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Artisan Special When you have sex with someone, mark experience and give them a String on you

and the condition Happy. Artisan Dying Move When you die, at some point afterwards and at a moment of your choosing, another character will find a gift of your trade waiting for them, something youve made just for them. Detail the gift when they receive it. Advancement Get +1 focus (max +2) Get +1 edge (max +2) Get +1 sharp (max +2) Get +1 grace (max +2) Get a new Artisan move Get a new Artisan move Get followers (detail) and fortunes Get 2 jobs (detail) and moonlighting Get a move from another playbook Get a move from another playbook After 5 advances you can select: Get +1 to any Stat (max +3) Get +1 to any Stat (max +3) Retire your character (to safety) Change to a new playbook Create a second character to play Advance 2 basic moves Advance 2 basic moves Advance 2 basic moves

Workspace Choose which of the following your workspace includes. Choose 3: a dock, a growing environment, skilled labor, a yard of raw materials, a wagon and horse, a forge, paints and canvas, messenger pigeons, a training yard, leatherworking tools tools, carpenters tools, precious precious-metal smithing tools, a foundry. When you go into your workspace and dedicate yourself to making a thing, improving a thing, or to getting to the bottom of something, decide what and tell the MC. The MC will tell you sure, no problem, but and then 1 to 4 of the following: its going to take hours/ days/ weeks/ months of work; first youll have to get/build/fix/figure out ___; youre going to need ___ to help you with it; its going to cost you a lot of wealth; the best youll be able to do is a crap version, weak and unreliable; its going to mean exposing yourself (plus colleagues) to serious danger; youre going to have to add ___ to your workplace first; its going to take several/dozens/ hundreds of tries; youre going to have to take ___ apart to do it. The MC might connect them all with and, or might throw in a merciful or. Once youve accomplished the necessaries, you can go ahead and accomplish the thing itself. The MC will stat it up, or spi or whatever it calls spill, for.

The Artisan
To create your artisan, choose name, look, stats, moves, workspace, gear, and your backstory. Look Male, female, ambiguous, transgressing, or concealed. Plain face, pretty face, open face, or expressive face. Squinty eyes, calm eyes, dancing eyes, quick eyes, or appraising eyes. Fat body, slight body, hunched body, wiry body, stumpy body, or muscled body. Stats (choose one set) Edge=0 Focus-1 Grace+1 Sense+1 Will+2 Edge-1 Focus=0 Grace-1 Sense+2 Will+2 Edge-1 Focus+1 Grace=0 Sense+1 Will+2 Edge+1 Focus+1 Grace-1 Sense=0 Will+2

Wealth Gear


Artisan Moves (Choose 2) Commoner: Whenever you dont understand whats going on or what someone means, and it gets you into trouble, mark experience. Whats this now?: whenever you handle or examine something interesting, roll+will. On a hit, you can ask the MC questions. On a 10+, ask 3. On a 79, ask 1: who handled this last before me? who made this? what strong emotions have been


most recently nearby this? how can I improve this? what has been done most recently with this, or to this? whats wrong with this, and how might I fix it?

Masterpiece: when you put your art/trades product before an audience, roll+will. On a 10+, spend 2. On a 79, spend 1. Spend 1 to name a member of your audience and choose one: this person must meet me. Gain a String on them. this person must have my services. Gain a String on them. this person loves me. Gain a String on them. this person must give me a gift. Gain +1wealth. this person admires my patron. Give your patron a String on them. On a miss, you gain no benefit, but suffer no harm or lost opportunity. You simply perform/showcase very well. Gear You get: 1 small practical weapon 2-wealth simple clothing and at your option a piece worth 1-armour, or fanciful clothing. Small practical weapons (choose 1): smiths hammer (3-harm hand messy) short sword (2-harm hand) mace (2-harm hand) rapier (2-harm hand) hand-axe (2-harm hand/close) shortbow (2-harm close) crossbow (2-harm close ap reload) Your Backstory Your name and trade are well known to many. Everyone gains a String on you. You have made something beautiful for someone. Gain 2 Strings on them. Youre a skilled and respected member of your community. Choose someone you admire and gain a String on them.

Right where Im needed: whenever someone you have Strings with is in trouble (your call), you may spend a String you have with them to have you already be there, with the proper tools and knowledge, with or without any clear explanation why. Sensible: when a character comes to you for advice, tell them what you honestly think the best course is. If they do it, they take +1 to any rolls they make in the doing, and you mark experience and gain a String with them.

Whenever you roll a highlighted stat, when a move tells you to, or through use of a String, mark an XP circle. When you mark the fifth, level-up and erase. Each time you level-up, select an option from the Advancement list. Check it off, you cant choose it again.

Insightful: you get +1will (max+3). Soul: Old Soul: when you hold steady instead of rolling+focus, you roll+will.

Other Moves

Blessed Special When you have sex with someone, they gain the Condition one of them. While the Condition remains, they count as part of your following. Blessed Dying Move When you die, choose who you hold responsible for your death. Anyone who seeks to avenge your death takes +1 ongoing while pursuing their vengeance. This could be against an individual, a House, a faction, a people, a species, etc. Advancement Get +1focus (max focus+2) Get +1edge (max edge+2) Get +1sense (max sense+2) Get a new blessed move Get a new blessed move Get a domain (detail) and dominion Choose a new option for your followers Choose a new option for your followers Get a move from another playbook Get a move from another playbook After 5 advances you can select: Get +1 to any Stat (max +3) Get +1 to any Stat (max +3) Retire your character (to safety) Change to a new playbook Create a second character to play Advance 2 basic moves Advance 2 basic moves Advance 2 basic moves

Followers By default you have around 20 followers, loyal to you but not fanatical. They have their own lives apart from you, integrated in the local population (fortune+1 surplus: 1 1-wealth want: desertion). If you travel, decide whether they travel with you or; congregate in their own communities. Choose 2: Your followers are dedicated to you. Surplus: +1wealth, and replace want: desertion with want: hunger. Your followers are involved in successful commerce. +1fortune. Your followers are joyous and celebratory. Surplus: +celebration. Your followers are rigorous and argumentative. Surplus: +insight. Your followers are hard hard-working and nononsense. Surplus: +1wealth. Your followers are eager, enthusias enthusiastic, and successful recruiters. Surplus: +growth. Choose 2: You have few followers, 10 or fewer. Surplus: -1wealth. 1wealth. Your followers arent really yours, more like youre theirs. Want: judgment instead of want: desertion. Your followers rely entirely on you for their lives and needs. Want: +desperation. Your followers disdain fashion, luxury and convention. Want: +disease. Your followers disdain law, peace, reason and society. Surplus: +violence. Your followers are decadent and perverse. Want: +savagery.

The Blessed
To create your blessed, choose name, look, stats, moves, followers, gear and backstory. Look Male, female, ambiguous, transgressing, or concealed. Innocent face, dirty face, determined face, open face, severe face, or ascetic face. Mesmerizing eyes, dazed eyes, forgiving eyes, suspicious eyes, clear eyes, or burning eyes. Bony body, lanky body, soft body, fit body, graceful body, or fat body. Stats (choose one set) Edge+1 Focus=0 Grace-1 Sense+1 Will+2 Edge-1 Focus+1 Grace+1 Sense=0Will +2 Edge+1 Focus-1 Grace=0 Sense+1 Will+2 Edge=0 Focus+1 Grace+1 Sense-1 Will+2


Fortune Fortune Surplus Wants


Blessed Moves You get this 1: Fortunes: fortune, surplus and want all depend on your followers. At the beginning of the session, roll+fortune. On a 10+, your followers have surplus. On a 79, they have surplus, but choose 1 want. On a miss, they are in want. If their surplus lists wealth, like 1-wealth or 2-wealth, thats your personal share. Then choose 2 more: Gifted speaker: when you try to

Gear You get: simple fashion or fanciful fashion 3-wealth Your Backstory Pick three people who are members of your following. Gain a String on each of them. Someone has openly insulted your beliefs, heritage or lineage. Gain 2 Strings on them. Someone shows great potential to join your people. They gain 2 Strings on you.

manipulate an NPC, roll+will instead of

roll+grace. Conviction: you get +1will (max+3).



Divine authority: when you invoke the authority of your faith, lineage or heritage, add +2 to your rolls to shut someone down or hold steady. The character you shut down gains a String on you. Shield of influence: when youre surrounded by your followers, subtract 1 from any rolls made against you. Forgive Forgive but never forget: when someone betrays you, gain a String on them. A dish best served cold: When you bite your tongue and dont respond to adversity, roll+will. On a 10+, choose 1: gain a String on them; they gain the Condition rival. On a 7-9, they gain the Condition rival. When you use shut someone down who has the condition rival, take +1 to the roll. When you threaten someone who has the rival condition, you may choose to roll+will instead of roll+edge.

