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THE PUPILLARY PATHWAYS Functions of pupil: 1. Control of retinal illumination 2. Reduction in optical aberrations 3.

Increasing depth of focus Nerve supply = AUTONOMIC Sympathetic (to dilator pupillae muscle) pupillary dilatation Para sympathetic (to constrictor pupillae muscle) pupillary constriction lesion stimulus receptor afferent VISUAL PATHWAY Light NEAR REFLEX LIGHT REFLEX

Blurred image Light Photoreceptors (Rods & Cones) OPTIC NERVE i) Axon of bipolar cells ii) Axons of ganglion cells

Optic chiasma - nasal fibres cross to pass in the optic tract of the opposite side *1st decussation Bitemporal Hemianopia

Binasal Hemianopia Optic tracts Contralateral homonymous hemianopia (incongruous) Lateral Geniculate Body (LGB) - 6 layers of grey matter alternating with white matter

Contralateral homonymous hemianopia (incongruous)

Optic Radiation parietal lobe

temporal lobe Contralateral homonymous quadrantanopia


Occipital cortex

Occipital visual cortex Frontal cortex

*SUBCORTICAL !!! Pretectal Nucleus (1st synapse) Edinger-Westphal nucleus - parasympathetic portion of CN3 (2nd decussation)

Contralateral homonymous hemianopia (congruous with macular sparing) Efferent

Oculomotor nuclei Edinger Westphal nuclei

Preganglionic : Oculomotor nerve Ganglion (synapse) : Ciliary Ganglion Post ganglionic: Ciliary nerves Effector Response Ciliary muscle accommodation Constrictor papillae miosis Medial recti convergence Constrictor papillae miosis

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