Thesun 2009-03-05 Page14 Chilling Strike Leaves A Nation Out in The Cold

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14 theSun | THURSDAY MARCH 5 2009



Chilling strike leaves End Perak crisis

with unity govt
a nation out in the cold I THINK the crisis in Perak and
Malaysian politics can be solved
with one word: MAGNANIMITY.
Of late, there have been talk
about a national unity government
an apolitical person as the finance
minister who together with the
apolitical governor of Bank Negara,
would have full power to run the
country’s economy, protect our
by Andrew Buncombe political warfare with old rivals. But everyone is blaming India, where both the Barisan Nasional currency, etc.
Only last week, Shehbaz Sharif, they say it was carried out by and the Pakatan Rakyat could Even in the United States, the
THEY HAVE assassinated a the brother of former premier RAW (India’s external security form the national government and most powerful person in the world,
former prime minister, destroyed Nawaz Sharif and the chief organisation). They are saying it this simple act would solve all the the president, has no control over
an iconic symbol of the country’s minister of the country’s largest was revenge for Mumbai.” conflicts that are engulfing our many matters like the Federal
establishment and hit out lethally province, Punjab, was forced to Despite this, many in country. Reserve (central bank).
at a soft but “spectacular” target stand down after the Supreme Pakistan, a nation where, like While holding a state assembly Over the years especially
in neighbouring India. Now Pa- Court ruled his election last year India, dusty scraps of land in sitting under a tree was historic, during the period of Tun Dr
kistan’s militants, if, indeed, this was invalid. Few believe the cities and villages are usually why can’t everybody be mag- Mahathir Mohamad we had allowed
proves to have been their deadly ruling was not a politically moti- filled with gleeful children play- nanimous and take this bold step the prime minister, who should be
work, have ripped at another of vated attack on Sharif’s Pakistan ing cricket, will feel this attack of forming a unity government in a mere chairman of the council
the threads of the country’s fabric Muslim League-N (PML-N). as acutely as anything that has Perak, followed by other states and of ministers, to slowly spend vast
and in doing so shaken the entire Why Zardari should be acting gone before. “Pakistan will again eventually at the national level. sums of the taxpayers’ money to
nation and beyond. in this manner, so clumsily, so be in the dog-house,” said politi- Let’s face it, unlike the Repub- achieve his personal economic
That international cricket ineptly, is unclear, as he must cal analyst, Rasul Bakhsh Rais. licans and the Democrats in the mission without much checks and
will not be played in Pakistan for realise there are so many more “It will be said that Pakistan MIER: United States where the former balances.
some time to come is the least pressing priorities. His own wife cannot even handle the situation believes in lower taxes and small Thus the taxpayers had to fork
important consequence of Mon- narrowly escaped an assassina- when friendly cricketers come Malaysia government as opposed to the out vast sums of money because
day’s attack on the Sri Lankan tion attempt on her return to to play. And Sri Lanka was the on the Democrats’ philosophy of high Mahathir strongly believed in the
team. The nature of the strike, Pakistan in October 2007, only to only country prepared to send brink of taxes and bigger government, we car industry and the government
the increasingly sophisticated be killed two months later. Since its team. (Australia and India are yet to fathom the basic beliefs got involved in it instead of giv-
tactics of the militants and the then the security situation has had recently cancelled trips). It recession of the various local political parties ing incentives to the the private
inability of the authorities to worsened. Monday’s attack (in was a political decision by Sri pg 16 especially in the administration of sector.
halt them pushes the country Lahore) was just the latest entry Lanka to make Pakistan feel less the country’s economy. As it is, there are enough
ever closer to the brink. The in a bulging logbook of extrem- isolated.” Is it true that such a unity powers to be shared by the prime
problems confronting this nation ist violence that has included From a geopolitical perspec- government would undermine minister with his ministers and other
are many and immediate. The countless suicide bombings, the tive, it is a twisted blessing that the concept of parliamentary government institutions. We must
beleaguered economy is kept destruction of the Marriott Hotel it was Sri Lanka’s cricketers system whereby there must be an stop this culture of a too powerful
afloat only because of a loan in Mumbai, the kidnapping and and not those of India that were Opposition. Not necessarily. Those prime minister. In the past, we all
from the IMF, Taliban fighters murder of foreign officials and attacked. It is terrifying to think outside the government must smiled and laughed when Mahathir
are in control of large swathes an assassination attempt on the how Delhi may have responded be freed from their stupid whips, told the press: “I will recommend
