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The New Underground Planning Map of

the Netherlands: a Feasibility Study of the
Possibilities of the Use of Underground Space

R. A. H. Monnikhof, J. Edelenbos, F. van der Hoeven and

R. A. A. van der Krogt

Abstract --In 1998 a study was conducted in the Netherlands into the possibilities of a more large-scale and
systematic use of the underground in the western part of the country, the so-called ~Randstad". It was
intended to be a more focused sequel on a study conducted on the possible role that use of the underground
coald play for the whole of the Netherlands, the "Strategic Study on the utilization of underground space".
The study examined the possibilities of improving an idealized model of the future spatial development of the
Randstad, that was preferred by the provinces comprising this Randstad, by using more extensively he
underground space. Improvement meant an enlargement of the efficiency of the use of space and maintenance
or enlargement of the spatial quality of the area. Societal, cost, groundwater and policy aspects were
investigated. The study showed some remarkable results. Gains in available space up to 50% in specific areas
seemed possible and, when costs of working and maintenance were taken into account, underground
construction for several facilities was no more expensive than above ground construction, which contradicts
a widely held belief in the Netherlands. © 1999 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction study was conducted. In Section 5, three basic motives for

his paper deals with a study conducted on behalf of going underground are outlined. Section 6 deals with

T the "Randstad Spatial Planning Group ~ (abbrevi-

ated in Dutch ~o RORO), the Centre for Under-
ground Construction and the Ministry of Housing, Spatial
safety, liveabilityand user aspects of going underground,
followed by the effects on spatial efficiencyin Section 7.
The always important cost aspects are dealt with in Sec-
tion 8. The effectsof use of underground space on ground
Development and Environmental Control. This study was
water, a topicwhich has been neglected in policydelibera-
intended to show the possibilitiesfor using the under-
ground to achieve a mere spatially efficientand greener tions in the Netherlands until now, will be discussed in
development of the so-called "Randstad', the western part Section 9. Section 10 covers the policy recommendations
of the Netherlands. It was a more focused and in-depth that were m a d e regarding the role provinces could play in
sequel of a study conducted on the possible role that use of a better use of the underground in spatial policy making.
the underground could play for the whole of the Nether- Finally, Section 11 presents some key conclusions of the
lands until 2030, the "Strategic Study on the utilization of study.
underground space" (see Horvat and van der Krogt 1997,
Edelenbos et al. 1998). 2. The New Map of the Netherlands and the
Section 2 outlines the inducement to the study, which "Randstad"
lies in the presentation of an overall m a p of all spatial In 1997 a document called the "New Map of the Nether-
plans in the Netherlands. Section 3 describes the spatial lands" (Stichting de Nieuwe Kaart van Nederland 1998)
model that formed the normative starting point for the was published, showing all the spatial plans in the Nether-
study, followed by a sketch of the topics dealt with in the lands on one map. It sent shock waves through the spatial
study in Section 4, as well as a short description of how the planning and policy community in the Netherlands, be-
m u s e it showed a future country full with new roads,
railroads, urban sprawl etc.--a country that would use up
its scarce green areas at high speed in the coming decades.
Present address:Rend Monnikhof, Jurrien Edelenbos, and In particular, the area referred to as the"Randstad" was
