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LoverKaren: Hello Everyone, Make Yourself Comfy, Coffee and Pastries, in the Kitchen.

will be starting the chat at 9 pm
LoverMichelle: I'm just trough to stay dry. it's like a monsoon here in Atlanta.
LoverKaren: Cold here in Indiana.
Lover Tiffany: Evening everybody! :)
lalamrcds: Hi *waves hello* :)
Katy: Hi, it's cold over here in France and it's 2am :)
LoverKaren: Hi Tiffany, how's the weather
LoverKaren: Hi Katy, devoted fan. :)
Cora Carmack: Hello everyone! :D This is so exciting!
LoverKaren: Hi Cora ;;)
Cora Carmack: That smiley had much bigger teeth than I anticipated.
Dawn@UpAllNight: Hi all! LOL Cora!
Evvie: Hello :) *waves* from Florida
Cora Carmack: Hi all! Where are you all from?
lalamrcds: Hi Cora! I stayed up into the wee small hours of the morning reading Losing it and
loved it! I also just pre-ordered Faking It on Amazon; I can't wait for Cade's story! Will Kelsey
get her own book?
chitchatbookblog: Austin :)
Lover Tiffany: Welcome Cora!! :)
Cora Carmack: @Katy! It's 2am? Thanks for staying up to talk with us!
Dawn@UpAllNight: Eugene Oregon...and it's sunny!
Katy: Hi Cora * waves from France*
Lover Tiffany: Evvie I'm in FL too!! Hey neighbor ;)
Nadia: Hi Cora! From Denmark :-)
LoverMichelle: looks like we have an eager crowd. B-)
LoverKaren: Lalamrcds, Great Question?
Cora Carmack: The weather is nice here in Austin. I had my windows open until an unwelcome
mosquito joined me.
Evvie: Hey Tiffany! :)
LoverKaren: Cold in Indiana.
Lover Tiffany: Cora is it madness in Austin with SXSW?
chitchatbookblog: It is great! perfect for sxsw!
Evvie: I totally just started Losing It last night...had to stop though--grandfather decided to read
over my shoulder at the most inopportune moments hahaha
Cora Carmack: @Lala I'm so glad! And I'm so ready for you all to read FAKING IT. I'm
actually working on line edits right now (which is my last chance to change anything) and
turning it in tomorrow so it can go to print!
laurenpippa: It's 1am and snowing here in England! :(
Lover Tiffany: OMG Evvie!! hahaha
Cora Carmack: And yes, Kelsey will get her own book. I'm writing it now, also. It's due to my
editor by the end of the month.
Dawn@UpAllNight: @Evvie LOL!
lalamrcds: Woo Hoo! I loved Kelsey...everyone should have a gal pal like her that pushes you
when you need it most! ;)
Cora Carmack: Dawn... I've never been to Oregon, but it looks beautiful in the pictures. Some
day I will visit! :)
LoverKaren: Please jump in with your questions, if it's missed just ask it again. :-/
Cora Carmack: Hey Florida people! I was just in Orlando in February, and will be back this
summer for Book Bash! You should come see me!
Dawn@UpAllNight: Yes, please do! You're headed to Seattle, right?
Cora Carmack: Nadia! From Denmark! So cool! I lived in the Netherlands for a short time a
few years ago, not TOO far from you.
Katy: I can't wait to read FAKING IT ! :)
Lover Tiffany: Right after I finished "Losing It" I immediately went to see where you were
going to be next!! SO excited for June!! :) LOVED the book!
chitchatbookblog changed name to Vilma (Chit Chat)
Evvie: Oh Book Bash!? When is that? (How do I not know about this?) Lol
Cora Carmack: Tiffany... it is crazy here in Austin for SXSW. I live downtown, and half the
roads are blocked off.
Lover Tiffany: ohh damn that sounds creepy (what I just said) hahaha I sound crazy
Cora Carmack: (P.S. I'm trying to answer things in order, but if I miss something from you,
don't be afraid to post it again).
Nadia: Wow that is not too far! :-) what did you do in the Netherlands?
Lover Tiffany: AWW I bet!
