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6 theSun | THURSDAY MARCH 5 2009

news without borders

Maria J. Dass and Giam Say Khoon at the Dewan Rakyat yesterday

Under-the-tree cracks abound in the House

THE Parliament sitting yesterday
was void for about five minutes
Datuk Dr S. Subramaniam. As
Subramaniam was not present,
tree la,” Datuk Mahfuz Omar
(PAS-Pokok Sena) quipped.
the ministers may have expect-
ed the Information Ministry’s
Information Ministry secretary-
general Datuk Kamaruddin
a wrong perception.”
“Why don’t you bring this up
in the afternoon when two minis- Wan Junaidi called for Domestic “Gemilang! Terbilang! Hilang!” wrapup to take longer. Siaraf being caught committing outside, don’t use House im-
ters scheduled to wrap up ques- Trade and Consumer Affairs he exclaimed, poking fun at the Earlier, Shabery said he would khalwat (close proximity). munity to hurl accusations at in-
tions raised during a debate on Minister Datuk Shahrir Abdul government’s tagline Cemerlang, pray that slander befell Jeff Ooi Shabery replied that although nocent people who are not here
a motion of thanks for the Yang Samad. However, he too was Gemilang, Terbilang. (DAP-Jelutong) and his family he had not received the mes- to defend themselves,” Shabery
di-Pertuan Agong’s address. absent from the House. Just then Subramaniam so that “you realise how it feels sage, “it was probably untrue as said, accusing the Opposition of
Information Minister Datuk This resulted in a ruckus walked in: “Hey! Where were to be slandered”. the official was in London at the slander and dirty politics.
Ahmad Shabery Cheek had just with parliamentarians from both you? Under the tree with the Shabery was wrapping up time of the alleged incident”. N. Gobalakrishnan then stood
completed answering questions sides poking fun at each other to deers?” Mahfuz asked, referring his debate when Ooi had inter- “This is slander and a person- up and asked Shabery to retract
and Deputy Speaker Datuk Wan fill the vacuum. to the deer sanctuary outside rupted to ask about a text mes- al matter, not a policy matter to his statement on slander, to
Junaidi Tuanku Jaafar called “What kind of session is Parliament. sage being circulated about RTM be brought up in the House, but which Shabery asked: “Who is
for Human Resources Minister this, we’d better hold it under a Wan Junaidi remarked that personality Zamzarina Zamri and as the minister, I have to correct using slander?”