Other Moves

Whenever you roll a highlighted stat, when a move tells you to, or through use of a String, mark an XP circle. When you mark the fifth, level-up and erase. Each time you level-up, select an option from the Advancement list. Check it off, you cant choose it again.

Commander Special When you have sex with someone, you both get to ask a question of one anothers characters. This can be spoken by your character or simply asked player-to-player. The other person must answer honestly and directly. Commander Dying Move When you die, if any of your force have survived you, you may give them one last order as if you rolled a 10+ on take charge. charge. Advancement Get +1edge (max edge+3) Get +1sense (max sense+2) Get +1focus (max focus+2) Get +1will (max will+2) Get +1will (max will+2) Choose a new option for your force Get a domain (detail) and dominion Get 2 jobs (detail) and moonlighting Get a move from another playbook Get a move from another playbook After 5 advances you can select: Get +1 to any Stat (max +3) Get +1 to any Stat (max +3) Retire your character (to safety) Change to a new playbook Create a second character to play Advance 2 basic moves Advance 2 basic moves Advance 2 basic moves

Force By default your force consists of about 50 or so fighters with basic weapons and armour (2 (2harm force tiny +undisciplined 1 1-armour). Choose whether your force is by default Cavalry (+mobile) or; Sailors (+seafaring) Choose 2: your force consists of 100 or so fighters. small instead of medium. your forces well well-armed. +1harm. your forces well well-armoured. +1armour. your forces well well-disciplined. Drop +undisciplined. your forces used to spending long tours in the field, and able to maintain and repair its own gear without a home base. It gets +self-sufficient. sufficient. your forces able to provide for itself by working odd jobs and mercenary work. It gets +rich. Choose 1: your forces armoury is for shit. It gets 1harm. your force consists mostly of footmen who have neither boat nor horse. Drop +mobile or +seafaring. your force disdains armour (why? are they fucking stupid?). It gets -1armour. your force is a pack of frickin hyenas and opportunists. It gets +savager +savagery. your forces loose loose-knit, with members coming and going as they choose. It gets +desertion. your force is in significant debt to someone powerful. It gets +obligation. your force is filthy and unwell. It gets +disease. your force is lax about security an likes and to drink and brag. It gets + reprisals. Harm Armour Size Tags

The Commander
To create your commander, choose name, look, stats, moves, force, gear, and your backstory. Look Male, female, ambiguous, transgressing, or concealed. Weathered face, strong face, rugged face, narrow face, or busted face. Narrow eyes, scorched eyes, calculating eyes, weary eyes, or kind eyes. Squat body, rangy body, wiry body, sturdy body, or fat body. Stats (choose one set) Edge+2 Focus+1 Grace-1 Sense+1 Will=0 Edge+2 Focus+1 Grace+1 Sense=0 Will-1 Edge+2 Focus+1 Grace=0 Sense+1 Will-1 Edge+2 Focus+2 Grace-1 Sense=0 Will-1



Commander Moves You get these 2: Take charge: when you try to impose your will on your force, roll+edge. On a 10+, all 3. On a 79, choose 1: they do what you want they dont fight back over it you dont have to make an example of one of them On a miss, someone in your force makes a dedicated bid to replace you for leader. Rife with plunder: when you have your force search their pockets and saddlebags for something, roll+edge. It has to be something small enough to fit. On a 10+, one of you happens to have just the thing, or close enough. On a 7 9, one of you happens to have something pretty close, unless what youre looking for is very rare, in which case no dice. On a miss, one of you used to have just the thing, but it turns out they just sold it.

Gear You get: 2 martial weapons 1-wealth 1 or 2-armour (you detail) warhorse and saddle (power+1, speed+1, looks+1, 1-armour) or a sailing ship (you detail) Martial weapons (choose 2): longsword (3-harm hand messy) lance (3-harm close messy reload) battle-axe (3-harm hand messy) warhammer (3-harm hand messy) flail (3-harm hand messy) halberd (3-harm hand/close messy) spear (2-harm hand/close) longbow (2-harm close/far) Your Backstory You and your force have killed a friend of someone. Gain 2 Strings on them. You are smitten with someone. Give that player 1 String. Someone has stood up to you and your force and lived to tell the tale. Give that player 1 String and gain 1 String on them.


Other Moves


Whenever you roll a highlighted stat, when a move tells you to, or through use of a String, mark an XP circle. When you mark the fifth, level-up and erase. Each time you level-up, select an option from the Advancement list. Check it off, you cant choose it again.


Courtier Special When you have sex with someone, you can ask them for a promise. If they refuse, take 2 Strings on them. Courtier Dying Move When you die, choose a character or NPC. They gain all the Strings you had on others. If you had any Strings on them, they mark experience for each of those Strings. Advancement Get +1focus (max focus+2) Get +1sense (max sense+2) Get +1will (max will+2) Get a new courtier move Get a new courtier move Get a domain (detail) and dominion Get followers (detail) and fortunes Get 2 jobs (detail) and moonlighting Get a move from another playbook Get a move from another playbook After 5 advances you can select: Get +1 to any Stat (max +3) Get +1 to any Stat (max +3) Retire your character (to safety) Change to a new playbook Create a second character to play Advance 2 basic moves Advance 2 basic moves Advance 2 basic moves



The Courtier
To create your courtier, choose name, look, stats, moves, gear, and your backstory. Look Male, female, ambiguous, transgressing, or concealed. Striking face, sweet face, strange face, cute face, or beautiful face. Laughing eyes, mocking eyes, dark eyes, shadowed eyes, troubled eyes, arresting eyes, bright eyes, or cool eyes. Strong hands, expressive hands, quick hands, calloused hands, or steady hands. Slim body, toned body, fat body, unnatural body, young body, or lush body Stats (choose one set) Edge-1 Focus+1 Grace+2 Sense+1 Will=0 Edge=0 Focus=0 Grace+2 Sense=0 Will+1 Edge=0 Focus-1 Grace+2 Sense+2 Will-1 Edge+1 Focus+1 Grace+2 Sense+1 Will-2


Courtier Moves (Choose 3) Sexy and vulnerable: if someone has a String on you, gain +1 to currying favour with them. Loyalty comes at a price: you can give an NPC a String against you to add +2 to your manipulate an NPC roll against them. (you can only choose to do so before rolling) . Breathtaking: you gain +1grace (max +3). Allure: when someone makes you a promise and you accept, they mark experience. Whenever someone breaks a promise to you and you seek vengeance, mark experience.

Gear You get: 1 subtle weapon 3-wealth fanciful clothing (detail) Subtle weapons (choose 1): dagger (2-harm intimate) garrotte (1-harm ap intimate) throwing knives (2-harm close) Your Backstory Youre beautiful. Gain a String on everyone. Someone once saved your life. They gain 2 Strings on you. Someone is, or was recently, your lover. Gain 2 Strings on them and they gain 1 String on you.


Irresistible: When you offer yourself, sexually, to someone of the opposite sex, if they refuse, gain a string on them. Try and stop me!: when someone tries to impede your seductions and manipulations by shutting you down or threatening you, they suffer -1 to their rolls.

Other Moves Experience

Whenever you roll a highlighted stat, when a move tells you to, or through use of a String, mark an XP circle. When you mark the fifth, level-up and erase. Each time you level-up, select an option from the Advancement list. Check it off, you cant choose it again.

Knight Special When you have sex with someone, both of you remove all conditions and both gain the condition devoted. Knight Dying Move When you die, make a vow. Anyone who pursues that vow in your name takes +1 ongoing to see it done. Advancement Get +1grace (max grace+2) Get +1sense (max sense+2) Get +1focus (max focus+2) Get +1will (max will+2) Get a new knight move Get a new knight move Get a domain (detail) and dominion Get a force (detail) and leadership Get a move from another playbook Get a move from another playbook After 5 advances you can select: Get +1 to any Stat (max +3) Get +1 to any Stat (max +3) Retire your character (to safety) Change to a new playbook Create a second character to play Advance 2 basic moves Advance 2 basic moves Advance 2 basic moves

Mount Choose one of these profiles: Power+2 looks+1 speed+0 2 2-armor Power+1 looks+1 speed+2 1-armor Power+1 looks+2 speed+2 0 0-armor Power+1 looks+2 speed+1 1 1-armor



The Knight
To create your knight, choose name, look, stats, moves, mount, gear, and your backstory. Look Male, female, ambiguous, transgressing, or concealed. Pale face, tough face, pudgy face, thin face, young face, worried face, angry face. Scared eyes, shadowed eyes, lively eyes, clear eyes, steady eyes, lost eyes, eager eyes. Athletic body, stocky body, thin body, compact body, rangy body. Stats (choose one set) Edge+2 Focus+1 Grace-2 Sense+1 Will=0 Edge+2 Focus+1 Grace+1 Sense-1 Will-1 Edge+2 Focus=0 Grace=0 Sense+1 Will-1 Edge+2 Focus+1 Grace-1 Sense=0 Will=0


Knight Moves You get this 1: Born in the saddle: when mounted on your horse if you defy danger, add your mounts speed to your roll. if you hold steady, add your mounts speed to your roll. if you take something by force, add your mounts power to your roll. if you threaten or ambush, add your mounts power to your roll. if you curry favour, add your mounts looks to your roll. if you manipulate an NPC, add your mounts looks to your roll. if you shut someone down, add your mounts power to your roll. Then choose 1: Kings Guard: when you leap in the way and take the blow instead of someone else, roll+sense. On a 10+, you take the harm instead of them but reduce it by 1 and gain a String on them. On a 7-9, choose: you take the harm instead of them but reduce it by 1; you take the harm instead of them and gain a String on them. ManoMano-a-mano: when you kill an armed opponent in single combat, gain a String on anyone who witnessed it.

