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Central Company Parameter


Company Parameter

COM Parameters

NA TAX PROVIDER PARAMETERS Field Value Remark Use Tax Provider No No tax software is installed to calcuate tax Warn if Tax on ACR No Invoices Point of Title Point of Passage Origin

Base Unit Parameters


Field Company of Std Cal Template

Value 200 (The main company)

Remark This can be the same company as your current company code.

Warehousing Master Data Parameters

Field Inbound Advice Only Unoccupied Locations

If this check box is selected, BaanERP only advises unoccupied locations when you generate an inbound advice. If this check box is cleared, BaanERP advises both occupied and unoccupied locations with available capacity. An occupied location is one at which inventory has been registered or at which capacity has been allocated as a result of inbound movement (advised or manually created). If this check box is selected, BaanERP first takes into account fixed locations and then free locations when generating inbound advice in the Generate Inbound Advice (whinh3201m000) session. If this check box is cleared, BaanERP only takes into account fixed locations when generating inbound advice in the Generate Inbound Advice (whinh3201m000) session.

Inbound Advice for Free Locations

Revisions Active Location Weight Unit of Measure

Location Length Unit of Measure

Test Stor.Conditions for Items Test Stor.Conditions for Item Groups Test Stor.Conditions for Locations Test Stor.Conditions for Warehouse

Defines whether revisions will be tracked in BaanERP Warehouse Management. The unit of measure in which weight is expressed. This unit is used throughout BaanERP Warehouse Management to handle the location capacity in terms of weight and the item weight, for example, maximum weight and available weight). After you create an item, location, or package definition, and the location weight is defined in this field, you cannot change the value in this field. This unit is used to handle the location capacity in terms of width, depth, and height to define the item dimensions. After you create an item, location, or package definition, and the location length is defined in this field, you cannot change the value. The physical quantity of the unit of measure entered in the Location Length field should be of type Length. Determines whether BaanERP will check for storage conditions at the item level during inbound or processing of warehouse transactions into a warehouse. Determines whether BaanERP will check for storage conditions at the item group level during inbound or processing of warehouse transactions into a warehouse. Determines whether BaanERP will check for storage conditions at the location level during inbound or processing of warehouse transactions into a warehouse. Determines whether BaanERP will check for storage conditions at the warehouse level during inbound or processing of warehouse transactions into a warehouse.

Lot Control Parameters

Field Lot Tracking Implemented Calculate Surcharges on Purchase Price of Lot Item Engineering Revisions in Lot Control

Indicates whether displaying and/or printing of lot origins, and, where used sessions, will be available. Indicates whether surcharges defined in Cost Accounting will be included in the lot price if the item has inventory valued on lot price. For revision-controlled items, indicates whether revisions will be seen on the lot. If you wish to track engineering revisions in warehousing, you must use lot control.

Inventory Handling Parameters

Field Negative Inventory Allowed

If this check box is selected, negative inventory is allowed. Allowing negative inventory enables you to deliver goods for an order if the goods are physically available but have not yet been registered. This happens if the physical flow of goods is faster than the electronic flow. In this type of situation, BaanERP can register negative inventory in the Negative Inventory (whin2535m000) session. Negative inventory is intended to be only temporary. If this check box is selected, inventory is during inspection blocked for usage by BaanERP Enterprise Planning. If this check box is selected, stock points are blocked from any transactions after the stock points are generated onto a cycle count order. If this check box is cleared, no blocking will occur during the cycle count process. If this check box is selected, consignment stock is also generated on cycle count orders when a cycle count is due. If this check box is selected, history is created and kept on processed cycle count and adjustment orders. Indicates the maximum number of times a stock point can be recounted before the variance must be approved and processed. Enables cycle count orders to be generated for a new stock point or when inventory levels reach zero for a fixed location/item combination.

