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Science Fair Research Paper Rubric

PHS Academic
Exceeds Meets Partially Meets Does Not Meet

Research paper is typed,

Research paper is typed, has a Research paper is typed but is Research paper is incomplete

Communicate has a title page and a table

title page and a table of missing either the title page or missing more than one
effectively of contents. Research
contents. or the table of contents. section.
paper is very well written.

Paper has an introduction

Paper introduction attempts
that summarizes the

Paper has an introduction that to summarize the background

background research, Paper introduction is unclear
Communicate summarizes the background research, explain the topic,
explains the topic, in more than one area or
effectively research, explains the topic, hypothesis, and approach but
hypothesis, and approach. missing.
hypothesis, and approach is unclear or incomplete in
Introduction clearly sets
some areas.
the scene for the report
All materials are listed.
Materials and Methods

Procedure is an All materials are listed. Most materials are listed.

Utilize effective outstanding test of the Procedure is an appropriate test Procedure is not the best test Material list is incomplete or
hypothesis. It is clear, of the hypothesis. It is clear, of the hypothesis. Procedure missing. Procedure is
problem solving
replicable and uses suitable replicable and uses suitable is unclear or not replicable unsuitable or incorrectly
strategies materials. Sample size and materials. Sample size and Sample size and replications implemented.
replications are more than replications are sufficient. are lacking.
Data Presentation

Data is dated, classified, Data is dated, classified,

Communicate Data is partially or unclearly Data presentation is missing
clearly and attractively clearly organized and
effectively presented or invalid
organized and presented presented
Data Analysis

Data is comprehensively
Critically analyze Data is comprehensively Data interpretation is missing
and significantly Data is incorrectly interpreted
information interpreted or invalid
Science Fair Research Paper Rubric
Paper has a thorough
discussion that shows train Paper has a discussion that
Scientific Thought

of thought, compares shows train of thought,

results to commonly compares results to commonly Scientific thought is
Critically analyze Paper shows little or no
known results, discusses known results, discusses attempted but some elements
information evidence of scientific thought
possible errors and possible errors and includes are missing
includes changes if changes if performing
performing experiment experiment again.

Apply knowledge, Conclusions are complete

Conclusions are logical and

skills, and values and insightful. Hypothesis Conclusions are drawn, but
complete. Hypothesis is
is addressed. Connections they are incorrect or lacking Conclusions are invalid or
learned in a wide addressed. Connections are
are made to prior and/or hypothesis is not missing.
variety of made to prior knowledge and
knowledge and future addressed.
disciplines future applications.
and Bibliography

Paper includes thoughtful

Paper includes Paper includes Acknowledgements are
acknowledgments and a
Communicate acknowledgments and a acknowledgments most missing. Sources are not
complete and correctly
effectively complete and correctly sources are correctly documented or documented
documented reference
documented reference section documented incorrectly

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