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4 theSun | WEDNESDAY MARCH 4 2009

news without borders

MPs’ guests shouldn’t be making statements in Parliament: Nazri

MINISTER in the Prime Minister’s he asked. nothing we can do. There are no management of the party’s charity of people come to Parliament
Department Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz Nazri described as irresponsi- specific rulings in the Standing fund. peacefully. We are all like broth-
has “advised” all MPs not to bring ble N. Gobalakrishnan’s (PKR- Orders that disallow MPs from Gobalakrishnan when ap- ers and sisters here, so why
guests to Parliament for press Padang Serai) move in inviting bringing in guests or holding press proached by reporters admitted question me about a person who
conferences. former Maju Institute of Educa- conferences,” he said. that Chitrakala had contacted came to see me?” Gobalakrishnan
When met in the Parliament tional Development (MIED) chief Security in Parliament has been him. asked.
lobby, he said MPs should coop- executive officer P. Chitrakala stepped up following a scuffle “I had informed the security “Is Samy Vellu trying to inter-
erate with security personnel to Vasu to speak at a press confer- between Selangor Umno Youth guards that she was coming to see fere in the affairs of an MP? The
enhance the level of security. ence in the Parliament compound members and opposition MPs in me and asked that they ‘please minister (Nazri) has also asked
“Members must respect the on Monday. the House last week. allow her in’. me the same thing. Does that
rules and sanctity of the House. “Be careful. She’s not an MP Chitrakala told reporters that “We met in the cafeteria behind mean someone is trying to stop
For example, it is okay for an MP and she is not supposed to hold a two police reports had been lodged the Parliament building,” he said. her (Chitrakala) from coming to
to make a statement, but how can press conference here. If they flout against MIC president Datuk Seri “What is wrong in Chitrakala Parliament because she is expos-
you allow others to do so here?” the rules, what can we do? There’s S. Samy Vellu on a dispute over the coming to the House? Hundreds ing bad things ... ?”

Giam Say Khoon at the Dewan Rakyat yesterday

2nd Penang bridge to be briefs

No compromise in
investigating bullies
Abdul Samad (PAS-Shah Alam) who
had asked about steps taken by the
government to break a monopoly by
importers of commodities like sugar
and flour.
Shahrir said the government was

completed on schedule
also in the final phase of drafting a
THE government will not compromise Fair Trade Bill that would give the
on investigations into cases of bullying government more powers to resolve
involving students, Education Minister issues that may arise when producers
Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein said. abuse the market. – Bernama
“The ministry treats the issue of

DATUK Bung Moktar Radin Devamany said the imple- Asia, the other being Ho Chi
student discipline as important and 108 public housing
appropriate action will be taken,” he said
(BN-Kinabatangan) wants the mentation of the project had Minh City in Vietnam,” he said. in reply to a supplementary question from projects last year
RM4.3 billion second Penang been delayed owing to the federal “Penang’s growth is also im- Nasharudin Mat Isa (PAS-Bachok). A TOTAL of 108 public housing projects
bridge project suspended and the government finalising compensa- portant to the country’s growth Nasharudin had asked about meas- involving 77,636 units were imple-
allocation used to help the rural tion negotiations with the state as it contributes about 30% of ures taken by the government to ad- mented last year, Housing and Local
poor. government and five affected Malaysia’s exports. So taking dress the problem of bullying in schools Government Minister Datuk Seri Ong
Bung Moktar in a supplemen- cockle breeders. political revenge will not help, not which was becoming more serious and Ka Chuan said.
tary question said he was disap- “Once the breeders are Penang nor Malaysia. Penang is had given the education system a bad He said that up to last year, a total of
pointed to see the government compensated, the construction also coming to be known as the image. 50,820 public housing units were built
continue to press for the mega site can be cleared to allow the country’s Silicon Valley, and we are The latest case highlighted by the to be rented.
project despite a global recession. contractor to begin work in early upgrading it to a Software Valley. media was the distribution of a video “Of the total, four projects involving
“If the money can be distrib- March. The delay will not affect “We are transforming the state recording which showed a Form Three 3,416 houses, costing RM210 million,
uted to the poor in suburban the bridge’s completion in mid- from a sweat shop into a smart student being bullied by 10 of his seniors were completed last year,” he said in a
areas, they will live happily. The 2012,” he said. shop by providing free wifi so that at SM Oya Dalat in Mukah, Sarawak. reply to Matulidi Jusoh (BN-Dungun).
people of Kinabatangan and Bin- Devamany said the construc- it can in two years be the first wifi Earlier, in replying to Datuk Dr Mo- Matulidi had inquired about the
tulu had requested only RM3 mil- tion cost would be maintained at state in the country.” hamad Shahrum Osman (BN-Lipis) on number of low-cost public housing
lion to build roads, but it is very RM4.3 billion despite features that needed to be upgraded to projects built last year and the total
difficult to get the money. Is it so a drastic drop in fuel raise the status of day schools so they allocation for these projects according to
important to build the bridge?” he price due to a varia- are on par with fully residential schools, state. – Bernama
asked. tion in the prices of Hishammuddin said the ministry would
“We need development projects construction materi- create clusters of excellence involving all Training centre for
in suburban areas,” he said. als. schools including secondary day schools.
Deputy Minister in the Prime In the Parliament – Bernama immigration officers
Minister’s Department Datuk lobby, Lim told THE Temporary Detention Centre
S.K. Devamany said in his reply: reporters the com- in Semuja, Sarawak will be used as
“The honourable Kinabatangan pletion of the bridge
Sugar and flour imports a training centre for Immigration
must note that the private sec- should be brought may be liberalised Department officers nationwide.
tor is funding the project and its forward as it was THE government may soon liberalise Home Minister Datuk Seri Syed
viability is vast. The offshoot will crucial not only to the the import of sugar and flour by lift- Hamid Albar said the centre had a
affect hundreds of sub-contractors people of Penang but ing a control ban on the import of the large compound and adequate facili-
and thousands of workers.” as a catalyst for the two commodities and allow healthy ties for the purpose.
Earlier, replying to a question development of the competition in the market. He said the centre was built on
from Penang Chief Minister Lim Northern Corridor Domestic Trade and Consumer a 32.7ha site and could accom-
Guan Eng (DAP-Bagan), he Economic Region. Affairs Minister Datuk Shahrir Abdul modate 400 male and 100 female
said a second package relating to “Penang has been Samad said the government had inmates.
the bridge’s superstructure was picked as one of 31 abolished controls on the import of In addition, Syed Hamid said, the
awarded to UEM Builders Ber- outsourcing hubs cement and steel last year. centre had a sessions court spe-
had based on a final agreement for the future … So “It is the government’s wish to cifically to hear charges against illegal
with Jambatan Kedua Sdn Bhd if we want to bring determine the price for consumers immigrants.
(JKSB). in benefits to the instead of allowing others to de- “The Immigration Department
“The package has been country, the state’s termine the prices. We have been will utilise the centre to the optimum
awarded to UEM and the third contribution would monitoring the situation since last by using it as a training centre for
package will be called for open definitely help as year and for the benefit of consumers officers,” he said in reply to Datuk
tender only in mid-2010 as JKSB there would only we may allow free trade to encour- Richard Riot anak Jaem (BN-Serian)
is in the process of preparing the be two outsourcing age healthy competition among who had asked about plans to expand
tender documents.” hubs in Southeast importers,” he said in reply to Khalid the use of the centre.

