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MODAL VERBS 2 (Perfect modals) EXERCISE 1 Write the following sentences using the modal perfect. 1.

They might sell their car. 2. It could be Thelma on the phone. 3. You shouldn't use my computer. 4. She must be tired. 5. This should be taken away. 6. They may come later. EXERCISE 2 In the following sentences, draw conclusions about the past according to the situations given. Use must have + participle and your own words. Example -- Her car is here. She (must have taken) the bus. 1. There were no biscuits left last night. My son .. 2 The door is open. The children to lock it. 3. He isn't here now. He ............................................................. 4. There were bits of paper on the floor. Someone .. EXERCISE 3 Rewrite the following sentences without changing the meaning of the original sentences. Use must have + participle and the words given. 1. He hasn't contacted me. He probably thought I was unsuitable for the job. He 2. I suppose she offered him a lift. She ........................................................................... 3. He visited us last year. I'm sure you recognised him. You.. 4. The train has left and she is still at the station. She ................................................................................................. 5. Her watch simply disappeared. Someone EXERCISE 4 Complete the following sentences about the past according to the situations given. Use could have + participle and your own words. 1. He has a broken leg. He ........................................................ down the stairs. 2. I think I recognise her. I ........................................................ her before.

3. Jack and Jill are angry with each other. They ...................................................... a quarrel. 4. It's possible he didn't pay for the book. He 5. He decided not to sell his car although he had a buyer. He ..................................................... , but he decided not to. 6. Somebody has drunk all the orange juice. It ................................................................ Tommy. 7. I didn't take another slice of cake although they offered me one. I ........................................................, but I refused it. EXERCISE 5 Rewrite the following sentences without changing the meaning of the original sentences. Use may/might have + participle and the words given 1. He seems sad. He could have heard the bad news. He seems sad. He . 2. Perhaps he visited us, but we were away. He .............................................. 3. Maybe the concert was cancelled because nobody bought tickets. The concert . 4. Maybe she didn't want to go out. She . 5. It's possible the child broke the cup. The child ................................................. EXERCISE 6 Rewrite the following sentences without changing the original meaning. Use should have + participle and the words into brackets. 1. You were wrong not to lock the door. (left) 2. It was silly of her to try to carry those heavy boxes. (have) 3. It's sad that the boy didn't win the prize. (ought) 4. The lawyer was expected to win the case, but he didn't. (should) 5. It's a pity you didn't write to her. (written)

EXERCISE 7 Rewrite the following sentences without changing the meaning of the original sentences. Use the modal perfect. 1. The plane probably crashed over the jungle. (must) The plane 2. There is no possibility that Mark was involved in the crime. (couldn't) Mark. 3. Maybe Janet invited him here tonight. (might) Janet 4. We expected him to pass his exams, but he didn't. He . ....................................................... 5. It was a bad idea to ask him to do it. (been) He 6. It was wrong to stay out all night without phoning me. You 7. She isn't in the office. Perhaps she went home. (may) She ................................................. 8. I'm sure she was quite angry when she said it. (must) She.............................................. 9. Perhaps she learned English as a child. (may) She. TRANSLATION 1. She must have been terribly tired because she slept right through the concert. 2. Who could have given them this phone number? 3. We will never know why, but she may have changed her will after the accident. 4. I apologise. I should never have said those words. 6. She could have finished the project by now, but she didn't feel like it. 7. Should we have phoned you earlier about the trip? SPOT THE ERROR 1. Barbara shouldn't has come today. She looks ill. 2. This letter must have written years ago. The paper is all yellow. 3. Daniel could have been there. My sister said she saw him. 4. I ought to have been asked you what to do last night. 5. I think it might rain last night. 6. Who could have been at the door now? Its past midnight. 7. I think I may have taken up karate next year.

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