Frank van derHoeven,ResearchAssistants,FacultyofArchitscture, shown to be an area where future spatial claims would
DelR UniversityofTechnology,P.O. Box 5043, 2600 G A Delft,The clash vehemently. A significant portion of the (spatial)
Netherlands;Rob van der Krogt, Consultant,D H V Environment problems in the Netherlands are concentrated in this
and Infrastructure,P.O. Box 1076, 3800 BB Amersfoort, The western part of the country, where the larger cities are
Netherlands. situated (Amsterdam, Rotterdam, The Hague and Utrecht).
71~nnellin@and Underground Space Fechnology, VoL 14, No. 3, pp. 341-347, 1999
0886.7798/99/$ - see front matter © 1999 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.
All righte reserved.
~ Pergamon
PII: S0886-7798(99)00049-8
Although this area covers only 13% of the area of the Randstad, and to give it a greener and more "spatially
Netherlands (5335 ha of a total of 40,575 ha), it houses 36% efficient" turn. Other initiators were the Centre for Under-
of the population (approximately 5,4 million of a total of 15 ground Construction and the Ministry of Housing, Spatial
million). It is the economic heart of the Netherlands and is Development and Environmental Control.
densely populated by Dutch standards (a little more than
10 persons per hectare). This has led to a shortage of green 3. Spatial Scenarios for the Randstad
areas, and those that still exist are under continuous
pressure from the growing need for new housing and The study, which started from an idealized model of the
infrastructure. Especially famous here is the so-called future spatial development of the Randstad that was
preferred by RORO, examined the possibilities ofimprev-
"Green Heart", a larger green area in the centre of the
Randstad. Protection of this a r e a a g a i n s t f u r t h e r ing this model by a more extensive use of the underground
urbanisation has been a main topic for consecutive genera- space. "Improvement" here meant an enlargement of the
tions of national and provincial policy makers. In addition, efficiency of the use of space and maintenance or enlarge-
congestion problems on the existing infrastructure are ment of the spatial quality of the area.
RORO itself had already in 1995 drawn up five scenarios
considerable, as is the nuisance caused by this infrastruc-
ture in existing urban areas. The plans shown on the New to assess the consequences of current policy goals and their
Map would aggrevate these problems. possible alternatives. These scenarios differed in the amount
Therefore the four provinces comprising the Randstad of government involvement versus determination by the
(organized in the so-called "Randstad Spatial Planning market in spatial developments, in the value attached to
Group", abbreviated in Dutch to RORO) decided to initiate keeping present nature and landscape intact, in the ap-
preach choosen towards mobility, etc. None of these sce-
a study to investigate the possibilities of a more large-scale
and systematic use of the underground in the Randstad. narios alone proved to be wholly desirable in its effects.
Therefore, a synthesis of the two '%est" scenarios was made,
The intention of this study was to show the flaws in the
which gave a so-called "preference model".
image which the New Map had shown of the future of the
This preference modelis charactsrisod
by a number of very densely built-up
urban areas, around which are several
public transport oriented intermediaire
zones and transition areas between city
and country, and more suburban areas in
the periphery of the Randstad. Within
this preference model, RORO discerned
nine different types ofareas: Central Busi-
ness District, City Environment, Strate-
gic Zone, Pedestrian Pocket, Condensa-
tion Growth Nucleus, Municipal Balcony,
High Quality Business Area, Low Qual-
ity Business Area, Infrastructure Zone.
These were used for part of the assess-
ment in the study.

