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Appraisal & Project Management in ??

Submitted to
Md. Zakir Hossain
Course Teacher Stamford University Bangladesh

Submitted by
Name Id No

Nahid Al Mamun Md. Hasibul Hasan Mizan Jahirul Islam Khan Md. Kamruzzaman Md. Jahirul Islam Md. Hedayet Towfiq Hasan

MBA-04111315 MBA-04111254 MBA-04111282 MBA-04111341 MBA-04111295 MBA-04111294

Batch: 41st Course Title: Project Management (MGT-605)

Date of Submission: August 14th, 2010

Department of Business Administration Stamford University Bangladesh

LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL August 14th , 2010 To Md. Zakir Hossain Course Teacher Stamford University Bangladesh Subject: Case study on A critical analysis on the Appraisal & Management of Project in Bangladesh.

Dear Sir With due respect, we would like to inform you that it is a great pleasure for us to submit the case study on the A critical analysis on the Appraisal & Management of Project in Bangladesh. Through out the completion of the report, we came to know about many things regarding the current analysis on the Appraisal & Management of Project in Bangladesh. Therefore, we firmly believe that this report will meet your approval. We would genuinely appreciate and keen enough to make further corrections where you think it is necessary and placing this paper for your valuable evaluation & recommendations.

Sincerely Yours


Id No

Nahid Al Mamun Md. Hasibul Hasan Mizan Jahirul Islam Khan Md. Kamruzzaman Md. Jahirul Islam Md. Hedayet Towfiq Hasan

MBA-04111315 MBA-04111254 MBA-04111282 MBA-04111341 MBA-04111295 MBA-04111294

Praise is to Allah, the Lord of the Universe for giving me opportunity to prepare this report. I am grateful to all the concerns help me to prepared this paper. Especially our honorable Sir for providing me to necessary documents with all the things I have tried my best.

Executive Summary

Project management Appraisal is a process by which certain predetermined goals are achieved. It is simply the means to an end. On a small project, the senior executive management of the sponsoring organization (the Owner, or client) may be sufficiently familiar with the details and on-going progress that they are satisfied that the project is proceeding as expected. On a larger, longer, more complex project, such close contact may not be feasible. How then can the required degree of comfort (comfort level) be ensured? Rely on project status reports and telephone calls to the project manager? Perhaps, but not always! In any case, what if the project status reports clearly indicate that the project is not going according to plan? Either way, some form of independent project management assessment and recommendations are well advised. Such an assessment should be designed to scrutinize the project's management, test its effectiveness, and if found wanting, to make recommendations for corrective action. Project Management was developed to save time on a project by planning it out and considering all relevant factors which may affect its outcome. The benefits are proven - it saves time and money, and generates a more successful outcome.

Table of Contents

1.1 Introduction2.1 The four stages of project appraisal and management3.1 Appraisal Stage4.1 Constraint of Appraisal5.1 Management of Projects6.1 Top 10 Problems and Prospects of Project Management & Appraisal in Bangladesh7.1 Benefits of Project Management & Appraisal8.1 Conclusions-

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01 02-03 04-05 05-06 06-12 12-16 16 17

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