Gear You get: 2 martial weapons 2-wealth 1 or 2-armour, you detail a mount (detail) Martial weapons (choose 2): longsword (3-harm hand messy) lance (3-harm close messy reload) battle-axe (3-harm hand messy) warhammer (3-harm hand messy) flail (3-harm hand messy) halberd (3-harm hand/close messy) spear (2-harm hand/close) longbow (2-harm close/far) Your Backstory You have served someone in the past. They gain a String on you and you gain a String on them. You have proven yourself honourable in the eyes of someone. Gain 2 Strings on them. You have proven yourself dishonourable in the eyes of someone. They gain a String on you.


Other Moves

Whenever you roll a highlighted stat, when a move tells you to, or through use of a String, mark an XP circle. When you mark the fifth, level-up and erase. Each time you level-up, select an option from the Advancement list. Check it off, you cant choose it again.

Stalwart: you get +1edge (max+3) Anointed: when you swear by your honour and make a vow to someone and they accept, take a String on them. If you break that vow, mark experience and they gain a String on you. Merciless: whenever you inflict harm, inflict +1harm.

Lord Special When you have sex with someone, you can give the other character gifts worth 1-wealth, at no cost to you. Lord Dying Move When you die, with your dying breath you may utter the name of your "true" heir (i.e. your preferred heir). They gain +1 ongoing to all efforts to assume and/or retain your titles and claims. If they do assume your titles and claims, they gain your domain, the dominion move, and the Heir apparent move. Advancement Get +1focus (max focus+2) Get +1sense (max sense+2) Get +1wise (max wise+2) Get +1edge (max edge+3) Get +1grace (max grace+2) Choose a new option for your domain Choose a new option for your domain Erase an option from your domain Get a move from another playbook Get a move from another playbook After 5 advances you can select: Get +1 to any Stat (max +3) Get +1 to any Stat (max +3) Retire your character (to safety) Change to a new playbook Create a second character to play Advance 2 basic moves Advance 2 basic moves Advance 2 basic moves Domain For yield, a mix of basic hunting, farming and trapping. (surplus +1 wealth want: +hungry) A stone keep and several watch towers, your force gets +1 armour when defending its walls. A small town surrounding your fortress (you detail). A garrison of 200 or so troops. (3-harm force medium +unruly 1-armour) Your domain owes fealty to a liege lord (want +obligation)

Your domain includes...(choose 3) vast woodlands for logging and hunting (+1 wealth, want: +lawlessness) soilable plains for farming (remove want: +hungry and replace with want +anxiety) hills/mountains for mining. (+1 wealth, want: +banditry) coastland for fishing and trade. (+1 wealth, want: +idle) riverlands for fishing and farming. (+1 wealth, want: +idle) a castle instead of a stone keep. your force gets +2 armour when defending its walls instead of +1 armour heavy garrison. your force is large n. instead of medium, about 400 or so troops a well-disciplined and experienced disciplined garrison. Drop +unruly a fortress surrounded by a bustling trade city. (+1 wealth, want: idle) a fortress situated along a major roadway. (surplus: +culture +culture) a banner house sworn fealty to yours. (+1 wealth, want: +obligation) Your domain suffers from...(choose 2) constant raids from bandits and raiders. (want: +banditry) a border with an old enemy. (want: +reprisals) a violent and brutish populace. (surplus: +violence) a small fortress, nothing grander than a manor house. Your force gains no armour bonus when defending its walls. a sickly and unclean populace. (want: +disease) a light garrison of young boys and old men.. Your force is small instead of medium, about 100 or so troops. a poorly equipped garrison, your force gets -1 harm. your garrison are a pack of cut cut-throats, murderers and outlaws. (+savagery)

The Lord
To create your lord, choose name, look, stats, moves, domain, gear, and your backstory. Look Male, female, ambiguous, transgressing, or concealed. Strong face, stern face, cruel face, soft face, aristocratic face, or gorgeous face. Cool eyes, commanding eyes, languid eyes, sharp eyes, forgiving eyes, or generous eyes. Massive body, soft body, wiry body, fat body, tall spare body, or sensual body. Stats (choose one set) Edge+2 Focus-1 Grace+1 Sense+1 Will=0 Edge+2 Focus+1 Grace+1 Sense+1 Will-2 Edge+2 Focus-2 Grace=0 Sense+2 Will=0 Edge+2 Focus=0 Grace+1 Sense-1 Will+1


Lord Moves You get these 3: Leadership: when your force fights for you, roll+edge. On a 10+, hold 3. On a 79, hold 1. Over the course of the battle, spend your hold 1 for 1 to make your force: make a hard advance stand strong against a hard advance make an organized retreat show mercy to their defeated enemies fight and die to the last On a miss, your squad turns on you, tries to hand you over to your enemy, panics and flees, or surrenders to your enemy. Dominion: If your domain is secure and your rule unchallenged, at the beginning of the session, roll+edge. On a 10+, you have surplus at hand and available for the needs of the session. On a 79, you have surplus, but choose 1 want. On a miss, or if your domain is compromised or your rule contested, your domain is in want. The precise values of your surplus and want depend on your domain, as follows. Heir apparent: when you create your character, name your legal heir. Upon your death, unless the succession is challenged with another claim, they will assume your titles and will gain your domain, the dominion move, and the heir apparent move. If your heir dies before you, or circumstances otherwise change to alter the legal succession order (births, marriages, changes in law), the MC will name your next legal heir.

Gear You get: Your domain provides for your day-to-day living, so while youre there governing it theres no need for you to concern yourself with that. warhorse and saddle (power+1, speed+1, looks+1, 1-armour) In addition to your domain, detail your personal fashion. You can have, for your personal use, with the MCs approval, a few pieces of gear or weapons from any character playbook. Your Backstory Youre an important person with a great deal of authority. Gain a String on everyone. Someone has served your house with distinction. Give that player 2 Strings. Someone grew up in your domain. Gain a String on them.


Wealth Gear

Whenever you roll a highlighted stat, when a move tells you to, or through use of a String, mark an XP circle. When you mark the fifth, level-up and erase. Each time you level-up, select an option from the Advancement list. Check it off, you cant choose it again.


Other Moves

Maester Special When you deny someone sexually, gain a String on them. When you have sex with someone, lose all Strings on that person. Maester Dying Move When you die, with your dying breath, make a statement based on your lore and research (in Alchemy, History, Genealogy, Law, whathave-you). This statement is undeniably true and irrevocable. Advancement Get +1focus (max focus+2) Get +1sense (max sense+2) Get +1wise (max wise+2) Get +1edge (max edge+2) Get +1edge (max edge+2) Get a new Maester move Get a new Maester move Get 2 jobs (detail) and moonlighting Get a move from another playbook Get a move from another playbook After 5 advances you can select: Get +1 to any Stat (max +3) Get +1 to any Stat (max +3) Retire your character (to safety) Change to a new playbook Create a second character to play Advance 2 basic moves Advance 2 basic moves Advance 2 basic moves

Maester Kit Your maester kit has all kinds of things in it: herbs, poultices, poisons, bandages, balms, and alchemical supplies. When you use it, spend its stock; you can spend 03 of its stock per use. You can resupply it for 1-wealth per 2-stock, if your circumstances let you purchase or barter for herbs, poultices and other supplies. It begins play holding 6-stock. To use it to stabilize and heal someone at 3harm segments or past: roll+stock spent. On a hit, they will stabilize and heal to 2-harm segments, but the MC will choose 1 (on a 10+) or 2 (on a 79): they need to be physically stabilized before you can move them. even drugged, they fight you; youre defying danger. theyll be in and out of consciousness for 24 hours. stabilizing them eats up your stock; spend 1stock more. theyll be bedridden, out of action, for at least a week. theyll need constant monitoring and care for 36 hours. On a miss, they take 1-harm instead. To use it to speed the recovery of someone at 1 or 2-harm segments: dont roll. They choose: spend 4 days (1-harm segment) or 1 week (2-harm segments) under the effects of milk of the poppy, immobile but happy, or do their time like everyone else. To use it to revive someone whos died (at 6harm segments not beyond): roll+stock spent. On a 10+, they recover to 4-harm segments. On a 79, they recover to 5-harm segments. On a miss, youve done everything you can for them, and theyre still dead.

