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Part V.

Maps of the Mineral Distribution in East Timor














Part VII. Maps of Mineral Occurrences in the Districts of East Timor


Figure 37. A cobble beach located at Laca (Baucau District). Cobbles were selectively screened and sorted for use in the construction industry and in road building during Indonesian times. Most of the cobbles and pebbles selected were white limestone. Note the abandoned screen sorter on the left.

Figure 38. The beach pavement of cobbles at Laca (Baucau District) shows the pebble and cobble sizes that occur as a result of natural beach wash and storm activity.















Figure 29. P.J. Bakker examines an outcrop of the Bobonaro Scaly Clay about 3 km southwest of Luro (Lautem District). The locality was reported to have a gold occurrence but the mission only discovered abundant pyrite.

Figure 30. The Bobonaro Scaly Clay shows a high degree of fissility, which gives the clay a scaly appearance. A large variety of rock types occur as exotic blocks in this terane, which is spread over most of East Timor.


Part VIII. Mineral Database Tables


Figure 40a. Marble blocks quarried from an outcrop above this point are strewn over a hillside in Manatuto District. The marble is good quality and was probably quarried in the early to mid-1990s. The abandoned quarry is located just off the north coast highway about half way between Dili and Manatuto. The Timor Sea is in the background.


Table 1. Copper-gold database in East Timor.

Map reference number AB-2.2.1 Latitude E Longitude S Resource Subdistrict. Village Mountain River Geology Potential (per cent) Indication

9 15 57

124 13 55


Pante Nitibe Vemasse

Bihala Bobokase Bauknanan Ossuala Ossuala

BC-2.3.1 BC-2.4.1 CV-2.1.3

8 36 25 8 3536 9 14 25

126 19 06 126 19 06 125 10 55


9 18 25

125 05 52

EM-2.2 MT-2.5.1 VQ-2.2.1

8 49 06 8 30 00 8 45 40

125 26 28 126 26 02 126 21 49

Copper and Gold Copper and Gold Copper, Gold and Silver Copper, Iron and Gold Copper and Gold Copper Copper and Gold

0.7-11.4 gr/ton Indication Maubui Indication

Fatu Lulic

Fatu Lulic

Fatu Mean



Lete Foho Laleia Ossu 3.5 km E. of Bacai near Ossurua Eastern ext of Ossu Mtn. ultramafics Massive sulfide in large ultramafic boulders at base of Hillside on E. side of village near river UeTuco

Indication Indication 10 per cent Cu with Au up to 10 gr/ton

VQ-2.2.2 VQ-2.2.3

8 48 00 8 55 05

126 16 30 126 17 03



Table 2. Gold database for East Timor.

Map reference number AB-2.1.1. Latitude East 9 10 33 Longitude South 124 24 57 Resource Subdistrict. Village Mountain River Potential (g/t)) Indication


AB-2.1.2 BC-2.1.1 CV-2.1.1 CV-2.1.2 CV-2 .1.3

9 13 06 8 35 36 9 14 28 9 26 11 9 14 36

124 26 19 126 19 38 125 10 58 125 05 44 125 10 55

DL-2.2.1 DL-2.2.2 DL-2.2.3 EM-2.1 LQ-2.1.1 LQ-2.1.2 LQ-2.1.3 LT-2.2. LQ-2.1

8 13 08 8 17 02 8 47 52 8 41 44 8 19 14 8 38 03 8 33 25 8 38 03

124 36 25 125 35 03 125 26 36 125 18 57 125 28 47 125 28 55 126 49 30 125 19 55

Gold Gold Gold, Gold Gold, Copper and Silver Gold Gold Gold Gold and Copper Gold, Lead and Zinc Gold, Lead and Zinc Gold Gold Gold

Noemeto, Tanjung Luban Batu, Nifane Mumbal Vermasse Fatu Lulic Tilomar Fatu Lulic Dato Tolu Foho Lulic Fatu Lulic