Inspection Blocks Enterprise Planning Block During Warehouse Cycle Counting Cycle Count Consignment Stock Cycle Counting / Adjustment Orders History Maximum Number of Recounts Force Cycle Count on New Stock Point Force Cycle Count on Inventory Zero Counting Interval in Weeks Class A Percentage Counted

Indicates the length of time in weeks that must elapse before the ABC class of items are up for cycle count again. For each ABC class, indicates the maximum percentage

Lower Class A Costprice Counted Lower Class A

the variance can deviate before the variance must be approved. For each ABC class, indicates the maximum difference in inventory value before the value must be approved.

Inventory Analysis Parameters

Field Boundary Class A

The percentage of the total turnover that the class of A, B, and C items yields as a whole. The sum of the A, B, and C boundaries must total 100%. A items are the items with the highest turnover. The upper percentage boundary of a specific turnover rate. The value must be higher than that of the previous boundary. Turnover rate = Inventory on hand/annual issue One of ten possible slow-moving percentages. These percentages must be entered in order of decreasing value. These percentages are used in the Perform SlowMoving Analysis by item (whina6220m000) session. If this check box is selected, BaanERP checks whether the balance of the inventory on hand and the planned inventory transactions during the time fence falls below the re-order point when generating order advice. The duration of the time fence is calculated for each item as follows: time fence = factor x order lead time + constant. An item's order lead time is defined in the Item Purchase Data (tdipu0101s000) session. The factor and the constant are specified in this session. If this check box is cleared, the Generate Order Advice (whina3200m000) session checks if the economic stock falls below the re-order point.

To Turnover Rate (Upper Boundary) Slow-Moving Percentage Time-Phased Order Point

Inventory Reporting Parameters

Field Inventory Transaction History

If this check box is selected, BaanERP records the history data of physical transactions. Physical inventory transactions are issues or receipts. Recording these transactions allows you to create journal entries to post them to BaanERP Finance. It also allows you to display these transactions. If this check box is cleared, history data of physical inventory transactions is not recorded. If this check box is selected, BaanERP records the total issue for all warehouses. This data is required if you want BaanERP to calculate a demand forecast for all warehouses, in the Calculate Demand Forecast by Item (whina2202m000) session. If this check box is cleared, BaanERP does not record the total issue for all warehouses. Note: For best results, you must select either this field or the Item Issue by Warehouse History field. If you select both check boxes, each issue is logged twice. This costs disk space as well as processing time.

Item Issue History

Item Issue by Warehouse History

If this check box is selected, BaanERP records the item issue by item. This data is required if you want BaanERP to calculate a demand forecast by item in the Calculate Demand Forecast by Item (whina2202m000) session. If this check box is cleared, BaanERP does not record the item issue by item. Note: For best results, you must select either this field or the Item Issue History field. If both check boxes are selected, each issue will be logged twice. This costs disk space, as well as processing time.

PUR Parameters

Field Purchase Order Unit of Measure Default Alt. Item Code System Create Financial Economic Stock Transaction Number of BOMlevels to be reduced List Group Purchase Reference Date


Request For Quotation Parameter

Purchase Requisition Parameter

Field Log Purchase Requisition History

Determine if, and how, you want to maintain Purchase requisition history. The following values are available:

No Logging: BaanERP does not write changes to the history.


Last Transaction: BaanERP writes only the transaction type, the logon code, and the transaction date/time of the last change to the history.

Number Group Purchase Requisitions Step Size for Purchase Requisitions Check on Actual Purchase Orders Check on Actual RFQs

All Transactions: BaanERP writes the transaction type, the logon code, and the transaction date/time of all changes to the history. Number groups define how/what series are used in document numbering. If a number group is not assigned for Purchase requisitions, BaanERP assigns the first available number for a Purchase requisition. Determines the line interval for Purchase requisitions.

Determines if BaanERP checks for actual Purchase Orders for the item/business partner combination during Purchase requisition creation. Determines if BaanERP checks for actual RFQs for the item/business partner combination during Purchase

requisition creation.

