The Making of An Evil Empire

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The Making Of An Evil Empire

By Ian R Thorpe 12 March, 2013

The Dark Lord

Evil is not a word I would normally use, I am not religious and so do not elieve in ideas li!e the "orces o" good and ad eing engaged in a constant attle "or our souls #the Manichean dichotomy$%% &either do I accept the concept o" sin, o""ences against a moral code handed down "rom a divine eing, anwhich idea on which the moral "ramewor! "or "ollowers o" the ' rahamic religions is ased #we have a responsi ility to do the est thing we can according to circumstances ut to "ail to live up to impossi ly high standards is not wrong$% I" I thin! o" things as evil at all, it is in terms o" e(treme sel"ishness% )el"ishness is o"ten disguised as morality o" course, to o serve how that wor!s we only have to pay attention to the actions and attitudes o" the politically correct le"t% )uch people love to give the impression that they unsel"ishly care a out in*ustice and un"airness, e+ual rights and the environment% 'nalysis o" their modus operandi however reveals that their caring, politically correct posturings are sel"ish% ,-e must all ma!e sacri"ices to save the world "rom climate change,. they say to ac! up demands that the "ossil "uel industries and all activities that depend on them

#*ust a out all industrial and commercial activities$ e shut down% Ignoring the "acts that we have no via le alternative to "ossil "uels as a source o" energy and the ina ility o" those who "ear climate change to understand that wind tur ines cannot generate electricity when there is no wind, *ust thin! o" the economic and social havoc such a course would result in% The irony o" one /save0the0planet/ idea, to pump sulphur dio(ide particles into the upper atmosphere to simulate a volcanic winter which would halt rising temperatures, thus recreating the acid rain that destrored vast tracts o" "orest in the northern hemisphere during the 1120s, 30s and 40s is lost on the political activist ehind the glo al warming scare% Their agenda is political rather than environmental, and the end always *usti"ies the means in their poltics% Those le"t wingers who thin! shutting down "ossil "uel industries have o viously not thought o" the conse+uence #they never do%$ -hat is uppermost in their minds is that they are eing seen to care a out the environment% ,5oo! at me, see what a good, caring person I am,. is all they are really saying% The propaganda they serve up to persuade us we
being seen to care.

ordinary punters ought to ma!e sacri"ices while they plunder the ta( rea!s and su sidies

availa le to those who invest in schemes that depend on the wind lowing and the sun shining twenty "our hours a day is *uvenile and sentimental, designed to appeal to the "ear"ul and those who crave only security% Their attitude to crime and criminals is similar% I" we could elieve, as the politically correct le"t do, that all destructive and malicious ehaviour is merely a product o" ad environment, ad up ringing, mental illness or psychosis then solving social pro lems would e easy% 6n"ortunately, as with climate change, the le"t do not have the arguments to win hearts and minds among the masses , the do 7 gooder approach to dealing with deviancy does not play well to the pu lic who want to see people who pose a threat to pu lic sa"ety anged up%

8eviance in the name o" misguided ,pro"it. or ,status. is o"ten more accepta le to the pu lic9 as long as there is a reason we can easily understand and grasp% The investment an!er whose :on;i scheme steals millions "rom rich, greedy people is considered a lovea le rogue ut "raudsters who rip o"" the meagre savings o" old people are despised% -hat "rightens the average citi;en in the developed world today is not the act o" criminality ut it criminality without easily de"ina le reason% -hat the new elite are unwilling or una le to "ace #pro a ly ecause it throws dou t on their claims o" omnipotence$ is the reality that some people hurt others not ecause their parents neglected them, they were ullied at school, or ecause
Who would break a butterfly on the wheel (Alexander Pope)

they developed a psychological de"iciency that controls their actions,or that, "ailed y the education system and made to "eel worthless y a society that has too many poorly educated people and too "ew *o s they ta!e re"uge in the instant grati"ication o" impulses, ut that there are and always have een many people who "ully and consciously en*oy causing physical, mental or material harm to others% )uch a mindset cannot e scienti"ically analyse or gli ly e(plained away and it will never "it the narrative that everything can e controlled y scientists% Than!s to politically correct attitudes our society is desperate to ma!e e(cuses "or the monsters o" our era, to "ind reasons why /we/ and not /they/ are to lame% I have o"ten *o!ed that :olitically <orrect
o!e people will not sing "u!baya

thin!ing is ased on a elie" that i" we all *oin hands and sing =um aya

the world can ecome per"ect% 6nrealistic as that is, perhaps to those emotionally needy people who are desperate to e seen as caring, concerned individuals, it is a necessary sel" deception ecause they would rather not ac!nowledge the possi ility that there is a dar! side to humanity as a whole, that i" le"t unchec!ed, a certain type o" person could, y e(ploiting the ruthlessness o" their amoral nature and ta!ing advantage o" the desrire to e accepted among the ma*ority, ta!e control in a deli erate and calculated way% This is why the greatest crimes o" our time are so o"ten invisi le to the pu lic% >idden in plain sight, the crimes are simply ignored y those who will not see what they do not want to see% The idea, "or e(ample, that international "inanciers and political elites would purposely create economic disparity, social chaos, and glo al war out o" a desire "or a centrali;ed glo al government that would endow mem ers o" the elite with levels o" power over their "ellow humans never !nown is simply too great a shoc! "or many to handle% ?et all around us we can see evidence that a glo al elite are wor!ing towards gaining such power% 8riven y a level o" sel"ishness that can only e descri ed as evil and a warped sense o" intellectual superiority these elitists have no pro lem with persuading themselves that they !now "ar etter what is good "or us as individuals than we ever can ourselves% 'nd what is good "or us is a world in which we surrender the power to thin! and act "or ourselves in return "or the certainty and security o" living in an ant colony society% )urely, the terri le events throughout our modern history, wars, genocides, pandemics, "amines, the great climate change scare, are merely the result o" random coincidence and human error@rightA -rong% 6n"ortunately, when we open our eyes and e(amine the evidence this is not the case% In "act, the ma*ority o" catastrophic humanitarian tragedies can e lin!ed directly ac! certain social and economic policies devised and promoted y a particular su set o" people, who use their positions o" in"luence in supra 0 national agencies such as the 6nited &ations and the -orld Ban! "or ill purpose, and !nowingly engineer calamity not *ust "or personal gain, ut to rein"orce the grip o"