2.85-3 gr/ton Indication Indication Indication

Atauro Atauro Atauro Letefoho Liquica Bazartete Liquica Luro Liquisa Bazartele Lectela Pantul Tibar Kialeulema Ossalio Aeotele Pantai Tibar

Tanjung Eranmuco Beach (?) Beach (?) Gulolo

Indication Indication Indication Indication Indication Indication Indication Indication Indication


MT-2.1.1 MT-2.1.2 MT-2.1.3 MT-2.1.4 MF-2.1.1

8 46 14 8 37 55 8 46 14 8 34 14 8 50 44

125 59 36 125 58 38 125 59 36 125 54 00 125 42 17

Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold

Soibada Laclo

Diatuto Daerah Ui Bairac

0.5 gr/ton 0.5 gr/ton 0.5 gr/ton 0.5 gr/ton 107 gr /ton 75 gr/ton Ag 3,968 gr/ton Indication Indication

Laclo Turiscai

Sumase Daerah Manufahi Daerah Manufahi

VQ-2.1.1 VQ-2.1.2 VQ-2.1.3

8 45 57 8 46 38 8 53 44

126 24 33 126 00 00 126 17 52

Gold and Silver Gold Gold

Ossu Lacluta UeTuco


Table 3. Silver database for East Timor.

Map reference number BC-2.2.1 CV-2.3 Latitude Longitude Resource Subdistrict. Village Mountain River or Beach Potential (g/ton) 490-560 g/ton Fatu Lulic Indication

8 35 03 9 14 28

126 18 11 125 10 58

DL-2.3.1 VQ-2.3.1

8 14 28 8 44 28

125 32 03 126 26 52

Silver and Gold Silver, Gold and Copper Silver Silver

Vemasse Fatu Lulic

Atauro Ossu

Conifasi beach

Indication 73,025 gr/ton


Table 4. Chromite database for East Timor

Map reference number BC-2.7.1 Latitude







Potential (per cent) and Note Cr2O3 36.4% and 51.3 %

8 35 44

125 33 08




8 29 55

125 56 30



Hilimanu Umakaduak


Ultramafics Serpentinite

Cr2O3 36.4% and 49.6 %


Table 5. Iron sand database for East Timor.

Map reference number AB-2.3.1 DL-2.3.1 Latitude Longitude Resource Subdistrict. Village Mountain River or Beach Ambeno beach Tanjung Eraumoco beach Geology Potential (cu m) Indication Indication

9 17 52 8 13 38

124 07 55 125 36 25

Iron sand Iron sand Atauro

Nitibe Biqueli Maqili

Quaternary mineral sand Quaternary mineral sand

DL-2.3.2 DL-2.3.3

8 13 38 8 16 22

125 35 11 125 33 00

Iron sand Iron sand

Atauro Atauro


Table 6. Manganese database for East Timor.

Map reference number BC-2.6.1 Latitude Longitude Resource Subdistrict. Village Mountain River Geology Potential (cu m) Large deposit of pyrolusite; assessed by Japanese in 1980s; 100m (?) x 10 m x 500 m (?) Indication Indication Indication Indication Indication Indication Indication

8 33 25

126 10 14



1 km south of Vemasse

BC-2.6.2 BC-2.6.3 DL-2.4 LT-2.2.1 LT-2.2.2 LT-2.2.3 VQ-2.4

8 29 19 8 32 44 8 16 22 8 34 05 8 27 17 8 26 11 8 45 40

126 27 58 126 27 58 125 33 00 126 49 30 126 49 22 126 00 00 126 25 47

Manganese Manganese Manganese Manganese Manganese Manganese Manganese

Baucau Baucau Atauro Luro Luro Luro Uatacarbau

Bulbau Samalari Maqueli Daudere Baiihoman Puno Laivai, Halai


Table 7. Limestone database for East Timor.