Cora Carmack: Evvie... LOL. Yeah... I'd stop if my grandfather was reading over my shoulder,
LoverKaren: Evvie Book Bash is June 29th
LoverMichelle: Evie Book Bash is at the end of June but tickets are sold out
Cora Carmack: Lauren... snowing! It's been so long since I've seen snow. Several years. I miss
Evvie: Thanks @LoverKaren @LoverMichelle
Vilma (Chit Chat): Is there another big author event in the fall? What's next?
Cora Carmack: Yes, I will be in Seattle! I've not added that on my blog yet, but it's in
September if I remember correctly. I tried to talk everyone into stopping at Portland while we
were up there, but doesn't look like it's going to happen. :(
Dawn@UpAllNight: So what's a typical day like for you when you're writing?
lalamrcds: Cora do you have any other story ideas/series in the works other then the cast of
Losing It that we might look out for?
Ria@ABookishEscape: Omg Cora when are u doing a signing in DFW?
Dawn@UpAllNight: Bummer about Portland :(
Cora Carmack: Book Bash is at the end of June in Orlando. So many AMAZING authors will
be in attendance. If you're close, you should definitely come.
LoverMichelle: tickets for Orlando are sold out
Lover Tiffany: Here's a link to just some of the author events this year:
Ria@ABookishEscape: I got my tix already!! Can't wait!!
Lover Tiffany: if you know of any more please email us!! :)
LoverKaren: Cora you'll be at the Naughty Mafia event in August 16-20
Cora Carmack: Some other places I will be this year are: DC, LA, Kansas City, Atlanta, Dallas,
Minneapolis, Austin, Orlando, Las Vegas, Virginia Beach (And that's just so far). I'll probably
add something in Houston soon, too.
Vilma (Chit Chat): yay!!! there's an event in Austin!!! :)
Vilma (Chit Chat): I will so be there! that is great!
Cora Carmack: Nadia, I studied abroad in Maastricht for a semester, and then spent the summer
backpacking around Europe (much like Kelsey will do in her book). :)
LoverKaren: Was Garrick inspired by anyone, or is he pure imagination? ;)
Cora Carmack: Awww... I had no idea tickets were sold out for Book Bash. If you can't get into
the event, we can always make plans to go out to dinner as a big group. :)
Nadia: Wow that is really cool! I'm going to the states or Canada for my study abroad :-)
Ria@ABookishEscape: I'm in!! But ill also be at book bash!! Eeeeep!!
Cora Carmack: The Las Vegas event in August will be huge, as will the Virginia Beach one (in
October, I believe). Sorry, I don't have my calendar handy, and I'd get very behind if I went to
Evvie: :( Aw wish I'd known about the event sooner. YES to group event! :D
LoverKaren: Book Bash Does have a wait list available.
lalamrcds: Were any of your characters in Losing it based on anyone in your life or do any of
them reflect a part of you?
Katy: Is events in the book are inspired by some events in your life ?
LoverKaren: EVVIE Book Bash wait list
Ria@ABookishEscape: I got my tickets the evening we did the shoot for ABC! :)
Evvie: Thanks LoverKaren
Evvie: :)
Cora Carmack: @Dawn... no day is typical, unfortunately. I'm on crazy deadlines right now. I
wrote the first draft of FAKING IT in a month, plus another month or so of edits. And provided
that I finish Kelsey's book on time, it will be written in about five weeks *crosses fingers.* I still
work another full time job besides writing, too. So, I tend to binge write. Some days I'll only get
in 500 words, and other days I'll write 5-10 thousand. But it always involves pajamas and lots of
Dr. Pepper. :)
Cora Carmack: Ria... I can't remember the Dallas signing off the top of my head. It's either May
or September (random, I know). But my sister lives in Dallas, and I'm up there all the time. If
you know other fans or bloggers in Dallas, I'd be happy to set up a lunch or dinner for us all to
get together sometime. :)
LoverKaren: =D> Wow Binge writing. Lots of work, maintaining two jobs.
Evvie: Wow Cora--so writing in a 4-5 weeks. Are these self-imposed deadlines?
Cora Carmack: Someday I'll make it to Portland. :) In fact, it's on the list of places I want to
live someday. (I'm a serial mover).
Dawn@UpAllNight: :)
Cora Carmack: @Karen, Garrick was unfortunately not inspired by anyone (I wish). My ex
boyfriend read the book, and was certain it was him, because he too is tall and blonde, but trust
me... he is nowhere near Garrick-quality. :)
Lover Tiffany: LMAO ^ HAHAHA
Cora Carmack: Very cool, Nadia!
