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MDM - Material Creation

Terms and Definitions


Material Creation Enterprise Portal Remote Function Call

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Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................................4 PURPOSE ...............................................................................................................4 DOCUMENT CONVENTIONS......................................................................................4 PROJECT SCOPE......................................................................................................4 REFERENCES..........................................................................................................4 PRODUCT PERSPECTIVE..........................................................................................5 PRODUCT FEATURES...............................................................................................5 BUSINESS FEATURES...............................................................................................5 ROLE/APPROVAL MATRIX.........................................................................................5 OPERATING ENVIRONMENT......................................................................................5 USER DOCUMENTATION...........................................................................................5 ASSUMPTIONS AND DEPENDENCIES.........................................................................5 AUTHORIZATION DETAILS........................................................................................6 TAB/VIEW DETAILS................................................................................................11 BASIC DATA..........................................................................................................11 PURCHASE............................................................................................................11 ACCOUNTING........................................................................................................11 MRP.....................................................................................................................11 WORK SCHEDULE..................................................................................................11 SALES..................................................................................................................11 QUALITY...............................................................................................................12 STORAGE LOCATION..............................................................................................12 PLANT STORAGE...................................................................................................12 COSTING...............................................................................................................12 CLASSIFICATION...................................................................................................12 MATERIAL DETAIL.................................................................................................12 SAP MM STANDARD TABLES..................................................................................13

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Introduction Purpose
The specification document describes the functional scope of the WebDynpro to be developed for Material Creation. This document forms the framework and reference to develop the application. It provides the functionalities that are part of the application based on the requirements gathering. This document forms the basis for any requirement thats agreed to be part of this development. Any addition to the requirements stated in this document will be treated as a separate development.

Document Conventions
All requirements stated in this document have to be considered during the project execution. Throughout the document, the terms WebDynpro, is used to refer to the new webpage thats being developed and deployed for Material Creation Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions Project managers Developers Project scope document For understanding the business requirements and to build functional and technical specifications for each functionality described in document For understanding the business functionality and to build test cases for each functionality described in the document To give an overview of the proposed solution and the features that form part of the solution


Senior Management / Business Owners

Project Scope
The Scope of the proposed solution involves; 1. Material Creation


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Product Perspective
Implementation of WebDynpro web pages increases business process agility via automation along with increased data accuracy of the below scenarios; Material Creation

Product Features

Business Features
S.NO Group 1. Material Creation Functionality Creation of Material master via an Webdynpro web pages with all the above information filled from user directly with necessary approvals in place

Role/Approval Matrix
S.No 1 Application Material Creation Role/Approval Matrix Details attached later

Operating Environment
The below diagram depicts the landscape. TODO: To be filled Process flow Material Creation (Example)

User Documentation
User documentation that would be delivered as part of the project documentation is Installation guide and configuration guide (covers application installation, post installation configuration) is delivered to team Application user procedure manual, is to be developed post realization phase Recordings of the scenarios

Assumptions and Dependencies

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Authorization Details
User Detail ZEVEN02 ZEVEN03 ZEVEN04 Approver Details ZEVEN05 ZEVEN06 ZEVEN09

Initial screen: 1. Material 2. Industry sector 3. Material type Sr No Field MATN 1 R MBRS 2 H MTAR 3 T Description Size R/O Input type Possible Value

Material Industry sector Material type

18 R 1 R 4 R Drop down Drop down T137T T134T

Material Validation: 1. Back end : Need to validate from Ztable and Mara table to check existence.

Materil Naming.xlsx

2 View Validation:

MM_Initial_Views_29 -12-12.xls

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Ztable : ZTH_MM_T_VIEWVISIBILITY it should be table maintenance generator.