5% of rivers polluted Syabas audit reports

referred to AG
AN ANALYSIS of river water qual- Embas said the Department of
ity last year showed that only seven Environment was monitoring the water
basins or 5% of the country’s rivers quality in 143 river basins nationwide
are polluted, Natural Resources and via 1,064 stations. THE Energy, Water and states,” he said, refusing to discuss the issue
Environment Minister Datuk Douglas He said the ministry was imple- Communications Ministry further and ignoring questions while debating
Uggah Embas said. menting programmes to treat the has referred the numer- the royal address.
He said the analysis showed that rivers and prevent pollution at the ous discrepancies in Sya- theSun reported on Jan 30 that an audit had
water quality in 76 basins (53%) was source while stepping up enforce- rikat Bekalan Air Selangor revealed Syabas breached several key terms of
clean, and 60 others (42%) moderately ment of the Environmental Quality (Syabas)’s audit reports to a 30-year concession agreement, and that the
polluted. Act 1974. the auditor-general. Selangor government was using this to press for
“The polluted basins are Sungai Other programmes included “If the company has the termination of the lucrative contract.
Pinang (Penang), Sungai Air Baloi, placing garbage traps and improving done wrong, we will allow Syabas, which is owned by Puncak Niaga
Sungai Rambah, Sungai Segget, Sungai cooperation with agencies such as the law to take its course. (70%) and Selangor investment arm Kumpulan
Tebrau, Sungai Danga, Sungai Buluh, the agriculture and veterinary services It’s not up to us to decide Darul Ehsan Bhd (30%), had failed to comply fully
Sungai Latoh, Sungai Masai, Sungai departments and the local authorities. whether it was right or with the requirement that contracts be awarded
Perembi and Sungai Tukang Batu (all in “The cooperation of agencies is wrong,” Minister Datuk by open tender.
Johor),” he said in reply to a question necessary to step up enforcement Shaziman Abu Mansor The audit had shown that more than 72%
from Dr Lo’Lo Mohamed Ghazali and prevent pollution at the source. said. of contracts worth a total RM600 million were
(PAS-Titiwangsa). Environmental awareness among the “But the restructuring awarded to selected companies through direct
Lo’Lo had asked which the coun- public and industry players is impor- has to go on,” he said in negotiations and only 25% by open tender.
try’s 10 most polluted rivers were tant to overcome pollution and ensure responding to questions It also found discrepancies involving more than
and efforts to treat them and prevent compliance with the law,” Embas said. raised by Khalid Abd RM325 million between the summary of contracts
pollution. – Bernama Samad (PAS-Shah Alam) awarded in 2005, 2006 and 2007, and Syabas’
and Charles Santiago (DAP-Klang) on the water review document (referring to general accounts).
restructuring exercise in Selangor. The audit was a requirement before the
Shaziman said concession companies whose company could be allowed to implement a
performance was not up to the mark would have tariff hike scheduled for Jan 1. That has since
their licences – which are reviewed every three been deferred, with the Pakatan Rakyat state
years – terminated. government still in negotiations with the federal
He also said Selangor which is governed by government on the management of water assets
the Pakatan Rakyat is not being discriminated and related issues.
against. theSun learnt that the state has written to the
“The water industry model introduced in Se- ministry asking for the concession agreement to
langor is the same as in Barisan Nasional-ruled be terminated.

Anwar’s motion to debate Umno

Youth fracas rejected
THE House rejected a motion by Opposition Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department
Leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim (PKR-Perma- Datuk Seri Mohamed Nazri Abdul Aziz, in tabling
tang Pauh) to debate Karpal Singh (DAP-Bukit a motion to set up the committee, said the panel
Gelugor)’s contention that a group of Umno would be headed by Speaker Tan Sri Pandikar
Youth should be held in contempt of the House Amin Mulia, and would have power to act under
for preventing him from entering Parliament last the Houses of Parliament (Privileges and Powers)
week. Act 1952.
Deputy Speaker Datuk Ronald Kiandee said In the incident last week, a group of 15 Selan-
this was because a committee had already been gor Umno Youth members had stopped Karpal
set up to investigate the matter. from entering Parliament House, demanding that
“We will act based on the committee’s he retract the word celaka (damned) – which he
report,” he said. had used to describe Umno Youth in reference
The committee will meet on Tuesday and its to two live bullets which had been mailed to him
findings are expected to be known the following – when debating a motion of thanks on the Yang
day, he said. di-Pertuan Agong’s address. – Bernama

Endowment land projects MCMC monitoring

must follow procedure text messages
THE development of endowment (wakaf) land THE Malaysian Communications and Mul-
nationwide must follow proper procedure, timedia Commission constantly monitors
including obtaining approval and suggestions text messages sent by individuals and con-
from the State Islamic Religious Council. tent providers. Deputy Energy, Water and
Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister’s Dep- Communications Minister Datuk Joseph
artment Senator Datuk Dr Mashitah Ibrahim Salang Gandum said legal action can be
said this is because endowment land falls under taken against people spreading obscene,
the jurisdiction of the council. fraudulent or threatening messages.
“At the federal government level, we must Replying to Raime Unggi (BN-Tenom)
ensure that the development of endowment during question time, he said people found
land is optimised. The government can help with guilty under Section 233 of the Malaysian
funds, but proposals to develop the land come Communications and Multimedia Act
from the council itself,” she said in answering a 1998 are liable to a fine of RM50,000 or a
question from Datuk Lilah Yasin (BN-Jempol), maximum one year in jail or both. Raime
who had asked why the Endowment Land has asked how far the government was
Development Committee, responsible for the able to contain what he described as “SMS
development of the land, was slow in taking pirates”, including those sending chain text
action and had limited funds. – Bernama messages. – Bernama

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