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Background The discussion in this report sounds that STRATEGIC INFORMATION MANAGEMENT is the system which is responsible for

the optimization of the profits through a best decision making power . As taking the example of the company Vodafone I would like convey that the working of the company, is very much feasible with this application not only this but the company is very much integrating its various functions, departments and efficient resources by the support of the STRATEGIC INFORMATION MANAGEMENT system.

Introduction In the world of 21st century there are certain system developed to tackle the market and business needs form this one of the system is named as STRATEGIC INFORMATION MANAGEMENT . There are lot of business houses which are going global now a days so the importance of the STRATEGIC INFORMATION MANAGEMENT had been evolved in such business, as the information are to be transformed from one department to other department internationally. There is lot of units who lacks in the technological management and information management so through this they increase their chances of the failure in launching either the new product in market or any kind of further business affects negatively. The globalization and the liberalization are the two factors which arise the concept of the technology management and STRATEGIC INFORMATION MANAGEMENT for the development of the business in the middle of the twentieth century.

The growth of the business widely increases through the expansion geo graphical as well as internal business process by the implementation of the STRATEGIC INFORMATION MANAGEMENT in the business system. There had lot changes been seen for the betterment in the business house through the effects of STRATEGIC INFORMATION MANAGEMENT in business, especially in the developing countries STRATEGIC INFORMATION MANAGEMENT brings the excellences in working pattern by upgrading the level of achievement for the pre determined course of the action.

Introduction to organization: The world most successive companies in telecom sector, Vodafone group plc, is now holding the popular bard tag of serving different nation in cheap rates ever. The services given by the Vodafone in different parts of globe are Middle East, Africa, Asia Europe, pacific and western countries like US and other. The company had built up in huge capital through the joint ventures and undertaken subsidiary. At current status the STRATEGIC INFORMATION MANAGEMENT is one of the most leading system which had made the Vodafone company to deal with employee and customer the best. Through one of the press release it was accumulated that STRATEGIC INFORMATION MANAGEMENT in HR department helps to bring huge profits margins for last three to four consecutive years. There was speech given by the Vodafone director, were it was mention how much the connectivity and information flows are important for Vodafone; the words of director Frank Carvalho, MD(May 2009) said that My goal is to strengthen the position of Vodafone as one of the most preferred brands through bold and creative communication that efficiently delivers the message. Task 1 1.1 Understanding the level of strategic information system for decision making Looking towards the terms like data and informations one can understand more bitterly that The most needed system in todays business are STRATEGIC INFORMATION MANAGEMENT , as this would maintaining the information manage in unit with all the relevant techniques which would tackle the system application, software of the IM(information management). In addition to this even the STRATEGIC INFORMATION MANAGEMENT meets the requirement of other minor things such as it handle the costing, controls, marketing, sales production, and different tools and techniques of quality management etc.

With the views by to author Tapscott, D(2004) the term STRATEGIC INFORMATION MANAGEMENT general means it is an integration of the computer based system for acquiring, process and transferring of the data internally to the organization for the various changes & decision making.

1.2 The selections of information helps in decision making The STRATEGIC INFORMATION MANAGEMENT systems support the data processing and information system at large as a reason of making the strong and reliable decision. Though there is lot of other system available as substitute of STRATEGIC INFORMATION MANAGEMENT such as decision support system expert system etc.

The criticize was done by different scholar that the firms would also used other kind of analysis like SWOT, TOWS analysis etc.; well this would further bring the comparison in system STRATEGIC INFORMATION MANAGEMENT with relevance to decision making. Through one of the past research it was resulted that STRATEGIC INFORMATION MANAGEMENT is mostly used or frequently used for decision making were as other techniques and methods such as buyer decision methods or other system evolution are of the rare used.

