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TOEFL Writing Example (Dependent Essay1) (Summarize the points made in the lecture, being sure to explain how

they oppose specific points made in the reading passage.) The lecture explained why the computerized voting system can not replace the traditional voting system.There are following three reasons. First of all,not everyone can use computers correctly.Some people do not have the computers,some people are not use of computer,and some people are scared of this new technology.If the voters do not know how to use a computer,how do you expect them to finish the voting process through computers.This directly refutes the reading passage which states that computerized voting is easier by just touching the screen. Secondly, computers may make mistakes as the people do.As computers are programmed by the human beings,thus erors are inevitable in computer system.Problems caused by computer voting systems may be more serious than those caused by people.A larger number of votes might be miss counted or even removed from the system.Furthermore,it would take more energy to recount the votes.Again this contradicts what is stated in reading which stated that only people will make mistakes in counting Thirdly,computerized voting system is not reliable because it has not reached a stable status.People trust computers to conduct banking transactions because the computerized banking system is being used daily and frequently and has been stable.However,the voting does not happen as often as banking thus the computerized voting system has not been proved to be totally reliable. All in all,not everyone can us a computer properly,computer cause mistakes and computerized voting system is not reliable are the main reasons why computerized voting system can not replace the traditional voting system.

TOEFL Writing Example (Dependent Essay 2)

(Summarize the main points of reading passage and explain how the points made in the lecture cast doubt on them) The author explains that color has psychological effects.In contrast,the speaker tell us about a study that showed no effect of color on apetite. The author desribes different ways people have used the psychological effects of color.Ancient people used color for healing,and a modern designers use color to create mood.Designers might use yellow to create a positive mood in an Office.Likewise,they might use neutral colors to ceate a clean,clear,and focused mood in health care centers.Restaurants often use orange and red to stimulate the apetite.Some scientists say that blue lowers the heart rate and blood pleasure.Red,on the other hand,raises blood pressure.Other scintists do not believe that color affects mood.They say th effect is temporary and also that is different in every culture. The speaker describes a study that showed no relationship between color and apetite.A fast-food restaurant chain had orange walls in half its restaurants and beige walls in the rest of the restaurants.It recorded all the food ordered for two years.There as no difference between the restaurants with orange walls and restaurants with beige walls.People ordered the same food in both types of places.In other words,according to the company president,there is no effect of color on apetite.He said that the study proved it.In this case ,at least,there was no psychological effect of color.

TOEFL Independent Essay 1 Three Reasons People Attend The College People attend college for a lot of different reasons.I believe that the three most common reasons are to prepare for a career,to have new experiences and to increase their knowledge of themselves and of the world around them. Career preparation is probably the primary reason that people attend college.These days the job market is very competitive.Careers such as information technology will need many new workers in near future.At college,students can learn new skills for these careers and increase their opportunities fort he future. Students also go to college to have new experiences.For many ,it is their first time away from home.At college ,they can meet people from many different places.They can see what life is like in a different city.They can learn to live on their own and take care of themselves without having their family always nearby At college ,students have the oppotunity to increase their knowledge.As they decide what they want to study,pursue their studies,and interact with their classmates,they learn about many subjects in their classes.In addition to the skills and knowledge related to this career,college students also have the chance to take classes in other areas.For many ,this will be their last chance to study different subjects. College offer much more than career preparation.They offer opportunity to have new experiences and to learn many kinds of things.I think all of these reasons why people attend college .

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