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Assalamualaikum, n salam sejahtera.. Regarding our pkk debate, i have divided the task to all of us.

. Im sorry, i decided by myself w/o discussing first with u all.. but pls, prepare ur text based on the field given. Plus, construct the question form too (regarding what u r saying), so that we can give it to the moderator. (like ldv forum). Pls email me ur text with the question by Sunday, 10.00 pm. I have to prepare the mcs text.

Oh ya, below this are some of the websites which i think might be useful for ur references.

if there is anything that u would like to add on, u may do so. This is just the outlines. TQ =)

1st point Vee -similar characteristics such as the same interest, talents, personalities, behavior, etc. -inherited biologically from biological parents.


1st point- syifa Environment can also lead to similarities in terms of behaviour, interest, personalities, n etc. -The twins tend to copy the person close to them. Adopted parents n siblings. -affected by the upbringing of the families and norms of the society they are living in. -different society has different norms n values.

Genes 2nd point- nana -the twins usually have the similarities from physical aspects; same height, weight, etc. -due to their genetic n chromosome 2nd point- athirah -but the twins also affected by other factors of environment, such as weather. -twins that are brought up in different states or countries might have different skin colour depending on the climate of the environment. -the weight might also be different. If the twins is separated, one raised up in western country and consumed less rice, she might become thinner than her twins that brought up in Malaysia, which is a country that depend on rice as the meal. 3rd point- nisa - A man is trained to become stronger by doing heavy works, while women doing lighter works. -gender role is decided by the society. a baby boy is expected to be more masculin, play with trucks, robot not dolls. - the society and the cultures put the concept of what the roles of women n men accordingly.

3rd point- syu - But genetically speaking, there is no doubt that man and woman were created different. Accordingly, we have different functions -man is stronger than women.biologically, mans body is more muscular than women.

Sex and gender roles

-from biological aspect, the hormones in ones body plays a great effects to the person. Affects the interest and personality. -as the babies grow, they can decide which one is better n suits them. The learning process going on and is influence by the hormone in the body and also the physical growth.

Dr Bukenya says these kind of twins can also be caused by environmental related factors. He explains that although there is not much proof, unstable weather conditions are another cause of conjoined twins. He says the reason the last two pairs of conjoined twins were born to parents in Western Uganda is because of the unstable weather. Unstable weather conditions can affect the development of the foetus. So, at the time when the ovum is supposed to be separating, it fails to split because of the uncertainty of the weather formation.
While identical twins form with the same set of genes, human development is not just genetic. The environment also has an impact. So, beginning in the early environment of the womb, external influences can change the appearance of twins. For example, some monozygotic twins share a placenta. One twin may have a more advantageous connection to the placenta, receiving the first run of nutrients. This situation can cause a size discrepancy between the babies, a physical difference that continues as they grow up. Twin-to-Twin Transfusion Syndrome (TTTS) is another condition that affects twins in the womb, and can impact their development. While most twins grow up in the same home environment, there are many circumstances that create differences in the childrens' appearances, personalities, and interests. As the twins approach the teen years, they may even seek to establish dissimilar qualities in order to establish individual identities.

Analogy of twins
Think of it this way--when I bake an apple pie, it turns out a little different each time. The shapes of the apple pieces are never quite the same. Maybe the stove is a little hotter, or I add slightly more sugar. Maybe a distraction like the phone ringing keeps me from taking it out of the oven exactly when I planned. I use the same set of instructions every time. But each pie is still unique because differences in the environment make it is impossible for me to follow the instructions in exactly the same way. Some identical twins can have different heights and weights. This is because height and weight are controlled by what you eat as well your DNA.

Differences in diet can start earlier than you might imagine. When the twins are growing inside the uterus, there can be differences in how well they connect to the placenta. This can mean one twin starts getting more to eat even before they are born!

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