Ria@ABookishEscape: Cora!!! Omg you flipping rock!!! My co bloggers are in Cali but I will
see there are some bloggers I know out here! I would love to pick up you and your sisters tab!
LoverKaren: Guess you'll have to set up Garrick interviews. ;;)
Cora Carmack: @Evvie... I'm totally game for getting together outside of Book Bash. I booked
4 or 5 days there because I'm totally going to Harry Potter world while I'm there. You guys
should come with! I've been once before, but it was with the aforementioned ex-boyfriend who
hadn't even read the books (BLASPHEMY! No wonder we broke up). :)
Vilma (Chit Chat): Hi Cora, I saw the Austin author event scheduled for May one one website
and in October on another. Which is correct? Never been to an author event and it's so exciting
that it's here in town!
Dawn@UpAllNight: How long have you been writing?
LoverKaren: Vilma Chit Chit The flyer says May, (INSERT NON CHAT, AUSTIN BOOK
Cora Carmack: @Lala There are lots of things in LOSING IT inspired by real events (though
none of it is exactly as it happened in real life). Bliss is a combination of me and one of my best
friends. I'm overdramatic and awkward, and my friend is also awkward, but a little on the OCD
side. When I started writing the book, it wasn't with the intention to publish. I just wanted to
write something fun because I was frustrated with something else I'd been writing. So, I started
writing the book, sending it to the friend that is a lot like Bliss every couple of chapters. I
inserted TONS of inside jokes, which are all still in the text.
Vilma (Chit Chat): Ok! thank you!
Cora Carmack: Some things that are based on true events.... the mono party. Unfortunately...
that horrifying event was 100% true.
Cora Carmack: The scene where they get drunk and play an accordion was also based on a real
night from when I was in college.
Katy: LOL :) :))
lalamrcds: loved that scene!
LoverKaren: Stop! Cat! Stop! Funny line
Dawn@UpAllNight: haha eek - mono party
Ria@ABookishEscape: :))
lalamrcds: Do you have any other story ideas/series in the works other then the cast of Losing It
that we might look out for?
Evvie: @Cora--he hadn't read the books!? If you do decide to do an outside event--will you let
us know via FB? :)
LoverKaren: OMGosh :))
Ria@ABookishEscape: Not at the mono part that must've sucked!
Cora Carmack: Though I'm not exactly like Bliss, I can identify with so many of her struggles.
I've been in that place where you feel like you're behind the times, like all your friends are living
life faster and better than you. And it took me a long time to learn that we all live life at our own
pace, and we can't compare. So, in many ways, this book was a tribute to my college years. That
was when I really figured out who I was separate from my family, and became okay with living
life on my terms.
Evvie: Haha glad to know the crazy college stories DO have a place!
JohaVe: Hi everyone!
LoverKaren: Hi JohaVe
Evvie: Hiya! :D
Ria@ABookishEscape: JohaVe!! Hi!!!
LoverKaren: @Cora Favorite Scene in the book, and hardest scene to write.
Cora Carmack: @Evvie, these deadlines are not self-imposed, unfortunately. When I signed
with Harper Collins, they wanted to try and get my next books out as quickly as possible. Unlike
a lot of self-published authors who get picked up by traditional publishers, I didn't have a
backlist of previous books for them to put out. LOSING IT was it. So, they wanted to keep my
name on everyone's radar. Typically in publishing, a book won't come out until a year or more
after it's signed. So, the fact that we're putting out books in 3-6 month intervals is LIGHTNING
fast by publishing standards.
Ria@ABookishEscape: Ooh good question loverKaren!!
Cora Carmack: Awww! @Ria... you don't have to do that! It's just fun to meet with fans! Trust
me... this all happened so fast. I'm still not used to it! So surreal.
Lover Tiffany: Will we get to see any Garrick & Bliss moments in "Faking It"? Can you tell us
anything about book 2? ;)
LoverKaren: Thanks Ria :)
Cora Carmack: @karen I like the idea of Garrick interviews! :)
Cora Carmack: The cat line is not based on a real event... THANK GOD. But I do actually have
the cat cookie jar that inspires Bliss's weird verbal diarhea
Cora Carmack: @lala... I do have one other story in the works right now, but it's on hold until I
finish Kelsey's book. I can't tell you much, but I'll tell you what I can.