1.3 evaluate the impacts of strategic information management The information system series simply means as different key components are coming together in orders to form or configured certain parts in the sequences in the particular series. The STRATEGIC INFORMATION MANAGEMENT mostly render with the application of the information system which is configured through the above series. There should be a clear idea about how the STRATEGIC INFORMATION MANAGEMENT work in rendering application with the help of the example; that is construction material can be assembled to different house merely the size shape area as well as the cost of this house depend on the purpose of building and availability of money the information system constraints on ecological, environment, and legal requirement so as with this we can say with different layer or stage different system is implemented.

With the views by Paliulis, Chlivickas, Pabedinskait (2004) the business information system simply means a system which normally evaluate the differentiate the functions and application. But author added that STRATEGIC INFORMATION MANAGEMENT is available to each and every level in business but it should adjust accordingly with the nature and size of the unit.

The main aim of the IS was to achieve the targets through managing its business; well it was possible only through optimization of its return in the business. The profits are mostly concerned with the integration of IS in relevant to the different level, department integration, efficient use of human resources, appropriate decision making etc.

The most needed system in todays business are STRATEGIC INFORMATION MANAGEMENT , as this would maintaining the information manage in unit with all the relevant techniques which would tackle the system application, software of the IM(information management). In addition to this even the STRATEGIC INFORMATION MANAGEMENT meets the requirement of other minor things such as it handle the costing, controls, marketing, sales production, and different tools and techniques of quality management etc. Task 2 2.1 understanding the importance of sharing informations, data, or storage of data

The explanation of STRATEGIC INFORMATION MANAGEMENT by author OBrien, James A (2003) says that STRATEGIC INFORMATION MANAGEMENT is only one factors or techniques in business which would help to make the optimum returns through appropriate transfer of information within departments and within the company branches etc. The sound layout in technology and management needed so

the IS build up should be standard able as even if minor changes then authorizes are responsible for this.

STRATEGIC INFORMATION MANAGEMENT is used for taking care of the internal and external process of business because of its wide functioning and programming going on in the unit. In function is means different elements like data, design, manufacturing system and material handling etc. are been taken care off. 2.2 discuss when the informations should be accessed and offered. Looking towards the companies view There are certain core areas which are handling by STRATEGIC INFORMATION MANAGEMENT execution. The main departments of the Vodafone company which are relevant for the operation functioning of the company are interdependent to each other such as accounting and finance, control and production, lastly marketing and sales section so there is linked tied up this departments through STRATEGIC INFORMATION MANAGEMENT to deliver the necessary information. There are even other information system been used in the company such as ESS, DSS, and OAT for the collecting data from different sources and transforming that collect data from one department to other. In Vodafone the technology and application services are hired by other organization and this technological services provided by them is SAS technology, the most application work under this SAS technology as it found in the base of the Vodafone system and this SAS technology application is highly supported by the STRATEGIC INFORMATION MANAGEMENT . There are one of the most effective central reporting system developed in Vodafone which maintained the incoming and outgoing data for the system. ( STRATEGIC INFORMATION MANAGEMENT is used in all the department of the and they planned their strategies accordingly such as operational performance, capital, total communications, and their

Vodafone because it is essential to keep all the records and control the informations, there are highly advances hardwires technologies are used by Vodafone that is IBM

technologies so that updated and upgraded application can run smoothly and accessing of data would be more ease.

The screening of parameters are done by STRATEGIC INFORMATION MANAGEMENT ; even with this there is examination of the information of business process are according to the regular basis and matching with the degree of acknowledge performances.

2.3 information collection formats. There are different methods of collection of information for the companies or enterprise in order ot accurate their data. So as in one of example of Vodafone one can understand properly how the companies are managing its information formats. As one of the press release of Vodafone it was said that in future it would be considered as largest technical companies, which would be using the SAS techniques, there are username and password deliver to customer and employees to access the internal process of Vodafone system. They had implemented this system so that customer and employees can inquiry or functions with system any time any where. There are different devices such as telephones, PCs, handheld devices; servers etc. are used for passing the collected data or transmitting the information from one place to other places. Task 3 3.1 analysis of information to patterns and trends The decision are more reliable on Vodafone system because in the offices of Vodafone and factor sites there are single system implemented which is central reporting system as using this system manager and supervisor would update of the work and passed is information to top executive, as different application diagnose the information collected as this all the application and internal and external process maintained the STRATEGIC INFORMATION MANAGEMENT in Vodafone. (

The Vodafone the structure of organization is in line and staff form which is holding the three layers in the management as each layer are holding its own working system and they pass this information through other system in other layers. As workers inform to foreman, then foreman inform to supervisor and lastly supervisor will carry information to next layers using the information system.