Stiffer penalties for poachers, traders Most applicants not qualified

KUALA LUMPUR: The Wild- Embas said the Wildlife and billion) annually.
for disability pension
life Protection Act 1972 is to be National Parks Department had “Demand for illegally obtained SUNGAI PETANI: Four out of five ap- many people apply for disability pension
amended to increase by between done a good job in combating wildlife is ubiquitous, and some plicants for disability pension from the as they know that after 55 years of age,
10 and 30 times the penalty for smuggling and the indiscrimi- suspect that illicit demand may Social Security Organisation (Socso) do they will no longer have an income.”
offences against wildlife and to nate exploitation of wildlife res- be growing. We are pleased to be not qualify. Subramaniam said Socso’s function
protect more species considered ources. working with Malaysia to elimi- Human Resources Minister Datuk Dr was not to award pension but protection
endangered. “In 2008, 45 cases of crimes nate this pernicious activity,” he S. Subramaniam said this was due to when there is an accident or if an em-
Natural Resources and Envi- against wildlife were brought to said. applicants misunderstanding the function ployee is stricken with illness.
ronment Minister Datuk Douglas court where offenders were fined The two-day workshop, of the organisation. On the subject of Hindu Rights
Uggah Embas said the ministry or imprisoned,” he said. jointly organised by the and the “The decision to award disability pen- Action Force leader P. Uthayakumar who is
would try to table the amendment Deputy chief of mission of Federal Courts of Malaysia, is sion is based on the report of a panel of being detained under the Internal Security
in the ongoing parliamentary ses- the United States Embassy in co-sponsored by the US Agency doctors who examine the applicant,” he Act, Subramaniam said he had discussed
sion. Kuala Lumpur, Robert G. Rapson, for International Development. told reporters after meeting with clients Uthayakumar’s medical treatment with
“It is now in the final draft,” he said that according to a 2008 The Asean Wildlife Enforce- at the Sungai Petani Socso office here Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib
said in his opening speech, read US Congressional Report, global ment Network is the world’s yesterday. Abdul Razak on Monday.
out by the ministry’s secretary- illegal trade in wildlife was a largest and comprises Brunei He said that if the panel decides an “The deputy prime minister accepted
general Datuk Zoal Azha Yusof, growing economy estimated to Darussalam, Cambodia, Indone- applicant qualifies owing to the loss of 60% my view that Uthayakumar should get
at the Asean Judiciary Workshop be worth at least US$5 billion sia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the of his or her bodily functions, Socso will professional treatment to alleviate nega-
on Wildlife Crime and Prosecu- (RM18.5 billion) and potentially Philippines, Singapore, Thailand award pension with no questions asked. tive perceptions by the people,” he said.
tion here. in excess of US$20 billion (RM74 and Vietnam. – Bernama “The issue facing Socso now is that – Bernama

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