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The College of Arts and Humanities' Literacy Project, run in conjunction with Swansea Council, is offering placements for students in 13 local primary schools in 2013-14.

Why get involved?

Literacy skills affect many areas of life, from educational attainment and employment prospects to mental and physical wellbeing and life aspirations. You can be part of a programme that gives practical support to young children and boosts their confidence and self-esteem at the same time. You can gain skills and experience directly relevant to career paths such as teaching, training, social services, education support services and working with children and young people. You will also gain skills and experience that any employer will appreciate, such as experience of working in a professional workplace and as part of a local government initiative, involvement in extra-curricular activities that benefit you and the local community, and evidence of the ability to work in a team, communication skills, personal commitment and a good attendance record. At the end of the placement, you will receive a letter confirming your participation and outlining the work of the scheme. This can be used in future job and training applications.
Into our fifth week working with a group of year 4s at Manselton Primary, I'm happy to report that progress is certainly being made the children have been engaged with the activities, and their enthusiasm for the story of the Snow Dragon has been a joy to see Overall, it has been a worthwhile and rewarding experience, one I will mostly appreciate for the team-working and communicative elements, especially when considering future employment, be it in teaching or other similar working environments. Spring 2012 Participant

What will you be doing?

You will be part of a group of three or four students assigned to a particular school. You will visit the school for two hours a week for ten weeks, working directly with children in a classroom environment to support the development of literacy skills.

In preparation for your placement, you will attend two sessions: a general induction session run by the scheme coordinator and a training session run by Swansea Council Educational Effectiveness Service.

What are we looking for?

We are looking for people who are enthusiastic about the project and want to make a difference, who can work in a team and have the commitment to attend their placement every week. It is also important that you can be a good representative of Swansea University. You will be an ambassador for the University and the College in the local community and we rely on you to represent us well.
"I think it is going really well! I'm really enjoying myself and the children certainly seem to be too! One boy actually said to us that he didn't enjoy school before we started coming." Spring 2012 Participant

How to apply
To apply, send an email to Joanne Mansel at with the following information: Your current level of study Your College/Department The scheme runs twice a year, in Semester 1 and 2. Please specify whether you would be able to take part in either semester or can only commit to a specific semester. Current level 2 students can take part in Semester 1 only, to avoid conflict with preparation for final assessment in level 3. A statement explaining why you want to participate and what you think you can bring to the project (200 words maximum). If you are reapplying having taken part in a previous year, please specify which school you worked in and whether you would like to go back.

Closing date for applications: Friday 22 March 2013

After you submit your application

Places will be confirmed by the time you return from Easter vacation. After this, you will need to apply for a Disclosure and Barring Service check (previously known as a CRB check) through Discovery (the volunteer organisation based in Fulton House). This allows you to work with children as part of this project. The College will cover the cost but it is up to you visit Discovery and submit the necessary forms and documents. We will let you know what you need to do and the documents that you need to provide.

"Literary placement is going really well, most of the children are receptive and easy to teach, the activities are really straightforward and easy to follow as well." Spring 2012 Participant

For Semester 1, induction and training will take place during Freshers Week. We will let you know the exact times and dates before you leave for the summer vacation. For Semester 2, induction and training is likely to take place during Week 14 (Marking/Feedback/ Employability/Exam Contingency Week). We will let you know the exact times and dates at the start of Semester 1.

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