The Maester
To create your maester, choose name, look, stats, moves, gear, and your backstory. Look Male, female, ambiguous, transgressing, or concealed. Kind face, strong face, rugged face, haggard face, pretty face, or lively face. Quick eyes, hard eyes, caring eyes, bright eyes, laughing eyes, or clear eyes. Compact body, stout body, spare body, big body, rangy body, or sturdy body. Stats (choose one set) Edge-1 Focus=0 Grace+1 Sense+1 Will+2 Edge=0 Focus=0 Grace=0 Sense+1 Will+2 Edge=0 Focus-1 Grace-1 Sense+2 Will+2 Edge+1 Focus=0 Grace-1 Sense+1 Will+2




Maester Moves (Choose 2) Knowledge is power: when you hold steady instead of rolling+focus, you roll+will. Mending leverage: when you heal someones harm, gain a String on them. Hospice: you get an infirmary, a workspace with well-stocked and exotic supplies, and a crew of 2. Get patients into it and you can work on them like an Artisan on objects. Respected by all sides: while you are caring for people, not fighting, you get +1armour

Gear You get: 1 subtle weapon 3-wealth simple fashion (you detail) Subtle weapons (choose 1): dagger (2-harm intimate) garrotte (1-harm ap intimate) throwing knives (2-harm close) Your Backstory Your name and trade are well known to many. Everyone gains a String on you. You have made something beautiful for someone. Gain 2 Strings on them. Youre a skilled and respected member of your community. Choose someone you admire and gain a String on them.


Poisoner: Name a character who youve had recent close contact with who might conceivably have ingested something in your presence, or who whove recently worked on, and roll+sense. On a hit, select how youve poisoned them: lethal or debilitating. On a 10+, in the next 4 hours, a lethal poison inflicts 4-harm ap, or a debilitating poison deals 1-harm. On a 7-9, it's within 8 hours, and its 2-harm ap for lethal poison or s-harm for debilitating poison. On a miss, the subject takes 1-harm ap but they, and others, know it was you who poisoned them. Jaded: whenever someone in your care dies, you get +1will (max +3).


Whenever you roll a highlighted stat, when a move tells you to, or through use of a String, mark an XP circle. When you mark the fifth, level-up and erase. Each time you level-up, select an option from the Advancement list. Check it off, you cant choose it again.

Other Moves

Maiden Special When you have sex with someone you are not wed to, you gain the condition tarnished. With your next advance you must choose the change your character to a new type option, even if you dont have 5 improvements yet. Maiden Dying Move When you die, you may at your option, give yourself a permanent condition called corrupt to prevent your death. If you do so, erase all your Strings, heal 2-harm, and with your next advance you must choose the change your character to a new type option, even if you dont have 5 Improvements yet. You cannot retain any moves from The Maiden playbook when you do this. Advancement Get +1focus (max focus+2) Get +1sense (max sense+3) Get +1will (max will+2) Get +1grace (max grace+2) Get a new maiden move Get a new maiden move Get a domain (detail) and dominion Get followers (detail) and fortunes Get a move from another playbook Get a move from another playbook After 5 advances you can select: Get +1 to any Stat (max +3) Get +1 to any Stat (max +3) Retire your character (to safety) Change to a new playbook Create a second character to play Advance 2 basic moves Advance 2 basic moves Advance 2 basic moves



The Maiden
To create your maiden, choose name, look, stats, moves, gear, and your backstory. Look Female, ambiguous, transgressing, or concealed. Striking face, sweet face, fresh face, smooth face, or beautiful face. Sad eyes, large eyes, innocent eyes, shadowed eyes, arresting eyes, bright eyes, or cool eyes. Soft hands, expressive hands, quick hands, small hands, or steady hands. Slim body, toned body, fat body, young body, or lush body Stats (choose one set) Edge-1 Grace+1 Sense+2 Focus+1 Will=0 Edge=0 Grace=0 Sense+2 Focus=0 Will+1 Edge=0 Grace+1 Sense+2 Focus=0 Will-1 Edge=0 Grace+2 Sense+2 Focus-2 Will=0


Maiden Moves (Choose 3) Chaste beauty: when you try to curry favour with someone by turning them on, roll+sense instead of roll+grace. Impressionable: Impressionable When someone uses a String to offer you an experience point to do what they want and you accept, they also mark an experience point and you mark an additional experience point. Entangled: If you and another character have a total of 5 or more Strings on one another, gain +1 to all rolls against them. Resolute: when a PC uses a String to force you to hold steady or place a condition upon you, they must also hold steady or take the condition as well. Striking: when you successfully curry favour with someone (7 up), you may also force them to hold steady. Idealistic: when you adhere to your virtue and/or honour and it gets you into trouble, mark experience. When you betray those ideals you gain the condition regretful

Gear You get: 1 subtle weapon 3-wealth fanciful clothing (detail) Subtle weapons (choose 1): dagger (2-harm intimate) garrotte (1-harm ap intimate) throwing knives (2-harm close) Your Backstory Youre innocent and lovely. Gain a String on everyone. You consider someone honourable and good. They gain 2 Strings on you. Someone is your friend or family. Gain 1 String on them and they gain 2 Strings on you.


Other Moves

Whenever you roll a highlighted stat, when a move tells you to, or through use of a String, mark an XP circle. When you mark the fifth, level-up and erase. Each time you level-up, select an option from the Advancement list. Check it off, you cant choose it again.

Man-atMan-at-arms Special When you have sex with someone, you take +1 forward. At your option, they take +1 forward too. Man-atMan-at-arms Dying Move When you die, name an NPC in the scene you want dead and kill them with your dying breath no matter the obstacles. Advancement Get +1focus (max focus+2) Get +1sense (max sense+2) Get +1wise (max wise+2) Get a new man-at-arms move Get a new man-at-arms move Get a new man-at-arms move Get a force (detail) and pack alpha Get 2 jobs (detail) and moonlighting Get a move from another playbook Get a move from another playbook After 5 advances you can select: Get +1 to any Stat (max +3) Get +1 to any Stat (max +3) Retire your character (to safety) Change to a new playbook Create a second character to play Advance 2 basic moves Advance 2 basic moves Advance 2 basic moves



The Man-at-arms
To create your man-at-arms, choose name, look, stats, moves, gear, and your backstory. Look Male, female, ambiguous, transgressing, or concealed. Scarred face, blunt face, bony face, dull face, worn face, blasted face, smooth face. Mad eyes, raging eyes, wise eyes, sad eyes, scary eyes, cunning eyes. Hard body, stocky body, stringy body, battered body, overbuilt body, compact body, or huge body. Stats (choose one set) Edge+2 Focus+1 Grace-1 Sense+1 Will=0 Edge+2 Focus-1 Grace-2 Sense+1 Will+2 Edge+2 Focus+1 Grace-2 Sense+2 Will-1 Edge+2 Focus+2 Grace-2 Sense=0 Will=0


Man-atMan-at-arms Moves (Choose 3) Career soldier: you get +1edge (max+3) BattleBattle-hardened: When you hold steady instead of rolling+focus, you roll+edge. Ruthless: whenever you inflict harm, inflict +1harm. Not worth dying for: name your escape route and roll+edge. On a 10+, sweet, youre gone. On a 79, you can go or stay, but if you go it costs you: leave something behind, or take something with you, the MC will tell you what. On a miss, youre caught vulnerable, half in and half out.

Gear You get: 3 martial weapons 1 small practical weapon 1-wealth 2-armour, you detail horse and saddle (power+2, speed+1, looks+0, 1-armour) Martial weapons (choose 3): longsword (3-harm hand messy) lance (3-harm close messy reload) battle-axe (3-harm hand messy) warhammer (3-harm hand messy) flail (3-harm hand messy) halberd (3-harm hand/close messy) spear (2-harm hand/close) longbow (2-harm close/far) Small practical weapons (choose 1): short sword (2-harm hand) mace (2-harm hand) rapier (2-harm hand) hand-axe (2-harm hand/close) shortbow (2-harm close) crossbow (2-harm close ap reload) Your Backstory You lack subtlety. Give a String to everyone. Someone has betrayed you and has yet to pay for it. Gain 2 Strings on them. You consider someone more dangerous than you. Gain 1 String on them.


Juggernaut: take -2 on all when you suffer harm rolls. Like a moth to the flame: whenever someone you have Strings with is involved in a battle (a real battle, not intimate violence between a couple people), you may spend a String you have with them to have you already be there, with your weapons and armour ready.