Map reference number AN-3.3.1 AN-3.3.2 AN-3.3.3 Latitude Longitude Resource Subdistrict. Village Mountain River Geology Potential (cu m) Indication 15 000 000 1 650 520 432

9 08 52 8 48 16 8 48 41

125 33 41 125 38 53 125 36 00

Ls Ls Ls

Hato Udo Hatubulico Maubisse

AN-3.3.4 AN-3.3.5 AN-3.3.6 AN-3.3.7 AN-3.3.8 AN-3.3.9 AN-3.3.10 AN-3.3.11 AN-3.3.12 AN-3.3.13 AN-3.3.14 AL-3.3.1

8 51 41 8 58 30 9 08 11 8 54 00 8 56 44 8 51 57 8 52 38 8 52 47 8 55 38 8 49 44 8 50 11 8 42 49

125 33 25 125 30 41 125 35 11 125 33 41 125 35 52 125 35 03 125 33 49 125 31 46 125 31 30 125 34 46 125 39 17 125 34 05

Ls Ls Ls Ls Ls Ls Ls Ls Ls Ls Ls La

Hatu Udo Hatu Udo Hatu Udo Ainaro Ainaro Haubuilico Hatubuilico Hatubuilico Maubisse Maubisse Maubisse

Fahoailako Manutaci Daerah Mabuno Mau Fatubesi Maubissi Utara

Pmu Pmu Pmu

Balibo Osabo Foho Olica

Pmu Pmu Pmu Pmu

1 884 193 668 378 000 000 1 969 006 034 1 293 731 115 10 024 303 492 249 602 922 8 296 632 733 12 057 502 400 239 095 877 2 834 960 315 6 658 900 455 Indication

Ainaro Soro Nunumogue Mulo Manuxigue Hororaikik Edi Aituto Hotobaul Colimali Hatoria
Berekati Manu Fahihum Manefone


Pmu Pmu Pmu Pmu Pmu Pmu Pmu Pmu

AL-3.3.2 AL-3.3.3 AL-3.3.4

8 44 59 8 45 17 8 46 53

125 35 53 125 34 46 125 37 12

Ls Ls Ls

Pmu Pmu Pmu

2 475 000



9 02 52

124 27 41



Sainerao Puas Buna Lasho

Saineerao Puas


15 000 000

AB-3.1.3 AB-3.1.4 BC-3.5.1 BC-3.5.2 BC-3.5.3 BC-3.5.4 BC-3.5.5 BB-3.7.1 BB-3.7.2 BB-3.7.3 BB-3.7.4 BB-3.7.5 BB-3.7.6 BB-3.5.7 BB-3.5.8 CV-3.3.1 CV-3.3.2 DL-3.6.1

9 22 14 9 20 03 8 30 00 8 42 41 8 27 41 8 38 19 8 39 00 9 02 03 9 04 22 n.d. 8 58 38 8 58 38 n.d. n.d. n.d. 9 11 44 9 20 44 8 16 22

124 04 22 124 04 38 126 21 00 126 32 03 126 29 28 126 24 24 126 17 44 125 12 41 125 12 00 n.d. 125 03 00 125 02 52 n.d. n.d. n.d. 125 08 52 125 10 55 125 32 03

Ls Ls Ls Ls Ls Ls Ls Ls Ls Ls Ls Ls Ls Ls Ls Ls Ls Ls

Baucau Baucau Quilicai Vinilale Balibo Balibo

Bucoi Buruma Sama Fano

Liatai Ariana

18 000 000 11 182 500 65 625 000 468 750 000 High

Balibo Subarai

Bobonaro Kailako Maliana Atabae Atabae Fohorem Tiliomar Atauro

Tapo Lalo Tapo Abendate Lesololi Kailako Marotoi

25 289 050

Memo Kee Balibo Tasmil Tasbui Foholulik Maqueli Tulol Arlo DouruIlina Hatu Akrema Biqueli

Tafara Beloi Conrupo Bibiluha Dimanae Urabe Maco

6 250 000 271 000 000 2 660 500 SiO2 = 0.4 3.77% CaO = 51.21 54.68% Mg2O = 0.46 2.84%


