer to redeem us. The Law cant, it merely condemns us just as it did Ruth. Only the sacrice of Jesus was acceptable to pay the price for our sin. But we must by faith accept his gift of love on the cross. Have you accepted Jesus as your personal Savior from your sins? If not, there is not better day than today. Simply talk to God and ask Him to forgive you of your sin. Tell Him you accept his free gift of salvation. I. Ruths Actions What is one of the rst things you think of when someone says, That lady is very gracious? Every time we see Ruth speaking, she is only opening her mouth with wisdom and in her tongue we see the law of kindness. Proverbs 10:32 says, The lips of the righteous know what is acceptable: but the mouth of the wicked speaketh frowardness. In your owns words, what does this verse mean?

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Knowing that Samuel was probably the writer of Ruth, we know that he did not go on and on as a female might have, i.e. my husband is fond of saying, A man can take 5 minutes to tell you about a 30 minute conversation, but a woman will take 30 minutes to tell you about a 5 minute conversation. Read Ruth 1:8-17. Samuel as a man, wrote about what was probably a 30 minute conversation and gives us a 5 minute recap. If you will allow me some poetic license, let us consider the following conversation: Ruth: !Naomi, Intreat me not to leave you or to return from following after ! you because I desire to become a proselyte. Naomi: We are commanded to keep the Sabbath and other holy days, and ! on it we are not to travel more than 2,000 cubits. Ruth: ! Whither thou goest I will go. Naomi: We are commanded not to lodge with Gentiles. Ruth: Where thou lodgest, I will lodge. Naomi: We are commanded to observe the 113 precepts.

Gracious Woman A gracious woman retaineth honour: and strong men retain riches. ~ Proverbs 11:16
! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Ruth: Thy people shall be my people, I will become like you and your ! people. The things your people observe I will observe. Naomi: We are commanded not to worship with any strange worship or ! strange gods. Ruth: Any thy God my God. Naomi: It is our custom, if at all possible, to be buried in our own country. Ruth: Where thou diest I will die. Naomi: We have a family place for burial. Ruth: And there will I be buried. We know that Ruth was beautiful because of all the maidens working in Boazs eld she alone caught his attention. But her beauty went beyond skin deep. Ruth knew what it meant in Proverbs 11:22 that as a jewel in a swines snout, so is a fair woman which is without discretion. In our day and age it seems to be more natural and even acceptable to be a fair woman without discretion - one might use one word to describe this: sexy. What are some pitfalls we must avoid to not be this kind of woman?

Gracious women are often scorned in our world. Women are expected to rise to the top, to domineer over everyone, especially men. What are some of the false ways our world tries to convince us to act to get to the top?

Which is a better way to live, graciously or ruthlessly? Why?

II. Ruths Character A. Ruth was Wise ! ! 1. Ruth was wise in her choice of God. Ruth 1:16b thy God my God. There is nothing wiser than having God be your God. What are some areas that you know you allow God to have full reign in your life?

Gracious Woman A gracious woman retaineth honour: and strong men retain riches. ~ Proverbs 11:16
What are some ways you need to surrender to God?

Proverbs 3:21, 22 says, My son, let not them depart from thine eyes: keep sound wisdom and discretion: So shall they be life unto thy soul, and grace to thy neck. In your own words explain this verse:

Proverbs 4:7-9 Wisdom is the principal thing: therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding. Exalt her, and she shall promote thee: she shall bring thee to honour, when thou dost embrace her. She shall give to thing head an ornament of grace. What are some ways to get wisdom?

2. Ruth was wise in her obedience. Ruth rst obeyed God and that made obeying those over her easy. Read Ruth 2:8, 21-23. How did she obey?

Read Ruth 3:1-10. Ruth obeyed Naomi in a small area and as a result she was given a bigger responsibility. Naomi tells Ruth to do something that may have seemed strange: She was to go and propose marriage to a man. And not the regular way of getting down on one knee and asking him to marry her, but by laying down at his feet! Look at Ruths response: She doesnt question or argue. She trusts God and obeys completely, sweetly, and quickly. Read Ruth 3:11-14. Ruth is confronted with a problem beyond her control: There is another man, a closer kinsman redeemer! When presented with circumstances beyond our control, what are some actions you have observed in women around you?

Gracious Woman A gracious woman retaineth honour: and strong men retain riches. ~ Proverbs 11:16
What was Ruths reaction found in Ruth 3:14, 18?

