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1 HDSL application involved in PSTN and MSC and base to cell .

2 3 4

HDSL Package II provided 30 channel of subscriber lines in single cable pair T HDSL Package III system works up to 3,30 KM T HDSL Package IV provides hot line interface T

5 Juncion networking comprising OFC or Microwave system done by sector B T 6 7 8 ADSL appliction used in video conferencing system Package II ADSL system provided DID facility T T T

Maximum distance connected by HDSL Package III is 3.75 KM

9 HDSL package IV consits a central office terminal (COT)and four remote terminal (RT) T 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 In MAC 01 DLC system pay phone can be connected. T DDF is meant for to connect subscriber two wire T Common units consits of Cotrol card and E1 processor card T POTS are connected in channel units. T SDSL System handle 2 MBPS bandwidth ineach direction MMS service can be given in GSM 1 Version. T T

Voltage of the battery in Cell phone is 4.8 V AC T

17 18

In BTS AC 27 v olt and DC 48 volt is required BTS to ME media is OFC T

19 The antenna to be fixed at a height not less than 40 M in GSM mobile system T 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 In Plan 325 To BSNL PSTN Mobile in Off peak hrs pulse rate Rs0.5 T For SIM card Rs 500 Validity is 30 days and Grace period is 30 days T For Rs 2000 SIM card fixed charges is Rs 100. CX is a charging unit T In PGV there are 3 colour of alarm lamps Itra card is provided in BT T 2 w is primary time signal T NE and MF are connected by 4 wire jumper wire in MDF In close loop test capacitance value shown during test T T T T T

ABOCR command is used for creation of new subscriber line OC is connection unit T Each suit will haver a seperate MDSE T

32 Type of tool used for jumbering in MDF in E10 B exchange is Krone tool T

33 34 35

HDSL package II support for DID facility

HDSL package system III works up to 3.75 KM T HDSL Package IV cover maximum 3.25 KM distance. T

36 PSTN to MSC and Mobile base cell conectivities HDSL applications are used. T 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 VDSL system is used in our netwrok T LINE CODE used in HDSL system is HDB3 In HDSL power feeding for RT through COT T T T T T

In Package II of HDSL system DID facility available In HDSL technology ISDN facility can be extended DLC system consists common unit and channel unit Channel frame consists 19 slpts T RT unit provided with MDF T

VDSL system is used in our network T Line code used in HDSL system is HDB3 T

In HDSL technology power feeding for RT is through COT T In Package II HDSL system DID facility is available T

49 50 51

In HDSL system ISDN facility can be extended


DLC system consist common unit and channel units. Channel bank consist 19 slots T

Model Questions on Broad Band Access

I) Match the following:1).ADSL c 2).DSL d 3).FSO e 4).Wi-Fi a 5).PON b II) Fill In the Blanks:1) The frequency range for POTS is 0 to 4 Khz and the frequency range for Digital DATA in ADSL is 26 khz to 1.1 Mhz 2) The expansion for MMDS is Multipoint Multichannel Distribution System 3) The expansion for Wi-MAX is Worldwide Interoperability by MW Access 4) The two types of ADSL modulation are CAP & DMT 5) The transmission media in PLC is Power Lines 6) The maximum download speed achieved in ADSL is 2 Mbps & in ADSL 2+ is 4 Mbps 7) The geographical region covered by several access points is called a Hotzone 8) In satellite ku c and ka bands are used for services involving fixed terminals and band is used for mobile services. a)Wireless LAN b)Optic Fiber Technology c)8 Mbps Download d)Copper Cable e)Wireless Access

9) 2.5G (Edge) & 3G Generation Mobile Technologies falls into the category of Broadband access. 10) Frequency hopping spread spectrum modulation technique is employed Bluetooth Wireless Technology. III) Say True or False:1) Broadband is not an always on connection. F 2) Cable Modem is not a Wired Access Technology. T

3) DSL technology employs Optic Fiber as the access media. F 4) DMT modulation divides the frequency range 26Khz to 1.1.Mhz into 256 discrete subchannels each of which had a bandwidth of 4kHz. T 5) In Fiber to the building(FTTB),the terminal equipment is located outside the building. F 6) Bluetooth Wireless Technology is used for long range applications. F 7) Wi-Max is used in Personal Area Networks(PAN). F 8) ONU(Optical Network Unit) is not a part of PON(Passive Optical Network). F 9) FSO is not a wireless line-of-sight broadband technology. F 10) Satellite broadband technology is not a reliable technology. F IV)Answer the following in few lines:1) Name any two wired & wireless access technologies. Wired Access:- a) DSL b)Cable Modem c)Optical Fiber d)PLC Wireless Access :- a) 3G Mobile b) Wi-Fi c) Wi-MAX d) FSO e)LMDS & MMDS f) Satellite. 2) What are the factors determining ADSL connectivity? a) Length of the cable from DSLAM to the customer premises. b) Line attenuation. c) Signal to noise ratio. d) Quality & No. of joints in the cable. 3) What are the disadvantages in cable modem access? The disadvantages in cable modem are a).Bandwidth sharing. b). Security. c).Connectivity problem d). Cost factor Interactive Set-Top Box.

4)What are the different configurations in FITL? a)Fibre to the Curb(FTTC)

b)Fibre to the building(FTTB) c)Fibre to the home/Office(FTTH/FTTO) d)PON (Passive Optical Network) 5) What are the basic components in PON and state its function? The basic components of PON and their functions are given below. a) Optical Line Terminal(OLT): It is located in the central office and interfaces with switch (possibly through V5 interface) .It provides system control and implements protocol for transmission. b) Splitter : It splits the source optical beam into multiple fibers. c) Optical Network Unit (ONU) : It interfaces with subscriber terminals and works under the control of OLT to implement the transmission protocol.

Answers to the Model Questions I)Match the following: 1-c, 2-d, 3-e, 4-a & 5-b. II)Fill in the balnks:1).0 to 4 Khz, 26Khz to 1.1Mhz. 2).Multipoint Multi channel Distribution System. 3). Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access. 4).CAP & DMT. 5). Power Lines. 6). 24 Mbps 7). Hotzone. 8).C,Ka & Ku , L .9) 2.5G(EDGE) & 3G. 10). Frequency Hopping Spread spectrum. III)True or False:1.F ,2.T, 3.F, 4.T, 5.F, 6.F, 7.F, 8.F, 9.F & 10.F. IV)Answer the following:1) Wired Access:- a) DSL b)Cable Modem c)Optical Fiber d)PLC

Wireless Access :- a) 3G Mobile b) Wi-Fi c) Wi-MAX d) FSO e)LMDS & Satellite. ( Any 2 choices in each category can be answered.) 2) a) Length of the cable from DSLAM to the customer premises. b) Line attenation. c) Signal to noise ratio. d) Quality & No. of joints in the cable. 3) The disadvantages in cable modem are a).Bandwidth sharing. b). Security. c).Connectivity problem d). Cost factor Interactive Set-Top Box. 4) a)Fibre to the Curb(FTTC) b)Fibre to the building(FTTB) c)Fibre to the home/Office(FTTH/FTTO) d)PON (Passive Optical Network) 5) The basic components of PON and their functions are given below.



a) Optical Line Terminal(OLT): It is located in the central office and interfaces with switch (possibly through V5 interface) .It provides system control and implements protocol for transmission. b) Splitter : It splits the source optical beam into multiple fibers. c) Optical Network Unit (ONU) : It interfaces with subscriber terminals and works under the control of OLT to implement the transmission protocol.

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