"I Choose" Questions and Answers

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Viviana Aguilar Daniela Martinez March 7, 2013 Period 1

I Choose Questions and Answers

1. What was your first reaction when reading the title of the story? My first reaction when reading the title of the story was that I was curious because it said that she died in the sixth grade. I was also interested to read this story. I was interested and curious to find out how she died. I was also curious to find out why she died. 2. After reading the story, what does the author really mean when she writes that she died in the sixth grade? Did she really die? Explain your answer using examples from the story. The author of this story didnt really die. What she meant by I Died In The Sixth Grade is that she changed herself into a totally different person. The person she used to be in sixth grade isnt there anymore, and you will never see that person anymore. You can change who you are and say she died, thats what the author did. 3. How does the author describe herself before she died? Go back to the story and find adjectives that describe her personality. The author described herself as out-going, compassionate, smart and sometimes overbearing. She also described herself as being a really kind girl. Before she died. 4. In the second paragraph the author says she flat-lined. What does she mean? Look up the word in an online dictionary and write the definition. In the second paragraph the author said she flat-lined. By that she meant that she didnt have brain waves or a heart beat, basically saying that shes dead. 5. How did The Crew influence others in school? Give specific

examples that you found throughout the story. The Crew influenced others in the school by the trendsetters from the crew wore sleeveless shirts Wednesdays and the mall would be sold out Thursday. The crew influenced others to buy sleeveless shirts. By the next day the store sold out. Its basically telling them what to wear. 6. The author mentions that the girls at the sleep over were 11 going to 17 then she states that she was content to be a kid for a while longer. How is it possible to be 11 going to 17? Describe some of the things the girls wanted to do that wasnt age appropriate. By the author saying they were 11 going on to 17 she meant that they were acting older like if they were already teenagers. They were acting like if they were 17. The girls wanted to pump Ace Base. They were also ready to dish about boys. 7. What were 3 specific negative effects the bullying had on the author? 3 specific negative effects the bullying had on the author were that the kids in her school were always making fun if how she dressed and how she did her hair. They also wouldnt talk to her. They would just make fun of her and laugh. They would always make her cry because she would feel bad about herself because of what they would tell her. 8. When did things finally turn around for her? What exactly happened? How did she feel? Things finally turned around for her in eighth grade. Her dad convinced the school to allow her into advanced placement. There she met three girls who carried her through the next two years. She felt like another one of her resurrected.

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