Purchase Contract Parameter

Field Contract Module Implemented Period Table Code

Remark Purchase Contract is not implemented Period table defined in Baan Common Module

Purchase Order Parameter

Goods Amount/Discount on Purchase Orders

Confirm Back Orders Automatically

Number Group Purchase Orders Step Size for Purchase Order

This field specifies how you want to present the amounts and discounts on purchase orders. You can choose to display the amount before discount (gross amount) or the amount after discount (net amount). If you choose to display the net amount, you can choose whether or not to display the discount percentage. If this check box is selected, back orders are confirmed automatically, indicating that you await the remaining quantities. The number group to be used to identify the first few digits of the 9-digit system-generated purchase order numbers. The increment to be used when you number purchase order lines.

Lines Automatic Recalculation of Prices and Discounts First Position Number for Additional Costs Sets Automatic Recalculation of Additional Costs Engineering Revisions Active in Purchase

Whether or not to recalculate prices and discounts when you close the Purchase Order Lines (tdpur4101s000) session. The first position number of a purchase order that is used for additional costs sets. Additional Costs Indicates whether and how additional costs are recalculated after you modified a purchase order. If the Engineering Data Management (EDM) module is used, engineering revisions can be recorded in purchase orders and printed on purchase order documents. To register engineering revisions in purchase orders, select the Engineering Revision Active in Purchase check box. If the revisions must be printed on the documents, the Engineering Revisions on Purchase Documents check box must be selected. If Purchase Order History is set to All, the purchase order creation, cancellation, and turnover data are written to purchase order history. If this check box is selected, when a Purchase Order is modified, the user is prompted to enter a change code. When gross profit is calculated, it is based on either the purchase price of the item (as defined in the Item Purchase Data) or the cost price.

Log Purchase Order History Prompt for Change Codes Base Price for Gross Profit Calculation

Vendor Rating Parameter

Delivery Time Weighting

Look Up Table

Weighting Method

Smoothing Method Smoothing Factor Moving Average Periods Vendor Rating Period Table

This section lists the objective criteria that can be used for vendor rating. If the objective criterion is to be part of the vendor rating calculation, a percentage is entered in the field next to the criterion stating the weight it carries. Example: Delivery time and quality are the only two objective criterion being used and each are 50 percent of the calculation. For each objective criterionyou can have BaanERP calculate a rating based on a linear basis or look to a user-defined table. If this check box is selected, the user-defined table is used. The basis or value used to calculate the vendor rating. (Turnover, Piece count, Order lines) Example If the parameter is set to Order Lines, ratings are calculated based on the criteria set, then added up and divided by the number of order lines per business partner. Indicates the method that is used to calculate vendor ratings. (Moving average, Smoothing Factor) If the Smoothing Method field is set to Smoothing Factor, the current field indicates the factor to be used in the calculation. If the Smoothing Method field is set to Moving Average, the current field indicates how many periods are used in the calculation. Indicates the period table to use for vendor rating. This drives the period length for the vendor rating calculations.


Commission Parameter

COMMISSION/REBATE PARAMETERS Implemented Determines whether the Commissions and Commissions/Rebate Y Rebates (CMS) module is used. s Implemented Determines when commissions/rebates can be calculated: Commission/Rebate Automatic Order, Invoice, or Paid Invoice. Calculation Method Determines how much user interaction is required to Method of Linking Automatic link relations to an order or order line: Automatic, Relations to Interactive, or Manual. Order/Order Lines Determines how commissions/rebates are calculated for a Multiple No parent in a hierarchical structure. Commissions/Rebate Yes. s Allowed If more than one child of a parent is linked to an order, the
parent receives a commission for each child linked. No. If more than one child of a parent is linked to an order, the parent receives only one commission.

Calculate Automatic Commissions/Rebate s not based on Cum. Sales after Order Entry Tax Code for No Tax Commission/Rebate Reqiired Invoice PRICING PARAMETER

If commissions can be calculated at order entry, this parameter determines how commissions or rebates based on individual orders or order lines are calculated. The available options are Automatic, Interactive, or Manual.
Commission/Rebate invoice Defines a common tax rate for the entire Commissions and Rebates (CMS) module when invoices are printed.

