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March 8, 2013


Agreement Summary
The Union and the Company have reached a tentative agreement for workers covered by the Orange Contract. Assuming this agreement is ratified, it will become effective on Friday, April 5, 2013 and expire on February 11, 2017. The Bargaining Committee unanimously supports the terms of the agreement and recommends a yes vote. The ratification vote will be conducted by electronic ballot. Each Mobility member will receive this Final Bargaining Summary along with the ratification voting instructions at the address they have on file with their Local. It took us many weeks of difficult negotiations to come to this tentative agreement. We were able to successfully negotiate for many improvements, including: A $1,000.00 lump sum payment to all employees on the AT&T Mobility payroll contract ratification and the date of payout Additional increases to the General Wage Schedules Increases in on-call pay, multilingual differential pay, and differential pay for all hours worked in a job with a higher title One pair each of Safety Glasses and Boots provided annually to all workers who are required to wear them on the job A new National Transfer Plan that allows Mobility workers to transfer to other positions in the wireline company A guarantee that the Company must coach employees before disciplining them for performance issues Continue reading for more detailed information about the tentative Orange contract agreement.


Agreement Details
Before adding in signing bonuses, the total base wage increase at the top of the scales over the course of the contract is 10.1%. The annual increases are reduced exponentially to zero at the bottom of the scale. The General Wage Schedules for all employees will be increased as follows:

The bottom two wage rates are eliminated and all members in those wage rates will receive an immediate raise to the next level. Employees currently above the top wage schedule will receive the above general wage increase in a lump sum payment. All active employees on the payroll at ratification date and the date of payout will also receive a $1,000.00 lump sum payment. WAGE TABLE ADJUSTMENT Additionally, the bottom two (2) steps of the current wage tables will be removed reducing the progression steps from 15 to 13. Employees currently on steps 1 or 2 of the wage table will receive a raise into the equivalent of a higher step.

AT&T MOBILITY ORANGE TENTATIVE AGREEMENT JOB UPGRADES There will be 480 job upgrades, including the following titles: Eleven Customer Support Specialist in Paramus NJ will be upgraded to Business Customer Service Specialist II 469 Business Customer Support Specialist Is in Evansville IN will be upgraded to Customer Support Specialist

ON CALL PAY On call pay (Article 19) will be increased from $32.00 to $35.00. Network employees working outside their scheduled hours will also be paid a minimum of one (1) hours pay at their basic wage rate with no change to overtime administration if the worked time exceeds 11 hours/day or 40 hours/week. MULTI DIFFERENTIAL PAY Multi differential pay (Article 19) will be increased from $4.00/day or $20.00/week to $5.00/day or $25.00/week. SEVERANCE PAY Severance Pay (Article 14) will increased from $600.00 with a cap of $15,000 to $700.00 with a cap of $17,000. TRANSFERS New language has been added to ensure that members pay will not be lower than less senior members when members voluntarily or involuntary transfer with the same job title to a different Market. The new language states that employees pay will remain the same or that the employee will be slotted into the current start rate of the receiving Market whichever is greater. TRAVEL New language has been added to address pay for the use of alternative transportation if a worker is not driving his or her personal vehicle. SALES COMPENSATION PLAN At-risk commission will be increased from $12,500/year to $12,750/year.


QUOTA RELIEF Monthly sales quota relief will change from 40 aggregate hours per month to 8 aggregate hours per month. This means that members are less likely to be penalized for taking their vacation or attending trainings.

ABSENCE (ARTICLE 21) The absence policy has been improved in four ways: New language has been added to address Leaves of Absence, specific to employees not needing to exhaust their contractually-obligated time off prior to taking a leave of absence Funerals: there has been a change in the existing language to extend leave time to no more than two (2) days beyond the day of the funeral rather than the day of the funeral only. Immediate family: The definition of immediate family has been expanded to include legally recognized partners (the previous language included only registered domestic partners and to include a new relationship for former legal guardians. Illness and injury: New language was added capping paid absences at a maximum of 10 days in a calendar year (90% of employees used fewer than 10 days last year). There was no change to existing Net Credited Service and Waiting Day language. This does not include Short-Term Disability no changes were made to this benefit. ATTENDANCE POLICIES Existing attendance policies in effect as of February 10, 2013 will remain in effect without change until February 10, 2015. BARGAINING UNIT POSITIONS The Company has agreed to open and fill 4,000 requisitions in the states represented by the Orange Agreement during the life of the agreement. SAFETY New language had been added stating that the Company agrees to maintain a safe and healthy workplace for all employees. Additionally, new inclement weather language has been added to address state or local government declared State of Emergencies. Company managed will now consider the circumstances that prompted the declaration prior to disciplining employees for tardiness or absences. VACATIONS There was a change in the existing language from entitled to earned vacation time that would allow employees to select vacation as they do today. However, if an employee leaves the payroll for reasons other than death or layoff before using all earned vacation time for the year, the company would not be obligated to pay out unused time.


HOLIDAYS The tentative agreement removes a restriction that required employees to work all scheduled hours before and after being paid for Floating and Designated Holidays. All pending grievances and arbitration cases challenging denial of pay for Designated and Floating Holidays as a result of a unilateral change implemented by the company on May 1, 2011 will be settled, with the Company paying all identified in the grievances and arbitration cases for the day(s) they lost. There will also be a change to the Holiday posting language from two (2) weeks to three (3) weeks. FORCE ADJUSTMENT The tentative agreement removes existing language that restricted arbitration on disputes surrounding the return selection of laid off employees. JOB SATISFACTION New language covering Sales Floor Observations in addition to Call Quality Observations has been added. STRATEGIC ALLIANCE COMMITTEE New language has been added allowing one (1) representative from each District represented by the Orange Agreement to meet three (3) times per year with an equal number of company representatives and a chair from each side to discuss subcontracting, performance, attendance and employee career pathing issues. CLIMBING BOOTS Wireless Technicians required by the Companys Environmental Health and Safety policies to wear climbing boots will be provided with one pair per calendar year. PRESCRIPTION SAFETY GLASSES Wireless Technicians and Technical MSC/RNOCs required by the Companys Environmental Health and Safety policies to wear safety glasses for either indoor or outdoor duties will be provided with one pair of each for such duties they perform per calendar year. NEUTRALITY AND CARD CHECK RECOGNITION This provision has been renewed. NATIONAL TRANSFER PLAN This provision has been removed and placed in the contract. It allows Mobility workers to transfer to other positions in the wireline company. COMPENSATION COMMITTEE RSSM was added to the committee language.


ARBITRATION The language was updated to coincide with the current selection process being used by both the Company and the Union. EWP TRIAL Upon ratification of the agreement, the Company agrees to conduct a trial in three (3) Mobility Consumer Care Call Centers to allow employees flexible use of their Excused Days with Pay (EWP). Additional details will follow to applicable employees once the trial locations are determined. NEW SIDE LETTER The Company agrees to coach employees not meeting performance expectations if employee is not on a step of progressive discipline and the performance issue is a first offense.

All Articles, Letters of Agreements and Agreements not mentioned will carry forward, with the exceptions of Letter of Agreements 13/CWA-NETT and 14/The Alliance. For more information, visit

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