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Dornsife Office of Graduate Programs Call for Nominations Ralph and Jean Hovel Summer Travel Awards

A limited number of stipends of up to $5,000 are available for continuing Ph.D. students to conduct research in Germany in summer, 2013. The Hovel Summer Travel Award is for the completion of dissertation research or the study of German Language in order to complete the dissertation only. German Language must play a part in the dissertation. This grant is not used for exploration purposes. Nominations: Files should be collected by the department and electronically submitted to by March 22, 2013. Each submission should include as one PDF: Completed cover sheet (attached) 1 or 2 page narrative description of the research project Current STARS report (copy all text to Word and save as PDF) Budget and timetable Statement of support from the faculty advisor If you have questions, please contact Kimberly Allen.

USC Dornsife Office of Graduate Programs Application Cover Sheet Ralph and Jean Hovel Summer Travel Award


Student ID


Date Passed Quals.

Year of Entry to Ph.D. Program

Advisors Name

Estimated Completion Date

Terms and Conditions If selected as a recipient of this prestigious fellowship, I understand that: No contemporaneous employment is permitted during the period of this award I am expected to focus solely on my research or acquiring German Language instruction for the period of the award Name of Student Signature


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