Other Moves

Whenever you roll a highlighted stat, when a move tells you to, or through use of a String, mark an XP circle. When you mark the fifth, level-up and erase. Each time you level-up, select an option from the Advancement list. Check it off, you cant choose it again.

Mystic Special When you have sex with someone, cure all of your Conditions. If they disgust you, give them a String. If you disgust yourself, give them a String. Mystic Dying Move When you die, with your dying breath speak the name of a character you have String(s) on and choose whether to Curse or Bless them. Convert those Strings at a 1-1 basis to hold. If they are Cursed, you may spend this hold, at any time, to inflict 1-harm on them. If they are Blessed, they may spend the hold to gain +1 armour against a single attack. Advancement Get +1focus (max focus+2) Get +1sense (max sense+2) Get +1edge (max edge+2) Get a new mystic move Get a new mystic move Get followers (detail) and fortunes Get a move from another playbook Get a move from another playbook Get a move from another playbook After 5 advances you can select: Get +1 to any Stat (max +3) Get +1 to any Stat (max +3) Retire your character (to safety) Change to a new playbook Create a second character to play Advance 2 basic moves Advance 2 basic moves Advance 2 basic moves


Other Moves

The Mystic
To create your mystic, choose name, look, stats, moves, gear, and your backstory. Look Male, female, ambiguous, transgressing, or concealed. Angelic face, animated face, dirty face, grinning face, hidden face, open face, trusting face. Bruised eyes, frightened eyes, innocent eyes, knowing eyes, pale eyes, or terrible eyes. Dancing body, owering body, lithe body, skinny body, still body, tiny body. Stats (choose one set) Edge-2 Focus+1 Grace+1 Sense+1 Will+2 Edge-1 Focus+2 Grace-1 Sense=0 Will+2 Edge-1 Focus+1 Grace-2 Sense+2 Will+2 Edge+1 Focus=0 Grace=0 Sense=0 Will+2



Mystic Moves (Choose 2) Greenseer: You dream greendreams, which tell you the future from time to time. When you first share your visions of the future with another players character, roll+will. On a 10+, gain 3 Strings with them. On a 79, gain 2 Strings over them. On a miss, they gain a String on you. Skingchanger: You have the ability to enter the mind of an animal companion and control its actions. Choose whether its a canine, bird, cat, or cervidae. When you sleep and wish to enter the skin of your companion, roll+will. On a hit, you successfully enter your animals skin and can control him for several hours. On a 10+, you take +1forward. On a 7-9, your animal gets a String on you. On a miss, you are unable to take control of your animal that night and your animal gets 2 Strings on you. If your animal ever has 6 or more Strings on you, youve lost your sense of humanity and at your next advance you must choose __ retire your character to safety. Seeing Souls: when you observe a person, instead of rolling+sense, you roll+will. Visionary: you can see the fates of others, in a fires flame, in the waves of the seas, or in your dreams. At the beginning of the session, roll+will. On a 10+, name one person wholl die and one wholl live. On a 79, name one person wholl die OR one person wholl live. Dont name a players character; name NPCs only. The MC will make your vision come true, if its even remotely possible. On a miss, you foresee your own death, and gain the Condition doomed.

Sordid past: choose a move from another playbook. (During initial character creation, choose it from a playbook that isnt otherwise in play.) Faceless: you have learned to ways of the Many-Faced God and can change the appearance of your face. When you attempt to change your face, roll+will. On a hit, you succeed and changed your face to whatever youd like. On a 10+, take +1forward. On a miss, you are unable to change your face for the remainder of the day and gain the condition drained. Gear You get: 1 subtle weapon 1 small practical weapon 2-wealth fanciful clothing (detail) Subtle weapons (choose 1): dagger (2-harm intimate) garrotte (1-harm ap intimate) throwing knives (2-harm close) Small practical weapons (choose 1): short sword (2-harm hand) mace (2-harm hand) rapier (2-harm hand) hand-axe (2-harm hand/close) shortbow (2-harm close) crossbow (2-harm close ap reload)


Whenever you roll a highlighted stat, when a move tells you to, or through use of a String, mark an XP circle. When you mark the fifth, level-up and erase. Each time you level-up, select an option from the Advancement list. Check it off, you cant choose it again.

Your Backstory You are enigmatic and people dont understand you. Gain a String on all of them You have seen someones death and prevented it. Gain a String on them Someone is openly distrustful of you. They gain 2 Strings with you.

Player Special When you have sex with someone, they lose a String on you if they had any, and you gain a String on them. Player Dying Move When you die, you keep all the Strings you held before you died. You can spend them as if you were still alive to affect others as usual, except they must be described as plans or machinations your former character set in motion while they were still alive. Advancement Get +1focus (max focus+2) Get +1 sense (max sense+2) Get +1edge (max edge+2) Get +1will (max wise+2) Get a new player move Get a new player move Get a domain (detail) and dominion Get followers (detail) and fortunes Get a move from another playbook Get a move from another playbook After 5 advances you can select: Get +1 to any Stat (max +3) Get +1 to any Stat (max +3) Retire your character (to safety) Change to a new playbook Create a second character to play Advance 2 basic moves Advance 2 basic moves Advance 2 basic moves


The Player
To create your artisan, choose name, look, stats, moves, workspace, gear, and your backstory. Look Male, female, ambiguous, transgressing, or concealed. Plain face, pretty face, open face, or expressive face. Squinty eyes, calm eyes, dancing eyes, quick eyes, or appraising eyes. Fat body, slight body, hunched body, wiry body, stumpy body, or muscled body. Stats (choose one set) Edge-1 Focus+1 Grace+2 Sense=0 Will+1 Edge-1 Focus=0 Grace+2 Sense+1 Will+1 Edge-1 Focus-1 Grace+2 Sense=0 Will+2 Edge=0 Focus=0 Grace+2 Sense+1 Will=0



Player Moves (Choose 2) Talk my way out of anything: when you

defy danger, roll+grace instead of

roll+focus. Once bitten, twice sly: if someone has no Strings on you, gain +1 to curry favour or manipulate an NPC. After rolling, they gain a String on you. Friends in high places: put out the word that you want a thing - could be a person, could be somethin somethin, could even be just a thing - and roll+grace. On a 10+, it shows up for you, like magic. On a 7-9, well, your people make an effort and everybody wants to please you and close is close, right? On a miss, it shows up for you with strings wicked attached. Friends in low places: when you want to know something about someone important (your call), roll+grace. On a hit, you can ask the MC questions. On a 10+, ask 3. On a 7-9, ask 1: how are they doing? whats up with them? what or who do they love best? who do they know, like and/or trust? when next should I expect to see them? how could I get to them, physically or emotionally? Convincing: you are skilled at getting others to do things for you. When you convince a players character to do something for you, they carry +1forward to doing it, and if they succeed choose one: mark experience; gain a String on them. Veiled motives: whenever someone uses

Gear You get: 1 subtle weapon 3-wealth fanciful clothing (detail) Subtle weapons (choose 1): dagger (2-harm intimate) garrotte (1-harm ap intimate) throwing knives (2-harm close) Your Backstory You know everyones secrets. Gain a String on everyone. You consider someone to be a trusted friend. Gain a String on them and they gain a String on you. Someone has once outsmarted you. They gain 2 Strings on you.


Other Moves

Whenever you roll a highlighted stat, when a move tells you to, or through use of a String, mark an XP circle. When you mark the fifth, level-up and erase. Each time you level-up, select an option from the Advancement list. Check it off, you cant choose it again.

observe a person on you, they take -1 to

their rolls. In addition, if they roll a 10+, they only hold 2 against you instead of 3.

Scion Special You are a child and have no special. If you grow up and have sex with someone, with your next advance you must choose the change your character to a new type option, even if you dont have 5 improvements yet. Scion Dying Move When you die, every PC you had Strings on and/or had Strings on you must suffer a debility. If they have no debilities remaining they must at their next improvement choose the retire your character (to safety) option, even if they dont have 5 improvements yet. Any NPCs you had Strings on and/or had Strings on you get the conditions troubled and heartbroken. Advancement Get +1focus (max focus+2) Get +1sense (max sense+2) Get +1wise (max wise+2) Get +1edge (max edge+2) Get +1grace (max grace+2) Get a new Scion move Get a new Scion move Get a domain (detail) and dominion Get a move from another playbook Get a move from another playbook After 5 advances you can select: Get +1 to any Stat (max +3) Get +1 to any Stat (max +3) Retire your character (to safety) Change to a new playbook Create a second character to play Advance 2 basic moves Advance 2 basic moves Advance 2 basic moves


The Scion
To create your scion, choose name, look, stats, moves, gear, and your backstory. Look Boy, girl, ambiguous child. Pinched face, boyish face, pretty face, expressive face, full face, tattooed face, or porcelain face. Cool eyes, bright eyes, inquisitive eyes, frank eyes, mischievous eyes, or blank eyes. Fat body, restless body, stubby body, curvy body, unusual body, or lean body. Stats (choose one set) Edge-1 Focus=0 Grace+1 Sense +2 Will +1 Edge=0 Focus=0 Grace+1 Sense+2 Will=0 Edge=0 Focus-1 Grace+2 Sense+2 Will-1 Edge+1 Focus=0 Grace+1 Sense+2 Will-1



