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1 Sewerage Tokyo, monumental piece of engineering The project began in 1992 and was called G-Cans, Shutoken Gaikaku

Housui chute Ro or metropolitan area. The investment was 1,500 million euros. It basically consists of five main deposits of 62 meters high and 32 meters in diameter and a large water tank, 25.4 meters high, 177 meters long and 78 meters wide, connected by 6.4 miles of tunnels. The system has a set of hydraulic pumps with 10 megawatts of power capable of pumping 200 tons of water per second into the river Edogawa. The device pumps starts when you get to the level boundaries that may pose flooding, transported through various channels excess water to the river. The Japanese Institute of Technology of and Wastewater Engineering





Technology, JIWET) was created with the purpose of developing new technologies to make more efficient sewage systems. This sewer, the most sophisticated in the world, also known as "The Cathedral" because of how it looks with its giant columns over 20 meters high. Comentario: es muy importante este avance en los alcantarillados ojala se viera esto en nuestro pais , ya que seria muy importante y mas en barranquilla por el problema de los arroyos y sobre todo para que nuestra ing este a la vanguardia mundial







The evaluation of the environmental impact of civil engineering, allowing these facilities provide integrated solutions in the landscape. The particular ecological Restoration degraded areas and the mouths of the tunnels, why created with the construction of linear infrastructure, allows THESE emboquilles in the landscape. Sustainable Development This conclusion means, in relation to the civil engineering sector An Improved Communications, materialized in different linear infrastructures, which connect via high-speed lines, freeways different geographies record fourth time, with a high investment in safety and comfort. Environmental Impact Analysis The first premise to focus on ecological restoration of Tunnels false if based on analysis of those of morphological collaring. At best, the without incurring Design slope inclination relative to the horizontal proportions 3H: 2V, ie without internal friction angle of 34, but the others can take more promising as is the case for 2H: O 1V 3H: 1V. The importance of this lies in the slope stability since it has a high slope destabilization Prob mayor, who is believe erosive phenomena (grooves and gullies) and setting seed in the difficult terrain to take root and consolidated . A second one online analysis will focus on the bioclimatic characteristics which falls in the restore. The summary of the study covers the same variety of materials, such as geology, soil science, botany, climatology, among others, aimed at assessing the area lies on it to realize that going the Restoration. This is simplified and ACOTA by altitude, latitude and sun

exposure (and sunny Umbria), species selection, so sowing and planting to provide STABILITY AND THE Cohesion of soil in the early stages to fulfill, A second scenario, the basis for the development of potential vegetation, according to the around, love is the climax

Comentario: En la mayora de las ocasiones, esta situacin ideal de Restauracin, dista mucho de la realidad, y se identifican numerosos problemas que pueden resolverse con prcticas ecolgicamente sostenibles y de bajo costo para la reduccin de riesgos frente a desastres, que engloba la ingeniera civil naturalstica. Todos ellos con la misma finalidad, recuperar paisajstica y estticamente los emboquilles de entrada y salida a los tneles. Uno de los principales problemas se deriva del escaso espacio del que se dispone para ejecutar este tipo de obras, que obliga a acotar la longitud de los falsos tneles. El relleno de los falsos tneles hasta la coronacin condiciona la inclinacin de unos taludes que superan la pendiente recomendada para asegurar la fijacin de la semilla al terreno 3Durability of reinforced concrete structures

As a building material, it was thought that the concrete could have an unlimited duration, and of course without the maintenance costs of the metal structures, however, today reported a growing number of structures damaged by steel corrosion reinforcement. This corrosion in general is due to destructive attack of chloride ions penetrating from the outside (in maritime cities, the aggressiveness of the marine atmosphere) or because they were incorporated into the mixture (in maritime cities is incorporated with sand) and / or carbonation of the coating, due to the presence of carbon dioxide (CO2) in air.

The indication of the importance of the subject, is manifested in the increasing number of conferences, technical workshops, courses and the number of articles in specialized scientific and technical journals dealing with the subject, trying to respond to the phenomenon of corrosion.

Comentario: En estructuras nuevas, no hay ninguna duda que la mejor proteccin es el uso de buenos hormigones, ya que no existe mejor proteccin para el refuerzo de acero que la pelcula pasivante (medio alcalino) formada por la hidratacin del cemento y el uso de los recubrimientos mnimos aconsejados por los reglamentos en funcin del tipo de estructura y la agresividad del medio ambiente. En la actualidad con respetar los lineamientos establecidos en el CIRSOC 201, declarado de uso obligatorio por el HCD a travs de la Ordenanza N 2889/93, evitaramos problemas futuros, minimizaramos los costos de mantenimiento y reparacin y aumentaramos la durabilidad y seguridad de las estructuras.

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