Break Type

Combine Items for Pricing Sales Price Control

Purchase Price Control

Sales Default Price Book

Specify whether pricing and discounting agreements in your company are made on the basis of a minimum or maximum quantity/value breaktype. If this check box is selected, the quantity of equal items on different lines in an order are combined to obtain prices and discounts, for example, a quantity rebate. Specify which sales price must be applied for pricing and discounting: First Price. The initial price is used for pricing and discounting items. iBaan ERP does not search for a lower price in the Matrix Sequences (tdpcg0120m000) session. Lowest Price. The lowest price is used for pricing and discounting items. iBaan ERP searches for the lowest price in the Matrix Sequences (tdpcg0120m000) session. Specify which sales price must be applied for pricing and discounting: First Price. The initial price is used for pricing and discounting items. iBaan ERP does not search for a lower price in the Matrix Sequences (tdpcg0120m000) session. Lowest Price. The lowest price is used for pricing and discounting items. iBaan ERP searches for the lowest price in the Matrix Sequences (tdpcg0120m000) session. The default price-book is used to store the base sales price for items. When a sales price is entered in the General Item Data (tcibd0501m000) session, iBaan ERP automatically creates an entry in the default sales price book. When a specific agreement does not exist for an item in a sales

Sales Price Date Type

order, iBaan ERP uses a default price book. Select the date type used for sales pricing: Order Date. The date on which the order is manually entered into iBaan ERP or generated automatically. System Date. The current date that is generated by iBaan ERP. Delivery Date. The date on which the goods are issued from the warehouse to the customer.


Sales Quotation Parameter

Number Group Sales Quotations Step Size for Sales Quotation Lines Number of Extra Quotation Copies Inv. Check during Quotation Line

Number groups define how/what series are used in document numbering. If a number group is not assigned for quotations, iBaan ERP assigns the first available number for a quote. Determines the line interval for sales quotations, for example: 5 - 10 - 15, or 10 - 20 - 30. Copies Determines how many extra copies of the quotation are printed when the Print Quotations (tdsls1401m000) session is run. Determines whether iBaan ERP completes an inventory check to verify inventory availability during quotation entry. If a check is performed, the user receives a warning in case of


Inventory Check during Confirmation Inv. Check during Processing Print Method for Discount Effectivity Period of Quotations Min.Suc.Perc.for TPI Processing in case of Inv. Shortage Log Quotation History Check on Actual Sales Orders Check on Actual Contracts Check on Actual Schedules

inventory shortage. Yes. System checks whether sufficient economic stock is available. No. No check is performed. Time Phased. iBaan ERP checks time-phased inventory movements on the basis of the planned delivery date. Determines whether iBaan ERP completes an inventory check to verify inventory availability during confirmation of a quote. If a check is performed, the user receives a warning in the case of inventory shortage, for example No, Yes, or Time Phased. Determines whether iBaan ERP completes an inventory check to verify inventory when a quote is processed to a sales order. If a check is performed, the user receives a warning in the case of inventory shortage, for example No, Yes, or Time Phased. Determines what dollar values are printed on a sales quotation, such as Net Amount and Discount, Gross Amount and Discount, and Net Amount without a Discount. The net amount of the quote is always printed. Determines the default number of days that a quote is effective. TPI Determines the minimum success percentage for a quotation to be seen in time phased inventory movement. This parameter determines the minimum success percentages that can be set for planning to see and plan for a quote. Determines whether a quote is copied to an actual sales order if a shortage of inventory exists during processing. Determines whether or not sales quotation history is kept. Determines whether during quotation entry, iBaan ERP produces a warning when sales orders already exist for the customer/item combination that is defined in a quotation. Determines whether during quotation entry, iBaan ERP produces a warning when sales contracts already exist for the customer/item combination that is defined in a quotation. Determines whether during quotation entry, iBaan ERP produces a warning when sales schedules already exist for the customer/item combination that is defined in a quotation.

