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Course No.: PGPM 11/ NCP 21 Course title: Management in Organizations Assignment No.



By Shailendra Grover Student Registration No. 212-07-31-10762-2141


2 SCOPE OF WORK...........................................................................................................3 3 DEPARTMENTS AND FUNCTIONS............................................................................4 2.1 Planning.....................................................................................................................4 2.2 Engineering .............................................................................................................7 2.3 Site execution and control......................................................................................7 2.4 Procurement & Stores............................................................................................8 2.5 Personnel & Administration..................................................................................8 2.6 Accounts................................................................................................................9 2.7 Quality Assurance & Quality Control (QA/QC)...................................................9 2.8 Equipment Service Division (ESD).....................................................................10 Equipment Service division handles all the machinery part of work. This department looks after the maintenance of the equipments. This department gives training for the safe and efficient equipment handling. The study for the numbers of equipments needed and the type of equipment needed is done by this department. This department suggests the use of best possible equipment that can be economically used for the task. Equipment Service Division shall also do planning and scheduling for sharing of equipments with the help of planning department.........................................................10 2.9 Safety.......................................................................................................................10 2.10 Security..................................................................................................................10 4 ORGANIZATION CHARTS.........................................................................................11 2.11 Planning.............................................................................................................11 2.12 Engineering Consultant......................................................................................12 2.13 Site execution and control..................................................................................12 2.14 Personnel & Administration ............................................................................14 2.15 Accounts ...........................................................................................................14 2.16 Procurement & Stores........................................................................................14 2.17 Quality Assurance and Quality Control..............................................................15 2.18 Equipment Service Division..............................................................................15 2.19 Safety..................................................................................................................15 2.20 Security..................................................................................................................16 5 RESPONSIBILITY ........................................................................................................16 2.21 Planning Department.........................................................................................17 2.22 Engineering Consultant......................................................................................17 2.23 Procurement & Stores Department.....................................................................18 2.24 Site Execution and Control................................................................................18 2.25 Personnel & Administration..............................................................................19 2.26 Accounts Department..........................................................................................20 2.27 QA / QC Department.........................................................................................20 2.28 Equipment Service Division..............................................................................20 2.29 Safety..................................................................................................................21 2.30 Security..................................................................................................................21

ORGANIZATION STRUCTURE AND RESPONSIBILITIES Project Name: Client: Location: ABSTRACT: This Project Report is about management in an organization, organization here is for a construction cum residential project comprising of a housing colony having residential blocks for different level of personnel based on the hierarchy / and their designation in the firm they work for. Succeeding report projects the responsibility and duties of a project manager which he has to undertake and subsequently perform for the construction project in the due course of time. The responsibilities & duties of Project manager mainly encapsulates: Visualizing all key functions to be carried out for the project. Framing managerial functions and categorizing them into technical & administrative functions. Establishing flow of communication. Recruitment of required man power. Assigning duties to the Authorities along with giving suitable jobs to junior staff members. Controlling & forming structure required for the proper execution of project. Deciding optimum quantity of resources to be utilized at each level and stage of project. 1 Housing Colony Industrial Group Western Maharashtra (Coastal Belt)

1. INTRODUCTION Main pillars on which a construction project is laid are proper, effective and efficient planning and management of material flow. Materials right from the raw form to semi finished and then finally in to finished state must be planned and managed in such a way that no wastage or misuse comes in to scene. The introduction of supply chain management in construction is intended to integrate processes, manage interfaces between companies in projects, reduce

uncertainties and weed out inefficiency as much as possible. The elimination of waste and inefficiency from the supply chain builds in value in the process. All the authorities guiding personnel at different level of construction project should be in a perfect sync and well coordinated. Flow of information from the top level of management to bottom and vice-versa must be smooth, lucid and clear avoiding any conflict and misguidance. Manpower should be as lean as possible avoiding any over numbered people situation at project site. For planning, managing and executing a construction project following key areas are the axis around which a Project manager emphasis and concern should revolve: Committed leadership. Determining bottlenecks and then methods to get rid from it. Framing guideline easy to follow. Quality driven agenda

Making a task schedule clearly indicating start and finish date of project along with time taken to complete different individual tasks at different levels and stages of project.

Intelligent planning of finances and cash flow.

. The present assignment paper is done by keeping in mind the above factors for attaining the best and profitable output.