8 14 11

125 31 46



DL-3.6.3 DL-3.6.4 DL-3.6.5 LT-3.11.1

8 12 41 8 09 41 8 09 00 8 20 52

125 33 57 125 36 49 125 37 14 127 02 09

Ls Ls Ls Ls


LT-3.11.2 LT-3.11.3 LT-3.11.4 LT-3.11.5. LT-3.11.6 LT-3.11.7 LT-3.11.8 LT-3.11.9 MT-3.10.1 MF-3.3.1

8 42 17 8 25 30 8 24 17 8 30 49 8 30 16 8 23 44 8 38 44 8 27 33 8 46 46 8 58 14

126 51 49 126 58 22 127 11 36 126 59 52 127 05 36 127 15 40 126 59 52 127 00 16 125 57 17 125 38 11

Ls Ls Ls Ls Ls Ls Ls Ls Ls Ls

Luro Lospalos Tutuala Lospalos

Com Pairara Puno Tirilolo Soro Mehara Asalaino Fuiloro

65 507 812


9 000 000 750 000 1 000 000 125 000

Laclubar Same

Orlalan Manumet alau Darellau Gabblaki Datina Niguttu Be Susu Llusi Monouasi Mitutu Bandeira Caraulun Loilere Betano

7 021 250 4 468 750 000

MF-3.3.2 MF-3.3.3 MF-3.3.4

9 06 49 9 09 33 9 07 55

125 42 33 125 30 41 125 47 03

Ls Ls Ls

Same Same Alas

Fahiluna Letefoho Berloik

19 968 750 000 2 024 875 000 1 245 750 000


8 59 03

125 53 52



Umaberl oik

481 250 000


9 07 30




1 311 787 500


MT-3.10.2 MT-3.10.3 MT- 3.10.4

8 46 06 8 43 22 8 34 14

125 55 14 125 54 57 125 52 22

Ls Ls Ls

Laclubar Laclubar Laclo

Hataderoc Barubi DiliManatuto Rd. Umacaduac Ulohau Mundu Pardido Ossu Rus Lariguto

4 250 000 63 562 500 4 218 750

MT-3.10.5 VQ-3.1.1 VQ-3.1.2 VQ-3.1.3 VQ-3.1.4

n.d. 8 41 52 8 42 49 8 44 36 8 41 52

n.d. 126 23 11 126 19 46 126 26 11 126 23 03

Ls Ls Ls Ls Ls

Laclo Ossu Ossu Ossu Ossu

Indication Indication Indication Indication Indication


Table 8. Marble database for East Timor.

Map reference number AN-3.6.1 AN-3.6.2 AL-3.4.1 Latitude Longitude Resource Subdistrict. Village Mountain or Hill Gabiki Hotobolu River Geology Potential (cu m) Indication Indication

8 54 39 9 03 03 8 37 55

125 32 03 123 38 125 43 22

Marble Marble Marble



8 35 00

125 50 10




8 45 08

125 32 44




8 47 09

125 32 19




8 42 00

125 42 17


BC-3.6.1 BC-3.6.2 BB-3.8.1

8 39 08 8 38 11 8 58 55

126 37 14 126 33 08 125 01 22

Marble Marble Marble

Bauquia Quelicai Balibo

Ossu Maluro

Matebean Feto Magalsso Fatue

1 575 000 4 500 000 Indication



Mutin BB-3.8.2 EM-3.4.1 EM-3.4.2 CV-3.5.1 CV-3.5.2 LT-3.3.1 MT-3.19.1 MF-3.2.1 VQ-3.2.1 9 05 27 8 49 14 8 55 55 9 14 52 9 14 03 8 24 33 8o 28 45 8 56 52 8 52 30 125 12 41 125 16 38 125 23 11 125 09 00 125 14 28 127 13 14 125o54 53 125 37 47 126 20 27 Marble Marble Marble Marble Marble Marble Marble Marble Marble Letefoho Letefoho Fatoholik Fohorem Fatululik Fohorem Tutuala Laclo Same Ossu Pebukitan Atsabe 33 000 000 Taroman Maubara Rusili 15 347 500 Indication Quarry 1 000 000+ Indication High Indication

Datutolu Dili-Manatuto Rd.