Scion Moves You get this 1: Young: you inflict -1harm with hand weapons and you ignore the long-term effects of the first debility you suffer. Then choose 2: Vulnerable: when a PC provides you with protection, care or comfort, they may gain a String on you. If they do, you mark experience. Harmless: when you are the target of someone's aggressive or violent behaviour, roll+sense. On a 10+, they may not harm, punish, or humiliate you. On a 7-9, they may choose 1: inflict no more than 1-harm confiscate one of your belongings humiliate you, giving you -1forward with them until you even the score On a miss, they're not falling for it. This move is useless to you while you are engaged in aggressive or violent behaviour of your own. Rebellious: when you receive good advice or instruction but act against it, mark experience. Take +1 forward while pursuing your own instincts instead. Quick study: when someone gives you proper detailed instruction in some specific task, take +1forward when undertaking that task on your own. If you merely assist them you help as though you had rolled a 10+. Defenceless: when someone threathens you or inflicts harm on you, gain a String on them. Lovable: when you curry favour instead of rolling+grace, you roll+sense.

Gear You get: 1 subtle weapon 2-wealth simple fashion (you detail) Subtle weapons (choose 1): dagger (2-harm intimate) garrotte (1-harm ap intimate) throwing knives (2-harm close) Your Backstory You have parents or guardians, take a String on each of them and they gain 2 Strings on you. Someone has always treated you more like an adult than a child and you love them for it. They gain 2 Strings on you. You are young and no one considers you a threat, gain 2 Strings on everyone.


Other Moves

Whenever you roll a highlighted stat, when a move tells you to, or through use of a String, mark an XP circle. When you mark the fifth, level-up and erase. Each time you level-up, select an option from the Advancement list. Check it off, you cant choose it again.

Scout Special When you have sex with someone, gain a String on them and they gain a String on you. Choose whether you or they gain the condition captivated. Scout Dying Move When you die, if circumstances can be construed to apply, you may opt for a unique Debility: Nature's Outcast, in order to cheat death. Reverse the Nature's Own move (take -1 ongoing...) and move to the city, broken and despondent. Advancement Get +1focus (max focus+2) Get +1edge (max edge+2) Get +1wise (max wise+2) Get +1grace (max grace+2) Get +1sense (max sense+3) Get a new scout move Get a new scout move Get 2 jobs (detail) and moonlighting Get a move from another playbook Get a move from another playbook After 5 advances you can select: Get +1 to any Stat (max +3) Get +1 to any Stat (max +3) Retire your character (to safety) Change to a new playbook Create a second character to play Advance 2 basic moves Advance 2 basic moves Advance 2 basic moves


The Scout
To create your scout, choose name, look, stats, moves, force, gear, and your backstory. Look Male, female, ambiguous, transgressing, or concealed. Handsome face, gorgeous face, stern face, fine-boned face, worn face, or crooked face. Cool eyes, hooded eyes, hard eyes, sad eyes, cold eyes, or pale eyes. Slim body, pudgy body, stocky body, solid body, tall body, or strong body. Stats (choose one set) Edge-1 Focus=0 Grace+1 Sense+2 Will=0 Edge=0 Focus+1 Grace=0 Sense+2 Will-1 Edge+1 Focus=0 Grace-1 Sense+2 Will-1 Edge-2 Focus+1 Grace=0 Sense+2 Will+1



Scout Moves You get this 1: Natures own: When in the wilderness take +1ongoing when you defy danger, hold steady, take something by force, manipulate an NPC, or shut someone down, Then choose 1 more: Daredevil: if you go straight into danger without hedging your bets, you get +1armour. If you happen to be leading a force or convoy, it gets +1armour too. Woodsman: when you consult lore about something in the wilderness, roll+sense instead of roll+will

Gear You get: 2 small practical weapons 2-wealth 1-armour, you detail Small practical weapons (choose 2): short sword (2-harm hand) mace (2-harm hand) rapier (2-harm hand) hand-axe (2-harm hand/[close reload]) shortbow (2-harm close) crossbow (2-harm close ap reload) Your Backstory Someone has been with you for days in the wilds. Gain a String on them and they gain a String on you. Someone has always shown you kindness and respect. They gain a String on you. Choose someone you trust the least. Gain 2 Strings on them.


warrior: Feral warrior: when you harm someone, take a String on them. Guide: when you vow to escort someone helpless (your call) on a dangerous journey and keep them safe, take +1 to any rolls you make to keep them from harm. If you fail to keep them from harm, they gain a String on you and you mark experience.

Other Moves

Whenever you roll a highlighted stat, when a move tells you to, or through use of a String, mark an XP circle. When you mark the fifth, level-up and erase. Each time you level-up, select an option from the Advancement list. Check it off, you cant choose it again.

Shadow Special When you have sex with someone, you may ask them a favour as if you rolled manipulate and NPC and got a 10+ or spent a string to offer them an experience point to do what you want. Shadow Dying Move When you die, you dont really die, people just think you did. Heal all harm, change your character to a new type and change your Dying Move to When you die, youre dead, game over Advancement Get +1grace (max grace+3) Get +1sense (max sense+2) Get +1wise (max wise+2) Get +1edge (max edge+2) Get a new shadow move Get a new shadow move Get a new shadow move Get 2 jobs (detail) and moonlighting Get a move from another playbook Get a move from another playbook After 5 advances you can select: Get +1 to any Stat (max +3) Get +1 to any Stat (max +3) Retire your character (to safety) Change to a new playbook Create a second character to play Advance 2 basic moves Advance 2 basic moves Advance 2 basic moves


The Shadow
To create your shadow, choose name, look, stats, moves, gear and your backstory. Look Male, female, ambiguous, transgressing, or concealed. Worn face, pretty face, honest face, rough face, hard face, or open face, hooded face or worn face. Calculating eyes, cool eyes, sharp eyes, guarded eyes, guarded eyes, or weary eyes. Muscular body, rangy body, full body, wiry body, energetic body, or sturdy body. Stats (choose one set) Edge+1 Focus+2 Grace=0 Sense+1 Will-1 Edge=0 Focus+2 Grace+1 Sense+1 Will-1 Edge-1 Focus+2 Grace-1 Sense+2 Will=0 Edge-1 Focus+2 Grace+1 Sense=0 Will+1



Shadow Moves (choose 2) Knife in the dark: when you attack from hiding or from a circumstance prepared by you in advance, your harm is armor piercing. In the wind: : name your escape route and roll+focus. On a 10+, youre gone. On a 79, you can go or stay, but if you go it costs you: leave something behind, or take something with you, the MC will tell you what. On a miss, youre caught vulnerable, half in and half out. Slippery: when someone uses observe a person on you and asks what you intend to do or what youre really feeling, your answer is always nothing. Skilled: you get +1focus (max focus+3). Professional: when you consult lore about criminal activities take +1 forward on your roll. See them for who they really are: when you follow someone without their noticing, gain a String on them.

Gear You get: 1 practical weapon 2 subtle weapons 1-wealth a piece worth 1-armour (you detail) Small practical weapons (choose 1): short sword (2-harm hand) mace (2-harm hand) rapier (2-harm hand) hand-axe (2-harm hand/close) shortbow (2-harm close) crossbow (2-harm close ap reload) Subtle weapons (choose 2): dagger (2-harm intimate) garrotte (1-harm ap intimate) throwing knives (2-harm close) Your Backstory You are inconspicuous and avoid attention, but keep your eyes and ears open. Gain a string on everyone. Someone knows incriminating evidence about you. They gain 2 Strings on you. There is someone you would never kill or betray. They gain 1 String on you.


Other Moves Experience

Whenever you roll a highlighted stat, when a move tells you to, or through use of a String, mark an XP circle. When you mark the fifth, level-up and erase. Each time you level-up, select an option from the Advancement list. Check it off, you cant choose it again.