2 SCOPE OF WORK A housing colony is proposed to be constructed in the Western Maharashtra Region in the coastal belt. The housing colony is the proposed project by an industrial group for the accommodation of its employees. The housing colony consists of 10 Bungalows for senior executives of the Industry. Five buildings will be constructed with all facilities. Each building will have four apartments. Hence 20 apartments will be available in 5 buildings. 100 dwellings will be constructed for white collared workers. 300 dwellings will be constructed for blue collar workers. Colony will have market and entertainment complex. Following points must be strictly considered and followed during the start of project: Maintaining as less no. of people as possible on company roll up to

junior level. This will cut down the cost involved in arranging and maintaining man power. Avoid over crowded situation on construction site.

Easy and less hectic management system. Less controlling and monitoring required. Supervisors below junior level will be on temporary job basis

and to be recruited locally from 100 kM radius. No accommodation is must for local workers. Only travel arrangements can be made on demand as the people are around 100km radius from the work site. load. A small shopping complex equipped with shops providing daily uses items and recreation hubs like multiplex is also proposed to be build along with the housing colony at the centre of the colony. A park for children is also been proposed at the entrance. Apart from these entire basic infrastructures a small medical dispensary will also be an integral part of the residential colony project. The number of workers can be altered according to work

3 DEPARTMENTS AND FUNCTIONS 2.1 Planning Planning is the first step of management in an organization. It is necessary to perform managerial planning at various levels and then to visualize how they relate to one another. A plan is a projected course of action. Planning department is the main coordination link between all other departments. The main objective of this department is the smooth functioning of all other departments working with

each other. The planning department has the responsibility of focusing on the time of completion and also cost control of the project. This department will carry out estimation of the project based on the past experience and coordination with the engineering consultant. The coordination between client and different departments of the company is handled by planning department. The leadership role for the project is played mainly by the planning department. Before the start of the project and after the successful completion of the project the planning department will look after the mobilization of the manpower and machines. Planning shall also be done for effective mobilization on site. Planning department will also look after the local recruitment for the project. The salary will be negotiated in that case for the benefit of the company and also for the benefit of the workers to get at least minimum living standard. The planning department will look after establishing the labor colonies and important facilities to be provided on site. The planning department will carryout studies and will prepare schedules for different tasks and will distribute those schedules to the respective department. The department will also look after the sub contracting of the project. The coordination and billing with sub contractors will be handled by planning department. 3.1.1 Working out the time schedule At the prior stage of construction project a precise and comprehensive time schedule should be prepared. Time schedule gives the tentative time duration of all the activities to be carried out during project right from the start up to completion. By summing up the time 5

duration of a project time schedule a complete idea about the total time required in executing the project can be easily deduced. TIME SCHEDULE FOR THE CONSTRUCTION PROJECT PROJECT START DATE S.No ACTIVITY . 1. Taking Clearance From Various Authorities 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Layout Planning Recruiting Man Power Arranging Various Utilities like electricity & water etc. Constructing facilities like raw material storage, Electricity & water distribution centre, canteen etc. Finalizing vendors for various product required in the Project Land excavation & leveling Marking the land as per Layout. Civil Foundation. 01/06/12 DURATION 1 month 15 days 15 days 1.5 months 2 months 15 days 15 days 15 days 2.5 months

Construction of buildings 15 months Construction of various other infrastructures like 15 months shopping complex, park etc. Final finishing of buildings. 10 days Evaluating cost of construction. 5 days 01/06/14 2 Years (Approx)


* NOTE: Activities marked as serial no. 10 & 11 will be carried out simultaneously.

2.2 Engineering The company will outsource the engineering from a detail engineering sub contractor. The engineering consultant in coordination with planning department will prepare architectural drawings. The consultant will do the structural designing of the buildings. Prepare drawings for the same. The drawings will be issued for approval of client. The corrections shall be made if any and the revised drawings shall be issued on site only after the final go of the client. Mechanical and electrical part of designing will also be done by the engineering consultant. 2.3 Site execution and control The site execution team is directly dealing with the labors and sub contractors. On site execution and control on the construction activities will be carried out by this department. The department will be dealing with measurement book and daily progress report for the project. Execution will be done with safety on prime concern. This team will handle the labors and supervisors. The quality and speed of construction will be taken care of. Material use and cost control will be monitored and wastage should be minimized. The team must manage resources including labor, materials and equipment to ensure that the project is being constructed as per plan, on schedule and within budget. In doing so, they must monitor the construction schedule, maintain accurate cost control plans, and calculate productivity and material yields. All employees on site are responsible for their own personal safety and that of their co-workers.