The uplifted and upgraded technologies are helpful for the good decision, as through one of the press release it is mention that Vodafone is holding a huge brand tag because of the unique technologies used in the company.

STRATEGIC INFORMATION MANAGEMENT holds the companys main system as it is mostly presented in the last two level of the companies that is middle level and lower level. The top level does not mostly deal with STRATEGIC INFORMATION MANAGEMENT as much because of the taking high decision which depends on whole functioning of companies, the executive plans and decide while seeing future complexities and past experiences.

The IP checker which holds paessler, managed the IT and IS of Vodafone, as this checker built in to monitor the system whole working according to decided project management, further there would be a words of the Dr. Joachim Fritz, project manager with Vodafone IS. In addition, we really appreciate the extremely quick and competent Paessler Support. Since with such an IT-landscape you usually need small adjustments from time to time, this good experience with the support tipped the scales for the Paessler tool. 3.2 to support the decision making evaluate tools and techniques With the views of James Arsenault (Oct 2004) it was consulted ERP is been supportive to STRATEGIC INFORMATION MANAGEMENT as this three tier system would benefitted the company for the good performance and flexibility in taking decision. The system is totally based on the work of the client and server as without its functioning would be little bit impossible.

There are important decision needs to be taken by manager in adverse conditions, so the STRATEGIC INFORMATION MANAGEMENT deals to take the decision in much better way and for easy access. The advancements in technologies implemented in unit so that software and application can be competent in the enterprises and business process. There would other system helpful to take the decisions but this are one sided system where as STRATEGIC INFORMATION MANAGEMENT manages the system in both the manner, other system such as electronic data processing system, expert system, High level of IS, bureau automation system decision supporting system makes only decision, but there are even argument raised by the critics that SWOT analysis or the TOWS analysis can worked even more effective rather than implementing so much of system in company and creating complexities for manager to deal with it. 3.3 sources available to analyse the data The technology and application used in Vodafone is transmitted through the SAS technology, as this techniques is much powerful but the only limiting point is it is holding more importance of central reporting, as through this application company built up Central reporting system; but sometimes situations comes when decision are to be decided so manager feels more burden to communicate all the time face to face. There is no usage of advance MS office, such as word, excelled and other because of no proper input of OAT system. So employees had used downgraded format as it become harder to describe what actual needs are and some time if standard format not used it becomes complicated even when new employees are working. With the STRATEGIC INFORMATION MANAGEMENT , there is other system and techniques are used in Vodafone, so the cost of technology gradually increase as maintain the effective cost and tackle the appropriate system it would be more desirable for the company to used only one best application.

Task 4 4.1 evaluate the methods of identifying the mgt. Information system The balanced scorecard (BSC) has emerged as a decision support tool at the strategic management level. Many business leaders now evaluate corporate performance by supplementing financial accounting data with goal-related measures from the following perspectives: customer, internal business process, and learning and growth. It is argued that the BSC concept can be adapted to assist those managing business functions, organizational units and individual projects. This article develops a balanced scorecard for information systems (IS) that measures and evaluates IS activities from the following perspectives: business value, user orientation, internal process, and future readiness. Case study evidence suggests that a balanced IS scorecard can be the foundation for a strategic IS management system provided that certain development guidelines are followed, appropriate metrics are identified, and key implementation obstacles are overcome. As in case of Vodafone company The sophisticated informations should be handle by the most improved software or the applications as there would be further requirement of the information to access. The STRATEGIC INFORMATION MANAGEMENT is one of the most eligible components which works on integrating the informations to all the departments without any kind of the complex error coming in. the STRATEGIC INFORMATION MANAGEMENT is reducing the lots of work of employee as well as the cost to trained and hire the employee is saved due to functioning of STRATEGIC INFORMATION MANAGEMENT in business houses. 4.2 discuss the process of showing impacts on IS there is various models use to process the impacts of information system through this one of the models are D&M as this models give the through impacts of process of infromtion contionous on the IS like THE PRIMARY PURPOSE OF THE ORIGINAL DeLone and McLean paper [8] was to synthesize previous research involving IS success into a more coherent body of knowledge and to provide guidance to future researchers. Based on the communications research of Shannon and Weaver [43] and the information influence theory of Mason [31], as well as empirical management information systems (MIS) research studies from 198187, a comprehensive, multidimensional model of IS success was postulated. Shannon and Weaver defined the

