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There are three great happenings in the science of meditation :

" The First Happening " " When we are with the normal, natural, simple, easy, soft, tender, shallow, tranquil, peaceful flow of the breath .. the mind becomes rather empty "
Meditation is silencing the incessant chatter of the restless mind ! For that ... we ... begin ... with ... the ... breath ! The mind has to be with the breath ! That is the bottom-line! If the mind is not with the breath, it does, not become empty ! The mind has to become uncluttered and rather empty ! The mind has to lose all its unscientific socio-religious mental images and meaningless props ! In the same token, chanting of any mantra doesn't play any role in meditation ! The mouth has to be kept shut ! Since meditation is silencing the incessant chattering mind, we can't have any mental image whatsoever to concentrate upon ! No mental images whatsoever ! No visualization exercises ! And, again, no mantras in the mouth ! We have to attune ourselves to our natural and normal breath ! When we attune ourselves to the breath, the mind becomes by and by less tense ... and less dense ... and sooner than later, it becomes rather empty ! Breath is not a part of the body; but it is in the body ... and it is sufficiently material to focus upon ! Breath is the ambassador of pure consciousness in the body ! Breath is an incessantly happening thing. Breath does not age ! Breath is so simple ! Breath can be experienced ! Breath can be grasped ! Breath can be very easily attuned to ! Being with the simple, natural flow of the breath is the ' alpha ' in the science of meditation.

" The Second Happening " " When the mind is rather empty, huge amount of cosmic energy floods into the physical body .. into the physical-ness "
A ' jungle-like mind ' doesn't allow cosmic energy to enter into the body-system. When the mind is like a forest, it becomes a great barrier ... it does not allow any cosmic energy to seep into the physical body. The 'jungle-like mind ' is so very impermeable. So very ' solid ' ! However, when the ' solid-like mind ' becomes a ' liquid-like mind ' or a ' vapour-like mind ', there is so much more porosity and the mind becomes that much more

permeable .. and ... the cosmic energy floods into the physical body ... following the simple laws of natural physics ! The mind is the separator of the physical energy and the cosmic energy. When the mind is like a forest, it acts like a solid barrier ! So, to make our ' solid - like mind ' into a ' vapour - like mind ' ... where there are very few thoughts, and more number of gaps ... that is meditation ! And, the way is only through breath !

"The Third Happening " " When sufficient amount of cosmic energy enters the physical body .. the result is a reasonable amount of activation of the third-eye "
The culminating result in meditation is the activation of our 'inner senses ' or the ' third-eye ' ! The end result of meditation is activation of our extra sensory perception ! The final result of meditation is activation of our SOUL CONSCIOUSNESS ! The final product of meditation is acquiring a SOLID SOUL ! In the case of a normal man, it is as if the soul is lost ! The soul is the paradise ! In the case of a normal person, the paradise has been lost ! The paradise has to be regained ... that is done in meditation. The physical body needs to become saturated with cosmic energy ! When the body is saturated with cosmic energy, when the black patches in the etheric body are dissolved, the soul's potential becomes gradually kinetic ! And, the soul has infinite potential, and Infinite capacity ! However, all that is just dry and barren as long as we don't awaken it through our mediation ! The science of meditation is the science of energy maximization ! The science of mediation is the true science of physical health ! The science of meditation is the true science of joy ! The science of meditation is the true unifying science ! It unifies all the divided sects of humanity ! Hail unto the science of meditation !


Restless Waves of The Mind : Ancient Seers of India gave the term... ' Chitta ' the Restless Waves of the
Mind. Thus, Rishi Patanjali defined yoga as 'chitta vritthi nirodhaha'. In the beginning stages of meditation, the rather restless waves of the mind...become more or less restful. When meditation is continued with steadfastness and utter sincerity, a deep restful state of mind is attained ... and all the restless waves of the mind totally cease !

Meditation means total cessation of all the restless waves of the mind.
Man is hampered basically by the restless nature of the mind. The mind by nature is restless. The restless waves of the mind result in unwanted dissipation of the energy of the soul. When the soul energy thus gets dissipated, the physical body becomes depleted of essential energy and becomes vulnerable and susceptible to attacks from various external sources such as germs and parasites..etc., resulting in various diseases, early aging ..etc.,etc,.. Ability to focus effectively on the present and being able to concentrate on the current issues is deeply hampered by the existence of the restless waves of the mind. The power of memory becomes impaired. The more the intensity of the restless waves of the mind, the more the ineffectiveness of the person to attend to the work on hand. The naturally restless mind is the common lot of all persons who do not strive to cultivate the mind. An uncultivated land, of course, becomes full of weeds. Similarly an uncultivated mind becomes full of more and more weed-like unwanted thoughts. As we make the land weed-free, we must make the mind free of irrelevant and unscientific thoughts.

