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Greek Salad Horiatiki

INGRIDIENTS 3 tomatoes 1 big cucumber 1 red onion 1 green pepper 8-10 olives 100 gr. feta cheese Olive oil Vinegar (optional) Oregano Salt

METHOD Start making the salad by chopping the vegetables. Cut the tomatoes into wedges, the onion into rings, the green pepper into slices and the cucumber into half-moons. Mix all the vegetables together in a big salad bowl. Add 5 tablespoons of olive oil and 1 tablespoon of vinegar. Garnish the salad with the olives, the oregano and a big slice of feta cheese. You can also dice the feta cheese in small cubes if you want.


INGRIDIENTS 10 potatoes 5-6 eggplants Ground beef Bchamel sauce


(Preparation of ground beef) : Saut an onion in a little oil, then add the ground beef to be frizzled too. Pour some fresh tomato juice and water to cover the content of the saucepan as well as some salt, pepper and spice. Let the ground beef simmer.

(Preparation of moussaka): First cut the potatoes and the eggplants into slices and fry them. When they are ready, you can prepare the layers of moussaka. First, spread some of the fried slices of potatoes and then the eggplant slices on a baking dish. The next layer to be added is the mince. Follow the same process by adding the rest of the potatoes and eggplants. Cover them by pouring the bchamel sauce. Moussaka is ready to be put in the oven.

Sweet preserve (spoon sweet) with grapes


2 kilos of grapes (without seeds) 2 kilos of sugar 1 glass of water 2 sticks of cinnamon 5 cloves A pinch of vanilla powder Half a lemon juice A slice of lemon

METHOD Wash the grapes well and let them drain off. Put them in the cooking pot along with the water and the sugar and let them simmer until the sugar melts and turns into syrup. Skim the content of the pot and then add a little vanilla powder, the cinnamon sticks and the cloves. When the syrup gets thick, you can add the lemon juice as well as the lemon slice. Put it into jars when it cools down.

Italian Potato Gnocchi

INGRIDIENTS (serves 6) 1 kg of potatoes (do not choose new potatoes) 300 gr flour 1 egg Salt

METHOD Wash the potatoes under running water and then put themto cook in a large pot of water (to know when they are cooked, pierce them with a fork; it will easilyenter). Mash the potatoes with a potatoes masher (the skin will remain attached to the basis of the masher and will be easily discarded)into a bowl andthen let them cool. Next, add to the potatoes,the egg and the flour. Mix and kneaduntil the dough is soft but not sticky (the quantity of flour indicated is the maximum you can add). Now cut the dough into chunk and on a board, work each part to form a roll of 1-1.5 cm. thick. Then cut each roll into small pieces of the same length and place them on a towel. Boil a pot of water and when it boils add the salt and throw the gnocchi in the water. When the gnocchirise to the surface, they are ready.Immediately remove them from the pan with a scolino.Do not let them stay longer. Toss with olive oil or tomato sauce.

Italian beef in red wine Pastisada

INGRIDIENTS(for 6persons) 1.2 kgof beef meatpreferably two carrots, one large onion, two stalks of whitecelery,chopped 40 gof butter, Two tablespoons of olive oil 1 liter offull-bodied Amarone, Two tablespoons of flour, salt pepper. the thigh

redwinesuch as

METHOD Cut the meatinto small piecesand leaveto soakin wine for10/12hours. Inan earthenwarepot mergebutterand olive oil, fry the onion, carrots and celery. Remove the meatfrom the wine, put itin the panand sprinklewith twotablespoonsof flour. Sautwell andseason withsalt andpepper.Occasionallywetthe meat withthe wine, letsimmeronlow heat, for overtwo hours. Thesauce shouldbethick enough.

Italian Fugassa

INGRIDIENTS 15 g of brewers yeast(or 1 tea spoon of baking powder) 2 eggs 90g. warm milk 1hg. butter 2hg. flour 1 hg. raisins 1 hg. Sugar

You can add: small piecesof candied orange and citron few drops of vanilla METHOD Start working the yeast with warm milk and 90 g. of flour.