Table 9. Marl, Travertine and Tufa database for East Timor.

Database reference no. AB-3.7.1 AB-3.7.2 BC-3.9.1 BC-3.16.1 (new)









Potential (cu m) and Note Indication

9 12 25 9 14 28 8 27 08 8 29 30

124 21 124 19 46 126 12 25 128 17 30

Tufa Tufa Travertine Marl

Pante Makassar Pante Makasar Baucau Vemasse

Fatsuba Lifura Buruma Macadai Birwah


8 22 38

126 55 14




Indication 3 000 10 000 Small quarry USD 7/ton in May 2002 Indication


Table 10. Phosphate database for East Timor.

Map reference no. Latitude Longitude Mineral Subdistrict. Village Mountain River Geology Potential

BC-3.8.1 BC-3.8.2

8 36 17 n.d.

126 35 03

Phosphate Phosphate

Quelicai Paatal Utara Baucau Seldtar Jalan Manatuto-Laleia (Km 2)



8 30 08

125 59 36


P 2O 5 21.55% P 2O 5 1.89-5.85% 1 969 tonnes Indication


8 52 30

125 56 44



Table 11. Clay database for East Timor.

Map reference no. Latitude Longitude Resource Subdistrict. Village Mountain or hill River Fm Potential (cu m)

AN-3.7.1 AN-3.7.2 AN-3.7.3 AN-3.7.4 AL-2.2.1 Al-2.2.2 AB-3.8.1 AB-3.8.2 AB-3.8.3 BB-3.2.1

9 06 47 9 04 30 8 49 13 n.d. 8 44 03 8 44 19 9 13 22 9 18 00 9 14 11 8 59 50

125 51 32 125 55 36 125 51 32 n.d. 125 32 19 125 33 25 124 18 00 124 22 55 124 24 57 124 58 06

Clay Clay Clay Clay Clay Clay Clay Clay Clay Clay

Hatu Udo Hatu Udo Ainaro Maubisse Aileu Aileu

Leolima Beikala Maunurmo Maubisse Aileu Aileu Bihala Bobokase Nukano Naimeko Malian Cova Leolima Malilait Memo Maliana Lolotoe Comoro Mota Hare

1 443 849 151 297 857 922 401 558 464 1 350 000 High 523 100 000 75 000 Lereng 24 000 162 000 High

Pante Makassar Pante Makassar Tunu Bibi Balibo Bobonaro Lebo Ballibo Dili Barat Raiklako

BB-3.2.2 BB-3.2.3

8 58 14 9 00 32

125 08 36 125 17 52

Clay Clay


917 635 000 High

DL-3.6.1 EM-3.1.1

8 34 14 8 41 19

125 32 52 125 23 52

Clay Clay

6 250 000 High



8 46 06

125 26 03


LT-3.1.1 LT-3.1.2

8 42 41 8 42 03

126 45 27 126 48 33

Letefoho Tanjung Earumoco Lautem Illiomar

Ketrai Kraik Ililai Badura Palrara



Table 12. Sand and gravel database for East Timor.

Map reference number Latitude E Longitude S Resource Subdistrict. Village Mountain River Geology Potential (cu m)

AN-2.2.1 AN-2.2.2 AN-2.2.3 AN-2.2.4 AN-2.2.5 AL-3.3.1 AL-3.3.2 AL-3.3.3 AL-3.3.4 AL-3.3.5 AL-3.3.6 AB-3.1.1

9 04 30 8 55 14 8 50 52 8 56 52 8 52 55 8 42 49 8 44 59 8 45 17 8 46 53 8 44 35 8 47 19 9 02 52

125 32 44 125 36 17 125 40 14 125 33 08 125 34 40 125 34 05 125 35 52 125 34 46 125 37 12 125 40 04 125 35 52 124 27 41