of the border region, there are prime minister, Yousaf Gilani. and the subsequent reaction that allowed to vote on their conscience this to my cabinet and I hope the
shortages of food and electric- Just last month, the government it may have triggered. and reflect the local interests of cabinet will approve it.”
ity and the nation remains in a was forced to locally introduce Even as it is, this brazen attack their constituents.
diplomatic stand-off with India, Syariah law to secure a ceasefire can only make Pakistan more This spirit of magnanimity would Saad Hashim
since the Mumbai attacks. with extremists who had swept isolated, politically, economically be better achieved by appointing Kuala Lumpur
The response to these prob- across the former tourist haven and culturally. The country’s
lems from the fragile civilian of the Swat Valley, setting fire stock market fell on the news,
authorities headed by President to girls’ schools and beheading and no wonder. Who now would
Asif Ali Zardari and the Pakistan
People’s Party (PPP) he inherited
Yet it is a telling insight into
invest in Pakistan? Who now
would visit the Swat Valley, who Consultants can help
from his murdered wife, Benazir the mindset and culture in Paki- would not think twice before
Bhutto, has been inadequate and
misguided. Perhaps it has felt
stan that many remain in denial
about the genesis of its problems.
visiting even Lahore? And who
would believe the politicians in
in dismissals
hemmed in by the military, for The country’s minister of state Islamabad when they say they I REFER to “Why the need for has so far not responded to the
now standing aside from politics for shipping, Sardar Nabil are doing everything in their consultants in dismissals” (Jan representations.
but still a constant presence. But Ahmed Gabol, was only the power to confront this menace, 28). I had expected the Human What happened in this case is
rather than seizing on the good- highest ranking person to accuse experienced on a daily basis by Resources Ministry to write to that the conciliating officer in Putra-
will that existed in the aftermath India of orchestrating the attacks the people of Pakistan? It is they, the paper or issue a statement to jaya had persuaded the dismissed
of last year’s elections which saw in Lahore. Indeed, as a friend in and not visiting cricketers, who clarify some of the issues implicitly employee to enlist the services of
Zardari’s party form the govern- Karachi told me: “People are are suffering the most. – The raised in “Aggrieved Father’s” letter. the consultant, not to represent
ment, the PPP has indulged in very shocked by this incident. Independent However, the ministry has chosen him in the conciliation proceedings,
to remain silent. but to prepare a written submis-
My letter aims to help put the sion for him to argue why the case
matter in the right perspective with should be referred to the Indus-
the hope that the human resources trial Court. The officer’s motive for
minister will initiate appropriate ac- doing what be did may be dubious,
tions to rectify any shortcomings but it underscores the fact that the
that may exist in the mechanism of dismissed employee was unable to
dealing with dismissal cases. espouse his case satisfactorily, and
The procedure by which dis- had he engaged the services of an
missal cases are dealt with in the efficient consultant, his case would
Industrial Relations Department have been referred to the Industrial
and the Industrial Court is spelt out Court where he would have the op-
in the Industrial Relations Act. portunity to secure reinstatement
In any conciliation proceed- or compensation for the loss of
ings, the dismissed workman may employment. To give due recogni-
be represented by himself, by an tion to the need for parties involved
officer of a trade union (if he is a in trade disputes to be given the
member of the trade union), or option to engage consultants of
by an official of a registered or- their own choice to assist them in
ganisation of workmen such as the conciliation proceedings, and also
Malaysian Trades Union Congress to avoid or minimise opportunities
(MTUC). However, no consultant is for conciliating officers to have
permitted to represent the work- unholy deals with consultants who
man in the conciliation proceedings are close to them, it is perhaps
as well as in the Industrial Court. time for the ministry to positively
In this connection, a registered consider the representations.
organisation, viz the Malaysian The result of the above case is
Association of Human Resources that the minister did not refer it
Consultants, of which I am a mem- to the Industrial Court. The ques-
ber, had made representations to tion as to whether the minister’s
the Human Resources Ministry to decision which was based on the
amend the Industrial Relations Act recommendation of the director
to allow parties involved in trade general for industrial relations is a
disputes (including dismissal cases) miscarriage of justice can only be
to be represented by consultants ascertained if the facts and circum-
subject to the requirement that stances surrounding the dismissal
such consultants are registered are disclosed.
with the ministry so that their
activities and conduct can be V.S. Chen
regulated. However, the ministry Petaling Jaya

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