Agriculture is ... cultivation of land ! Meditation is ... cultivation of mind !

Cultivation of The Restless Waves of The Mind : Cultivation of the restless waves of the mind is always
achieved when the mind is concentrated on any given work ! The more a person concentrates on a given work, the more the mind of the person becomes pointed and cultivated ... and to that extent the intensity of the restless nature of the mind becomes less. Less restlessness of the mind means more energy in the physical body ! Energy in the physical body is indirectly proportional to the restless waves of the mind ! Meditation is the most direct way of cultivation of the restless waves of the mind ! In meditation the mind has to become concentrated and one pointed making use of the natural breath. The mind has to become focused ... using the natural breath.

What happens to us when we become one with our breath ? We experience a wonderful... deep... inner silence !
Meditation means closing the eyes and being with the breath for a long, long time. Tremendous patience is required. Whatever may be the turbulence in the mind, eyes should never be opened. Attention of the mind should be constantly be brought back on to the breath. The mind wanders... but it should be collected and brought back... to... the... breath. Soon, we will find that the magnitude of breath becomes shorter and shorter. We will also notice that the breath becomes concentrated in the upper part of the nose.Finally, the breath becomes so small and so short that it seems to be barely existing ! As we are earnest in the practice of this process, a remarkable thing happens ! The mind becomes rather serene and restful ! The intensity of the restless waves of the mind decreases significantly ! A calm, peaceful and tranquil mind is established ! As more and more time is spent in that calmness, in that tranquility ... a most beautiful thing now happens ! The mind becomes absolutely empty... sans any thoughts ! Now, we are in a state of deep inner silence ! We enter into such a deep inner silence that we may not even hear outer sounds; we go beyond them ! In this stage of deep inner silence, a total inwarding of the outer senses happens. The outer senses in effect become ... the inner senses ! When the mind is, thus, totally empty, huge amount of cosmic energy floods into the body. More and more practice of meditation means, establishment of greater and greater emptiness in the mind. More the emptiness of the mind, more the inflow of cosmic energy ! When the physical body gets saturated with cosmic energy, the natural consequence is that great happening of seeing! A deep meditator begins to see ! In the beginning of meditation ... flashes of beautiful nature... hitherto never seen or experienced ... are seen. These flashes of nature are all from several alternate frequency realities. One may begin to hear new sounds, see new sights and smell new scents. One may see absolutely brilliant lights and have visions of new worlds. One may find oneself face to face with several Astral Masters. It is natural that in the beginning one would be unable to make head or tail of these new snapshots that one sees. However, as one practices and practices, one becomes an adept.

Soon... a certain measure of control in seeing is achieved. Interaction with the new reality systems... with a greater and greater degree of will and purpose... begins to happen. This is the stage of establishing contacts with Astral Masters ! When Astral Masters are encountered... in deep meditation... meaningful dialogues should be established. Pointed questions should be put and answers received should be carefully remembered and noted. All the dialogues and conversations happen through the means of Telepathy. Alternate Frequency Realities are other realities of existence ... other than the reality we are presently, or currently, engaged in. Each particular reality system exists with a different frequency. Each frequency reality, indeed, is an infinite universe. The total cosmos consists of an infinite number of frequency universes. With the Inner Senses, we perceive the Inner Worlds ! At any given instant, a particular soul is tuned to only one frequency universe, which is invariably mistaken... by that particular soul... to be the only reality ! However, in meditation, a given soul breaks out of the cocoon of the highly limited concept of reality ! As other reality systems are experienced ... one by one ... in meditation, a more catholic and unlimited view of reality gets established. More and more meditation leads to gradual flowering of true understanding !. Through more and more personal experience we come to grasp the tremendous outline reality of the cosmos. All this is called as Enlightenment. There are several frequencies of realities or there are several Inner Worlds! The purpose of meditation is to activate the Inner Senses, encounter the Inner Worlds and have contacts with Masters of the Inner Worlds. Spiritual Wisdom is obtained from the Masters of the Inner Worlds. More and more meditation leads to more and more spiritual wisdom. More and more spiritual wisdom means more and more health, vigor and energy in the physical body.