LoverKaren: @Cora we'll start advertising on our blog for you. NEEDED Tall, handsome, Brit,
with motorcycle. Must Like Cats
Cora Carmack: It's a dual narrative about a girl named Lucy and a guy named Griffin.
JohaVe: @Cora Does Kelsey's book have a release date? And I (!) interviewed Garrick for my
post! It was wonderful :)
Ria@ABookishEscape: Omg yes I do!! And I will! Ill keep u posted on the deets once I get a
few DFW bloggers together :)
JohaVe: *I meant my blog post
Cora Carmack: Griffin is a practical joker. Literally. He and a few of his college buddies play
practical jokes and put them up on youtube for fun. He meets Lucy when his friends make him
humiliate himself in front of her for one of these videos.
Evvie: @Cora--Wow! That sounds crazy but exciting all at once. AND SO FAST for publishing.
(I intern with an agent and we'll go through months upon months of revisions b4 subbing
Cora Carmack: And Lucy... well... I can't tell you much about her except that she needs laughter
in her life... badly. And Griffin is very good at giving her that. :)
Dawn@UpAllNight: Oh - can't wait for Lucy & Griffin!
Cora Carmack: @Evvie... shocking! I know. He did read them before we broke up... but too
little too late. :) And yes, I will post more details about stuff on my facebook. Once I get past all
these heinous deadlines.
Cora Carmack: Hi Johave!
Cora Carmack: Yes, I do have my fair share of crazy college stories. And crazy study abroad
stories. It's been fun weaving those in!
Katy: I also need a little of lautghter in my life, so I can't wait to see how Griffin will make Lucy
laugh :)
lalamrcds: I definitely look forward to meeting Lucy & Griffin! Sounds really great :)
Cora Carmack: Favorite scene was their first meeting. Like I said... I never planned to write this
whole book or publish it. I was just having fun. So, I didn't plan before I wrote. I didn't even
know Garrick was British until he said something, and Bliss started freaking out over his accent.
Characters can take over like that sometimes.
Dawn@UpAllNight: So do you outline what you write beforehand or just go with it?
Cora Carmack: @LoverTiffany... yes, you will see Garrick & Bliss in FAKING IT. They're
actually in the very first chapter, because I knew you all would want to see them.
LoverKaren: Please jump in with questions,
Lover Tiffany: ughh i'm a sucker for accents :-X
Lover Tiffany: and suits... ohhh men in suits and ties :)
Cora Carmack: About Book 2--it's definitely darker than LOSING IT. There are still humorous
and awkward moments, but both Cade and Max are dealing with some emotional stuff, and the
book takes a much more emotional turn. I hope it will still make everyone laugh, but this time
maybe you'll cry a little too. :)
Cora Carmack: I approve of the Garrick Ad. Can we add "loves Harry Potter" since clearly that
is a prerequisite? :)
lalamrcds: If you had to cast Losing it for film/tv who would Garrick and Bliss be? By the way I
love love love the name Bliss; what made you think of that?
Lover Tiffany: aww anything with Cade will make us smile! He was adorable!
Lover Tiffany: Oooo good question lala!!...I always wondered where the name Bliss came from
Evvie: You say book 2 is pretty different (more emotional) would you ever branch out and try
different genres? :)
Cora Carmack: @Johave Kelsey's book does not have a set release date yet, since I haven't
even finished writing it. But we've got a vague time of Fall 2013 set. Whether it's early or late
fall will depend on how much editing it needs.
Ria@ABookishEscape: @lala!! Me too!!!
Cora Carmack: @Johave Johana? Hi! *hugs*
LoverKaren: Oh Losing It would make a killer romantic comedy!
Cora Carmack: I didn't realize it was you!
Vilma (Chit Chat): Cora, what other books are you reading/enjoying these days?
Cora Carmack: @Evvie - My other full time job is actually at a literary agency, too! Woot!
Evvie: @Cora *fist pump* Right on!
Cora Carmack: @Dawn I am so excited to write Lucy and Griffin's story. I have to force myself
not to write it now. Kelsey's book must be finished first!
Cora Carmack: @Katy... I've got the first three chapter or so of the Lucy/Griffin book written...
and let me tell you... I think it gives the opening chapters of LOSING IT a run for it's money in
the laughs department.