Sales Contract Parameter

Sales Order Parameter

Margin Control Gross Margin Check Headers

Gross Margin Check Lines

Determines if Margin Control is used in the Sales Control (SLS) module. If this check box is selected, iBaan ERP checks the gross margin on the header of the order or quotation. The target price is the standard cost of the items on the order compared against the net selling price of all the items. The difference is evaluated based on the margin limits registered in the sold-to business partner session. If this check box is selected, iBaan ERP checks gross margin on each line of the order or quotation. The target price is the standard cost of the item compared to the net selling price of the item. The difference is evaluated based on the margin limits entered in the item sales data (tdisa0501m000) session.

Time-Phased Inventory Check

If this check box is selected, iBaan ERP performs a time-phased inventory check on the availability of sufficient inventory during the item's order leadtime. iBaan ERP does not consider the difference between the inventory on hand and the allocations at order entry. Instead, iBaan ERP considers the difference between inventory on hand and all planned inventory transactions during the entire order lead-time.
This option enables automatic confirmation of back orders when the deliveries cannot be shipped in full and no shipping constraints exist on the business partner.

Confirm backorders automatically Number Group Sales Orders Step Size for Sales Order Lines First Position

The number group to be used to identify the first few digits of the nine-digit, system-generated sales order numbers. The step size of position numbers of a sales-order line. This indicates the interval between sales order lines.
The first position number of a sales order that is used for additional cost sets.

Number for Additional Costs Sets Recalculation of Additional Costs Target Price for Margin Control

Indicates whether and how additional costs are recalculated after you modified a sales order. Determines the value on which the margin is based. Sales Price. The base price for Margin Control is based on the sales price for the item, defined in the item sales data (tdisa0501m000) session. Cost Price. The base price for Margin Control is based on the standard cost price, calculated in the iBaan ERP CPR module and shown in the item costing data (tcibd0508m000) session. If this option is chosen, Margins work in the same way as gross margins. Recommended Retail Price. The base price for Margin Control is based on the recommended retail price for the item, defined in the item sales data (tdisa0501m000) session. Price Structure. The base price is based on the price defined in the price matrix for the sales order or order line. The method to determine order priorities is selected in this session. If the selected value is Delivery Date, the order priority is determined by the planned delivery date. If the selected value is Simulation Code, order priority simulations are used to sort sales orders according to the order delivery priority. These values are used when re-assigning order priorities to back orders with the use of simulations. These fields are only available when the Order Priority Method is set to Simulation Code. These check boxes determine in what situations iBaan ERP initiates blocking of a sales order. Selecting the check box initiates blocking of the sales order if the pertaining situation exists for a sales order. Blocking is carried out when the blocking step is due for processing. Blocking steps are defined in the Sales Order Types (tdsls0194s000) session. In the Margin Control Parameters (tdsls0120m000) session, you can specify order and order line blocks if sales are above or below margins or gross margins. In the Item Signals (tcmcs0118m000) session, you can specify if blocks must be initiated if the conditions are met that trigger a signal. In the eciop0100s000 session, you can specify that sales orders that originate from EDI purchase orders These fields determine when iBaan ERP signals the user during order entry. If this check box is selected, and the sales order is blocked, iBaan ERP cannot generate a purchase order for a direct delivery. You must first unblock the sales order. Determines if inventory commitment can occur for a blocked order. If this check box is not selected, whether or not commitment is allowed is based on the step in the sales order at which the order is blocked. This code is a predefined credit rating code to be used if the invoice-to business partner has overdue invoices, and the credit rating is changed. Determines how/when the credit rating is changed to a Pre-Defined Credit Rating Code, when the invoice-to business partner has overdue invoices. The available options are Automatic, Interactive, and No.

