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ISSN: 2229-6646 (Online)

IJSTM, Volume 3 Issue 1, April 2012

Low Cost Construction Technology for Cold Climate: Case Study Ladakh Region
Ashok Kumar, Rajni Lakhani*, Prof. S.K.Bhattacharyya, Sapna Ghai CSIR-Central Building Research Institute, Roorkee, Uttarakhand, INDIA

Buildings in cold climate require materials that can withstand the extreme environmental conditions. Significant strides have been made in the manufacture, placement, curing and protection of concrete under cold weather conditions. Conventional cold-weather concreting is expensive and very energy inefficient. Common practice requires artificial heating of raw material and the surrounding environment to create suitable curing conditions for normal concrete. As a global demand for low cost sustainable residential buildings increases, it is important to analyze the viability of easily available natural resources in construction. This research is presented to develop a technology for cold climate using the local available materials and also, analyses the feasibility of adopting non-erodable mud plaster for construction in cold climate, with reference to Ladakh region of India. The paper tries to establish a superiority of the developed technology against the concrete construction.

in the upper Himalayas. It has a fragile mountain eco-system, with a cold and dry climate experienced a large number of sunny days. The region has a fairly long winter October to April while a severe cold spell of about two months with a minimum dry bulb temperature of -30C to - 40 C and very little precipitation throughout the year. This requires building to be heated almost throughout the year. As a result, construction requires thermal parameters, stability of concrete under given conditions, design considerations to be taken into account for the production of highperformance housing in this region. Since, the hydration of normal portland cement concrete is a chemical reaction that is affected by, among other factors, the temperature of the concrete mixture and the ambient temperature. As the temperature rises, the hydration process proceeds at a faster rate and vice versa. It is not uncommon for the setting of plain concrete to be significantly delayed under cold weather conditions, defined by the American Concrete Institutes (ACI) Committee 306 as a period

Keywords: Cold Climate; Non-erodable

mud plaster; Polymer Modified bitumen

1. Introduction
India is a country with diverse climate from the cold of the mountains in the north through composite climate in the Gangetic plain. Ladakh region, a unique cultural heritage and a cultural blend between Tibetan culture and indigenous tradition, is located at an attitude of 3514 m above MSL

* Corresponding author E-mail: (Lakhani R.) when for more than 3 consecutive days, the following conditions exist: (1) the average daily air temperature is less than 5C; and (2) the air temperature is not greater than 10C for more than one-half of any 24-hour Page 77

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ISSN: 2229-6646 (Online) period. Delayed time of setting increases the potential for freezing of the concrete before initial set which leads to low strength development [1]. Cold weather affects the concrete construction operations. Normal concrete is not fit for construction purposes as it affects the durability and strength of the concrete during this temperature range (Fig. 1)

IJSTM, Volume 3 Issue 1, April 2012 renewed interest in the viability of using earth in construction, as soil is an abundant resource in nearly all parts of the world [5]. Local materials available are stone, mud and wood. The indigenous materials have the obvious advantage of suiting the severe local climatic, low cost and very little transportation cost. The mud bricks and mud plaster absorb heat from the strong sunshine during the day and slowly radiate it during the cold nights. Mud is used in many layers to provide insulation for walls, floors and roof. Mud block being the cheapest building material also has very good insulation qualities. It plays a vital role in keeping the indoor environment comfortable in Ladakh. This paper describes improved construction technology for cold climate i.e. use of non-erodable mud plaster as a building envelope in extreme environment conditions of Ladakh region.

Fig.1: Effect of temperature on the strength of the normal concrete Cold-weather concreting [3-4] procedures apply artificial heating techniques to prevent freshly placed concrete from freezing. This approach towards winter concreting is expansive and significantly hampers the activities to keep the concrete warm to aid in curing. Extra expanse for energy, material and labor is needed. The construction season in cold climate is short and has become overpowered with the projects to complete before colder temperature returns. Hence, for people in the Ladakh region, use of traditional building technologies could be a good option which has become very uncommon these days. Therefore, the demands of sustainable building technologies have increased recently with