Procurement & Stores The Procurement Department is responsible to ensure that company

receives the most favorable vendor pricing. Payment terms shall be consistent with acceptable quality and availability in the procurement of all materials and services for all project operations. They research and provide material pricing to the Planning Department for all estimates .They will carry out the ABC analysis and will provide optimum supply on site. This department will take care that work will not stop because of non availability of the materials. The material standby time and labor stand by time will be balanced. All the necessary documentation part regarding supply will be carried out by this department. The department will handle the store on site and will issue the materials after accepting the material requisition. The department will coordinate with other departments with the help of planning department. The department will take care of disposing the scrap. 2.5 Personnel & Administration This department provides administrative and clerical support to various departments within organization. Administrative Assistants are responsible for records management, file maintenance, preparation of correspondence, scheduling of meetings. In this project, the personnel and administration department will look after the records of the workers that are recruited on site for this project only. For the company persons, the records will be maintained by the head office. The general office services like daily attendance and other services will be taken care of by this department. This department will also take care of

the taxes, licensing and RC books for the equipments. The fuel charges will be paid by this department. 2.6 Accounts The department will look after the processing of payroll and accounts payable to the employees those who are appointed locally for this particular project. Only records for the salary will be maintained. The workers will receive weekly salary every Tuesday. This salary will be issued by the person coming from the head office on the salary day. 2.7 Quality Assurance & Quality Control (QA/QC) The Quality assurance and quality control department checks the quality of construction and performs laboratory tests for the quality check and documentation regarding that. The main objective of this department is to provide quality product with optimum use of funds. The QA/QC department provides training to the site engineers to maintain quality in the job. On site tests such as cube test etc. are conducted by this department.


Equipment Service Division (ESD)

Equipment Service division handles all the machinery part of work. This department looks after the maintenance of the equipments. This department gives training for the safe and efficient equipment handling. The study for the numbers of equipments needed and the type of equipment needed is done by this department. This department suggests the use of best possible equipment that can be economically used for the task. Equipment Service Division shall also do planning and scheduling for sharing of equipments with the help of planning department.

2.9 Safety The Safety Department provides support in all aspects of health and safety relating to field and administrative operations. The Department is committed to ensuring the health and well being of the public, the environment and all employees, subcontractors and suppliers. The Safety Department is responsible to ensure that all health and safety related laws and regulations are followed. They develop and implement various safety programs, perform regular jobsite/workplace inspections and assessments, develop and conduct in-house safety training programs, conduct accident and incident investigations and manage claims and administration. 2.10 Security

The security is needed for the material that is available on site. The labor colonies do need security.


4 ORGANIZATION CHARTS The following organization charts are applicable only for this housing colony project. The project is to be completed in all respects in two years. So job should be done with quality as well as speed. The speed and quality is attainable only when adequate numbers of employees are available. The project has four different phases of construction viz. (A) Bungalows for senior executives, (B) apartments, (C) dwellings for white collar workers, (D) dwellings for blue collar workers. We plan to complete the construction part in sixteen months and finishing work in 6 months along with construction of internal roads network with 2 months spare for the worst scenario in consideration. 2.11 Planning

Planning department needs one senior planning engineer with two assistant planning engineers to do estimation and time scheduling for different tasks and one project coordinator. One person will be required for marketing for shops and entertainment complex.

Project manager Planning head

Assistant Planning Engineer

Assistant Planning Engineer

Project Coordinator and Marketing



Engineering Consultant

The engineering work will be done by the detail engineering sub contractor as per the work order.

Project manager Engineering Subcontractor


Site execution and control

The planning department has worked out the labor quantity on the basis of labor constants and on the basis of initial project planning. For group A, 30 labors are required to do the job, 11 mazdoors for excavations and concreting, 6 carpenters, 2 masons, 6 fitters for reinforcement, 5 helpers. To handle those 30 labors, 3 foremen are required, one for fitters, one for mazdoors and one for carpenters. Mixer operators job will be done by the Foreman who is handling the mazdoors. As the finishing job is more important for this group, more labor is supplied. Two junior site engineers are required along with a senior site engineer. Though one senior engineer and one junior can handle crew, we appoint one more junior engineer considering the absence of any. As the time for project is very short, the time required to add new person and get him in to the project


atmosphere should be minimized. Hence we need three engineers. electricians will assist site engineers.


For group B, C and D the number of employees will be same as for group A. This is because though the finishing work needed goes on decreasing with the type of group, the quantity of work is going on increasing. So it is better to appoint sufficient number of people on the task. After completion of bungalows, the group A will work for market and entertainment complex whereas other teams will work for internal roads after completion of respective tasks.