Order Priority Method

Constant 1 for Back Order Priority Constant 2 for Back Order Priority Block if Credit Limit is Exceeded

Signal if Credit Limit is Exceeded Refuse Blocked Direct Deliveries Allow Inventory Commitment Pre-Defined Credit Rating Code Change Customer's Credit Rating

Maximum holding days Pre-Defined Hold Reason - Doubtful Customer Pre-Defined Hold Reason - Credit Limit

Determines the maximum number of days that an order can remain on hold. In the Invoice-to Business Partners (tccom4112s000) session, the status for this partner role can be defined as Active, Inactive, or Doubtful. When the status is set to Doubtful and the parameter is set to block doubtful customers, sales orders involving this business partner are blocked. In the Invoice-to Business Partners (tccom4112s000) session, a credit limit can be assigned to a customer. When the customer exceeds this credit limit, the order can be blocked. A credit limit of zero (0.00) is infinite. If the credit limit for a customer is exceeded in the middle of order entry, the entire order is blocked. This is true even if the line in question is deleted and therefore the credit limit is no longer exceeded. When an item exceeds the margin guidelines for the target price of an item, a block can occur. The line and/or entire order can be blocked based on parameter settings. Blockings can occur when a customer has overdue invoices. iBaan ERP Financials determines how far past due and invoice is before it is coded as Overdue. When a new user enters orders, their user profile can flag them as Inexperienced. If the orders created by this user must be reviewed, a company can choose to block orders. Periodically a company can choose to perform a credit review on a business partner. If a scheduled review does not occur, iBaan ERP can be set to block orders to that customer. If a certain geographic area is in question, iBaan ERP can block orders based on the ZIP code status of that area. When an item exceeds the gross margin guidelines for an item or order a block can occur. The line and/or entire order can be blocked. This is determined by parameter settings. A signal code is attached to an item. When the signal code is created, the user defines whether or not this signal code can cause a block. If a company wishes to review all incoming EDI orders, they can set a block for these orders. This option determines how purchase order advice are generated. You can choose the following options: No. Purchase order advice must be generated manually. This is done in the Generate Purchase Order Advice for Sales Order (tdsls4240m000) session. For individual sales order lines, you can use the Generate Purchase Order Advice option from the Specific menu of the Sales Order Lines (tdsls4501m00) session. Automatic. Purchase order advice are generated automatically. Interactive. The user is prompted to allow or refuse the generation of a purchase order advice. This option specifies how the purchase order advice for both direct and non-direct delivery sales orders is approved and transferred to actual purchase orders. You can choose the following options: Automatic.

Pre-Defined Hold Reason - Margin Control Pre-Defined Hold Reason - Overdue Invoices Pre-Defined Hold Reason Inexperienced Operator Pre-Defined Hold Reason - Overdue Credit Review Pre-Defined Hold Reason - Doubtful Zip code Pre-Defined Hold Reason - Gross Margin Check Pre-Defined Hold Reason - Item Signal Code Pre-Defined Hold Reason - EDI Originating Order Generation of Planned Purchase Order Advice

Generation of Purchase Orders

Select this option if the generated purchase order advice must be automatically confirmed and transferred to an actual purchase order. No. Select this option if the generation of actual purchase orders from the advice is to be done manually. In that case, you must manually confirm and transfer the planned purchase orders in the Confirm Purchase Order Advice (whina3211m000) session and Transfer Purchase Order Advice (whina3212m000) session in iBaan ERP Warehousing. Interactive. Select this option if you want dialog boxes to appear which prompt the user to confirm and transfer purchase order advice that the user has generated in the Sales Order Lines (tdsls4501m000 and tdsls4101s000) sessions.

Method of Deleting Order Data

Determine how order data is deleted. Two methods can be distinguished: By Order, which means that the order header data and order lines are only removed if no item is recorded as back order on any order line, or By Order Line, which means that an order line is removed as soon as no items are recorded as back ordered on that order line. If the last order line is removed, the order header data is removed.
If this check box is selected, the user is prompted to enter a change code when a sales order is modified. A change code is a user-defined code that refers to a change made to a sales order header or sales order line. Sales order history overviews can be sorted by change code. Indicates what type of history is maintained in iBaan ERP. All. All orders that are created, canceled, and fully processed are tracked in history. None. No sales order history is logged. EDI Orders only. Sales orders created electronically are the only orders logged in history. When gross profit is calculated, the gross profit is based on either the sales price of the item (as defined in the item sales data) or the cost price. When a sales order is invoiced, the history includes the gross profit of the order lines.