Vagabond Special When you have sex with someone, hold 1. If they get into trouble, either you or they can spend your hold and you are there. Vagabond Dying Move When you die, detail what people say about your death, true or false, and the rumours will spread rampant. Advancement Get +1focus (max focus+3) Get +1sense (max sense+2) Get +1wise (max wise+2) Get a new vagabond move Get a new vagabond move Add a job and may change your crew Add a job and may change your crew Get a move from another playbook Get a move from another playbook Get a move from another playbook After 5 advances you can select: Get +1 to any Stat (max +3) Get +1 to any Stat (max +3) Retire your character (to safety) Change to a new playbook Create a second character to play Advance 2 basic moves Advance 2 basic moves Advance 2 basic moves

Jobs (profit / catastrophe) Choose 3 paying jobs: Bodyguarding (1-wealth / embattled) wealth Companionship (1 (1-wealth / entangled) Spying (1-wealth / deceived) wealth Enforcement (1-wealth / overthrown) wealth Honest work (1-wealth / impoverished) wealth Deliveries (1-wealth / bushwhacked) wealth Infiltration (1-wealth / discovered) wealth Smuggling (1-wealth / shut out) wealth Brokering deals (1 (1-wealth / shut out) Piracy / banditry (2 (2-wealth / embattled) Engineering (2-wealth / shut out) wealth Guard duty/patrol (2 (2-wealth / infiltrated) Assassination (2-wealth / embattled) Fucking (2-wealth / entangled) wealth And choose 1 obligation job: Avoiding someone (you keep well clear / they catch you in a bad spot) Paying debts (you keep up with them / they come due) Revenge (you victimize someone / they humiliate you) Protecting someone (nothing bad meone happens to them / theyre gone) Pursuing luxury (beauty in your life / you wind up in a bad spot) Maintaining your honor (you keep your word and your name / you cross a line) Seeking answers (you get a clue / you chase a red herring) Crew/Contacts Crew/Contacts Your crew or contacts can consist entirely of the other players characters, or entirely of the MCs characters, or any mix. If they include any of the MCs characters, sketch them out - names (ie Gabble, Jaim, Pe, Heinrich) and 1-line descript line descriptions - with the MC. Make sure theyre competent and suited to the jobs youve chosen.

The Vagabond
To create your vagabond, choose name, look, stats, moves, jobs, crew, gear and your backstory. Look Male, female, ambiguous, transgressing, or concealed. Worn face, pretty face, honest face, rough face, hard face, or open face. Calculating eyes, warm eyes, sharp eyes, guarded eyes, cold eyes, smiling eyes or weary eyes. Muscular body, rangy body, full body, energetic body, sturdy body, or luxurious body. Stats (choose one set) Edge=0 Focus+2 Grace-1 Sense+2 Will-1 Edge+1 Focus+2 Grace+1 Sense=0 Will-1 Edge-1 Focus+2 Grace+1 Sense+1 Will=0 Edge=0 Focus+2 Grace=0 Sense+1 Will=0

Wealth Crew


Vagabond Moves You get this 1: Moonlighting: you get 3-juggling. Whenever theres a stretch of downtime in play, or between sessions, choose a number of your jobs to work. Choose no more than your juggling. Roll+cool. On a 10+, you get profit from all the jobs you chose. On a 79, you get profit from at least 1; if you chose more, you get catastrophe from 1 and profit from the rest. On a miss, catastrophe all around. The jobs you arent working give you neither profit nor catastrophe. Whenever you get a new job, you also get +1juggling. And choose 1:

Gear You get: 1 practical weapon 1 subtle weapon 2-wealth fanciful clothing or; a piece worth 1-armour (you detail) Small practical weapons (choose 1): short sword (2-harm hand) mace (2-harm hand) rapier (2-harm hand) hand-axe (2-harm hand/close) shortbow (2-harm close) crossbow (2-harm close ap reload) Subtle weapons (choose 1): dagger (2-harm intimate) garrotte (1-harm ap intimate) throwing knives (2-harm close) Your Backstory You have a crew and youve gotten to know them pretty well. Take a String on each. Youve captured someones fancy. Gain 1 String on them. You find someone threatening. Give them a String on you and take 2 Strings on them.


Smooth talkin: when you try to

manipulate an NPC roll+focus instead of

roll+grace. No ones own: when someone asks you to do something important for them, and you do it, roll+focus. On a 10+, they lose a string on you and you gain one on them. On a 7-9, choose one or the other. On a miss, youve shown that they can walk all over you, and they take a string on you. Con man: whenever someone uses


observe observe a person on you and asks you if

Whenever you roll a highlighted stat, when a move tells you to, or through use of a String, mark an XP circle. When you mark the fifth, level-up and erase. Each time you level-up, select an option from the Advancement list. Check it off, you cant choose it again.

you're telling the truth or what youre really feeling, the answer is always yes'. Reputation: when you meet someone important (your call), roll+focus. On a hit, theyve heard of you, and you say what theyve heard; the MC will have them respond accordingly. On a 10+, you take +1forward for dealing with them as well. On a miss, theyve heard of you, but the MC will decide what theyve heard.

Other Moves

Water Dancer Special When you have sex with someone, choose whether its for love or for lust. If its for love, you gain the condition in love. If its for lust, you both gain a String on each other. Water Dancer Dying Move When you die, choose one thing that you were never able to accomplish in life and choose a character to do it for you. If they do it, they gain +1 in the doing, if they pursue it and fail they mark experience. Advancement Get +1grace (max grace+2) Get +1sense (max sense+2) Get +1wise (max wise+2) Get +1edge (max edge+2) Get a new water dancer move Get a new water dancer move Get a new water dancer move Get 2 jobs (detail) and moonlighting Get a move from another playbook Get a move from another playbook After 5 advances you can select: Get +1 to any Stat (max +3) Get +1 to any Stat (max +3) Retire your character (to safety) Change to a new playbook Create a second character to play Advance 2 basic moves Advance 2 basic moves Advance 2 basic moves


The Water Dancer

To create your water dancer, choose name, look, stats, moves, gear and your backstory. Look Male, female, ambiguous, transgressing, or concealed. Smooth face, sweet face, handsome face, sharp face, girlish face, boyish face, striking face. Calculating eyes, merciless eyes, frosty eyes, arresting eyes, or indifferent eyes. Sweet body, slim body, gorgeous body, muscular body, or angular body. Stats (choose one set) Edge=0 Focus+2 Grace-1 Sense+1 Will+1 Edge+1 Focus+2 Grace+1 Sense=0 Will-1 Edge-1 Focus+2 Grace+1 Sense+1 Will=0 Edge=0 Focus+2 Grace-2 Sense+2 Will=0



Water Dancer Moves (choose 2) Dangerous: when you ambush someone, roll+focus instead of roll+edge. Deadly: when you inflict harm, inflict +1harm. Waterdance : when you go into battle, roll+focus. On a 10+, name one person wholl die and one wholl live. On a 79, name one person wholl die OR one person wholl live. Dont name a players character; name NPCs only. The MC will make your vision come true, if its even remotely possible. On a miss, you take -1 throughout the battle. Perfect instincts: when youve studied a situation and youre acting on the MCs answers, take +2 instead of +1. Cats grace: the way you move unencumbered counts as armor. If youre naked or nearly naked, 2-armour; if youre wearing non-armour fashion, 1armor. If youre wearing armor, use it instead. WellWell-trained: you get +1focus (max focus+3). Mind and blade as one: when you inflict harm, you can choose to inflict any amount of harm you like, less than or up to your harm as established, including s-harm. Decide at the moment you inflict the harm; you need not tell anyone in advance how much harm you intend to inflict.

Gear You get: 1 braavosi blade (2-harm hand) 2 subtle weapons 2-wealth fanciful clothing or; a piece worth 1-armour (you detail) Subtle weapons (choose 2): dagger (2-harm intimate) garrotte (1-harm ap intimate) throwing knives (2-harm close) Your Backstory You have fought a duel with someone and you both survived. Gain a String on them and they gain a String on you.. You have been watching someone closely as of late. Gain 2 Strings on them. Your ways are strange and foreign, give everyone a String on you.


Other Moves

Whenever you roll a highlighted stat, when a move tells you to, or through use of a String, mark an XP circle. When you mark the fifth, level-up and erase. Each time you level-up, select an option from the Advancement list. Check it off, you cant choose it again.

