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2 theSun | THURSDAY MARCH 5 2009

news without borders

Sitting under tree

Stop chain reaction was to embarrass

nation, says Zambry
PARIT BUNTAR: Barisan Nasional mentri

of illegality: Razaleigh
besar Datuk Dr Zambry Abdul Kadir said
Tuesday’s “emergency session” of the
state assembly, held under a tree, was
to embarrass the nation in the eyes of
the world.
“I don’t want to speculate but we
by Tan Yi Liang is diminished,” he said. can see that they had prepared for the Razaleigh said the Constitution should be session, with some carrying posters that
treated with more reverence than other laws in read ‘the world is watching’,” he told
PETALING JAYA: The takeover of Perak by the country. reporters after chairing a state executive
Barisan Nasional has set off a “chain reaction “The Constitution is not just any law. It is the council meeting yesterday.
of illegality” which threatens to leave the state set of laws that founds our nation, defines its “It was as if the session was staged
with no legitimate government, former finance basic principles, guarantees our individual rights for the world to see,” he said.
minister Tan Sri Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah said and prescribes the structures, duties and powers Zambry said the session was also
yesterday. which make a national community possible. It is an attempt by the opposition parties to
“The BN’s takeover of Perak has the foundation and source of the legal disrupt the state’s administration.
set off a chain reaction of illegality authority underlying the existence of “But I will continue to discharge my
which has left Perak quite possibly One lie Malaysia,” he said. duties as usual ... we cannot be bothered
without a legitimate government. leads “Laws are invisible things. They exist by such incidents,” he said.
One of our most prosperous states to many lies. only when they are understood and ob- Perak state legislative assembly sec-
has been reduced to a failed state,” served. When the government of the day
he said in a statement.
Each bad ignores foundational principles such as
retary, Abdullah Antong Sabri, had said
the sitting was illegal as it did not have
“One lie leads to many lies. Each action leads to the separation of powers, the Constitu- the consent of the Sultan of Perak, Sultan
bad action leads to a cascade of a cascade of tion becomes a dead piece of paper.”
Azlan Shah. On Tuesday, the Ipoh High
follies, particularly when the lie or follies ...” In Kota Baru, Bernama quoted Home
Minister Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar as Court issued an order restraining Speaker
violation concerns something very
saying the Perak state assembly sitting V. Sivakumar from convening any unlaw-
basic. This is a principle we teach
our children. It is a simple but universal truth held under a tree on Tuesday was shameful and ful sitting of the state assembly.
now being demonstrated in Perak.” tarnished the country’s image. Judicial Commissioner Ridwan Ibrahim
Calling for violations of the Federal Constitu- He said the emergency sitting of 27 state granted the injunction sought by Zambry
Jewel of MRCS awarded tion to cease, Tengku Razaleigh added: “Those
who so blithely ignore the Constitution for
representatives from PAS, DAP and Parti Keadilan
Rakyat outside Bangunan Perak Darul Ridzuan
and the six state executive councillors
to stop Sivakumar from convening any
JANET LEE congratulates her mother, Datuk political ends are quite literally wrecking the showed foreigners that the people did not under- unlawful sitting.
Paduka Ruby Lee with a kiss. The former foundations of this country to further their own stand the law. Zambry also said BN would step up
Malaysian Red Crescent Society (MRCS) interests. This must stop.” “Nowhere in this world do people have a sitting efforts to inform the people on the for-
secretary-general was awarded the Henry He said the continued violations of the under a tree, people are laughing at us, like we mation of the BN state government as
Dunant Award, the highest accolade of the Constitution would erode public confidence in don’t understand (the law). They may not agree the opposition parties were still raising
International Red Crescent Society in honour the rule of law. they are no longer the government but there are doubts over the matter. – Bernama
of her outstanding services and acts of great “With each violation the sense of decency other proceses that can be used,” he said.
devotion to the society. Lee, 82, joined the MRCS and restraint and the habits that bind us to the “I am tickled at the same time ... (they) want to
in the 1950s and was appointed secretary- Constitution are loosened. The confidence in have power by whatever means. This is not right.
general in 1965. Lee retired in 1969. the rule of law that makes civilised life possible You want to have power, you have to follow the Syed Hamid said the police move was ap-
law.” propriate.
Syed Hamid, who spoke to reporters after a “If we view it from one angle we may see
dialogue with Kelantan Rela members, said that there has been a mistake but actually, the Bar
“such action according to one’s whim to achieve Council should view it legally. The police are
political goals showed they did not care about the not taking sides (they are) just ensuring that
law”. no untoward incident happens.”
“All this happens because there is no obedience On another matter, Syed Hamid said the
of the law ... as politicians chosen by the people, Opposition were seen as taking advantage of
we are not above the law. We have to follow the the death in police detention of suspected car
law, also this case is before the court.” thief A. Kugan for their political interest.
He also rejected the view of the Bar Council, He said the case had nothing to do with
which questioned the police action to disallow politics and the Opposition should leave the
the state assemblymen into Bangunan Perak Darul case to the police and the attorney-general if a
Ridzuan. crime had been committed. – Bernama

Nga submits emergency

motion to debate Perak crisis
by Giam Say Khoon Nga said the three motions, which expressed support for Datuk Seri Mohammad Nizar Jamalud-
din as the mentri besar, called for the dissolution
PAKATAN Rakyat’s Perak executive councillor of the state assembly to enable fresh elections to
and Taiping MP Nga Kor Ming, submitted an be held, and affirmed the speaker’s decision to
emergency motion in the Dewan Rakyat yester- suspend Barisan Nasional mentri besar, Datuk Dr
day requesting a debate on the alleged abuse Zambry Abdul Kadir, and his six state executive
of power by the Executive in the “outdoor state councillors, were legal.
assembly sitting” on Tuesday. “The sitting was legally bound by the state
At a press conference at the parliament lobby, constitution and standing order, the speaker
Nga said police should have ensured the safety cannot be questioned and we had the quorum,”
of the elected representatives to get into the he said.
state assembly hall, instead of helping the state “The (Ipoh) High Court ruling to prohibit the
secretary to stop all the 27 PR state assembly- speaker to chair any sitting in future has been
men from entering the building. overtaken by events and it only remains an
“It is an offence under Section 124 of the academic issue.”
Penal Code to do, so and we should realise that He said a legal team had gone to the Court of
the act of the state secretary and the police was Appeal in Putrajaya to set aside the High Court
a serious encroachment of powers, and that ruling. Nga also called on Zambry to resign im-
it had destroyed the pith of the separation of mediately because he had lost the confidence of
power doctrine, enshrined under the Federal the majority in the assembly.
Constitution,” he said. “If Zambry refuses to do so, the world is
“Such a development had also caused watching him and history will judge him,” he
embarrassment to the legislature and affected said.
the parliamentary democratic system in the On the court’s ruling that Sivakumar’s lawyers
country. have no locus standi to represent him, Nga said,
“To defend the system and the sanctity of the the court might have been misinformed because
House and state assembly in Perak, a stern stand under Article 136 of the Federal Constitution, the
must be made to condemn such abuse of power speaker of the legislative is not a civil servant,
by the executive so that such an incident will not so he must be given the liberty to appoint his
be repeated in future.” own counsel.
On Tuesday, the state assembly met under a “The state legal adviser is representing Zam-
raintree to approve three motions after the PR bry in the Kuala Lumpur High Court and this is a
assemblymen were denied entry into the heav- clear conflict of interest. How can the court allow
ily-guarded Perak Darul Ridzuan complex, where a person who has clear conflict of interest to
the assembly is housed. represent him?” Nga said.

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