Prompt for Change Codes Log Sales Order History

Profit Calc Based on Cost/Sales Price


Turnover Statistics Update Date

Turnover Statistics Update Date (Commissions)

Order Intake Statistics Update Date

Order Intake Statistics Update Date (Commission)

Levels on Which to Update Cancellation

Determines the date on which the turnover statistics update is based: Delivery Date. The period to which turnover must be assigned is determined by the delivery date on the order history line. Invoice Date. The period to which turnover must be assigned is determined by the invoice date on the order history line. Determines the date on which turnover statistics update is based: Transaction Date. The commission is determined at the transaction date. Commission Invoice Date. The commission is determined at the commission invoice date. Determines the date on which the turnover statistics update is based: Transaction Date. The period to which intake must be assigned is determined by the date the order line was logged in iBaan ERP on the order history line. Order Date. The period to which intake must be assigned is determined by the order date on the order history line. This differs from the transaction date, in that the user can enter the order date, while the transaction date is determined by iBaan ERP. Determines the date on which turnover statistics update is based: Transaction Date The period to which the commissions order intake must be posted is determined by the transaction date or log date of the commissions history. Commission Calc. Date The period to which the commissions order intake must be posted is determined by the date on which the commission was calculated. Determines the date on which order intake statistics update is based:


Transaction Date. The period to which order cancellation must be assigned is determined by the transaction date on the order history line. This date is determined by iBaan ERP. Order Date. The period to which order cancellation must be assigned is determined by the order date as defined by the user during order entry.

Item for Customized Items SMI PARAMETERS

A standard item code (without project code) to represent the statistics of all customized item.

INTEGRATION PARAMETERS Compression No Compression Handling of Doc No by Document Numbers Fin rans/Date Transaction Handling of Batch Date/Trans. Numbers Type Posting to Next Yes

Open Period Allowed CENTRAL INVOICING PARAMETERS Trans.types Series Number Sales Orders S01 2002 Warehouse Orders Projects Service Orders Service Contracts Manual Sales Interest Invoices Credit Notes Manual Sales Ledger Account Billing Request Addition Template Template One Sales Order History W01 S07 V01 V03 S05 S06 S04 Defaults 500060 001 001 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 200 Description Sales Miscell Billing Request Addition Billing Request Template

Description Sales Invoices/Cust. Admin. Warehouse Order Project Sales Invoices Service Orders Service Contracts Sales Invoices Manually Sales Invoices Sales Credit Notes


ACP PARAMETERS (Invoice Matching Related) Automatic Matching Yes Transaction Type for Commissions Transaction Type for Approvals Batch Reference Transaction Type for Self Billing Batch Reference Invoice amount lower than matched amount: Percentage Amount Invoice amount higher than matched amount: Percentage Amount EDI Parameter

EDI Implemented Standard Path Make Use of Tracefile Name of Tracefile Our Identification Fixed Part

No Yes

Date Format First Free Number Last Update Action on First Message on New Date Suppress Blank Text Lines on Generation Suppress Blank Generated Text Fields Store All Received Messages Store All Sent Messages Interchange Message Interchange Header Conversion Setup Message Overhead Conversion Setup Number Series for Address Codes Sales Schedule Series

No No No No

QMS Parameter

General Service Parameters

Configuration Control Parameter

Call Parameter

Contract Management Parameter

BOM Parameter

CPR Parameter

HRA Parameter

PCS Parameter

ROU Parameter

SFC Parameter

TRP Parameter

EDM Parameters


Actual Scenario Online ATP Update in EP CTP Check for Sales Round Planned Order before Firm/SFC

Online Phase Number Update Default Availability Type Refresh rate Efficient Explosion Unlimited Commits Display Time Interval Normal Number of BOM Lines

Performance Parameter

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