LoverKaren: Well @Cora since my family nickname is Hermione we can add MUST LOVE
Cora Carmack: @Dawn... I have always been an outliner. I've been writing seriously for five
years, and dabbling for longer before that. LOSING IT was the first book I didn't outline, and it
worked out pretty well. I haven't outlined anything sense. I know how the book starts and how it
ends, but the middle part is all on the fly.
Cora Carmack: @Tiffany I'm a sucker for accents. I met an Australian guy in the elevator of my
apartment the other day, and nearly had a spastic Bliss freak out moment. I managed to keep all
my crazy bottled up inside though. :)
Lover Tiffany: I WOULD HAVE FAINTED hahaha ;) my eyes tend to glaze over when
someone with a british or australian accent start talking
Dawn@UpAllNight: LOL - I watched playing for keeps just to listen to Gerard Butler ;)
Evvie: @DAwn Gerard Butler---YES!
lalamrcds: I did a double take a a talk dark and Irish rugby player in my office...almost ate it int
the fountain. Accents do crazy things us ladies *sigh*
Cora Carmack: Ooo... Casting for a movie. Let me start by saying... that I'm totally open on
this. I try really hard not to get upset about casting choices for books-to-movies, and to trust the
director's choices. So...if the book is ever made into a movie *crosses fingers* I wouldn't HAVE
to have these people. But... for Bliss, I really like Anna Kendrick or Zooey Deschanel. For
Garrick, I like Jesse Spencer from House/Chicago Fire and Joseph Morgan from Vampire
Diaries. Also... Chris Hemsworth and Ryan Gosling... because... well they make every movie
better. :) For Cade... I usually think Darren Criss.
LoverKaren: @Cora let Bliss out, things turned out great for her.
Lover Tiffany: Oooo I like Joseph as Garrick!!
Vilma (Chit Chat): Darren is perfect for Cade. I also like Jesse for Garrick!!!
Cora Carmack: You know, people ask me about the name Bliss all the time, and for the life of
me I can't remember where I got it. I know that I didn't spend time searching for that name or
scrolling through name lists. I just knew in my gut her name was Bliss.
Dawn@UpAllNight: Anna Kendrick as Bliss is perfect!
yesi: Hi everyone! I am super late to the chat but I wanted to pop in and say HELLO! As well as
tell Cora I LOVED Losing It! :)
lalamrcds: Part of why I love the name is because it's stands out and you remember
LoverKaren: If you're just joining us please jump in with your questions for Cora.
Cora Carmack: @Evvie... I would totally branch out into other genres. I also write YA fantasy,
but it's SO different from LOSING IT. It's dark and complicated with twisty plots. After I finish
Kelsey's book, I'm going to go back through a YA fantasy project for one more round of edits,
and then my agent is going to submit it. I wish likely publish my YA fantasy under a different
pen name though because it is SO different. But I promise to make it easy to find that other pen
name for those of you that also enjoy that genre.
yesi: Someone may have already asked this, but will Garrick and Bliss make an appearance in
Cade's book?
LoverKaren: Yesi, Yes in first chapter. *waves*
JohaVe: Yes, it's me! Ok, I'm totally on team Anna Kendrick as Bliss... Just imagine what she'd
Cora Carmack: @Vilma... because I'm on deadline I don't get to read near as much as I would
like. But I did recently finish J. Lynn's (Jennifer L. Armentrout's) New Adult book WAIT FOR
YOU, and really enjoyed it. Jen is a good friend, and I love all of her stuff. Before that I read and
loved Ten Tiny Breaths by KA Tucker. I also know Kathleen, and she is a SWEETHEART.
yesi: Yay! :)
Cora Carmack: @Karen... oh my Gosh. I love Hermione. I am very similar to her, minus her
crazy organizational skills. I'm not that left-brained.
yesi: Love Joseph Morgan for Garrick...his accent gets me everytime! :)
Cora Carmack: Um... *Since not *sense that typo was a long time ago...but how embarrassing.
Evvie: Love Jen L. Armentrout!
JohaVe: I've been dying to read Wait for You but I haven't had the time yet.
Katy: I got to know LOSING IT thanks to Jennifer L Armentrout :)
LoverKaren: JohaVe always make time to read, laundry and dishes can wait.
JohaVe: Can you tell us a little about your fantasy project? Or is it a Super Secret Project?
