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theSun | WEDNESDAY MARCH 4 2009 œ 11

speak up!

thesun says

Decide wisely
on science, maths
IT IS unfortunate that the debate on the is only 25 million. Japan, which is often
PPSMI, the Malay abbreviation for the touted as an example where the mother
teaching of science and mathematics tongue has been successfully used to teach
in English, is hotting up again just three science and technological subjects, has a
weeks before the Umno general assembly population of about 130 million. And that
and the party elections. More of the Umno country has a tradition of learning science
election candidates are saying just about and technological subjects going back to
anything in order to appeal to the delegates more than a hundred years.
to vote for them. It appears that they think In the debate that has taken a new
that to be elected they must appear to be turn as a result of the Umno elections and
more Malay than the rest. Thus to many influence of the “language nationalists”
of them, to call for the end to the PPSMI is going on the final offensive to have PPSMI
a way of demonstrating their steadfastness jettisoned, few seem to care for the future
and commitment to the cause of the Malay of the young people of this small country
race and the purity of the Malay language, with a small population in a much glo-
the mother tongue. balised world. The government decided
As more and more are scrambling more than six years ago to teach science
forward to flog the PPSMI, those candi- and mathematics in English as a way of
dates who think that the PPSMI should be ensuring greater use of the global language
continued are no longer speaking up on by young Malaysians. It is a way to ensure
the subject, much less openly defending their ability to compete in a globalised
it. Not many are as brave as the Tiger of world and not because Malay cannot be
Kinabatangan, Datuk Bung Moktar Raden, used to teach the two subjects. Anyway,
who openly spoke up for PPSMI in the the Education Ministry has done a study
Dewan Rakyat last week. Nobody is say- on the PPSMI and is expected to announce
ing that Malay cannot be used to teach soon whether the policy of teaching
mathematics, science and technological science and mathematics in English is
subjects but in the end the cost is going to going to be continued or reversed. It is
be very high when learning the subjects in hoped that whatever the decision it must
the mother tongue up to the tertiary level not be made as a result of the influence of
as after all the population of the country politics and the language jingoists.


Group feels short-changed

STUDIES and statistics show that many Malay- The officers convinced union members to
sians will not retire comfortably. The approved accept the scheme which provided substantial
retirement funds set up either by the government benefits to our families.
or private companies may not be sufficient given But the scheme had a “catch”. Associate
the growing economic situation. Against this, members were not informed that the group
many individuals are looking for other sources of insurance policy had a limited benefit, ie we
income to ensure their families continue to enjoy would not be covered above the age of 65 years.
the lifestyle that they are accustomed to. Something so obvious can be inadvertently
We the retirees from the plantation sector omitted when the officers were lobbying for
are also in a similar predicament. The Malaysian members, both ordinary and associate, to
Estate Staff Provident Fund will only last so long subscribe to the scheme.
and given the increased life expectancy we also We were informed recently that the scheme
need to think about the well-being of our families coverage has been reduced to RM10,000 but the
during our life time and after. annual premiums continue to remain at RM162.
We have been members of the All Malayan The union has 1,573 members taking part in this
Estate Staff Union (AMESU) since the early 50s scheme and the associate members stand to
when we joined the plantations. We became lose RM10,000.
associate members of the union upon retirement. As we have no direct contact with the insur-
When we retired we were enticed by union ance company since all matters are dealt with by
office bearers to join the retirement death the elected officers, we appeal to the registrar of
benefit scheme (RDBS), which was also extended trade unions, the director-general of insurance
to associate members. The RDBS required all and Bank Negara Malaysia to look into this matter
members, associate or otherwise, to pay a joining on behalf of the associate members.
fee of RM200 and a yearly premium of RM162 for
a coverage of RM20,000, which the families will AMESU Associate Members
receive upon the member’s death. Kuala Lumpur

Will the power planners

please stand up
FOLLOWING the disappointing reduction in sible for approving power generating projects as
electricity tariffs announced by TNB, I have been well those responsible for planning the national
reading with increased interest reports relating to electricity needs, have failed in their duties.
electricity hoping to see a further announcement I also take issue with the statement by the
of a reduction. director-general of the Malaysian Industrial De-
I am very concerned about the many reports velopment Authority, calling for increased use of
of electricity demand, excess capacities and coal and alternative fuels to substitute natural
reserve margins, but can someone explain to me gas when such a proposal will obviously only
what all these mean? Does it mean that someone lead to higher electricity tariffs. (See recent TNB
is building more capacity than actually required? statements on why the electricity tariffs are not
Surely there must be a body to look into the dependent on petroleum prices alone)
demand and supply side of electricity? Is this suggestion to revert to coal another flip
Or is it that the excess electricity is caused in our policies which have obviously flopped?
by companies generating unneeded electricity
simply to improve their shareholders’ returns? Tariff Watcher
My understanding suggests that those respon- Kuala Lumpur

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