2. Traditional Materials and Technologies in Ladakh Region

The choice of appropriate construction materials and technologies is directly related to the availability of skills and materials in a particular region. In determining the choice of materials to be used in buildings, it needs to be related to past traditional usage, availability in time, and the possibility of upgrading quality on required scale. During June 29-30, 2011, the first author from CSIR-Central Building Research Institute conducted an extensive survey in the old part of Leh and studied the damages that occurred during the flash floods of 2010. The traditional/conventional building materials used for walling, roofing and flooring in the Ladakh region are: a) Walling Earth, soil, wood, timber, lime, cement, etc. Page 78

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ISSN: 2229-6646 (Online) b) Roofing Mud on wooden ballies, timber, bamboo, corrugated galvanized iron sheets, reinforced cement concrete, thatch, cement etc. c) Flooring Earth, soil, wood, timber etc. Buildings in the traditional skills not only give greater comfort and security to residents, but also require the availability of local skills and so benefit the local economy. The recent earthquake in Kashmir has caused only little damage in the Ladakh region, but Ladakh lies certainly in an earthquake-prone region. Most of the houses in villages are built either with sun dried bricks or blocks or with lump mud (Fig. 2a). Mud walls are protected against damage from rain by applying only mud plaster, consisting of local soil or mud collected from village pond mixed with wheat straw on outer walls, rendering with cow dung slurry (Fig. 3). The author inventoried 60 historic and traditional buildings, and problems found are: i) Erosion of traditional sun dried brick walls in mud mortar and mud roofs due to rains; Poor quality of construction; Location of houses in the flood prone area; Lack of skilled artisans and masons; Steel based constructions by NGOs and International agencies not fit for human habitation due to extreme climate;

IJSTM, Volume 3 Issue 1, April 2012

Fig.2: Sun-dried mud bricks can be made on site without specialized skills

Fig. 3: The traditional mud roofing method by placing willow joists over the rafters and then applying the traditional laying of mud and clay in a house.

ii) iii) iv) v)

The repairs that upgrade the building are, for example by providing better insulation, included interior and exterior re-plastering, restoration and improvement of windows, construction of skylights to bring more light into the upper floor rooms. However there is certain problems with ordinary mud plaster which has been described as follows: 2.1. Problems with Traditional Mud Plaster Technologies The traditional method of application of mud plaster of course is cheap, however cannot withstand with even a few hours of continuous rains, and as a result, usually the mud plaster gets eroded and considerable

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ISSN: 2229-6646 (Online) damage is done to the houses. Thus a water resistant mud rendering on mud walls can save the walls from frequent damage and increase its durability and life with normal annual maintenance. As regards waterproofing, the necessity arises from the mechanism of separation of a plaster from kutcha wall. During continuous contact with water, moisture penetrates through the plaster, thereby weakening the bond between the wall face and the plaster. Normally on drying out, the adhesion between the wall surface and the plaster should be fully recovered, but due to the differential shrinkage between plaster and the wall, local stresses develop, which are too high for the weakened bond between the plaster and the softened wall face to overcome. A partial separation thus occurs and by repeated wetting and drying, due to alternating rainfall and sun shine, the plaster ultimately comes off in flakes. The problem of durability of ordinary mud plaster is twofold. Firstly, the plaster should be nonerodable and secondly, it should be waterproof against the local rain fall. Hence, to solve this problem, the non-erodable mud plaster technology for walls and water proof mud roofs technology has been developed and tested according to the climate conditions of Ladakh and found to be suitable for use. To overcome the problems of ordinary mud plaster we have utilized the bitumen cut back to prepare the non-erodable mud plaster. Bitumen is a non-crystalline viscous material, black or dark brown, which is substantially soluble in carbon disulphide (CS2), possessing adhesive and waterproofing qualities. It consists essentially of hydrocarbons and would typically comprise at least 80% carbon and 15% hydrogen, the remainder being oxygen, sulphur, nitrogen and traces of various metals. Its main property is that of a very strong and durable

IJSTM, Volume 3 Issue 1, April 2012 adhesive that binds together a very wide variety of other materials without affecting their properties. Its durability is essential for projects such as roads and waterways where the life expectancy is 20 years or more. Bitumen is insoluble in water but is soluble in numerous organic solvents such as kerosene oil etc. As it is highly waterproof, it can act as an effective sealant. It also resists action by most acids, alkalis and salts. It does not contaminate water so it can be used to line watercourses. It is a thermoplastic material: it softens and becomes liquid with the application of heat and hardens as it cools. Bitumen gives controlled flexibility to mixtures of mineral aggregates that is why so much of the total annual production is used in road construction. It is available at cheapest economical cost virtually all over the world. A good design of bituminous mix is expected to result in a mix which is adequately strong, durable and resistive to fatigue.