Sd, gvl Sd, gvl Sd, gvl Sd, gvl Sd, gvl Sd, gvl Sd, gvl Sd, gvl Sd, gvl Sd, gvl Sd, gvl Sd, gvl

Ainaro Ainaro Maubisse Maubisse Maubisse Aileu Aileu Aileu Maneta Aituto Nunumigu e Daisoli Nosi

Burumo Belulik

Quaternary Quaternary Quaternary Quaternary Quaternary Quaternary Quaternary

16 000 000 26 000 000 3 162 654 684 269 874 604 856 298 101 High High

Eramata Eramata

Berecati Manufanihu m Manofone Tono, Bilomi, Barata, Colo Tono Quaternary

2 475 030



9 16 38

124 21 49

Sd, gvl





CV-3.2.1 CV-3.2.1 CV-3.2.3 CV-3.2.4 DL-3.5.1 DL-3.5.2 DL-3.5.3 DL-3.5.4

9 20 27 9 18 57 9 18 08 9 21 57 8 16 55 8 33 25 8 33 25 8 17 27

125 10 55 125 08 52 25 09 33 125 13 30 125 36 00 125 31 55 125 31 55 125 33 16

Sd, gvl Sd, gvl Sd, gvl Sd, gvl Sd, gvl Sd, gvl Sd, gvl Sd, gvl




4 100 000

Atauro West Dili Dili Timur Atauro

-+ Pala Biqueli Santana Becora Biqueli Arlo Douru

Lau Beloi Comoro Bemori Benama Ue

Quaternary Quaternary Quaternary Quaternary

31 325 000 2 400 000 315 000 82 500

DL-3.5.5 EM-3.3.1 LT-3.2.1

8 33 29 8 44 44 8 24 57

125 31 55 125 11 19 126

Sd, gvl Sd, gvl 48S25d, gvl



8 44 03

126 44 11

Sd, gvl

Marobo Namanutuda n Irabere Laivai Iliomar Baura Massosio Miara Corolai Lihua Nabere Tehino Ndamaluhu Raumoco Laivai

Quaternary Quaternary

High High




8 43 55

126 51 33

Sd, gvl



800 000

LT-3.2.4 LT-3.2.5 LT-3.2.6 LT-3.2.7 LT-3.2.8 LT-3.2.9

8 24 57 n.d. n.d. n.d. 8 40 47 8 40 47

126 49 55 n.d. n.d. n.d. 126 57 00 127 00 00

Sd, gvl Sd, gvl Sd, gvl Sd, gvl Sd, gvl Sd, gvl Lautem

Quaternary Quaternary

50 000 1 200 000


LT-3.2.10 LQ-3.2.1

8 26 28 8 37 06

127 00 26 125 12 58

Sd, gvl Sd, gvl

Liquisa Mubara Loes Same Same Same Same Same Alas Alas Turscai Viqueque Fatynaro Manumeta

Usngai Dl


24 049 000

LQ-3.2.2 MF-3.1.1 MF-3.1.2 MF-3.1.3 MF-3.1.4 MF-3.1.5 MF-3.1.6 MF-3.1.7 MF-3.1.8 VQ-3.5.0

8 36 17 9 04 22 9 01 14 9 07 47 9 05 52 9 09 49 9 05 36 9 05 36 8 49 14 8 48 00

125 20 11 125 39 57 125 40 14 125 39 57 125 41 30 125 45 16 125 56 03 125 54 49 125 39 41 126 16 30

Sd, gvl Sd, gvl Sd, gvl Sd, gvl Sd,gvl Sd, gvl Sd, gvl Sd, gvl Sd, gvl Sd, gvl

Aiassa Abata Koloko Caraqulun Sual Clere Laclo Sal

Quaternary Quaternary Quaternary Quaternary Quaternary Quaternary Quaternary Quaternary

2 012 000 236 250 147 800 17 887 500 3 750 000 6 240 000 7 280 000 6 687 000 000 High




Table 13. Bentonite database for East Timor.