Astral Travel : In Sanskrit language, the word ' dhyana ' means... 'dhi' = ' totality of all subtle bodies ' 'yana' = ' travelling '
Thus, ' dhyana ' means ' traveling with the higher subtle bodies '. There are three higher subtle bodies : Astral Body

Causal Body Supra-Causal Body

In states of deep meditation, we may suddenly find ourselves outside our physical body... and we may find ourselves traveling at a fast pace in one of our higher subtle bodies... sojourning into new frequency worlds. One usually encounters the classic Tunnel Experience... as a compulsory precursor to Astral Travel. During the Tunnel Experience, one may see one's own self traveling in a deep, tunnel-like hole,... at the far end of

which one will emerge out into brilliant light and step into one of the alternate frequency reality worlds. In the beginning, it would be a rather random or spontaneous or uncontrolled traveling. However, soon, with greater practice, one slowly achieves willful and directed Astral Travel. Kundalini : At deeper levels of meditation., one may also encounter Kundalini Awakening. ' Kundalini ' is the name given by Ancient Seers of India to... the potential and unactived etheric energy essence... that is locked in the etheric body.

Kundalini is the potential and unactivated etheric energy essence ... that is locked in the etheric body !
Etheric Body is the energy template body... on the framework of which a particular physical body is formed in womb of the mother. The Etheric Body is carved out of the energies and tendencies of the karmic elements of the previous life times' experiences of a particular soul. When this etheric-energy-essence or kundalini is activated... in deeper levels of meditation... the activated etheric energy essence spreads throughout the Etheric Body in several jolts and serpent-like movements. The whole process may extend from a few minutes... to a few hours... to a few days... to a few months... depending upon the karmic balances of the persons concerned.

The end result, finally, is the activation of one's higher bodies... i.e., the Causal and the Supra-Causal Bodies

Meditation done inside a pyramid, or underneath a pyramid, is called as Pyramid Meditation. Many people experience feelings ranging from calmness to extreme euphoria during their meditation sessions inside the pyramids. Most people who have experimented with Pyramid Meditation, describe themselves as experiencing a total relaxation of their body, followed by the shutting out of unnecessary external stimuli and irrelevant thoughts and finally achieving an altered state of consciousness which allows them to concentrate on deeper inner levels. Pyramids provide most effective high-energy environments for beginners of meditation. Pyramids help to reduce the level of stress and tension in the physical body.

Meditation done inside a Pyramid is thrice more powerful !

Several experiments conducted in man-made pyramids have revealed generalized pyramid powers. These can be broadly classified as:

Preservation Healing Out-of-body Experiences Preservation : Pyramid energy preserves fruit, milk and other perishables ; taste of coffee, wine, fruit juices, etc.,
is improved ; used razors, knives get sharpened ; acts as a room freshener, foul smells disappear.

Healing : Wounds, boils and bruises heal quicker ; reduces over-weight and increases resistance to diseases ; gives
relief to and cures asthma, toothaches, migraine, common cold, high B.P., arthritis, palpitation of heart, epilepsy, insomnia etc. Drinking pyramid energized water cures conjunctivitis, other eye problems; helps digestion ; gives the skin a healthy

and youthful glow.

Out-of-body Experiences : Out-of-body experiences are much easier if done inside a pyramid. Dreams become
clearer and they take the quality of normal working state.

The pyramid is a solid structure with four triangular sloping sides resting on a square base... and the four apices joining at a point forming the apex of the pyramid. Each triangular sloping face is an isosceles triangle, with the two sloping sides being equal and the base angle equal. The length of the equal sides are all equal and all are similar to each other and of equal area.

The Great Pyramid at Gizeh

The fact that a geometric design collects and radiates energy was known to Ancient Egyptians, more than 10,000 years ago. They utilized the concept when they built their pyramids. The pyramids are storehouses of energy drawn from the universe. The Power of the Pyramid was obtained through a blending of the radiated cosmic energy with that of the gravitational force of earth. Scholars are aware that The Great Pyramid at Gizeh was built as a place and as an instrument of initiation into altered and higher states of consciousness,... through the mechanism of conscious out-of-body experiences.

Pyramids can be made from any material. For every one foot of height, the corresponding sides would be 1.4945 feet and base, 1.5708 feet. Side is measured from corner to the apex, and height is the vertical height from the apex to the base, i.e., perpendicular from the apex to the base.