technical level of communications as the accuracy and efficiency of the communication system that produces information. The semantic level is the success of the information in conveying the intended meaning. The effectiveness level is the effect of the information on the receiver. In the D&M IS Success Model, systems quality measures technical success; information quality measures semantic success; and use, user satisfaction, individual impacts, and organizational impacts measure effectiveness success. In spite of the passage of time since the Shannon and Weaver framework in 1949 and Masons extensions in 1978, both appear as valid today as when we adopted them a decade ago. 4.3 determine the methods to capture the information through support system there are several methods for the capture of the data as one of those is data information knowledge action result, looking towards this methods it give a review of the whole system where the strategic informations is passed one of the more important informations. The monitor of data and informations are done accordingly like it review the necessary module of infromations such as The information economics method is a scoring technique whereby value and risk categories are attributed a numerical score between zero and five. For a value category, 0 would signify no positive contribution while a 5 would represent a large positive contribution. For a risk category, 0 would mean no risk while a 5 would signal a large risk. Each of these categories is assigned a weight. By adding the weighted scores of the value categories and subtracting the weighted scores of the risk categories, one can calculate the total score of each project. The value of the information economics method lies with the fact that the scores are assigned by all parties involved. End-users score risks and values Support Systems 25 1999 7188 ( ) 79 the corporate domain, while IT specialists score ITrelated categories. This way, the business contribution of the project can be assessed jointly, and a consensus reached on the evaluation of a specific project. Most value and risk categories associated with information economics are quite unambiguous. However, for a few of them, a short explanation may be appropriate.

This website was accessed on the 2th june 2010 This website was accessed on the 2th june 2010 http://corporatesite/ This website was accessed on the 2th june 2010 information management /2004/10/pointer_post_th.html This website was accessed on the 2th june 2010 www.scribd/reliance/ (september 12 2008) This website was accessed on the 2th june 2010 This website was accessed on the 2th june 2010

This website was accessed on the 2th june 2010

This website was accessed on the 2th june 2010 www.scrib/STRATEGIC INFORMATION MANAGEMENT &decisionmaking

Curtis G Cobham(2002), Business Information System, Analysis Design and Practice,4th edition, precent hall, England. Kroenk David, (2007) using STRATEGIC INFORMATION MANAGEMENT , Prrentice-Hall, Inc, Upper Saddle River New Jersy Laudon, K.C and Laudon J.P(2008),management information system: Managing the Digital Firm,11th edition, Prentice-Hall ,Inc, Upper Saddle River,New Jersey. Laudon,K.C and Laudon J.P, (2008), Essential of Business Information System,7th edition,Prentice-Hall,Inc, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey,42114-7.

McClenahen,J.S, (2007)Unstoppable improvement, Industrial Week, ,p-85-95. OBrien,James A (2003), Introduction to management Information System: Essentials for the e-business enterprise , 11th edition,McGraw-hill Companies,Inc Irwin.

Paliulis N. Valdymas ir informacija / N.Paliulis, E.Chlivickas, , 2004, A.Pabedinskait Vilnius: Technika. 358p. Tapscott,D(2004), the engine that drives success,CIO magazine. The website was accessed on 2th june 2010

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