Evvie: @Cora--very cool! (about the YA fantasy)
Cora Carmack: Irish Rugby, huh? The difference between me and you? I actually WOULD
have fallen in the fountain.
Cora Carmack: Hi yesi!
Cora Carmack: @Vilma... I think Darren is great for Cade, too. Plus the fact that he was in A
Very Potter Musical makes me his fan for life.
lalamrcds: I'm usually not even that graceful! He was definitely something to look at all sexy
stuble and deep blue eyes. I'm thankful I didn't land in the fountain! LOL ;)
Vilma (Chit Chat): LOL!
Cora Carmack: Hi Jj!
yesi: Hi Cora!!!
JohaVe: @LoverKaren I wish it was laundry and dishes, but unfortunately it's college stuff.
Laundry and dishes don't even bleep on my radar. :)
Cora Carmack: Thanks for popping in Yesi! I'm so glad you loved the book!
Cora Carmack: @Lala thanks!
Dawn@UpAllNight: Hey - gotta head out! Thanks for the chat!! :)
yesi: I read Losing It a while ago, but I have told so many people about it. There is just
something really special and awesome about Garrick! LOVE HIM! Thanks for creating him!
Cora Carmack: @yesi, Garrick and Bliss do make an appearance in Cade's book. In the first
chapter in fact.
yesi: He had me at Shakespeare in a bar with a British accent!!! YUMMY!!!! <3
Evvie: @JohaVe--I feel ya on college stuff. I have an 8 pg paper due next week. But I want to
finish Losing It--such a conundrum.
yesi: Wonderful! Thanks for answering my question!
Cora Carmack: I get a lot of people asking about an actual sequel to LOSING IT. And this is
what I always say... I have no plans to write a sequel. Because I think the first book ends really
well. And the only way to really make a second book work plot wise would be to tear them apart,
and I just can't do that... not right now. BUT... I have been careful in Cade's and Kelsey's book
not to write myself into a corner where a sequel would be impossible. Just in case an idea ever
strikes me. It would have to be a GREAT idea though. I wouldn't want to ruin their ending for a
mediocre sequel.
JohaVe: I have a super important test tomorrow, and another one on wednesday. I'm so anxious I
can't sleep and stuff..
yesi: So there is hope??? Yay!
Cora Carmack: @Evvie When JLA read and loved LOSING IT... I might have been more
excited for that than making the NYT bestseller list
Lover Tiffany: that's a great honest response cora!!
Cora Carmack: @Katy and I am so thankful to Jen!
lalamrcds: Any chance of an exclusive like maybe in Cade or Kelsey's book we see the actual
Garrick/Bliss wedding? I'd imagine Kelsey would be Bliss's MOH. ;)
LoverKaren: We have a few minutes left with Cora, so does anyone want to squeeze in a
question or comment?
Cora Carmack: If anyone lives near DC, Jen and I are meeting for lunch in a few weeks, and
are inviting fans along.
LoverKaren: Oh how fun.
Vilma (Chit Chat): you know, JLA is one of my favorite authors and I saw that Losing It was on
her blog's favorites list and that's how I discovered it! So glad I did! Loved it! Get her down here
for the Austin event! :)
JohaVe: Miranda Kennealy once said that same thing to me when I asked her about a sequel to
Catching Jordan. I guess we just have to imagine our beloved character's Happily Ever After..
Cora Carmack: @Johana... I can't tell you anything about the YA fantasy yet. It's too early days,
and we still don't even know if it will sell. But hopefully soon!
Evvie: @JohaVe good luck!
JohaVe: beloved*
Lover Tiffany: I seriously can't wait till June! we're going to have so much fun!! :)
Ria@ABookishEscape: I just want to say thank you to Cora for being so awesome !!
Cora Carmack: @lala *STUBBLE* *DIES*
JohaVe: @Evvie Thank you!
Cora Carmack: Night Dawn!
Evvie: @Cora--LOVE LOVE LOVE Daemon!
yesi: Thank you!!!!
lalamrcds: :)
Cora Carmack: Thanks @yesi! We authors are SO GRATEFUL when you all spread the word
to your friends. Best form of advertising. :)
Cora Carmack: @Yesi I'm a shakespeare girl, too. :)
Ria@ABookishEscape: @ Evie totally agree about Daemon so sad how the book ended :(
Cora Carmack: Paper Schmapers. *eyes deadline marked on calendar* *resists the urge to cry*
Evvie: Ria--don't tell me!!! I'm like 20 pages from finishing Onyx!!
malywa78 joined the chat 10 minutes ago
Evvie: (School has me behind)
LoverKaren: Cora on behalf of everyone thank you for joining us in our Lovers Fan Chat.