HEIGHT 3 4 5 6 8 10 11

BASE 4.71 6.28 7.85 9.42 12.57 15.70 18.85

SIDE 4.48 5.98 7.47 8.98 11.96 14.95 17.93

When the sides of the pyramid are in place, they will be forming an angle of 51 degrees 51 minutes to the base, a miniature replica of the Great Pyramid. The pyramid must be aligned to the four cardinal points i.e., north, east, south and west ; one of the sides can be used as the north-south axis.

Healing of All Diseases is Immediate Memory Power becomes Increased Wasteful Habits Die a Natural Death Mind Always Stays in a Peaceful and Joyful State All Work Gets Done with Greater Efficiency Sleep-time Requirements get Reduced Relationships become More Qualitative and Fulfilling Thought Power is Tremendously Increased Ability to Discern Rights and Wrongs is Sharpened Purpose of Life is Better Understood

All physical afflictions are because of mental worries. All mental worries are because of intellectual immaturity. Intellectual immaturity is because of lack of spiritual energy and lack of spiritual wisdom. Through meditation, when we get abundant spiritual energy and spiritual wisdom, the intellect becomes mature. By and by, all mental worries cease. Consequently, all physical afflictions disappear. Meditation is the only way to heal all diseases. Diseases are primarily because of previous negative karma. Until and unless the negative karma is neutralised, the disease will not vanish; no medicine will be of any help to clear the negative karma.


The abundant spiritual energy gained in meditation helps the brain to work more efficiently and to its maximum capacity. Meditation enhances memory power tremendously. Therefore, meditation is absolutely compulsory for all students...both at the school level and at the university level.


There are several wasteful habits like over-eating, over-sleeping, over-talking, over-thinking, over-drinking etc., etc. With the abundant spiritual wisdom and spiritual energy obtained from meditation, all the wasteful habits die



Life is so full of defeats, insults and pains... for any person. However, for a person with spiritual knowledge and spiritual energy, life is always peaceful and joyful... inspite of all the defeats, insults and pains.


In the presence of abundant spiritual energy and spiritual wisdom, all work, be it physical or mental, gets done with greater efficiency. In less time, more work is achieved. With least resources, commendable work gets done.

Abundant spiritual energy is obtained in meditation. Only a fraction of that energy is obtained during sleep. Half-an-hour of deep meditation is equivalent to six hours of deep sleep... in terms of rest for the body and energy for the mind.

Lack of spiritual wisdom is the only reason why inter-personal relationships are so very unqualitative and unfulfilling. In the presence of spiritual wisdom all inter-personal relationships become highly qualitative and totally fulfilling.

Thoughts need power to reach their targets. In a restless state of mind, thoughts are produced with least power. Therefore, they don't reach their respective targets. However, in the presence of a restful state of mind, thoughts acquire great power and all intents get dramatically actualized.


" What to do ?", " What not to do ?" These are always million dollar questions ! " What is right ?", " What is wrong ?" We are in a perpetual dilemma ! However, such dilemmas are only for the spiritually immature persons. For a spiritually mature person there are no million dollar questions whatsoever ! For a spiritually mature person there are no dilemmas!

We are all born with a purpose, with a mission, with a design, with a plan. Only the spiritually mature can understand and be aware of their particular purpose, mission, design and plan in their lives.





" Your health is in your own hands ! " " You create your own health ! "
Present day society is badly suffering from ill-health and is looking eagerly for ways to obtain good health. To spread the crucial role of spirituality, spiritual science and meditation ... in obtaining vibrant physical health, the Pyramid Spiritual Societies Movement has been created.

The main proposal of PSSM is ... Physical Health through Meditation.

Meditation = Physical Health No Meditation = No Health A Little Meditation = A Little Health A Little More Meditation = A Little More Health Great Meditation = Great Health


Psychosomaticity: The psyche is the basis for soma. As the psyche is ... so the soma. If the psyche is clustered and burdened with unwanted, unnecessary and ridiculous thoughts, then the soma ofcourse becomes burdened, tired and finally diseased. Only the most urgently wanted and absolutely needed and relevant thoughts only should be entertained, in the mind, at any point of time. Getting inquisitive about other people's personal affairs is the foremost mad feature of the current humanity! One's addiction to one's past is the next maddening feature of humanity. The third point is entertaining unscientific worries about personal, group, mass future. Meditation removes all these primary causes, in one stroke. Meditators do not bother about other people's private affairs. Meditators do not give value at all to the personal past. Meditators do 'plan' for the future ... but never 'worry' for the future. Meditators never allow their psyche to be clustered and burdened by unwanted, unnecessary, ridiculous thoughts. Therefore they never get tired or become diseased ! Meditators ... at any given point of time ... entertain only urgent, necessary and logically relevant thoughts ! The more we practice meditation, the more adept we become at these things. The less we do meditation, the more immature we are at these things. The single answer for all problems of health is meditation.

