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Discovering How Google Search Works & Latest Social Media Updates

0:15 - After all, how does Google Search work? 1:06 - Does Google perform manual reviews? 1:57 - How to NOT be spammy 2:48 - The new Facebook Timeline and News Feed designs 3:52 - Google Plus bigger cover image 4:23 - Stay on top of the news with Super Savvy Business

Hi, Fiona Lewis here from Super Savvy Business with this weeks SEO Word of the Week update.
0:15 - After all, how does Google Search work?

Have you ever wondered how Google Search works? How does it go out and find pages and decide which websites to actually show in the search results? Well, Google last week came out with an interactive Infographic, which explains the whole process and its a fantastic resource if youre not quite sure how it all works or if you are new to the world of online marketing.

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The link to this infographic is here. They have broken this infographic in three main sections: 1. The first is how Google goes about crawling and indexing websites; 2. Then they talk about what their actual algorithm is, how it actually decides which websites to display in the search results. 3. The final part is all about fighting spam.

1:06 - Does Google perform manual reviews?

On the idea of spam, I also came across a recent video by Googles Matt Cutts in which he explains how Google actually does their manual reviews and whether or not they have a set system in which to identify sites that they consider to be spam. Now, remember, if your site is considered to be spam, there is a very good chance that it will not rank very well, or even be de-indexed. Google do have some very clear guidelines as to what you should and shouldnt do as far as keeping your sites quality in the eyes of Google and to avoid doing anything that is considered to be spammy. This page can be found on the Google Webmaster Tool site.
1:57 - How to NOT be spammy

Going back to the video I was talking about a moment ago with Matt Cutts, what he talks about really is making sure that you don't do anything manipulative on your website, such as cloaking, or do JavaScript redirects - anything sneaky at all like that. Google also looks out for affiliate sites that are very thin in content and not really adding any extra value for the web user. There are lots of little things that you need to be aware of, so please make sure that you go and check out the link which goes to the Google Webmaster Tools page, which will give you the guidelines which you really should be following for all of your websites. I think at the end of the day the main message that Matt Cutts is sending is that they do have a standard way of reviewing websites and they try to be as consistent as possible when doing these manual reviews.

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2:48 - The new Facebook Timeline and News Feed designs

Now lets jumps across now to the world of social media and promoting your website through social media. There are constantly changes and tweaks to most of the major platforms that we use, such as Facebook, G+, LinkedIn; there are lots of changes being implemented every couple of weeks. It just seems to be that as soon as we get used to one layout, feature or design, then there comes a new one. Just last week Facebook have released the new Timeline and News Feed designs and there are some pretty big changes that you need to be aware of. First of all, in the new design for your pages the little tiles that are set underneath your Timeline cover have now disappeared and been replaced with Tabs. The News Feeds are becoming more content specific, with the ability now to be able to share music, where pictures are bigger and even adds are bigger. Tech Crunch wrote a great article on this particular change, so make sure you click the link to find out more about it.
3:52 - Google Plus bigger cover image

Facebook is not the only one rolling out big design changes. Google Plus is doing something very similar. They are now going to be providing a much bigger space for your cover image, for your pages and there are going to be a few changes to the Tabs (such as a new Reviews Tab); the About section has also changed as well. Overall, I think that Google plus has it right; I think it is a better user experience and as far as Facebook is concerned, I also do think that maybe they are moving in a really good direction there as well.

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4:23 - Stay on top of the news with Super Savvy Business

I guess the key takeaways from todays video is that you must be aware that the internet is always changing, and its important to stay on top of the news, which is why, when you subscribe to the Super Savvy Business Word of the Week updates, you are going to be hearing what is going on in the world of internet and online marketing for your business. So if you are not already a subscriber make sure that you head over to and subscribe to these weekly video updates because then you will be one of the first business owners to know what is going on and to learn tips and strategies that you can implement in your business so that you can be one step ahead of your competitors. My name is Fiona Lewis from Super Savvy Business and well look forward to seeing you in our next Word of the Week update!

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