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What to do when they shove Chinese writing under the door.

You get this one:

Asex, Human, or Novel

Infomorph :

You can switch bodies with time and intimacy. If youre in a hurry, you can assault to forgo them but youll need to deal two boxes of trauma first, though. And pick one of these two:

None, Blank or Contorted

Dead, Spex or Wild


When you invade a new hosts body, the Eschaton reselects your stats. The hosts psyche is not shattered in the process, take +1 when dissecting or syncing with it. Or;

Mech, Biont or Synth


When you invade a new hosts body, they die. When others try to dissect you, it counts as traumatic. Always take +1 to assault and dissect.

Many, Clumsy, or Broken

And four of these:

Stolen, Scrounge or New

OKCupid!: Slight:

You can spend lust that others have on you, mutatis mutandis. Anytime you deliberately give in or reveal yourself, take an extra grip.

Creepy, Still or Blank

Digital, Clipped or Wet

Your Desire is My Commandline:

moth instead of vamp when dissecting.

You may roll


Always take an additional +1sync with everynode.

Dead, Artifice or Other


You may assault with moth when using your mind as cyberwarfare (+psychic +mesh).

Sex, Control or Asex


Alawys take +1 when rolling moth.

Mirror, Mirror :

With time, intimacy and clean hardware, you can mirror your ego. It counts as an NPC and write Mirror-n (where n is the iteration of the fork) 3-sync under Nodes. And this one:

Plastic, Cold or Flush

While You Slept:

When you have sex with another, take +1 sync with them. If theyre not already on your list, write their name 1-sync.


Quite an experience to live in fear, isnt it? Thats what it is to be a slave.

You get this one:

Novel, Human or None

Three Laws:

When acting on the direct and explicit orders of another, take +2 on-going. Contravening similar orders counts as evading with a -3relevant.

Human, Blank or Mech

And six of these:

When evading, you may roll moth Glow, Spex or Still

Im Sorry Dave:
instead of case.

Hardscar: Milspec:

Ignore trauma penalities.

Mech, Swarm, or Synth

Assume you have an additional trauma box. Your assualts deal extra trauma. Each time you take this it only counts for one flavour.

Tools, Strong or Many

Veritas Shunt: Nymph:

Your memories arent modifiable.

Whenever you want, you can ask: Who do you want all hot and heavy? But the answer is always gonna be you, sug.

Inbuilt, Friends or None

Built for This: Conspire :

Always take +1 to any one stat.

None, Hulk or Uncanny

If the node your syncing with is a machine intelligence, take +2 sync.

None, Digital or Synth

Pet Spider :

Before you search or grep, you may ask the Eschaton: What node would know what I need to know? Or; Is anyone else listening in?

Obvious, DYI or Hidden


When blending into the human population or otherwise looking like just another appliance, piece of furniture, or homeless person, you always have count as having 1-grip.

Mech, Any or S/M

I Know Kung-Fu:
And this one:

With time, gear, help and knowhow, you can re-arrage your stat line.

Hard, Matte or Glossy

Just a Fucking Machine:

When you have sex with another, no one cares, nothing happens and it doesnt count.


And when the saying befalls them, we will bring forth for them a creature of earthly materials, speaking to them, saying that the people were, of our signs, not certain in their faith.

You get these two:

Asex, Girl or Trans

Oracular :

When you scry, or otherwise datamine, about another, roll moth and add its sync. On 13-17, pick three. On a 11-12, pick two. On a 08- 10, pick one: speak of the already past, of the hidden present, of the possible future, or of the coming Eschaton. The Eschaton may ask you: how is that so? If you dont have a good answer, talk about something different instead.

Smooth, Blank or Gaunt

Mirrors, Spex or Blind

Gracious :

When you negotiate with the Eschaton, roll moth and add its sync. On 13-17, pick three. On a 11-12, pick two. On a 08-10, pick one: beseech a favour, its not traumatic, or the costs are not dear. And two of these:

Thin, Small or Awkward

Lazarus :

With time and safety, you can uncheck Gloved, Boney or Quick


When addressing a group you may roll moth instead of vamp or fray, respectively, to seduce or assault.

Retro, Alien or Hacked


When you act to preserve or judge, take

Stormy, Calm or Alethia


Add additional +1 when rolling moth.

Honey, Mute or Soft

And two of these:

Violation Glove: Tydaller squid:

You can dissect with moth.

Brute, Hidden or Other

With lots time and intimacy, they may pose a non-trivial question of themselves and you may answer for them. The Eschaton may suggest or inject questions should they be needed.

Homo, BDSM or Asex

Insurgents: Faithful:

You have a squad of trusted and capable mujahideen (small 1-soak +terrorists). You have quite the cult both in the flesh but especially of the virtual spirit. Detail. When you crowd source from them, take +1related. And this one:

Rich, Pale or Night


When you have sex with another, you must scry of their future and answer sincerly.


More than one, less than many.

You get these two:

Asex, Mixed, or Same

The Body Multiple :

You take up more than one body. Detail your numbers; at least three and no more than seven. Each body has its own agency but by default your control and awareness is uncontested and omnipresent. If another player joins the Swarm, their body is contested and hidden. Dissect, transact or grep take +2 within the in-group.

Matching, Blank or Mixed

Still, Spex or Efficient

Many Hands:

When working as a swarm, you may roll the same move twice, taking both results. And six of these:

Identical, New or Mixed

Resistance is Futile: Deep Structure:

When working as a Swarm counts as a gang (cf.), takes +1related with 1-soak. With time, intimacy and unity, the Swarm may consult itself as per +insight (cf.).

Touching, Held or Busy

Never Be Alone Again:

The Swarm and its members are immune to social trauma and always have 1-soak psychic. If a group member is away from the Swarm, theyre +vulnerable.

Same, Shared or Custom

Close, Buzzing or Still

Dee Doss:

You can spend sync as if it was grip.

Collective Memory: Conjoiners:

If youre dissected, memory modifications cost double. Add your option, you may add allies to the Swarm. Whenever you can spend lust you can spend it for trauma as per a max transact hit.

Cacophony, Quiet or Unison

Obvious, DYI or Hidden

Mind Worms:

Whenever you mobilize your monstrous horrors, detail, and you may roll moth instead of fray to assault.

Poly, In-group or Mono

One of Us!:

When you reveal one of your sleeper selves, say the name of the NPC and roll vamp plus your lust with them. On a 13+, theyre an ally (cf). On a 11-12, theyre prepared and loyal. On a 8-10, theyre either loyal or prepared, its the Eschatons choice. And this one:

Perfect, Mixed or Synth

Mnage--Tous :

When yall have sex with an out group, take +2 lust with them, and they take the same with yall.

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