Spiritual Health is The Root ! Physical Health is The Fruit !

Mental Health ... is the Basis of ... Physical Health ! Spiritual Intellect ... is the Basis of ... Mental Health ! Spiritual Health ... is the other name for ... Spiritual Intellect ! Where there is no mental health, there is no physical health. Where there is no spiritual intellect, there is no mental health. A sound physical body depends primarily upon the existence of a sound mind. A sound mind means being happy, always ... both in victory and in defeat ... both in success and failure ... both in youth and old age !

" Spiritual Intellect "

Existence of a sound mind depends entirely upon possessing a spiritual intellect ! A spiritual intellect is as opposed

to worldly intellect ! An intellect which is well matured in spiritual experience is called a spiritual intellect ! When we understand that ... we are not just a physical system but that we are a fundamental consciousness ... then we understand we possess a spiritual intellect ! When we understand that we are only on a temporary journey on the SpaceShip Earth, then we understand we possess a spiritual intellect ! When we understand that we have no right whatsoever in interfering in others' personal lives, or in any way to judge others, then we understand we possess a spiritual intellect ! When we understand that we create our respective realities ... in all circumstances ... then alone we can claim we posses a spiritual intellect ! When we understand that what we give unto others comes back multiplied, in the same kind, then alone we understand we possess a spiritual intellect ! Every mind should now become a sound mind ! Every intellect should now become a spiritual intellect ! To possess a perfect spiritual intellect is to possess perfect spiritual health !


Spiritual Intellect is created only in intense meditation. When a person is into intense meditation, then alone a person begins to experience soul consciousness ... which is the very definition of spiritual intellect ! Staying put in such condition ... i.e., being with one's own cosmic self ... atleast for two to three hours a day ... one begins to possess perfect spiritual intellect ! When we are with the cosmic self, abundant cosmic energy flows into the physical system, and all the flaws in the physical system get washed ... all the negative blocks in the mind get totally cleared ! Finally, all diseases are completely healed !

Pyramid Doctors of Andhra Pradesh

Dr. K.Newton, MD, HYDERABAD "The study of the root causes of the experiences and incidents of previous incarnations help a lot in treating chronic diseases of a person. The aim of 'Past Life Therapy' is to develop spiritual significance in one's life. 'Past Life Therapy' depends on the philosophy of Karma Yoga. The result of past karmas of a person is reflected in his present physical, mental and spiritual evolution. We can treat many chronic diseases of a person by studying their karmas in their preceding incarnations." Dr. G.R.Yugandhar, MD, HYDERABAD "According to World Health Organization ... WHO ... the very concept that "I am well" defines health. The Caduceus is the symbol used for the medical profession. It is the Staff of Mercury with two entwined snakes around it. It was engraved on a handstick of an old lady named 'Aesculapius' belonging to 6th century BC. Actually this symbol represents 'Ida' and 'Pingala' nadis which are the main energy channels in our etheric body. It is mentioned long back, in the year 2 BC itself, in 'Charaka Samhitah' by Charaka, the father of ancient science of health." Dr. V.Harikumar, MS, HYDERABAD "The main aim of this Meditation Therapy is to activate the natural potency in the patient. Disease is not punishment ... but it is a sort of training. The purpose of a doctor is to activate the therapist already present in the patient. Meditation and Vegetarianism are two wings for a Pyramid Doctor."

Dr. P.S.Gopalakrishna, MBBS, VISAKHAPATNAM

"Psychological and physical aberrations can be completely eradicated only through right meditation and self-realisation. All diseases can be treated and controlled completely through meditation."

Dr. A.Balaram Pratap Kumar, MBBS, AKIVEEDU

"Every disease is, in someway, related to the food we take. Firstly all should stop taking animal food. Vegetarianism should be followed. Recently, a Pyramid Spiritual Health Care Centre was started in Akiveedu. Two patients who were in critical condition were treated. They were kept on a purely honey diet and advised regular meditation. Their condition improved rapidly !"

