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Timeline of the Ottoman Empire - Wikipedia, the free encycl...

Timeline of the Ottoman Empire

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This article provides a timeline of the Ottoman Empire See also Timeline of the Republic of Turkey, a chronology of the successor state to the Ottoman Empire.

This timeline is incomplete; some important events may be missing. Please help add to it. incomplete

1 Rise (12991453) 2 Growth (14531683) 2.1 16th century 3 Stagnation (16831827) 3.1 18th century 3.2 19th century 4 Decline (18281908) 5 Dissolution (19081923) 5.1 20th century 6 See also

Rise (12991453)
See also: Rise of the Ottoman Empire, Enlargement, and Graphical timeline
Year 1299 Date Event

February The reign of Osman I, founder of the Ottoman Empire, begins. 31 Battle of Kosovo. Most of Serbia is conquered. September Battle of Nicopolis. Bulgaria is conquered. 25

1389 June 15 1396

Growth (14531683)
See also: Growth of the Ottoman Empire, Enlargement, and Graphical timeline

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Timeline of the Ottoman Empire - Wikipedia, the free encycl...




Mehmed II (the Conqueror) captures Constantinople, The Byzantine 1453 May 29 emperor Constantine XI dies in the fighting, and the Byzantine Empire of the Romans yields once and for all to the Ottoman Empire. 1460 1461 1462 1463 1473 1475 1478 1480 1481 May 3 1482 1498 Mehmed II conquers Morea. Mehmed II conquers Trabzon thus ends Empire of Trebizond. Mehmed II begins to build his palace, Topkapi Palace (Topkap Sarayi). Bosnia is conquered. Battle of Otlukbeli; Mehmed II defeats Uzun Hasan of Akkoyunlu Turkmens. Gedik Ahmet Pasha captures Caffa. Crimea becomes vassal of the Ottoman Empire. Albania is conquered. Gedik Ahmet Pasha captures Otranto, the southeast corner of Italy as a base for further attacks on Italy (only to evacuate after the death of Mehmet II). Mehmed II dies. Bayezid II ascended to the throne. Herzegovina is conquered. Montenegro is conquered.

16th century

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Year 1514 1516 1517 1519 1520 1521 1522 1526 1529 1533 1538 1550 -c.1650s) 1551 1541 1547 1566 1569 1570 1574 1571 1578 1590


Event Battle of Chaldiran; Selim I defeats Ismail I of Safavid Persia; East Anatolia under Turkish control. Battle of Marj Dabiq; Selim I defeats Al-Ashraf Qansuh al-Ghawri of Mamluk Sultanate of Egypt. Syria and Palestine under Ottoman rule. Battle of Ridaniya; Selim I defeats Tuman bay II of Mamluk Sultanate of Egypt. Egypt under Ottoman rule; Selim I takes the title caliph. Algeria is conquered. The reign of Suleiman the Magnificent (Suleiman I) begins. Suleiman I captures Belgrade. Suleiman I captures Rhodes. Battle of Mohcs. Suleiman I defeats Louis II of Hungary and Bohemia Siege of Vienna. Iraq under Turkish rule. Sea Batte of Preveza. Turkish navy controls most of Mediterranean Sea. Sultanate of Women Libya is taken over. Suleiman I captures Budapest (known as Buda), which eventually leads to conquest of most of Hungary. Most of Hungary under Turkish control. Hungary is divided, by agreement[citation needed] between the Ottoman sultan Suleiman I and Ferdinand I of Austria. The reign of Suleiman the Magnificent (Suleiman I) ends. The great fire of Istanbul broke out. Conquest of Cyprus by Piyale Pasha Tunisia is conquered. The Spanish and the Venetians defeat the Turks at the Battle of Lepanto. Tblisi and most of Georgia conquered. Treaty of stanbul between Ottoman Empire and Safavid Persia; Georgia, Azerbaijan and Armenia as well as west Iran under Ottoman rule.

