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A constellation is a group of stars that appear to have a physical proximity in the

sky. The stars in a constellation are often vastly distant from each other, but they appear
close to each other from the perspective of Earth. The word is used colloquially to refer
to asterisms: groups of stars that appear to form patterns in the sky; different world
cultures have divided the stars into different constellations. However, in modern
astronomy the word refers instead to a method of dividing the sky into 88 areas with
exact boundaries.

Constellation / Nickname / Best Time of Year to View (N. Hemisphere)

• Aquarius / The Water Bearer / Fall

• Aquila / The Eagle / Summer
• Aries / The Ram Late / Fall
• Bootes / The Herdsman / Late Spring
• Cancer / The Crab / Spring
• Canis Major / The Big Dog / Winter
• Canis Minor / The Little Dog / Winter
• Capricornus / The Sea Goat / Fall
• Cetus / The Whale / Fall
• Coma Berenices / Berenice's Hair / Spring
• Corona Borealis / The Northern Crown / Spring
• Corvus / The Crow / Spring
• Crater / The Cup / Spring
• Delphinus / The Dolphin / Fall
• Equuleus / The Little Horse / Fall
• Eridanus / The River / Fall
• Gemini / The Twins / Winter
• Hercules / The Strongman / Summer
• Hydra / The Water Snake / Spring
• Leo / The Lion / Spring
• Lepus / The Hare / Winter
• Libra / The Scales / Spring
• Lyra / The Lyre / Summer
• Monoceros / The Unicorn / Winter
• Ophiuchus / The Serpent Bearer / Summer
• Orion / The Hunter / Winter
• Pegasus / The Winged Horse / Fall
• Pisces / The Fish / Fall
• Puppis / The Stern / Winter
• Sagitta / The Arrow / Summer
• Sagittarius / The Archer / Summer
• Scorpius / The Scorpion / Summer
• Scutum / The Shield / Summer
• Serpens / The Serpent / Summer
• Sextans / The Sextant / Spring
• Taurus / The Bull / Winter
• Virgo / The Virgin / Spring
• Vulpecula / The Fox / Summer

Northern Constellations / Nicknames / Best Time to of Year to View

• Andromeda / Woman in Chains / Fall

• Auriga / The Charioteer / Winter
• Camelopardalis / The Giraffe / All Year (North Circumpolar)
• Canes Venatici / The Hunting Dogs / Spring
• Cassiopeia / The Queen / All Year (North Circumpolar)
• Cepheus / The King / All Year (North Circumpolar)
• Cygnus / The Swan / Summer
• Draco / The Dragon / All Year (North Circumpolar)
• Lacerta / The Lizard / Fall
• Leo Minor / The Little Lion / Spring
• Lynx / The Lynx / Winter
• Perseus / Soldier with Sword / Winter
• Triangulum / The Triangle / Fall
• Ursa Major / The Big Bear / All Year (North Circumpolar)
• Ursa Minor / The Little Bear / All Year (North Circumpolar)

Southern Constellations / Nickname / Best Time to of Year to View

• Antlia / The Air Pump / Fall
• Apus / The Bird of Paradise / All Year (South Circumpolar)
• Ara / The Altar / All Year (South Circumpolar)
• Caelum / The Chisel / Summer
• Carina / The Keel / All Year (South Circumpolar)
• Centaurus / The Centaur / All Year (South Circumpolar)
• Chamaeleon / The Chamaeleon / All Year (South Circumpolar)
• Circinus / The Drawing Compass / All Year (South Circumpolar)
• Columba / The Dove / Summer
• Corona Australis / The Southern Crown / Winter
• Crux / The Southern Cross / All Year (South Circumpolar)
• Dorado / The Goldfish / All Year (South Circumpolar)
• Fornax / The Furnace / Summer
• Grus / The Crane / Spring
• Horologium / The Pendulum Clock / Summer
• Hydrus / The Lesser Water Snake / All Year (South Circumpolar)
• Indus / The Indian / All Year (South Circumpolar)
• Lupus / The Wolf / Fall
• Mensa / The Table Mountain / All Year (South Circumpolar)
• Microscopium / The Microscope / Spring
• Musca / The Fly / All Year (South Circumpolar)
• Norma / The Set Square / Fall
• Octans / The Octant / All Year (South Circumpolar)
• Pavo / The Peacock / All Year (South Circumpolar)
• Phoenix / The Phoenix / Spring
• Pictor / The Painter's Easel / All Year (South Circumpolar)
• Piscis Austrinus / The Southern Fish / Spring
• Pyxis / The Ship's Compass / Summer
• Reticulum / The Net / All Year (South Circumpolar)
• Sculptor / The Sculptor / Spring
• Telescopium / The Telescope / Winter
• Triangulum Australe / The Southern Triangle / All Year (South Circumpolar)
• Tucana / The Toucan / All Year (South Circumpolar)
• Vela / The Sails / Summer
• Volans / The Flying Fish / All Year (South Circumpolar)

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