The result is a very soft dough( lievitino). Let rest approximately half hour. Then mix eggs, butter, flour, sugar and add the lievitino. Knead the dough 10 minutes until it is quite smooth and elastic. Let it rest until the dough doubles in volume. Bake in preheated oven at 170 degrees for approximately 35 minutes It would be good before removing it from the oven to test it with a toothpick, do not trust only the surface color.

Green Tomato Dinner Gafete Bulgurlamas

INGRIDIENTS kg. green tomatoes 3-4 green chilies 1 large onion pieces 50-100 g. chopping up cup olive oil cup of bulgur (wheat) 1teaspoon hot pepper sauce Salt Black pepper Red pepper 1 cup of yogurt 12 cloves garlic

Gafete bulgurlamas

METHOD First put olive oil in a shallow pan, and then chop the onion and green pepper, pink and burnt onions and peppers. And then add wide with a hand washed and chopped tomatoes. Then add tomato paste, rice and spices. Then add a little salt. Cook them about 15 minutes. Put yoghurt, salt and garlic into another cup and mix them. Finally mix prepared yoghurt with the meal and serve it. Enjoy your meal

Rice and Yogurt Soup Yayla orbas

INGRIDIENTS Rice Flour Egg Yoghurt Vegetable oil Salt Dry Mint


Wash rice and simmer in 10 c of water. Whisk together yogurt, egg and flour and cook in another saucepan on low heat, stirring constantly. Add, beating with a whisk, to the boiling rice. Add salt and allow simmering together a few minutes. Saut the dry mint in the oil for a minute and use as a garnish when serving. Enjoy your meal

Flour Helva Un Helvas

INGRIDIENTS 125 ml unsalted butter 1 cup flour 2 tbsp. walnuts Syrup: 200ml sugar cup water cup milk

Cook all the syrup ingredients, up aside and let warm. Put the butter, flour and walnuts in a large pot. Stirring constantly, cook on medium-low heat until the colour turns to a light golden shade. Add in the warm syrup. But be very careful when you do this as it will spit. Stir until the mixture becomes doughy and leaves the edges of put. Turn the heat off. Take one tablespoon of the flour Helva and using a tablespoon ,give it an oval shape using the sides of the pot. Place each piece on a service plate. Flour Helva is very tasty when cold. And serve it with walnut. This traditional Turkish dessert is very quick and easy to cook.

Polish broth( ros)

INGRIDIENTS Chicken leg Duck wings Turkey wings Sirloin meat 2 stock cubes A piece of celery root 1 onion A piece of leek Parsley leaves Celery leaves Grainy pepper Salt and pimento

METHOD Pour water into a pot and bring it to the boil. Put meat and stock cubes into the boiling water. After 5 minutes add all the vegetables. Boil gently for about 2 hours. When the meat is tender, season the soup to taste with pepper and salt. Serve the soup with pasta.

Polish chicken fillet with cheese and ham.


4 chicken fillets 2 spoons of breadcrumbs 2 eggs 4 slices of ham 4 slices of cheese Oil for frying Pepper and salt 2 spoons of flour and sesame


Beat chicken fillets gently to make the meat tender and thinner. Put ham and cheese on each fillet. Sprinkle them with pepper and salt. Roll the fillets, coat them with egg mixture and then with breadcrumbs and sesame. Fry the rolls in hot oil. Serve them with mashed potatoes and carrot and apple salad.

Polish apple cake Szarlotka

INGRIDIENTS 1-1.5 kg of sour apples 500g of flour 250g of butter 4 egg yolks 200g of sugar 1 spoon of cream 2 teaspoons of baking powder 1 spoon of breadcrumbs

METHOD Peel apples, grate and cook them with one spoon of sugar and a little water. Mix baking powder with flour and butter. Add yolks, sugar, cream and make dough. Divide the dough into two parts and roll out each part into a sheet. Put one part of the rolled dough on a tin, sprinkle it with breadcrumbs and place the cooked apples on it. Then cover the apples with the other part of the rolled dough. Prick the surface of the prepared cake using a fork. Bake in temperature 180 C for 30 minutes. Sprinkle the baked cake with powder sugar. It can be topped with whipped cream before serving.