B. Ruth is Humble. Read Ruth 2:1-3. Life has suddenly present Ruth with poverty. We are unsure of her background, but some commentators speculated that she was possibly a temple attendant. She becomes married but soon after her wedding her husband falls ill and dies. She is a widow with nothing but a mother-in-law to take care of. As you have observed women around you, what are some reactions you have witnessed when life takes an unpleasant, unexpected turn?

Proverbs 3:33, 34 says, The curse of the Lord is in the house of the wicked: but he blesseth the habitation of the just. Surely he scorneth the scorners: but giveth grace unto the lowly. How can this verse help us in times of less?

C. Ruth is pure in heart. In Ruth chapter 2, the love story starts to develop. Boaz is walking along, taking care of his business and as the classic story goes, hes stopped in his tracks by a pretty face. After checking her out and asking around about her, he works up the courage to go talk to her. At rst it is purely business (Read Ruth 2:9). Then Ruth responds to his kindness with pureness of heart (Read Ruth 2:10), rather than with pride. What are some negative or proud reactions Ruth could have had, as observed in women around you? What are some things Ruth, as a young woman with a family back home, friends, future, talent, dreams, etc. possibly gave up to follow Naomi?

Read Ruth 2:11-13. Boaz recognizes the things Ruth has given up and everything she has done for her mother-in-law. He blesses her for these actions. Ruth again responds with pureness of heart by rst

Gracious Woman A gracious woman retaineth honour: and strong men retain riches. ~ Proverbs 11:16
telling Boaz how he has comforted her and recognizing who she was, a Moabitess. I think this is commendable. Part of having a pure heart is to recognize yourself as the sinner you are, but praise God He doesnt leave you there. Boaz commends Ruth for all the good she was doing. Ruth didnt try to fool Boaz, she doesnt put on airs, she was who God was making her to be. Even though she recognized she was not as Boazs other handmaidens, she did know who she was, because of what God had done and was doing her life! What are some things God has done in your life to bring you to where you are now?

Explain Proverbs 22:11, He that loveth purness of heart, for the grace of his lips, the king shall be his friend.

D. Ruth was virtuous. Read Ruth 2:17. Ruth worked hard, as did the lady in Proverbs 31. Read Ruth 3:11. Boaz is talking to Ruth and telling her that Ruth was a hard worker. Her character, NOT her nationality and background, was known throughout the city. What are some things the local gossip may have been saying about this Moabitess woman?

III. Ruths Rewards ! A. Honor Read our text: Proverbs 11:16. Read Ruth 3:10. Ruth was blessed of the Lord. Boaz was a very eligible bachelor. With all of his wealth, character, etc. look who gets him: RUTH!!! Read Ruth 4:9, 10. Read Ruth 4:15. We nd that Ruth loved her mother-in-law and that she was better than seven sons! Why do you think the women of the city said that? What importance and honor does this phrase hold?

Gracious Woman A gracious woman retaineth honour: and strong men retain riches. ~ Proverbs 11:16
! B. Friends Ruth did not just get the boy, she also got friends! Read Ruth 4:11, 12. Read Ruth 4:13. As if all this wasnt enough, Ruth is also blessed with a child and not just any child, King Davids grandpa and Jesus great . . . . grandpa!

! In conclusion, Read Ruth 4:14-16. Because of Ruth and her graciousness, she marries Boaz. Because of this Naomi is blessed (vs. 14). Boazs name becomes famous in Israel (vs. 14). Their baby, Obed, becomes a restorer of life and nourisher of their old age (vs. 15). Imagine had Ruth turned back. Imagine if Ruth had not graciously offered to go gather grain for Naomi. Imagine had Ruth been hot, sweaty, and tired and as a result reacted with unkindness to Boaz instead of with graciousness. Some of the smallest decisions Ruth graciously made determined the entire direction of her life and ultimately a nation, through her great grand child King David and eventually the entire world, with the birth of Jesus Christ! Reect on what we have learned through the life of Ruth and how it applies to you: Praise God for his continued work in your life, making and molding you in the lady He wants you to be! Confess areas to God where you have been ungracious. Offer thanks to God for his specic working in your life and how He spoke to you specically through the life of Ruth. Ask God to help you be gracious and to use your graciousness to have a better inuence on your family and to the lost around you!

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