The organization chart for site execution and control team is as follows: Project manager

Senior site engineer

Junior site engineer

Junior site engineer








Personnel & Administration

One person with one assistant is required for the administration work for this project. The P & A head of the project will get help from the company head office as and when required. The assistant is required to avoid work stoppage of the department in case of absence of any one. Project manager P & A head Assistant 2.15 Accounts

One accountant is required for the project with one assistant for documentation and file work. Project manager Accounts head Assistant 2.16 Procurement & Stores

The procurement department needs one material manager to look out for suppliers, working out ABC analysis, and supply of the material on site. One person will be needed to assist the material manager as a store in-charge. Store in-charge requires one person to assist him for issuing material; and maintaining record of materials, also to do the periodic quality checking and stacking of


material. Only one store in-charge is needed as only one central store is adequate, because project have only one site. Project manager Manager (Procurement) Store In-charge

Assistant (Stores) 2.17 Quality Assurance and Quality Control

Two QA/QC engineers are required for complete project to look after the quality aspect of the project. Project manager QA/QC Head 2.18 Equipment Service Division Assistant Engineer

One senior engineer with technician is required for the supply and maintenance of the equipments used for construction. Project manager ESD Head 2.19 Safety Technician

One Safety In-charge is needed on site for handling the safety department on site. One person is sufficient for this job as the project site is located at only


one place. In case of absence of the safety in-charge, the site engineer will take care of the responsibilities of the safety in-charge. Project manager Safety In-Charge 2.20 Security

The security job is to be given to the security subcontractor. Project manager Security subcontractor Organization chart of the project is as follows:

Project Manager

Manager (planning)

Manager (Procurement)

P & A Head

QA/QC Head

Security subcontractor Safety In-charge

Engineering Consultant (subcontractor)

Senior Site Engineers (4 nos.)

Accounts Head

ESD Head

5 RESPONSIBILITY The responsibilities to be completed by the departments are as follows.


2.21 a)

Planning Department Receive tender documents and understand terms and

conditions of contract. b) and labour colonies. c) Supply of potable water for drinking and for concreting Mobilize equipments to site, set up temporary site office

and supply of electricity. d) Planning, setting up task wise priorities and time

scheduling. Issuing schedules to the respective site engineers. e) f) g) material requirement. h) Coordination with Equipment Service Division for the Coordination for project and marketing for shops. Periodic meetings and verification of progress reports. Coordination with procurement for type and time of

Type and time of equipment requirement. i) 2.22 a) b) c) Demobilization. Engineering Consultant Preparation of architecture and design as per tender requirements. Survey of site and trial pits. Co-ordination with Planning department and Client.


d) e) f) 2.23 a) b)

Clarification of all engineering matters as and when required Designing and its approval from planning dept. and client. Preparation of As-Built Drawings. Procurement & Stores Department Purchase procedure and follow up. Inventory control and stacking of materials and maintaining

challans during supply of materials. Quality checking of materials. c) Issuing material on acceptance of material requisition letter to the

site engineers. d) e) f) Material handling, inspection and warranty ABC analysis Documentation and coordination with accounts and planning

departments g) 2.24 a) b) c) quality. Disposal of scrap Site Execution and Control Receiving working drawings and details. Understanding quality and time schedule. Assigning tasks to labors and get the job done within time with



Estimating the materials required for next task and material

requisition. e) if any. f) Book g) Coordination with Stores In-charge, planning department, Submitting daily progress reports and maintaining Measurement Estimating materials used for completed task. Reasons for wastage

Equipments Service Division and QA/QC department h) i) Formwork Design with the help of planning department. Safe and quality construction practice with wastage control.

j) Consulting with engineering consultant for clarifications. 2.25 a) Personnel & Administration Maintaining records for labor attendance and working hours along

with Overtime. b) c) d) e) f) g) Temporary Employment Arrangement for meetings. Vehicle facility for the company employees Temporary accommodation for company employees Travel and canteen arrangement Facilities in the labor colony


h) 2.26 a)

Coordination with accounts and other departments Accounts Department Weekly salary of the Labors from the head office. Record keeping

on site for salary. b) c) d) e) Fuel and other bills payment. Record keeping Canteen Bills Billing for materials from head office. Record keeping also at site Coordination with Personnel and Administration Department,

Planning Department and other departments. f) 2.27 a) b) c) d) e) 2.28 a) b) c) Submission of reports to head office. QA / QC Department Time to time quality inspection Laboratory tests. Material inspection Coordination with site engineers and Planning Department Attending meetings and producing quality reports Equipment Service Division Supply of appropriate equipments Maintenance of the equipments Study for Depreciation and efficiency of equipments


d) e)

Analyzing the performance of equipment and replacing if necessary Mobilization and demobilization of equipments and safe movement

of equipments on site. f) g) Record keeping and value analysis Coordination with planning department and site engineers, also

with procurement department for purchasing necessary spare parts. h) Issuing machines like vibrators, mixers, JCBs, rollers, dozers,

dumpers, etc. whichever requested by site engineers. i) j) 2.29 a) b) c) Documentation and producing reports in the meetings Planning and time scheduling for sharing of equipments Safety Supply of safety equipments Perform regular jobsite/workplace inspections and assessments Support in all aspects of health and safety relating to field and

administrative operations d) e) f) 2.30 a) Accident investigation, if any and manage claims. Develop and implement various health and safety programs Develop and conduct in-house health and safety training programs Security Appoint sufficient number of security guards for site


b) c) d) e) system.