Stagnation (16831827)
See also: Stagnation of the Ottoman Empire and Graphical timeline

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Year 1610 1612 1615 1683 1686 1687 1699


Event Kuyucu Murat Pasha suppresses Jelali revolts. Turkmens suffer heavily. Treaty of Nasuh Pasha between Ottoman Empire and Safavid Persia. Ottoman Empire gives up some gains of Treaty of Istanbul of 1590. Treaty of Serav ratifies Treaty of Nasuh Pasha

September Battle of Vienna. Ottoman defeat. 11 Hungary evacuated. Mehmed IV dies. Ottomans cede Hungary to Austria in the Treaty of Karlowitz.

18th century
Year 1718 1718 1729 1730 1739 1774 Date Treaty of Passarowitz signed. Beginning of Tulip era (up to 1730) First printing press in Turkish by Ibrahim Muteferrika Revolt of Patrona Halil. End of Tulip era. Ahmet III is dethroned. Treaty of Belgrade signed. Treaty of Kk Kaynarca signed. Event

19th century
Year Date Event

1807 May 1808 July 21

Kabak Mustafa rebellion: Reformist sultan Selim III dethroned.

Alemdar Mustafa Pasha suppresses the rebellion. But Selim III is dead and Mahmut II becomes the new sultan.

1813 April 23 Second Serbian Uprising: The Serbs revolt. 1821

Greek War of Independence: The Greek War of Independence begins.

Decline (18281908)
See also: Decline of the Ottoman Empire and Socioeconomics of Reformation Era (Ottoman Empire)

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Year 1830 1832 18311833 1853 1860 1862 1876 1877 1878

Date July 21

Event Algeria is conquered by the French.

Greek War of Independence: Greek sovereignty is formalized.

EgyptianOttoman War.

Crimean War: The Crimean War with Russia began which, though October 4 won with British, French and Sardinian aid, would further demonstrate how backward the Ottoman military had become.
October 21 February 5 First newspaper in Turkish published by Agah Efendi.(Tercmen'

A united Romanian autonomous state is established.

December Opened the 18761877 Constantinople Conference. 23 April 24

Russo-Turkish War (18771878): Another war with Russia, the

Russo-Turkish War of 18771878, begins.

Russo-Turkish War (18771878): The Treaty of San Stefano

March 3 recognizes Romanian and Serbian independence, as well as the establishment of an autonomous Bulgarian principality under nominal Ottoman protection. Austria-Hungary occupies Bosnia by default. Cyprus is occupied by Britain. Tunisia becomes a French colony. Egypt goes under British protection. September The province of Eastern Rumelia is transferred to Bulgarian 6 jurisdiction.

June 4 1881 1882 1885

Dissolution (19081923)
See also: Dissolution of the Ottoman Empire and Socioeconomics of Reformation Era (Ottoman Empire)

20th century

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Timeline of the Ottoman Empire - Wikipedia, the free encycl...



Event Second Constitutional Era (Young Turk revolution)

1908 July 3

October 5 Bulgaria obtains full independence. October 7 Austria-Hungary annexes Bosnia by mere declaration. 1912 The Ottomans are easily defeated by Italy in a short war, with the Italians gaining Libya and ending the 340-year Ottoman presence in North Africa. November First Balkan War: Albania declares independence 28 1913 May 17 1914 August 2 1915 April 24

First Balkan War: The Ottoman Empire is nearly wiped out from Europe,
save for Istanbul and just enough land around to defend it. The Empire enters into World War I on the side of the Central Powers. Cyprus is annexed outright by Britain. Young Turk government organizes an exile of the Armenians to the southern Anatolia after Armenians allied with Russians and revolted with arms against the Ottoman Empire.

See also
List of Ottoman sieges and landings Timeline of Turks (500-1300) Timeline of the Sultanate of Rm List of Ottoman Empire territories List of cities conquered by the Ottoman Empire Timeline of Ottoman Syria history Retrieved from " /w/index.php?title=Timeline_of_the_Ottoman_Empire&oldid=541897828" Categories: Turkic timelines History of the Ottoman Empire This page was last modified on 3 March 2013 at 15:04. Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply. See Terms of Use for details. Wikipedia is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation, Inc., a non-profit organization.

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