Cora Carmack: Good luck on the tests @johana! You'll be awesome! No doubt!
Cora Carmack: @yesi... small, small hope. :)
malywa78: I missed it. so sorry.
LoverKaren: The transcript will be on our blog @malywa
malywa78: I will have to view chat online. Cora you are the best
Ria@ABookishEscape: Evie omg :(( sorry I won't say anymore ;;)
Katy: Thanks to one of my English teacher in middle school, I became a Shakespeare girl too ;)
Evvie: Thanks again Cora! :)
Evvie: And it's all good Ria :)
Cora Carmack: @lala... I thought about that... but I think any potential sequel storyline would
occur leading up to the wedding... not after. So, if I wrote the wedding into Kelsey's book, there
would be no sense of anticipation or tension in Kelsey's book. So, if I wrote the wedding, that
would be pretty much guaranteeing no sequel.
malywa78: thank you LoverKaren
JohaVe: @Ria @Evvie My heart beat all crazy those final pages. I don't remember feeling that
desperate for a character before. And that is all I'm gonna say.
Ria@ABookishEscape: @LoverKaren what's your blog site?
LoverKaren: Literati Literature Lovers.
Cora Carmack: If we get a little ways down the road though, and I decide firmly not to do a
sequel, I'll either write a special scene for Bliss and Garrick or maybe a novella to show what
happens after Losing it
JohaVe: @Cora Thank you! *bites nails*
LoverKaren: Novella Please
lalamrcds: Sweet! That would be awesome! :)
malywa78: I agree please novella
Ria@ABookishEscape: OMG CORA THANK YOU!!! Eeeeeeep!!!
Cora Carmack: Thank you all! I had a blast!
JohaVe: Love you! :D
LoverKaren: Absolutely Loved Losing It! A laugh out loud type of HEA.
lalamrcds: Thank you Cora!
Ria@ABookishEscape: Take care!! Love Losing It can't wait for Faking It!
Lover Tiffany: THANKS SO MUCH CORA!!
Cora Carmack: Thanks guys! Seriously! You all were the best! *LOVE TACKLE*
Lover Tiffany: We love chatting with you!!
Ria@ABookishEscape: Hugs!!!
Vilma (Chit Chat): Thx so much!
Katy: Thank You Cora !!! :-X
Cora Carmack: Loved chatting with you guys too! Thanks for having me Literati Literature
Lovers! :)
LoverKaren: Cora you'll have to come back after the release of Faking It!
Evvie: :) Thanks for being here!
Ria@ABookishEscape: Yes please!!
Cora Carmack: I better get back to those FAKING IT line edits.
Cora Carmack: Oh, I definitely will! Count me in!
LoverKaren: Yay!!!
Lover Tiffany: YAY!! :)
Cora Carmack: Goodnight all! Or Good morning to some of you! <3
Lover Tiffany: jinx Karen *high five*
malywa78: hopefully I will not forget next time. LOL
LoverKaren: Smack
Cora Carmack: Sorry @malywa! There will be more opportunities in the future.
malywa78: thanks Cora. I will see u at BookBash
Cora Carmack: Yay! So excited! Goodbye!
malywa78: ;-)
Lover Tiffany: Night!! :)
malywa78: night ya'll
Ria@ABookishEscape: Me too!! And Harry Potter land!!
Lover Tiffany: THANK YOU everyone for taking time to chat!! :)
Ria@ABookishEscape: Night!! >:D<
LoverKaren: I-)
Lover Tiffany: Hope you all had fun! We have more chats coming up
Ria@ABookishEscape: Had a BLAST thanks for the opportunity!!
LoverKaren: Please Join us again Ria.
Ria@ABookishEscape: For sure!! Ill be back already saved the link
LoverKaren: Great
JohaVe: Even though I barely wrote anything, I did enjoy reading all the responses. Look
forward to more of these chats in the future
JohaVe: Thanks for having me! Good night, all
LoverKaren: Thanks for coming JohaVe

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