4. Structure of the Study

The study investigated several as-
pects of a more extensive use of the
underground, as follows:
Researchers developed a classifica-
tion of underground spaces by shape
and function and some profiles of exem-
plary combinations of functions above -
and underground.
• The "societal aspects" of using the
underground were considered, with
a focus on the difference in effects on
users of and people living nearby a
facility of p u t t i n g t h a t facility
aboveground or underground.
• The possible "gain in space" that
could be achieved by more use of the
underground was estimated for sev-
eral different kinds of (urban) envi-
ronments and recommendations
were made for the use that could be
made of that space.
• The costs of underground construc-
tion for different types of facilities
and different kinds of (soil) situa-
tions were dealt with.
• The effects on ground water in the
Figure 1. The Randstad area of The Netherlands is considered the economic area were considered and the limit-
heart of the Netherlands. In addition, it houses the so-called "Green Heart ~ ing conditions that these put on the
area in its centre. Protection of this area against further urbanisation has possibilities for using the under-
been a main topic for consecutive generations of national and provincial
policy makers.


• Policy measures that provinces could take to help a ing and road- and rail infrastructure) would be better
more extensive use of the underground come about, placed above ground or below ground in the types of areas
and so improve their spatial planning, were investi- identifiedby R O R O .
gated and recommendations made. Based on this analysis,itwas concluded that an under-
ground execution ofthe function distribution(transportand
To perform the study, an existing qualitativemethodol- storage of goods) seemed most promising in most areas,
ogy was used (see Monnikhof et al. 1998). To this basic whereas putting knowledge services underground seemed
methodology, several typologieswere added. As for a typol- not to offer m u c h promise. For the other three functions,
ogy of areas, for assessing the effectson safety,liveability, conclusions differed considerably between the different
users and the efficiencyof use of space, the area typologies types of area, with citycentres and other cityareas offering
of R O R O were used, particallycombined to seven types of most promise for putting functions underground. A conclu-
areas (Central Business District,City Environment, Stra- sion with regard to these three functions was that when
tegic Zone, Compact Living Area, High Quality Business they would be put underground, carefulattention for inter-
Area, Low Quality Business Area, InfrastructureZone). For nal safety and experiental aspects would be needed.
the assessment of the ground water effects,a typologie of
areas with differentground water situationswas developed
and used. And, finally,for assessing the cost aspects no 7. Spatial Efficiency Aspects of Going
typology of areas was used; this ofcourse makes the assess- Underground
ment valid for only rather abstract,average circumstances. Use of the underground space can lead to, as mentioned
Safety, liveability~md user aspects were assessed by in Section 5, a higher spatial effiency. Three situations
comparing the area typologies with the characteristicsof were identified:
five differentfunctions,in a qualitativeanalysis.A quanti- 1. Proportional gain in space. A proportional gain in
tativeestimate (percentage) ofthe possiblegain in space by space will mainly be the case in an environment
using the underground was achieved by matching the area where there are no special quality demands (with
types with the same five functions. regards to green areas, open space etcetera), so that
With the cost analysis quantitative results were achieved the space directly above the underground construc-
for average situations for three types of buildings (high tion can be used for other buildings.
quality commercial and industrial building, low quality 2. More than proportional gain in space. In some situa-
commercial and industrial building, residences), whereas tions, functions that are brought underground nor-
the qualitative analysis with regard to ground water effects really cause considerable disturbance in their envi-
discerned between lineshaped and blockshaped objects (an ronment, e.g., highways or storage facilities for dan-
example ofa lineshaped object is a tunnel for infrastructure, gerous substances. Normally, either there would be
examples of bleckshaped objects are for instance cellars, no building in large noisy zones and/or there would be
storage rooms, or part~3 of underground office space). safety zones around these functions. Constructing the
function underground therefore not only releases the
5. Why Go Undergn)und? space that such a function would take in itself, but
In the study, three basic motives for going underground also (a part of) the space of those disturbance zones. A
were identified: more than proportional gain in space could also be
1. To strengthen the quality of the living environment. realised when using the underground space allows
By constructing certain functions underground, nui- new types of building and parcelling out.
sance and hazard can be limited. Disturbing effects 3. Less than proportional gain in space, on behalf of
such as sound, stench and emissions are isolated and spatial quality. In certain cases the use of the under-
safety risks for people living or working nearby the ground can be aimed mainly at achieving more spatial
function can be diminished. quality. The space above ground thus released is then
2. To achieve more efficient use of space. More building not wholly used for building again, but is left (par-
volume can be realised on the same ground area. tially) free, to create, for example, more green, light
Also, the use of underground space makes combina- and space in an area that is densely built up.
tion (piling) of several functions possible. Starting from the possibilities for using the under-
3. To strengthen the spatial-functional structure. By ground for the different functions and the three forms of
constructing certain facilities underground valuable gaining space described above, an estimate was made of
areas and functions can be spared. The character of the maximum possible gain in space per type of area, when
historal centres or nature areas, for instance, can be leaving the quality of the inner and outer space still at an
saved by underground construction of infrastructure acceptable level. Most of the time, the use of underground
and also barriers can be prevented. Furthermore, space was seen as complementary, meaning t h a t not the
underground construction offers possibilities to com- whole of a building or facility should be put underground,
bine mutually reinforcing functions into a more effec- but part of it. Because of the large uncertainties the
tive functional structure (for example, the combina- possible gain in space was expressed in a percentage range.
tion of retail,storage and parking). This leads to estimates of possible gains in space ranging
from 5-15% for city environments, to up to 100% for
6. Safety, Liveability and User Aspects of Going infrastructure areas.
For assessing safety, liveability and user aspects of 8. Cost Aspects of Going Underground
going underground, the first and third criteriawere di- For assessing the costs of underground construction in
vided in two. Safety was divided into internal safety, the the Randstad, three types of construction were considered:
safety within a facility,and external safety (safety for • High-quality commercial and industrial building,
people livingor working near a facility).User aspects were characterised by representativeness, expensive fronts,
divided into experiental aspects and functional aspects, good isolation and a solid construction. Examples are
meaning aspects like controllability of production pro- offices, hospitals and cinemas.
cesses,ease of maintenance, etcetera.With the aid ofthese • Low-quality commercial and industrial building,
criteria,it was possible to analyse whether five different characterised by a light construction, simple materi-
functions (distribution,industry,knowledge services,park-


