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OUTER PROTECTIVE LAYER SCLERA CORNEA post 5/6 of outer layer anterior 1/6 of outer layer - whitish in adult - clear, transparent, - thin & bluish in children Avascular



thickness post equator recti insertion Apertures: Lamina cribrosa Anterior Middle

1 mm 0.6 mm 0.3mm


Optic nerve Ant ciliary arteries Exit of 4-5 vortex veins Long & short ciliary N & Vs

horizontal 11.6 mm diameter vertical 10.6 mm diameter central 0.52 mm thickness peripheral 0.7 mm thickness anterior 7.8 mm curvature posterior 6.5 mm curvature refractive power : 42 D refractive index : 1.37 Nutrition from: - peri-limbal, episcleral Vs - aqueous humour O2 : directly from the air 1. Epithelium
- firmly attached to Bowmans layer

5-6 mm wide divided into PARS PLICATA anterior 1/3 2 mm 70 ciliary process

PARS PLANA posterior 2/3 4 mm

IRIS thin, contractile pigmented diaphragm, with central aperture(pupil) - root attached to anterior surface of CB anterior surface divided by collarette into - narrow inner zone (papillary zone) - wide outer zone ( ciliary zone)

INNER NERVOUS LAYER RETINA light sensitive layer

LENS - transparent - biconvex



Optic disc

- 4.5 mm diameter - 3mm lateral to optic disc - 1.5 mm diameter - no BV, no rods - 1.5 mm diameter - 3 mm medial to macula

Radius of anterior curvature Radius of posterior curvature Diopteric power RI of cortex RI of nucleus

10 mm

6 mm

16 -18 D 1.38 1.42


1. Episclera 2. Sclera proper 3. Lamina fusca

2. Bowmans layer
- condensation of stroma lamellae 3. Stroma (90% of thickness)

1. Suprachoroidal lamina 2. Large-sized BVs 3. Medium-sized BVs 4. Capillaries (chorio-capillaris) 5. Bruchs membrane

1. Ciliary epithelium 2. Ciliary process produce aqueous 3. Stroma 4. Ciliary muscles

1. Stroma sphincter pupillae circular fiber in papillary zone parasympathetic constrict pupil light & near reflex dilator pupillae radial fiber ciliary zone sympathetic dilate pupil in intensity light & excess sympa actvty

4. Descemets membrane
- basement mbrane of endothelium - easily stripped from stroma

1. Pigment epithelium 2. Layer of rods & cones 3. External limiting layer 4. Outer nuclear layer 5. Outer molecular layer 6. Inner nuclear layer 7. Inter molecular layer 8. Ganglion cell layer 9. Nerve fiber layer 10. Internal limiting layer

1. Capsule 2. Lens epithelium 3. Lens fibers - cortex - nucleus

5. Endothelium
single layer of million cells

2. 2 layers of pigmented epithelium Fx 1. Protects intra-ocular structures 2. Preserve the shape of eyeball 3. Provide rigid insertion of EOM 1. Refraction of light *transparency by: - uniform spacing of collagen bundles - integrity of endothelium - Avascularity - UNmyelinated nerve fibers - uniform RI of epithelium, descemet membrane & endothelium Nourish the outer layer of retina 1. Production of aqueous humour 2. Accommodation 1. One of referactive media of the eye 2. Accommodation 3. Retinal protection from UV rays 4. Neutralize spherical & chromatic aberrations of the cornea

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