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New Academy School English Department Lesson Plan Term :2 Week:5 Grade:4 Date 03-07.02.

2013 Teachers Name Ms Anca Lessons Topic: Literature (Reading) Fairy Tale: Once Upon a Cool Motorcycle Dude Duration :120 min Materials/Technology The whiteboard Fairy Tales Books Practice Book Concept(s) Fairy Tale :Once Upon a Cool Motorcycle Dude Compare and contrast Alignment with Standards Objectives
4.5 f;4.5 e;4.6 a;4.6 g

1st ,2nd and 3rd periods: Ss will be able to compare and contrast fairy tales and characters Differentiation Below-level On-level/Above-level: Complete Venn diagrams guided by true/false questions Above level: Complete Venn diagrams guided by open-end questions Literary skills: authors purpose, theme, plot, setting, character, title, author.

Vocabulary/Literary Skills


Focus /Motivation (Open) (Time:5 min) Warm-up: Venn diagram of a known story.

Development (Body)(Time: 35 min)

N.B.: to improve and enhance weak Ss skills and learning level, the teacher will include different short activities (language, spelling, and writing) that will be implicated in literature and reading lessons. Paragraphs copying activities will be assigned to them as home assignments.

1. Motivation: Name some famous fairy tales and compare them. 2. Practice: 1st period Ss compare and contrast known fairy tales using a Venn diagram. 2nd period Ss compare and contrast known characters from fairy tales using a Venn diagram. 3rd period Ss work individually to find and write down the meaning of the target vocabulary words from the Glossary. Ss add sentences from Vocabulary in Context, Background or the play for every new word to show how words are used in context. Ss make sentences of their own to demonstrate their ability to use the new words in different contexts. Peer correction is used to assess usage and mechanics. 3. Connection with real life Ss compare various characters features with real persons. Elicit moral values in fairy tales characters. 4. Challenging aspect Compare and contrast favorite characters and illustrate it in proper wall posters. Assessment Informal Assessment: (written and oral) Below-level/On-level/Above-level: Formal Assessment:(written)

Closure Close) (Time:5 min) Recap : Feedback about the lesson: Ss name three things they enjoyed, three that might be improved and three things they learnt at the end of the lesson.

Peer assessment of sentences. Lesson Reflection Ss feedback and Ts reflection will lead to improvement, reinforcement, re-teaching, if necessary.

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