Dr. V.Satyanarayana Murthy, MS, JAGITYALA

"Though medical field is said to be progressing steadily, the intensity of diseases is not getting reduced ! Many new medicines are flooding the market ... yet, many more new diseases are appearing ! In my spiritual experience of six years, I have observed that, for all diseases, the best and only medicine is nothing but meditation."




Truth discovered and realised by every one seems to be beautiful always with a new flavour, every time! We already know a lot of things about Pyramids. But, knowing Pyramids through Ramtha definitely makes us wonder through its pure scientific presentation. ______________________________________________________________ " The fiery forms- well, that is what they are -they were created as a form that could captivate energy in the center. " " It really represents God within. That which is termed the fiery forms, or what you call the pyramids, entity, were built as that which is termed a token to humanity, an image to humanity, that which is termed, as it were indeed, a statue to humanity, a reminder to humanity to always look within, for within, entity, does not one go within a great from as this and caught up within the majesty of what they are feeling ? Certainly. " Ramtha ... JZ Knight ______________________________________________________________

Construction of the Great Pyramid of Giza

And the entities came, as it were indeed, on magnificent machines that could move with agile movement, and it glowed and was like fire in the night. They were frequent visitors at those times when the stratum was being broken up, entity, and they, as it were indeed, helped in that which is termed the assistance with that which is called Hermes and Ra-Ta-Bin. And they, entity, had the power to cut, as it were indeed, from living rock that which is termed, as it were indeed, the slabs and indeed the birthing stones that created the great foundation and carried them for hundreds of thousands of miles away and placed them perfectly in the spot where they were to be. And they used zero degrees temperature, as it were indeed, in a vacuum to create that which is termed anti-gravity so they were light and nimble as that which is termed a feather. So, once they were cut precisely, they were easily moved and set into place. And they loved that which is termed the peoples that came from the sun. The stone, as it were indeed, was cut with laser light precisely, but it is the only tool, as it were indeed, that can cut in what is called a straight line. It was cut with light, as it were indeed, and deactivated across that which is termed, as it were indeed, gravitational fields through that which is termed thought. The thought creating an antigravitational field lifted the blocks, as it were indeed, precisely within that which is termed three-quarters of an inch of its entire base together. The anti-gravitational field that was used to bring all of the stones into being, entity, was very easily established. It was a vacuum that was created that created zero degrees temperature within it, which allowed that which is termed no gravity to exist. Within it, which allowed that which is termed no gravity to exist. It was done very simply, all using light, entity, as a propellant. The entity called Hermes was the first to align them in their polarities to give forth that which is termed even greater energy. And when the entities - that cut from living rock through that which is termed light - made each stone, were able to place it precisely upon one another with little or no movement without the collapsing of that which is termed the lower foundation - And therein great chambers were made for the power within, for those who would sit upon it could communicate with the entities beyond the sun, could communicate, entities, outside of the pyramid and, lo, the wisdom of the first and the original Egyptians became apparent in the Atlatians that soon would follow. It was constructed, as it were indeed, that each of these forms formulated that which is termed a power surge within the center of them, that that which is termed the precise angles-liken that which is termed, as it were indeed, a quarter of what is termed the main base to that which is termed, as it were indeed, the height through the apex would create that which is termed a fire or an energy field within its own circumference, that each of the blocks cut, as it were indeed, in the preciseness of their measure, as it were

indeed, also added to that which is termed the lateral movement of power. When the pyramid, as it were indeed, was finished, entity, it was erected as a beacon also for travel. It was once sheathed into that which is termed, as it were indeed, completely with what you call turquoise with its outer sheath - complete walls of it on all sides - and its capstone, as it were indeed, was that which is termed solid gold, a great carrier, as it were indeed, of emotion. Since then it has been, as it were indeed, attacked and defaced and the capstone removed. It was constructed, as it were indeed, in its alignment to that which is termed the true northern pole, as it were indeed, aligned to other such structures, as it were indeed, throughout that which is termed the northern sphere to be, as it were indeed, gateways not only of travel, for the travel in those days, as it were indeed, with its aeroships and with that which is termed, as it were indeed, light synthesis that traveled in a straight line...does not follow the curvature of the Earth...that each point, as it were indeed, they are a beacon for that which is termed the light to focus upon. When all were built, as it were indeed, in their mode of existence, they permitted, as it were indeed, a travel to occur from point to point, the apex being that which is termed the conductor of light-fields. When they found, as it were indeed, that all life could sustain in further generations, entity, they became entombments.