Provide all necessary gadgets to the guards Attendance Record keeping with P & A department Assurance for material and safety from thefts Develop and implement effective communication and signaling



Communication is defined as exchange of facts, ideas, opinions or emotions by two or more persons. Any project involves interaction of employees and workers working at different levels with a view to achieve the predetermined planning/goals. If the planning is to be achieved effectively and efficiently proper communication among various employees and workers are necessary. Importance of communication to a project can be compared to the importance nerves to a human being. Communication is the sum of all things one person does when he wants to create an understanding in the minds of another person. Co-ordination of workers their views and finally completion of project are the necessary task of manager. He has to collect views of various persons at different level and required to execute the job to be more correct, realistic and feasible. He is also required to co-ordinate various gangs, persons involved in construction. He has also to co-ordinate various activities in a project. The flow chart below shows the information flow in a construction company:-


Thus it is very clear from the flow chart that in the field of construction there is no unidirectional flow of orders or communication it is a must that a for an efficient project there is a must that all should be knowing the happenings around them so as that the problems can be discussed and hurdles are overcome. So as a result the client is pleased and at the same time the work

progress is also maintained at the same ratio.



Recommendations Construction is a labour-intensive industry, which places heavy reliance upon the skills of its workforce. a) In the construction sector, a very fast employment growth is expected. Additionally, excellent job opportunities will exist as the number of job openings exceeds the number of qualified applicants. Thus, the retention of good people is very crucial b) The structure of the firm should be such that the firm is able to focus on its core activities and outsourcing is cost effective. Something that can be done by the firm at a better quality and lower costs should not be outsourced unless a proper strategy is in place for supporting the same. c) Good manpower considering shortage of skilled employees in the labour market and the reduction in the number of qualified workers proper forecasting and planning is necessary. Shortage of workforce results in delays leading to a cost escalation. d) Availability of workforce differs from region to region. Even the cost of man hours is different in different places. Thus it is necessary to keep these factors in mind before proceeding with the project. e) Pre-planning for the manpower should be done with a proper estimation of the required personnel. This will be of great help to avoid labour related uncertainties. f) Management should understand construction industry and realize the importance of labour resource issues and the need for long-term planning


of labour resource requirements, so allowing them to train and retrain people to address the predicted skill shortages. g) Communication is very important in construction sectors. Communication within project-based environments presents special challenges. Many of the problems that develop in construction projects are a result of both the temporary and inter-disciplinary nature of project teams - each player having a different employer compounds this arrangement. Practical guidance should be provided on possible solutions to communication problems. h) The construction industry is characterized by the predominance of migratory and unskilled labour. Therefore, there is need to expand the training and skill certification programs both in terms of content as well as geographical reach. i) Ways should be considered so that employee motivation can be improved by making use of the principles of human resource management. Thus, the success as a company is dependent on every person who works there. The collective commitment of every employee to common goals and common values is what makes the organization a leader in the industry. The company should have an excellent work force with a commitment to training and development opportunities for employees in every position in the company.




MANAGEMENT, Fourth Edition, Umesh Publications, 2007. c) Stephen P. Robbins & Mary Coulter, MANAGEMENT ninth edition, Pearson- Prentice Hall Publication, 2007 d) Chris Hendrickson, PROJECT MANAGEMENT FOR CONSTRUCTION Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Version 2.1, Summer, 2003 e) Hinks, J., Aouad, G., Cooper, R., Sheath, D., Kagioglou, M. and Sexton, M. (1997) IT f) The Design and Construction Process: A Conceptual Model of CoMaturation, g) The international journal of construction IT, July h) Construct IT report. (1995) Occasional Paper No. 1: A Process-Based Study of an IT Research Work Plan, University of Salford. i) Hughes, W. (1991) Modelling the Construction Process Using Plans of Work, j) Construction Project Modelling and Productivity - Proceedings of the International Conference CIB W65, Dubrovnik.Glaser, E.M. & Backer, T.E. (1973). A Look at Participant Observation, Evaluation, 1: 3: 46-49.


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