als and low isolation. Examples include production needed for construction, but these can be (partially) recov-
halls and storage buildings. ered by savings on the costs of land and exploitation costs.
• Residences. Less surface is needed for the same amount of building,
The costs were calculated for hypothetical average situ- and less maintenance is needed for outer walls and roofs.
ations, based on distinctive numbers and experience. In Also, the use of energy for heating and cooling is lower (but
reality, of course, the concrete situation with its specific the use of energy for lighting is higher). Underground
local circumstances has a large impact on the actual costs. construction can also be favourable for security and other
The costs of buildings are determined by construction costs, but these were not included in the calculations.
costs, the costs of land and exploitation costs. This last On the basis of the calculations of construction costs,
category is made up of costs for maintenance and use of costs of land and exploitation costs, Table 2 gives a com-
energy. They are made during the whole duration of life of parative overview of the total costs. When one takes the
a building, in contrast to the construction costs and costs of integral cost into account not only construction costs but
also the costs of using a building and of the area that it
land that have to be covered directly at construction. There-
fore, use was made of a net present value calculation to be covers, Table 2 yields the following results:
able to include exploitation costs in the cost comparison. • The price of land is a relatively minor part of the
Starting points were a duration of life of 50 years and a real integral costs.
interest of 5%. • Low quality commercial and industrial building is
Table 1 provides an overview of the relative difference structurally more expensive when built underground
in costs between construction costs,costs of acquiring land • Partially underground residences and high quality
and exploitation costs (net present value) of a building company buildings are eventually not or hardly more
constructed above ground in comparison to a building expensive than comparable above-ground structures.
partially underground. For each type of building, the
starting point was the m a x i m u m of use ofthe underground Research was not done on the cost of building
that under "average" circumstances would stillbe realistic infrastructure underground. It is well known that on
(presented as the percentage of the building constructed average, building infrastructure underground in the
underground). N e t h e r l a n d s is m a n y t i m e s more expensive t h a n
The table shows that underground construction has constructing it above ground. Cost considerations therefore
consequences for costs.In allcases, higher investments are will never be an argument for constructing infrastructure

Table 1. Comparative overview of construction costs, land costs and exploitation costs (relatiw per square meter).

Percentsge Construction Costs Land Costs Exploitation Costs

Type of Building UndeP
ground Above Below Above Below Above Below
ground ground ground ground ground ground
commercial and
Industrial building:

• City centre, low" 33% 100 113 100 67 100 86

• City centre, high ~ 17% 100 107 100 83 100 93

• Outskirts, low" 20% 100 110 100 64 100 91

• Outskirts, highb 20% 100 110 100 60 100 91

commercial end
Industrial building:

• 1 storey 50% 100 170 100 50 100 81


• 2 s~reys 67% 100 193 100 33 100 74



• Low-rise 25% 100 113 100 75 100 94

• High-rise 13% 100 112 100 87 100 97

' refers to predominantly Iow-dse buildings

b refers to predominantly high-rise buildings


Table 2. Comparative overview o f total costs (relative, p e r square meter).

Total Costa (construction

Share of construction costa, land costa and
costs, land costa and
axploitation costa in total costa (%)
Percentage exploltaUon costa)
Type of Building Under-
ground Above ground Below ground
Above ground
co la ex co la ex

commercial and
Industrial building:

• City centre, low" 33% 61 8 31 68 6 26 100 101

• City centre, high b 17% 64 5 31 68 3 29 100 101

• Outskirts, low" 20% 54 14 32 61 9 30 100 98

• Outskirts, high b 20% 57 10 33 64 6 30 100 99

commercial and
Industrlal building:

• 1 storey 50% 48 24 28 70 11 19 100 116


• 2 storeys 67% 48 24 28 76 7 17 100 122



• Low-dse 25% 37 25 38 44 19 37 100 96

• High-dse 13% 43 14 43 48 10 42 100 101

= refers to predominantly low-rise buildings

b refersto predominantly high-rise buildings

underground in the Netherlands (although newer methods • B u i l d i n g a n d infrastructure. For buildings on wooden
of (micro-)tunneling miight bring down this cost difference pile foundations and for roads, dikes and networks of
between aboveground and underground construction of pipes, a more or less constant level of groundwater is
infrastructure). desirable to avoid damage through subsidence.
To preserve these essential functions, it is recommended
9. Groundwater Aspects of Going Underground that the original ground water situation be left intact as
Because building structures underground can have large much as possible. However, some smaller or larger changes
and lasting effects on groundwater, these effects were in the ground water situation will always occur if an
taken into consideration. Groundwater has a number of underground structure is built. For a general understand-
essential functions, related to: ing of these effects the following ground water aspects are
• Ecology. Groundwater determines the water balance important:
in the soil on which the natural environment depends • Infiltration: vertical downward flow of ground water,
strongly. Quality and quantity of groundwater per- for example the entry of rainwater from the surface
form an important role in this. into the soil.
• Public water supply. Ttwo-thirds of the groundwater. • Upward seepage (welD: vertical upward flow of ground
in the Netherlands is used for drinking water and water.
industrial uses. ~.["nerefore a high quality of ground • Groundwater system: a (more or less) closed circuit
water is necessary. of ground water flows within a defined area where
• Feeding o f agricultural crops. For every type of crop, (rain)water infiltrates, flows horizontally and wells
there is an optimal ground water level. Changes in upward again.
the ground w a t e r level can lead to losses in yield.
Underground construction will not cause too m a n y
• Recreation. Changes in the water m a r k influence problems for the groundwater situation if the conditions
vegetation and access to recreational areas and the mentioned in Table 3 are taken care of.
possibilities for using recreational waters.