Underground Tunnels and Chambers

In the Great Pyramid of Cheops, the King's chamber is the most energetic part, though there are, as it were indeed, chambers off of that that recede into the wall where that which is termed rolls and papyruses are thus stored from ancient lore. And there is where preservation was best met. Into that which is termed the Queen's Chamber, as it were indeed, was the energy that flowed from the King's Chamber into the Queen's Chamber. There are many more chambers within that which is termed this great mystery than your scientists know. The first and most predominant chamber leads from hat which is termed the Sphinx in its left paw. There is a chamber of papyrus there and rolls of ancient lore that would amaze everyone, and there a door that links into a passageway into that which is termed the side entrance of the King's Chamber, and then down that which is termed, as it were indeed, fifteen fathoms into that which is termed that Earth, and then a gentle slope, and it connects into Turkey, into that which is termed the poles, into that which is termed the Yucatan, into that which is termed Russia, into that which is termed Mongolia, and then into the inner sun.

Science behind the Pyramids Structure

Now there is a direct science involved in the structure of these, entities. And first, as it were indeed, the pyramids are located in direct line with that which is termed, as it were indeed, what is called a true north, as it is termed, to true south. Well, there are energies that run, as it were indeed, in that direction that encompass that which is termed the Earth. And the reason it is not magnetic north, entity, is that your Earth sits on a tilt-rotating orbit, which means it is not perpendicular in its orbit going around the sun. It is at a slant, much like what you call your tops, and how they land and they fall at a slant, so is your Earth. Well, at this particular slant, entity, the energies that allow the slant to occur in a rotation moment are called true north. And when the Pyramids are aligned in their true north, they are picking up direct energy belts and energy fields that keep that which is termed the planet in its orbital spin. When you spin anything, it creates a centrifugal motion. The centrifugal motion, entity, is an aspect of electricity, as it were indeed, but only a higher degree of it. In this way, in true north, that which is termed the fiery forms pick up that which is termed the centrifugalforce-energy that is a higher mutant than electricity is. When you do this, it captivates, as it were indeed the bounces, ...from equal sides of its walls, energy...and collects in the center in a rotating effect the same as that which is termed the Earth's evolvement around the sun. The energy that collects withinside, entity, has no magnetic proportions. It is completely, as it were indeed, free of that which is called magnetic force; it is a sovereign energy. Now, when, particular objects are placed in that, it actually immobilizes the object in that which is called its aging process, or puts it into that which is termed a vacuum system, which allows that which is termed whatever is put there to stay there for a long time, much as the Earth is in the sun's orbit. In regard to what it should be made of, that which is termed metals are conduits. They are more aligned with magnetic north than true north. So if you are building anything of metals, it will be lined with magnetic north, and the energy will be caught on the conduit of the metal, not withinside; thus the metal absorbs all of the energies

rather than the interior. When you build it of that which is termed stone, which is a soluble mass, of that which is termed wood, of any one thing that is not a conduit, then that which is termed the fiery form is able to collect the energy within and have it utilized for whatever shall be put there - and what should be put there is most everyone's heads that is in this audience. Sit in that position working, entity. The only time that it will have a greater potency than the time that is every moment will be at the sun equinox. And at that particular time, entity, the fiery forms have the greatest penetration and the greatest energy working within them. The Great Pyramids were once sheathed on the outside, entity, with that which is termed turquoise, as it were indeed. And the top of the capstone was a beaten metal called copper capstone on, entity, is it not only allowed the sides to collect the energy but the capstone also kept the energy intact. Even acting as a conduit, it spread it downward. Those were the great ones. They have long since been vandalized and their sides been taken, and their capstones removed, and the gold inside taken, but the true power and the true treasure still lies within them. They are a reminder to humanity of the fire that is within each of us. It was built that mankind would never forget the God within him. That is what it was built for. When you go within, as it were indeed, its perfect alignment, all things, as it were indeed, are held forever in their place in being, even a thought. If you go in there and place, as it were indeed, whatever in the main chamber, entity, it will stay that way; it will never change. It brought forth, as it were indeed, that this power, that this Christ within, was forever God within. They built it, as it were indeed, as a remembrance of their true identity of the power that lodges itself within man, that it is forever and can hold things forever. The fire in the middle, as it were indeed, is more appropriately explained as that which is termed Christ within.