Material type Industry Sector Basic Data Classification Sales Foreign Trade Purchasing MRP Forcasting General Plant Data Storage Warehouse Management Quality Management Accounting WM Execution WM Packaging DSD Data DSD Totals EHS Specifications Label Data Organizational Level:

Mtart MBRS H Char1 Char1 Char1 Char1 Char1 Char1 Char1 Char1 Char1 Char1 Char1 Char1 Char1 Char1 Char1 Char1 Char1

Primary key Primary key

It should be displayed before display view tabs Sr No Field WERK 1 S LGOR 2 T MTAR 3 T VTWE 4 G Description R/O Input type Drop down Drop down Drop down Drop down Possible Value

Plant Storage Location Sales org Dist.Channel



T001W Plant,storage location and desc should be displayed as per in MM01 Table : T001L
TVKWZ Table Table TVTW (Code & Description) Page 7 of 13

Validation depends upon organization selection (i) If we select only plant, fields in views displayed as per MM01 (ii)Since plant is mandatory , If we select only storage location, plant and storage location should validate the combination against table T001L (iii) (iv) Since dist channel is mandatory , If we select only sales org, then it should validated be in the combination against table TVTA If plant is entered then validation should happen for material and plant combination from MARC Table.

(v)If plant is not entered material should be validated from MARA Table.(To check whether material created without plant, if yes throw error because material can be created only once without plant) (vi) Sales organization should be displayed from the table tvkwz if plant is entered

Common: (i) If you entered into any tab without entering the mandatory fields, application should not allow to go any tab. (ii) For every F4 help description should be displayed . (iii)Authorization person only can access the application (iv) User can not be allowed to involve in another process

Eg: if user ZEVEN02 created material, authorized person only can approve and it should be maintained in Matrix table. (v)Avoid hard core wherever it is possible. (vi) Application should not allow to go any tab and show error message if basic data is not filled

Fields condition validation:


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Matrix Table: *Table maintenance is required Fields Plant Material type User Type User Level Name mail_id Data Element Werks_d Mtart char 1 num(1) Syuname ad_smtpa dr Domai n Condition F4 help, T001w F4 help A,U Primary key Yes, Yes Yes yes

Track Table: Fields Material Ref_no Plant Matyp User Type User Level Name Mail_id Status Remarks Created on Created at Domai n Matnr Char (18) Werks Mtart char num (1) Syuname ad_smtpa dr Char (1) Char (250 ) Datum Uzeit Condition Primary key yes yes Yes(nullab le) yes yes yes


A,R,S, C,T

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created by lastchanged on lastupdatedu ser Lastchanged at

Syuname Datum Syuname Uzeit

Material List: Material List RFC should be taken from the ztable Track table Input : Fields Material Ref_no Created from Created to Status List Fields Material Plant Material Type Person Level Name Status unam e Description should be dispalyed not key
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type F4 char(1 8) datum datum char1

Condition Ztable Ztable

Condition matnr char(1 8) werks _d mtart Description should be dispalyed not key

Updated on Remarks

datum char (250)

List needs to display for authorized persons only. Needs to validate from track table before display.

Tab/View Details Basic Data

i. Fields should not change depends plant or any organization level, basic data always same

Purchase Accounting MRP Work Schedule Sales

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Quality Storage Location Plant Storage Costing Classification

Material Detail
Fields should be displayed depends upon User type. Avoid hard core, validate from Matrix table. Button Validation: SAVE - CREATION: i. All mandatory validation

ii. Call BAPI_MATERIAL_SAVEDATA CANCEL CREATE: I. Clear all values and go to initial screen

BACK CREATION: i. Go to previous page without clear fields value

CHANGE DETAIL i. User - all fields are in editable mode except material no, industry sector, material type.

ii. Approve dont display change button

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REJECT DETAIL: i. User dont display

ii. Approver display button iii. Show error message if it is already approved, need to be validated from Track table. APPROVER DETAIL: i. User dont display

ii. Approver display iii. Show error message if already rejected or approved Sample code:



1. MARA 2. MARC 3. MARD 4. MBEW 5. MARM - Multiple Entries 6. MLAN - Multiple Entries 7. MAKT 8. MVKE - Multiple Entries

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