4 portions potatoes water garlic lard 10 g marjoram bread salt 250 g 1l 20 g 1 tablespoon 60 g

METHOD Peel the potatoes, dice them, pour them on boilingwater,add saltand let cook. Add amashedgarlicand lard.Aftera few minutes of boiling,sprinklemarjoram.Dice bread,roast them and serve withsoup.

Roasted pork, sauerkraut and dumplings

potatoes flour semolina egg salt 800 g 120 g 80 g 1

sauerkraut 500 g fat 20 g onion 40 g flour 1 tablespoon sugar 40 g pork salt garlic onion cumin lard

Roasted pork:
400 g

The day before boiled potatoes (in their skins) peel and grate finely. Season with salt, add an egg, flour and semolina and prepare a dough. Roll it out into dumplings, which cook in salted water for 20 minutes. When the dumplings get cold, cut them into slices.

Pour boiling water on the sauerkraut and cook until it is almost tender. Drain sauerkraut. Finely chopped onions fry in lard. Then add a tablespoon of flour and fry for a while on a low flame. Add cabbage and sugar. Stir and stew it.

Roasted pork:
Washed meat cut into large cubes (2-3 per portion). Then put into roasting pan chopped onion, fat and meat, which sprinkle with the mashed garlic. Season with salt and cumin. Bake in the oven. Once in a while baste meat with sauce and add boiling water, if it is necessary.

Apple strudel

flour butter non-fat yogurt baking powder egg 400 g 250 g 125 g 1 1

apples raisins sugar cinnamon nuts 500 g 4 tablespoons 5 tablespoons 2 teaspoons (if you like them)

METHOD In a bowl mix the flour with the baking powder, add the yogurt and sliced butter. Prepare the dough. Roller the dough on the rolling board sprinkled with flour. Peel apples, cut the cores and cut the apples into small pieces. Spread apples on the dough, sprinkle them with sugar, cinnamon, raisins and nuts, wrap a roll. Put it into the baking pan, brush it with beaten egg and bake it. (180 degrees, about 25 minutes ). When the strudel gets cold, cut it into slices and sprinkle it with sugar.

Tomatoe with (grey) shrimps

Cold Starter 4 persons Preparation time 30 minutes

INGRIDIENTS 200 grs grey shrimps 4 tomatoes crop of lettuce 1 red onion 2 stacks of fresh parsley Pepper and salt 1 yolk 2 teaspoons mustard 4 teaspoons white wine vinegar 2 teaspoons lemonjuice 2,5 dl sunflower oil

METHOD 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Make the mayonnaise Particle the parsley Cut the lettuce Peel the tomatoes. Remove the small crown and cut off the had of the tomato. Cup the tomato with a teaspoon. Place the tomatoes upside-down on a grill and let them drain. Cut the onions in rings. Mix the mayonnaise, the parsley and the shrimps. Fill the cupped tomatoes with the mix and put on the hat Place the lettuce on each plate. Put a filled tomato in the middle of each plate. Decorate the plate with the onionrings and parsley. Poor out the rest of the shrimps around the tomato.

Stew of beef with chicory and Flemish fries

Main dish INGRIDIENTS 2 slices of (white) bread 1 kilo of stew beef 2 onions a small part of butter (50 grs) 1 spoon of mustard 1 bottle of dark beer (33 cl) 1 dl of meatbouillon 2 leaves of laurel 2 stacks of thyme 2 cloves pepper salt parsley METHOD 1. Peel and particle the onionsPut some butter in the heated pot and let the onion particles fry until theyre gold. Put those aside for a short time. 2. Fur, in the same pot, on a very warm fire, the small pieces of meat on all sides. Take care that each part of meat has a good brown crust around. 3. Add the fried onion again. Spice with salt and pepper. Pour the bear over the meat and onion mix. Add the laurel, the thyme and the cloves. Let simmer for half an hour. 4. Cut the crust from the slices of bread and spread the mustard over them. Put them (with the mustard side down) on the meat. Let simmer until the meat is cooked. 5. Stir all as the bread and the sauce are mixed completely. Take the herbs out of the pan. 6. If necessary, add salt and pepper. 7. Add some parsley to complete. 8. Serve with Flemish(!) fries and chicory.