A Permanent Testament of Own Divinity

The fiery forms - well, that is what they are - they were created as a form that could captivate energy in the center. The energy defied that which is termed the natural laws that were indeed of an effect, as it is termed. But the fiery form was created, as it were indeed, as the natural emblem as to what man really looks like in his light origin, for outside of the embodiment, entity, he takes on a powerful form within the center of his being that captivates the same energy. It really represents God within. That which is termed the fiery forms or what you call the pyramids, entity, were built as that which is termed a token to humanity, an image to humanity, that which is termed, as it were indeed, a statue to humanity, a reminder to humanity to always look within, for within, entity, does not one go within a great form as this and caught up within the majesty of what they are feeling ? Certainly ! They were not, as it were indeed, erected to bring forth the immortality of the kings who saw them. They were erected, as it were indeed, by a great entity who was one with the Spirit, indeed one with the Father. And of his beauty indeed id he know of the Christ within. And the Christ within, as it were indeed, had what is called the fire within, for it brought forth and made all things manifest. Thus with this great extensive vision did he see the manifestation of this. Thus it was erected, as it were indeed, through thought and not labor. And from there, entity, they were not made as tombs but rather chambers, as it were indeed, of higher learning. And as it came into being, it was to give unto all mankind in the eons to come in their time a beacon not to forget, as it were indeed, that this bring forth and stand for the Christ within man, God therein, divine entity, that if he goes within , peace and quiet and the erection, as it were indeed, of the spiritual self sure to follow. If all would but see and they forget not their heritage, as it were indeed, their homeland, thus they have stood forever and so shall they stand. And of them, as it were indeed, they became a place of solace, of protection, of immortality. They signify this, and this be forever also. That is the way it is.

Meditation under a Pyramid

Ramtha : You are that which is termed like a Hermes, building pyramids ? They are wondrous things, my
beloved, and if one could linger in them for a long period of time, one would know all there is to ever know, for it ripens the mind. It is all an electrical thing that occurs within it, and the mind is conducive for electrical input.

Student : I think it is like it may be speeds up the - You know, when you thought about the wind all the time
and how, you know, eventually your whole body got got to think that way, all parts of it; I think that the pyramid

must do like that. May be it-well, I am sure it does like that.

Ramtha : It is an amplifier. Student : Yes. Ramtha : All that is that one absorbs from such a thing is clarity. Clarity, entity, is to clarify the essence, and
that is what the fiery form does. It is the knowledge of the essence. That is what clarifies it. Most don't know they have essence, as you would term it. Most don't know they are a volatile movement. Most don't know what it is they are. What the form does is clarifies the essence, for it has the power to do that without changing it. There are many of my masters that need to know what it is, entity, to be able to, what they term, meditate under one to see the power of the existence of that form. I am most anxious for you would call portable that, entity, you could make and ship to them that need it, that they could put it up and have it wherever they would like to. What I would like for you to do, but to make a small one that would fit over a divine entity who would sit upon it, entity, and contemplate himself.

Ramtha : The geometric formula is this, as it were indeed : that if

you put, as it were indeed, in terms that the base be a specific amount of length, as it were indeed - let us call in your terms, as it were indeed, five feet in its length at its base -then, as it were indeed, going to the height of its being to that which is termed the capstone will be that which is termed four feet in height, that the height of it is less, as it were indeed, by what is termed a foot than the base of it, and is aligned, as it were indeed, with that which is termed true north, being that which is termed twenty degrees less than that which you term magnetic north.

Ramtha : And to the base perimeter - you must understand this about the fiery forms - the base of the
perimeter, the height has been established that one could sit up in it. The perimeter will continue on down into the Earth wherever it is set, so it is also bringing great effects wherever it is sitting, upon the soil that it is sitting, all around it, wherever it is sitting.

Amplification of the Body's Healing Process

It amplifies that which is termed the healing processes in the body, that which is termed the thought processes of the meditator, and magnifies them into closer manifestation. It is an amplifier, the power within. That is what it means. It really means fire in the center. And I have a beloved son, as it were indeed, that is busy at the craft making them now. I desire for you to purchase one that you may sit under, as it were indeed, and contemplate your genius. It will manifest it over a hundredfold, and the sensation will stay with you even after you leave its structure. " A -Ramtha Master's Reflection on the History of Humanity " Part II

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