3. Present Technology
CSIR-CBRI has earlier developed a technique in which bitumen cut back has been prepared with, bitumen having 80/100 penetration and kerosene oil is mixed to the ordinary mud mortar having wheat straw. It is applied on the mud wall and it provides a non-erodable and water proof plastered surface. This technology has been successfully adopted on several houses made up of mud bricks in rural areas to prove its effectiveness in different climatic regions except cold climate [6]. It arises up with the need of modified bitumen that can

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ISSN: 2229-6646 (Online) withstand with temperature range. conditions of low

IJSTM, Volume 3 Issue 1, April 2012 The tests were conducted at the Institute to see whether the technology works for the cold climate or not. 3.1.2. Preparation of Mud Mortar Normally soil, from the bottom of village and country site pond is collected and mixed with the local soil and wheat straw 6% by weight of dry soil in proportions for the purpose of plastering having the following specifications: The soil shall have a content between 20-25% and sand between 40-45%, remaining being the slit, peat loam etc. The soil shall be free from any organic material, gravels, pebbles etc. The soil so collected shall be kept wet and knead everyday for a period of 10 to 14 days. The soil having plasticity index ranging from 6-10 is found to be suitable for the plaster. Plastic limit, liquid limit, and plasticity index, have been ascertained in the laboratory testing facility of the institute. It is evident that the performance of a good mud plaster will largely depend upon the selection of suitable soil mixed in correct proportions as suggested above. 3.1.3. Addition of Wheat Straw Fibers from decayed wheat straw act as reinforcement to the soil, which increase the cohesion and the strength of the mud mortar. Where wheat is not grown, rice straw may be used in its place. The size of the wheat straw i.e. aspect ratio plays an important role in the strength of mortar. Normally a length of 20mm and width of 2 mm or aspect ratio of 10 is suitable for mortar. The period for which the wheat straw is decomposed also plays an important role in the quality of mud plaster. Wheat Straw at the rate of 6% by weight of dry soil, i.e. 64 Kg for every cubic meter of soil is thoroughly mixed. The mix is formed into a round and circular heap and water is poured in between the space to keep Page 81

3.1. Improved Technology with Polymer Modified Bitumen Polymer Modified Bitumen (PMB) have binders whose properties have been modified by the use of a modifying agent which, when added to the original Bitumen alters its chemical structure and / or physical and mechanical properties in order to make it more resistant to temperature variations, weather and high loads. Commonly used modifying agents are polymers like Plastomers e.g. EVA, EBA etc. and Elastomers e.g. SBS & SIS etc.

3.1.1. Advantages of PMB

Increase in softening point and decrease in the brittleness ensures more protection against hot climatic conditions. Increase in elastic recovery ensuring protection against cold climatic conditions. Better adhesion of the binder to the aggregate. Water resistance properties are increased. Resistance to stripping and low temperature cracking. Resistance to fatigue and rutting.

PMB - 120 is found to be suitable for cold climate conditions. Again, for further studies kerosene is mixed in the proportion of 5:1. For preparing the cut back, 53.25 Kg of PMB and 10.5 Kg of kerosene oil for every cubic meter of dry soil have been used. Bitumen is heated till it melts. The kerosene is slowly added to the molten bitumen in a separate container, keeping the whole mixture stirred until the bitumen is added.

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ISSN: 2229-6646 (Online) it constantly wet. The mortar is kneaded everyday by mans feet as well as overturned by the showel two to three times for a period of 10 to 14 days, depending upon the local climate. Within this period, the wheat straw fibers disintegrate (i.e. 14 days in winter and rainy season and 10 days in summer) and become soft which can be easily felt and identified by taking a lump of mortar in hand. In case the old stored wheat straw is available it should be preferred since it will shorten the time needed for disintegration of wheat straw and will allow the early use of mortar. This is the improved traditional practice of preparing the conventional mortar, for getting the good results. Suitability of mud mortar for plaster in small patches of 1.0 x 1.0 m on the wall is observed till it is completely dried. If the plaster does not have appreciable cracks, plaster is suitable otherwise more sand may be added. 3.1.4. Preparation of Non-erodable and Water Resistant Mud Plaster The bitumen cut back so prepared is added to the mud mortar prepared in the manner described above. The required quantity of cut back is taken from the container and is spread over the mud mortar uniformly and worked up with spatula immediately after, several times to ensure its throughout mixing. Any undesirable matter, lump of mud or bitumen formed should be removed simultaneously. It has been further utilized for the preparation of water proof roof panels and as a covering of sun dried bricks to produce non-erodable wall blocks. 3.1.5. Preparation of Non-erodable Wall Block Mud plaster is uniformly applied on the sides of the brick constructed by the lump mud or sun dried bricks or blocks. If the