Map reference no. AB-3.4.1 AB-3.4.2 AB-3.4.3 AB-3.4.4 AB-3.4.5 BC-3.1 Latitude Longitude Resource Subdistrict Village Mountain River Geology Potential (cu m) Indication

9 21 17 9 15 57 9 15 57 n.d. 9 28 14 8 38 11

124 05 52 124 14 35 124 16 06 n.d. 124 20 27 126 20 52

Bentonite Bentonite Bentonite Bentonite Bentonite Bentonite

Bauknana Pante Macassar Pante Macassar




8 56 36

124 59 11


Batu Gade Bobnaro Balibo


9 00 08

125 15 00


Batu Gade Taluata Laruba Ddaerah Aiasa Nunura Leolima Antara Manatuto Laleia

408 985 920 SiO2 = 65.7 - 67.8% Al2O3 = 15.1 - 15.9% Fe2O3 = 2.02 2.07% CaO = 2.03 2.36% Indication


BB-3.1.3 MT-3.2

9 00 16 8 32 09

125 19 46 126 03 41

Bentonite Bentonite



8 59 19

125 36 49






Table 14. Andesite database for East Timor.

Map reference no AN-3.1 AL-3.1.1 Latitude Longitude Resource Subdistrict Village Mountain Stream Geology Potential (cu m) 7 500 000 Tamala Liqueno Hau Tuto Baba Atauro Maumeta Vila Eohotulas Irara Laclo High

8 52 20 8 41 28

125 32 44 125 38 11

Andesite Andesite

Hatubuilico Liquidoe

Maubisse Perbatasan

AL-3.1.2 BB-3.9 DL-3.4.1 DL-3.4.2 CV-3.1 LT-3.9 MT-3.1

8 39 00 8 50 27 8 15 40 8 16 38 9 23 27 8 21 08 8 31 46

125 35 27 125 01 55 125 30 40 125 32 27 125 05 27 126 58 14 125 56 52

Andesite Andesite Andesite Andesite Andesite Andesite Andesite

High 31 325 000

Timliomar Lautem Laclo

High High n.d.


Table15. Basalt database for East Timor.

Map reference No. AN-3.4.1 AN-3.4.2 AN-3.4.3 AB-3.5 BC-3.10.1 Latitude Longitude Resource Subdistrict. Village Mountain Or Hill Maubisse Cocorema Hatubuiliko Hatubuiliko Nitibe Nununmoqie Hororailike Oecusse Baniuga River Geology Potential (cu m)

8 56 31 8 50 27 8 48 40 9 18 08 8 26 19

125 30 57 125 33 41 125 36 32 124 10 22 126 25 38

Basalt Basalt Basalt Basalt Basalt

7 500 000 2 354 030 986 64 509 002 21 500 000 High

Bauknana Tiba Oashuma Samatano Mucobuba


8 36 25

126 33 41



Table 16. Dolomite database for East Timor.

Map Reference Number AN-3.5.1 BB-3.3.1 BB-3.3.2 EM-3.2 CV-3.4 MT-3.9.1 MT-3.9.2 VQ-3.6 Latitude Longitude Resource Subdistrict. Village Mountain River Geology Potential (cu m) 3,817 500 Indication n.d. Indication 33 000 000 Indication Indication

n.d. 9 03 17 9 01 31 8 54 33 9 03 33 8 32 44 8 32 44 8 42 33

n.d. 125 15 57 125 23 11 125 24 25 125 09 17 126 07 14 125 54 57 126 30 49

Dolomite Dolomite Dolomite Dolomite Dolomite Dolomite Dolomite Dolomite

Hatu Udo Bobonaro Bobonaro Letefoho Fohorem Laclo Ossu

Leolima Tapo Carabau Ilat Lun Atsabe Fatululik Hilimanu



Table 17. Gabbro-diabase database for East Timor.