Basic Moves
Defy Danger When you defy danger, or dig in to endure danger, roll+focus. On a 10+, you do it. On a 7 9, you flinch, hesitate, or stall: the MC can offer you a worse outcome, a hard bargain, or an ugly choice. Hold Steady When you hold steady, in a scary or tense situation, roll+focus. On a 10+, you keep your cool, and choose one: ask the MC a question about the situation; remove a Condition; carry 1 forward during this scene. On a 7-9, choose one: you keep your cool; pick an option from the 10+ list but also gain the Condition terrified. Take by Force When you try to take something by force, or to secure your hold on something, roll+edge. On a hit, trade harm for harm and choose options. On a 10+, choose 3. On a 79, choose 2 and your enemy chooses 1:

Manipulate an NPC When you manipulate an NPC, roll+grace. On a 10+, theyll do what you want if you give them a bribe, a threat, or a motive. On a 7-9, the MC will tell you what itll take to get the NPC to do what you want. Do it and they will. Study a Situation When you study a charged situation, roll+sense. On a hit, you can ask the MC questions. Whenever you act on one of the MCs answers, take +1. On a 10+, ask 3. On a 7-9, ask 1:

A World of Ice and Fire

Player Reference Sheet

Strings are the emotional and physical hold that you have over people. They are earned through a number of moves: curry favour, shut someone down, and various playbook moves. When someone gains a String on you, it means that in some way theyve gained emotional, political, or physical power over you. You dont need to define what that power looks like right away; Strings can remain abstract until theyre actually spent. You also dont need to respond to someone gaining a String with any specific response. For example, if someone gains a String on you by turning you on, you dont have to suddenly throw yourself at them. Just play out how your character would naturally respond, having just realized that this other person has some sort of emotional hold over them. This could be as simple as narrating that your character blushes and turns to leave, or that they seem suddenly nervous and apprehensive. You can spend a String on another PC to: Whenever you spend a String, there needs to be something in the fiction to explain the mechanical effect. Remember: to do it, do it. If youre subtracting 1 from their next move against you, whats causing that effect? Do you utter some snide remark that throws them off balance? Or if youre offering experience for them to do your bidding, what thing in the fiction accounts for that experience point? Do you promise to tell them a juicy secret in return for their obedience?

wheres my best escape route / way in / way past? which enemy is most vulnerable to me? what is the biggest threat to me? what should I be on the lookout for? whats my enemys true position? whos in control here? what's happened here recently? what is about to happen here?
Observe a Person When you observe a person in a charged interaction, roll+sense. On a 10+, hold 3. On a 79, hold 1. While youre interacting with them, spend your hold to ask their player questions, 1 for 1:

Characters can gain Conditions over the course of play. If you take advantage of a Condition that someone has, while making a move against them, add 1 to your roll. In order to take advantage of a Condition mechanically, though, you need to take advantage of the Condition fictionally as well. A Condition goes away when the character suffering it takes appropriate action to alleviate it.

you you you you

take definite hold of it suffer little harm inflict terrible harm impress, dismay, or scatter your enemy

Threaten or Ambush When you go threaten or ambush someone, roll+edge. On a 10+, they have to choose: force your hand and suck it up, or cave and do what you want. On a 79, they can instead choose 1:

is your character telling the truth? whats your character really feeling? what does your character intend to do? what does your character wish Id do? how could I get your character to __?
Consult Lore When you consult your accumulated knowledge about something, roll+will. On a 10+ the GM will tell you something interesting and useful about the subject relevant to your situation. On a 7-9 the GM will only tell you something interestingits on you to make it useful. The GM might ask you How do you know this? Tell them the truth, now. Shut Shut Someone Down When you shut someone down, roll+will. On a 10+, choose one: give them a Condition; they lose a String against you; if they held no Strings on you, gain a String on them. On a 7-9, choose one: you each give a Condition to one another; you each lose a String on one another.

get the hell out of your way barricade themselves securely in give you something they think you want back off calmly, hands where you can see tell you what you want to know (or what you want to hear)
Curry Favour When you attempt to curry favour from someone by turning them on or ingratiating yourself towards them, roll+grace. On a 10+, take a String against them. On a 7-9, they choose one: give themselves to you (if being turned on), promise something they think you want, give you a String against them.

Add 1 to your roll against them (choose after rolling). Subtract 1 from their roll against you (choose after rolling). Offer them an experience point to do what you want. Force them to hold steady in order to carry out a certain action. Add an extra harm to whatever harm youre dealing them. Place a Condition on them.
You can spend a String on an NPC to:

Add 1 to your roll against them (choose after rolling). Add 2 to your manipulate an NPC roll against them (choose after rolling). Cause them to falter, hesitate, or freeze up momentarily. Add an extra harm to whatever harm youre dealing them. Place a Condition on them.

Peripheral Moves
When you suffer harm, roll+harm suffered (after armour, if youre wearing any). On a 10+, the MC can choose 1:

Youre out of action: unconscious, trapped, incoherent or panicked. Its worse than it seemed. Take an additional 1harm. Choose 2 from the 79 list below.
On a 79, the MC can choose 1:

When you go into a citys bustling market, looking for some particular thing to buy, and its not obvious whether you should be able to just go buy one like that, roll+sense. On a 10+, yes, you can just go buy it like that. On a 79, the MC chooses one of the following:

When the characters harm track crosses the third segment, the player can choose to mark a debility. If she does, she gets the debility, but the harm stops at the third segment. Once shes past the third segment, she can choose to take a debility instead of any new wound. Debilities are permanent. The debilities are: Shattered: -1cool Crippled: -1hard Disfigured: -1hot Broken: -1sharp Timid: -1will Mark the debility, adjust the stat, and get used to it. Its always the players choice whether to take a debility, no one elses.

Playbook Specials
Each character has a sex move, called a special. They are triggered by having sex with someone and the act must be consensual or it does not trigger. When your special is triggered, read it aloud and follow its instructions. Each character also has a dying move. They are triggered by death. When your dying move is triggered, read it aloud and follow its instructions.

You lose your footing. You lose your grip on whatever youre holding. You lose track of someone or something youre attending to. You miss noticing something important.
On a miss, the MC can nevertheless choose something from the 79 list above. If she does, though, its instead of some of the harm youre suffering, so you take -1harm. When you kill or otherwise permanently

it costs 1-wealth more than youd expect. its available, but only if you meet with a guy who knows a guy. damn, I had one, I just sold it to this guy named _______, maybe you can go get it off him? sorry, I dont have that, but maybe this will do instead?
Insight When you use your followers for insight, ask your followers what they think your best course is, and the MC will tell you. If you pursue that course, take +1 to any rolls you make in the pursuit. If you pursue that course but dont accomplish your ends, you mark experience.

Forward is a +1 bonus that you add to your next applicable roll. Sometimes this bonus can be used on any roll, but sometimes its specific to a certain situation. Sometimes, Forward has a time limit attached to it. Forward bonuses can only apply to a single roll, which uses up the advantage they represent.

When you are stunned, you are disabled without taking any significant harm. Doing anything at all besides lying in a stupor means defying danger; the danger is youre stunned.

neutralize someone who had Strings on you, gain

1 experience point per string they had on you. When you give 1-wealth to an NPC, but with 1strings attached, it counts as manipulating them and hitting the roll with a 10+, no roll required. When you give 1-wealth to a PC, but with strings 1attached, it counts as currying favour and hitting the roll with a 10+, no roll required. When you make known that you want a thing and drop gold to speed it on its way, roll+wealth spent (max roll+3). It has to be a thing you could legitimately get this way. On a 10+ it comes to you, no strings attached. On a 79 it comes to you, or something pretty close. On a miss, it comes to you, but with strings very much attached.

Harm and Healing

When a character gets hurt, the player marks segments in her harm track. Mark one full segment for each 1-harm, starting with the first segment. The first two segments heal automatically with time. Harm after the third segment gets worse with time, unless stabilized. If the player marks the sixth segment, it means that the characters dead but can still be revived. Any harm past that and the characters dead for reals. Typically, when a character takes harm, its equal to the harm rating of the weapon, attack, or mishap, minus the armor rating of the characters armor. This is called harm as established. Instead of taking harm, sometimes the player can choose to mark a debility. Debilities are permanent.

The Singleton Rule

You may only earn experience from each highlighted stat and each move once per scene. Similarly, you may only earn a String from any one move once per scene.

Rolling Dice
When asked to roll+something, roll two (sixsided) dice and add their sum to the stat in question. A result of 10 or higher (10 up) will present you with favorable options. A result of 7-9 will often present you with hard choices or partially-favorable options. A 6 or lower will give the MC a golden opportunity to take some action of her own. The highest bonus you can have on any given roll is 5.

Make the PCs lives not boring. Never let the players feel safe. Fill the characters lives with intrigue. Play to find out what happens.



Strings on


Always Say
What the principles demand. What the rules demand. What honesty demands.

Fill the world with betrayal. Address yourself to the characters, not the players. Make your move, but misdirect. Make your move, but never speak its name. Name everyone, make everyone feel real. Make happiness a zero-sum equation. Ask provocative questions and build on the answers. Be a fan of the PCs. Treat your NPCs like stolen horses. Give your NPCs simple motivations that divide the PCs. Sometimes, disclaim decision making. Think off-screen too.

Hard Moves
Separate them. Put them together. Reveal an unwelcome truth. Capture someone. Put someone in a spot. Trade harm for harm (as established). Announce off-screen badness. Announce future badness. Expose a dangerous secret to the wrong person. Inflict harm (as established). Take away their stuff. Make them buy. Activate their stuffs downside. Tell them the possible consequences and ask. Offer an opportunity with or without a cost. Turn their move back on them. Make a threat move (from one of your fronts). After every move: What do you do?

NPC Strings
The MC can spend NPC Strings on someone to: Add an extra harm to whatever harm the NPC is dealing to them. Place a Condition on them. Offer them experience to do what you want. Come out of nowhere with a hard move. Subtract 1 from their roll against you (choose after rolling).

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