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English Phrases of the Week

1.) I can
I can jump, sing, help, etc. I can see, hear, smell, taste, feel, etc. Tips: encourage children to nod head up and down (like saying yes). Teachers models: - I can ____. -I can not (or cant) (nod head like saying no) -Can you..?

2.) I am
I am happy, sad, tired, etc. I am a girl, boy, Dutch, 10, beautiful, etc. Teacher models: -I am -You /we are -He/she is -Are you.?

3.) I have
I have blue eyes, brown hair, a red shirt, etc. I have a head ache, a banana, a brother, etc. I have to go to .. Teacher models: -I have___ -She/he/it has___ -Do you have___? -Does he/she/it have_____? Tip: model Do you have _____? and Does she have ____? often because children will have the tendency to say Have you _____? and Has it a _____? *With older children this is also a good time to introduce a/an Tell children that a and an both mean een. We use a before words that begin with consonants (medeklinkers) . A banana, a monkey, a person, a car, etc. We use an before words that begin with vowels (klinkers). An apple, an elephant, an animal, an airplane, etc.

4.) Me too
I have a banana. Me too. I have a banana too. I have blue eyes too. I am happy too. Teacher models: only using too in response to someone who has the same as you. * Children sometimes get confused because they know the number two and it sounds the same as too. Just explain the difference.

5.) I like
I like bananas, swimming, school. Teacher models: -I /we/they like______. -He/she likes ____. -Do you like ______? -I dont like _______. (shake head like saying no)

6.) I want
I want a banana, to go home, more, etc. I want to be a ______. I want to have a ____. Teacher models: I/we/they want ______. He/she wants ______. Do you want to ________. *tip : When asking for something, I want is a bit rude. Therefore, always model it in combination with please at the end of the sentence. I want a banana, please. *A better way to ask is I would like ______ and Would you like _____? but that is a more difficult construction.

7.) Because
I can play because I am all done with my work. I am happy because its my birthday. I like puppies because they are cute. Teacher models: -because in sentences -ask children why and have them answer in a full sentence using because.

Ex: How are you? I am tired? Why? I am tired because I went to bed late. (Let the children say I am tired because ik ging te laat naar bed. Then just model the sentence for them in English and have them repeat it. )

8.) I cannot/ I cant

I cant fly, wait, go, etc. Teacher models: I cant speak Japanese. Can you _____? Yes, I can. No, I cant. *Tip: Cant is more natural speaking language than cannot, however its difficult to hear the difference between can and cant in a sentence. If you teach cant, have children shake their heads no and exaggerate the t. I canttttt.

9.) Me either
I cant fly. Me neither. Teacher: Just explain that me neither is the same as ik ook niet.


I dont like

I dont like bananas, baseball, being late,etc. Teacher models: I dont like ______ either. Do you like ______?


I dont want

I dont want a banana, any, any more, to go to bed, etc. Teacher models: -I dont want to hear any talking. -He/she doesnt want to go. -Do you want ______? -Does he/she want _____? -I dont want to either. -He /she doesnt want to either.


Can you..?

Can you dance, speak French, touch your toes.? Can you help me, show me, come with me, please. Teacher models: -Can you/he/she/we/they.? -Yes I can. Me too. -No I cant. Me neither.


Do you have (any)

Do you have a banana, a pencil, a cold, time? Teacher models: -Do you have any fruit left? -Do you have anything to drink? -Do you have any more paper? -I dont have any bananas left. -I dont have anything to drink. -Does she have anything to drink? -Does he have any more paper?


Do you want

Do you want to play, more, a drink, ? Teacher models: -Do you /they want to go outside? -Does he/she want any cake?


Do you like

Do you like bananas, to sing, to dance, to paint, reading, etc. Teacher models: -Do you/they like ____? -Does he/she like_____? -Me too/me either.



I dont want. I dont like. Me either.. I cant..


Would you like..

Would you like some help, to play, a drink, etc. Teacher models: -Would you like ____? -Yes , I would like _____. Thank you. -No, I would not like any ______. Thank you. -I wouldnt like to ______. -I wouldnt like any _____. (shake head no) *tip: Tell children that the l in would is silent. Its pronounced wood(woed).



What is this, that, your name, favorite color, the date today? What time is it? Teacher models: -Whats that? -Whats missing? -Whats different? -What is the reason.?



Where is it, Roos, the library, Mexico, ? Where are you going? Teacher models: -Where is ____? -Where were you? -Where did you go? -Where did you find this? -I dont know where. *Tip: play hide and go seek.



When is your birthday? When is it my turn? When can we play? Teacher models: -When were you born? -When did you go to Disney World? -I dont know when.



Why is it .? Why does it.? Why not? Teacher models: -Why do you think.? -Why not? -I dont know why.



How are you? How old are you? How come? How do you _______? Teacher models: -Show me how. -How come _____. -How is _____different from _____. -How is _____ the same as ______? -How big/small is _____?



Who is that? Who are you? Who is he/she? Who is your brother/sister? Who is your best friend? Teacher models: -Whose is this? -Who does this belong to?



Which is bigger, smaller, softer, harder, louder, etc. Which one is mine? Teacher Models: -Which one is yours? -Which one would you like? -Which do you think is ______?


Everyday speech

Here are some words and concepts that are handy for everyday speech. You may want to incorporate them into your sentence of the week. Examples: I am excited because everyone is coming to my birthday. Would you like a drink? No thank you, I already have a drink.

already, not yet, soon first, second, third, next, last everything, nothing, anything, something everyone, no one, someone always, never, sometimes, often same, different enough, too much, too many, hardly any a few, a couple, a lot important, not important exciting, boring hurry up, slow down, wait

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