Map reference number BC-3.11 EM-3.5 LQ-3.4.1 LQ-3.4.2 LQ-3.4.3 MT-3.11.1 MT-3.11.2 MT-3.11.3 Latitude Longitude Mineral Subdistrict. Village



Potential (cu m) 9 575 000

8 36 57 8 56 28 8 41 28 n.d. n.d. 8 35 36 8 29 44 8 34 06

126 41 11 125 22 30 125 06 25 n.d. n.d. 125 55 55 125 54 41 125 49 55

Diabase Gabbro Gabbro Gabbro Gabbro Gabbro Gabbro Gabbro

Bagula Letefoho Liquisa Tg. Fatuboro Bo Laclo Laclo Laclo

Larisuk Dokurasi Ulmera

Mauss ocoafo


MF-3.4 VQ-3.5

9 05 03 8 48 49

125 52 47 126 31 46

Gabbro Gabbro

Alas Untolari

Umacadua c Dusun Behau Hatu Emera Hohorai Uma Berlole


Table 18. Gypsum database for East Timor.

Map reference number AB-3.6.1 AB-3.6.2 MT-3.11.1 Latitude Longitude Mineral Subdistrict. Village Mountain River Geology Potential

9 20 11 9 23 19 8 30 08

124 04 22 124 20 00 125 59 44

Gypsum Gypsum Gypsum

Utara Manatuto Laleia


Indication 39,2 93 tons

Table 19. Kaolin database for East Timor.

Database reference number AL-3.2.8 DL-3.12.1 LQ-3.8.1 Latitude Longitude Resource Subdistrict. Village Mountain River Geology Potential (cu m) 2 500 000 Indication Indication

8 45 17 8 16 38 8 35 11

125 33 01 125 34 55 125 13 30

Kaolin Kaolin Kaolin

Remixio Atauro Bazartete

Maumeta Maqueli Ulmera Lebollua

Aileu hill


Table 20. Salt database for East Timor.

ET Database Reference Number AB-3.13.1 BC-3.10.1 Latitude Longitude Resource Subdistrict. Village Mountain River Geology Potential (cu m) Indication Cl = 10.830 gr/ton Area of 10 250 sq m pH = 6 7 Indication

9 12 00 8 27 25

124 20 44 126 38 19

Halite Halite

Pante Makassar Laga

Masin Nunira


8 33 57

125 29 11


West Dili


Table 21. Manganese database for East Timor.

Database reference number DL-2.5.1 LT-2.2.1 Latitude Longitude Resource Subdistrict. Village Mountain River Geology Potential (cu m) Indication Indication

8 16 22 n.d.

125 33 00 n.d.

Manganese Manganese

Atauro Moro

Maqueli Daudere

LT-2.2.2 LT-2.2.3 LT-2.2.4 VQ-2.4.1

8 27 17 8 26 11 8 34 05. 8 45 40

126 49 22 126 00 00 126 49 30 126 25 47

Manganese Manganese Manganese Manganese

Buihoman Banura Puno Uatacarbau

Laivai Indication


Table 22. Silica database for East Timor.

Map Reference Number AB-3.11.1 AB-3.11.2 AB-3.11.3 AB-3.11.4 DL-3.8.1 Latitude Longitude Resource Subdistrict. Village Mountain River Geology Potential (cu m) 320 Tono Oenamu Pantai Suniufe Atauro Lourba Bobonaro Maqueli 3 000 675 108 Indication

9 17 44 9 14 44 9 20 03 9 20 03 8 18 00

124 27 49 124 13 38 124 09 08 124 09 08 125 34 30

Silica sd Silica sd Silica sd Silica sd Silica Sd

Pante Makassar Pante Makassar Nitibe

Pantain Palaban

Table 23. Wollastonite database for East Timor

Map Reference Number BB-2.1.1 Latitude Longitude Resource Subdistrict. Village Mountain River Potential (per cent)

9 00 57

125 23 27






Table 24. Talc database for East Timor.

Database reference number AL-3.9.1 MT-3.14.1 Latitude Longitude Resource Subdistrict. Village Mountain River Geology Potential (cu m) Indication Indication

8 43 55 8 30 16

125 35 27 125 55 38

Talc Talc

Aileu Laclo

Aisirimou Hilimanu


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