Tetzaveh Q&A

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‫פ' תצוה‬ ben chamesh l’mikra

- ‫הענינים מלקו"ש השבועי‬-
‫לע"נ ר' אפרים ב"ר אברהם ע"ה האפמאן‬ ‫נשמת אפרים‬
 Resource to encourage the study of the Rebbe’s sichos
Designed for use in the classroom or at the Shabbos Table

Understanding the Parsha according to the teachings of the Rebbe ‫ממ"ש‬

QUESTION: What is the meaning of G-d’s statement to Moshe to draw the Jews close “to you” (Shmos 28,1)?
ANSWER: G-d told Moshe to draw them close “to you”, to your level. Moshe (of each generation) has a special
connection to HaShem. And the leader of the generation can share that connection specifically to those that
are close to his ways, drawing them to his level. (170 '‫ עמ‬,‫)לקוטי שיחות כרך ו‬

QUESTION: Why is the name of Moshe not mentioned in this week’s Parsha?
ANSWER: The name of Moshe not mentioned in the Parsha, but referred to in the second person. This indicates
that present is the essence of Moshe, which is higher than the level of his name. (156 '‫ עמ‬,‫)לקוטי שיחות כרך כו‬

QUESTION: Why did the Me’il (Robe) worn by the Cohen Gadol, have bells on the bottom?
ANSWER: The Cohen HaGadol represents all Jews, including those on the level of Baalei Teshuvah who service
includes noise. (336 '‫ עמ‬,‫)לקוטי שיחות כרך טז‬

QUESTION: The garment ‫( אבנט‬belt) seems to serve no function. What does it represent?
ANSWER: The belt represents the positive notion of a general readiness to perform G-d’s service, revealing the
nullification of the individual standing before G-d (possibly reflecting the higher reason to wear a gartel
during prayers). (105 '‫ עמ‬,‫)לקוטי שיחות כרך לו‬

QUESTION: Why is the Incense Altar mentioned in this parsha and not in Parshas Terumah where all the other
vessels of the Mishkan were listed?
ANSWER: Ketores (incense) suggests connection (like ‫קשר‬, a knot). The offering of incense in the Holy Temple
was a process by which the Jews and G-d become joined together (not like the kobanos which accomplished a
connection of close yet separate). To stress this point, the Divine Presence did not come close to the people
after the commands to build the Mishkan, all its components, to erect it, inaugurate the Priests, etc. Only after
the offering of the incense, did the Jews actually become united with HaShem.

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