10. Provincial Steering Models for Stimulating the lines or a basic model for underground use in the
Use of Underground Space provincial spatial plan, to support municipalities
Since the study was initiated by, among others, the with the filling in of the underground part of the
provinces comprising the Randstad, a request had been to municipal spatial plan.
indicate how these provinces could help a better use of the In addition to performing an advising role, provinces
underground space come about. In this regard, five pos- could also actively educate local administrators and
sible roles were discerned in the study: consult with them about the possibilities of under-
1. Normsetting role. In this role, the province could make ground construction.
the granting of permits dependent on the question of 4. Stimulating role. Provinces could "show the way" by
whether an underground option had been seriously paying attention to the use of the underground in
considered. Further, the province has the legal possi- their own spatial plans and other policy plans. Fur-
bility to assign several areas a special status with ther, provinces could make available funding for
regard to soil protection. In these areas, the province executing exemplary projects. And, finally, in this
could set more specific rules with regard to the use of role provinces could contribute financially to the
the soil. Finally, when the province is the designated extra costs of innovative underground solutions.
authority for a project for which an environmental
impact assessment is deemed necessary, it could stipu- 5. Initiating role. W h e n a province is the iniater,or one
late that in this assessment, use of the underground ofthe initiators,of a project,itcould bring the possible
space is to be explicitly considered. underground construction of (parts of) the project
under atttention on its own.
2. Norm testing role. In this role, provinces could make
their approval of municipal spatial plans dependent 11. Conclusions
on the question of whether it also has a "three-
dimensional" aspect, meaning that the use of the The study showed some remarkable results. For one
underground is also covered by it. thing, gains in available space up to 50% in specific areas of
3. Informing and advising role. In addition to using the Randstad seemed possible (even one 100% for infra-
their legal powers, provinces could also use the "softer" structure areas). For another, when costs of energy and
means of informing municipalities and companies maintenance were taken into account, underground con-
about all the possibilities there are for use of the struction for offices, hospitals and parts of houses was no
underground, when carrying out their plans. For this, more expensive than above-ground construction, which
of course, the provinces themselves need to keep in contradicts a widely held belief in the Netherlands. Espe-
touch of the latest developments in the field. cially for commercial services, underground construction
seems a viable option. Finally, once again the high potential
More specifically, a province could draw up guide- of putting the distribution function underground was con-

Table 3. Conditions set by groundwater considerations for using the underground.

Urban area None, the natural ground water situation is on average already seriously

Infiltration area Preferably in large groundwater systems, possibly in small systems

(dependent on the relationship between the size of the system and the
size of the disturbance)

Areas independent of upward seepage • Preferably in large groundwater systems, possibly in small systems
• Lineshaped constructions (infrastructure) preferably in the aquitar
• In aquifers: either parallel to the direction of the ground water flow or
blocking no more than 50% of the height of the aquifer.

Areas dependent of upward seepage • Not in small groundwatersystems, unless when there is only a limited
depth necessary for construction
• Lineshaped constructions preferably in the aquitar
• Lineshaped elements in aquifers: either parallel to the direction of the
ground water flow or blocking no more than 50% of the height of the

Drinking water areas No underground construction


Table 4. An example of a possible basic model for an underground spatial plan.

0-3 Cellars, cables, tubes, pipes, sewers, etcetera

3-15 Cellarconstructions with and without superstructure, tunnels with a

diameter smaller than 3 to 4 m, shallow city tunnels for metro, train and
road traffic

Below 15 Boring tunnels with a diameter larger than 3 to 4 m, cellarconstructions

with special permits, for instance for oil storage

All depths Weighted priority for foundations, ecologically relevant groundwater

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