IJSTM, Volume 3 Issue 1, April 2012 surface is not uniform then the surface is to be made uniform. Following steps should be followed before applying the mud plaster: i. Scrap the undulation, irregularities or loose particles, if any with the towel so as to make surface uniform. Any appreciable cracks may be filled with the ordinary mud mortar and allow to dry. The plaster is commenced from the upper portion coming towards the bottom. Apply the plaster in uniform appropriate thickness and finish it uniform. For a better result, small patches of required thickness at the interval of one meter could be done first; check the thickness with the wooden strip and rest the space is finished in uniform thickness. However, if any appreciable cracks appear, these should be filled with the same non-erodable mud mortar and finished properly.




The method described above for the mud plaster was applied on the mud blocks brought from Ladakh region of size 300 x 150 x 150mm. A layer of about 20 mm of non-erodable mud plaster was subjected on three sides of this block after making the surface smooth by rubbing slightly with sand paper. It was cured for 15 days. 3.1.6. Preparation of Water proof roof panels A mix has been prepared to cast the water proof roofing panel of size 300x300x100 mm using the above said materials in appropriate proportion. For this, a wooden frame having crossed wires of size approx. 300x300x10 mm (Fig.4) placed at the Page 82

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ISSN: 2229-6646 (Online) bottom and over it the prepared mix is poured up to thickness of 100 mm. This was leveled manually and placed for curing for 15 days. After this, the block is ready for the durability test.

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Fig.4: wooden frame with crossed wires

4. Results & Discussion

Laboratory investigations consist of study of the effect of i) varying the amount of cut back, ii) Nature of soil and iii) Atmospheric condition during drying. Erosion of plaster and penetration of water through it when tested by spraying water over a wall panel, large enough to be a representative portion of a house wall. After curing of both the blocks, these were subjected to environmental chamber for durability studies. Samples are placed in environment chamber (Fig. 5) at a temperature of -10C; 20C; -30C and -40C for 15 days each. Also, it was subjected to temperature ranging from 30C to - 40C. Test results have shown that no loss of adhesion or erosion of the non-erodable plaster at any stage while the blocks plastered from the plain mortar show cracks after a certain time. Non-erodable wall blocks and water proof roof panels are shown in Fig.6 &7.

Fig.5: Environmental Chamber

Fig.6: Non-erodable Wall Blocks Fig.7: Water proof Roof Panels

5. Scope of further research

Post occupancy feedback data is needed to carry out further studies to improve its performance.

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IJSTM, Volume 3 Issue 1, April 2012 Antifreeze your concrete. 1991. Civ. Eng., 61(12), 10. [3] Handegord, G. O., Building Science for a cold climate. National research council of Canada, 1995. [4] Lynette A. Barna, Aff.M.ASCE, Peter M. Seman & Charles J. Korhonen, Energy-Efficient Approach to Cold-Weather Concreting, Journal of materials in civil Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 23, No. 11, November 1, 2011, pp. 1544-1551. [5] Stuart Fixx, Russell Richmann Viability of rammed earth building construction in cold climate May 11, 2009 [6] Non-erodable mud plaster on mud wall or rural houses, Building Research Note. 12, CSIR- Central Building Research Institute, India, April 2004.

Authors are thankful to Prof. S.K.Bhattacharyya Director, CBRI, Roorkee for granting the permission of publishing this paper. The help extended by Sh Satyapal Singh and Sh. Lalit Kumar, Project Assistants in casting the blocks and panels is also acknowledged.

[1] AC1 Committee 306, AC1 306.R-88, Cold Weather Concreting. American Concrete Institute, Detroit, Michigan, 1988. [2] Charles K. Nmai Cold Weather Concreting admixtures, Original Research Article Cement and Concrete Composites, Volume 20, Issues 23, 1998, Pages 121-128

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