dessert INGRIDIENTS for the pancakes 200 grs of self-rising flower (or 200 grs of flower + 1 teaspoon of soda) liter milk 4 eggs 30 grs of fine sugar (or 6 teaspoons) 1 portion of vanilla sugar (or 2 teaspoons of vanilla extract = 10 ml) A pinch of salt

METHOD for dutch Pancakes Sift the flower in a bowl Mix the flour and milk until they are smooth. Form a small indentation in this mix Add the eggs, sugar and a pinch of salt. Mix slow until you become a smooth mix. Let batter rest for 30 minutes to 1 hour for better results. Heat up a large frying pan on medium to medium-high heat. Brush a little oil or butter in the pan. Pour in enough batter to evenly cover the bottom of the pan, trying to make the pancake as thin as possible. Cook until batter sets and golden on the bottom, about 1 minute. Flip pancake and cook until golden another 20 to 30 seconds. INGRIDIENTS for the chocolate sauce 1 decilitre of milk (1/10 liter) 50 grs of sugar (10 teapsoons) 100 grs of pure (black) chocolate or 2/3 cup unsweetened cacao 1 beaten egg A small part of butter (10 grs) 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract METHOD for the chocolate sauce Combine choclate/cocoa, sugar and milk in a medium saucepan over medium heat. Allow the ingredients to come to a boil and stir. Boil for 1 minute and remove from heat. Add the vanilla and stir. Take away from the heat and add a small part of butter and the beaten egg. Curl calmly

How to serve 1. Lay one pancake on a dish (plate) 2. Put a ball of Ice in the middle 3. Lay a second pancake over it 4. Cover with the chocolate sauce

Potato and Leek Soap

INGRIDIENTS 1 Tbsp Vegetable oil 1 Onion sliced 225 gr. Potatoes cubed 2 Medium Leeks sliced. 1.2 L. Vegetable stock 1.5 L Double cream salt Black pepper.

METHOD Heat the oil in a large pan and add the onions, potatoes and leeks. Cook for 3-4 minutes until starting to soften. Add the vegetable stock and bring to boil. Season well and simmer until the vegetables are tender. Whizz with a hand blender until smooth. Reheat in a clean pan, stir in the cream, heat through anad serve.

Lancashire Hot pot

INGRIDIENTS 500 gr Minced Lamb 150 gr. Diced Carrots 150 gr, Diced Swede 150 gr. Diced parsnip 150 gr. Celery 3 Onions Sliced and chopped 500 ml Lamb stock 4 Large potatoes. 25 gr. Butter Black pepper. Salt

METHOD Take some butter and drop in the pan. Throw in the vegetables and just move them around the pan until the butter melts and it softs the vegetables. Then set them aside in the pot.

Add the lamb and cook until it gets a rich colour. Next mix the veggies with the lamb together and give a stir. Season with salt and pepper. Add the stock until it almost covers the lamb and veggies. Now in a pot start to layer with the sliced potatoes. We are going to add one layer of potatoes and one with the hot pot and the last one will be placed with all the potatoes. Add the pot into the oven at 160 C for 90 minutes until the lamb is tender and the top layer potatoes are golden

British Fruit Salad

INGRIDIENTS 200g caster sugar 1 teacup of water optional: a bunch of pineapple mint, finely chopped 1kg of mixed fruit, like melon, pineapple, green seedless grapes, lychees, Granny Smith apples, strawberries, blueberries or cherries

METHOD Place the sugar and a teacup of water in a saucepan and heat up. Stir until the sugar dissolves. For a fuller flavour, add half a bunch of whole pineapple mint stems to the hot syrup and leave to infuse until cool. When the syrup has cooled down, remove the stems and add the peeled and chopped fruit. Chill well and add half a bunch of picked pineapple mint leaves.

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