their elite class on glo al power%

The #$il #!pire

:eople o" a 5i ertarian mindset re"er to this group as ,Blo alists. or, with tongue in chee!, The &ew -orld Crder% They permeate the upper echelons o" national government ut seldom hold elected o""ice, and they have a culture that is entirely separate and disconnected "rom our own% I" one studies their literature, their initiatives, and their motives, he would discover another world, driven y a "rightening rand o" +uasi religious "anaticism "or advancing their agenda o" esta lishing glo al totalitarian govrnment% >ere are some o" the character traits and elie"s that ma!e these people easy to identi"y@ The Elitists' Utopia The Blo al Elitie tend to see themselves as a separate reed o" human eing9 a class o" superior eings with superior intellectual "aculties, a di""erent reed orn to ,rule. over the rest o" us% In physical appearance they are o"ten uninspiring, typical wimps or nerds% :hilosophically they o"ten espouse the teachings o" :latoDs Repu lic, and the
%igher beings& The stairway to 'topia

concept o" the ,:hilosopher =ings.% They elieve that some men and women are endowed with a genetic predisposition to leadership, and that the average person does not have the intelligence to determine his or her own destiny% Thus a hierarchic society is the only via le social model% :lato/s Repu lic is a "ine oo! o" philosophical writing ut we should e mind"ul that :lato lived in a society whose economy was uilt on slavery% The glo al elitists see the rest o" humanity as a lan! canvas, and themselves as the artists% -e are to e ,molded. and our indivisual personalities and collective social and cultural mores are to e manipulated% In reality, the new elite are no smarter than the rest o" us #weeeeell, e(cept "or the :olitically <orrect /use"ul idiots/ who are willing to vote "or their own enslavement may e$% &or are they etter +uali"ied than we to decide what is in our est interests, the est interests o" an ordinary individual are seldom served y allowing a sel" appointed elite to ma!e decisions "or the group that only individuals can ma!e "or themselves% ' surprising num er o" glo al elitists inherited positions o" wealth and in"luence "rom aristocratic ancestors or dynasty uilding industrialists and an!ing "amilies, yet in spite o" social changes through the twentieth century their privileged ac!ground automatically leads them to assumptions o" superiority% This is no di""erent to the "allacious assumptions o" the old aristogracy and the strati"ied societies o" ancient civilisations% 'nd yet the new elite call their political philosophy /progressive/% The elite/s a ility to mould society is not due to their assumed intellectual superiority #Many o" their decisions are go smac!ingly stupid$ ut derive entirely "rom their dominance o" "inancial mar!ets and complete lac! o" morality% I" they were not in the top %1E o" the worlds rich, they would e treated li!e common criminals "or their ehaviour, ut sadly, in our day and age money o"ten uys undue in"luence% The ascendency o" this elite, The )cienti"ic 8ictatorship that 6 ) :resident 8wight Eisenhower warned o" in his "arewell speech in 1120 #video o" "ull address

0youTu e$ was predicted early in the twentieth century% 't that time a surprising num er o" leading le"t wing intellectuals sympathised with ideas such as eugenics, selective reeding, population control and social engineering programmes such as direction o" la our% >ere are a "ew e(amplesF ()radually* by selecti$e breeding* the congenital differences between rulers and ruled will increase until they beco!e al!ost different species. A re$olt of the plebs would beco!e as unthinkable as an organi+ed insurrection of sheep against the practice of eating !utton., G Bertrand Russell, The -!pact of cience on ociety #11H3$ pp% I10H0% ( peaking of a future at !ost only decades away* an experi!enter in intelligence control asserted* .- foresee a ti!e when we shall ha$e the !eans and therefore* ine$itably* the te!ptation to !anipulate the beha$ior and intellectual functioning of all the people through en$iron!ental and bioche!ical !anipulation of the brain./, G J igniew Bre;ins!i, 0etween Two Ages& A!erica/s 1ole in the Technotronic #ra 2345% Elitists are easily persuaded that conscience is a hindrance to success, instead o" a worthwhile virtue% They !nowingly and deli erately a andon morality ecause they see it as an o stacle that stands in the way o" getting what they want% <onscience, however, never +uite disappears in anyone% In order to reconcile their wretched mindset with that distant nagging sensation o" guilt, they claim that their actions are ,"or the greater good o" the greater num er.% They desperately want to elieve that they are serving the "uture o" man!ind, that enslavement o" the masses and population reduction are necessary "or the survival o" humanity and that we should appreciate their leadership, even though the things they do, engineering wars and con"licts "or instance, seem "ar more harm"ul than help"ul% They "urther attempt to avoid "acing their own dys"unction y trying to elicit criminality in others% I" they can convince the masses that morality is ,relative. and that right and wrong are su *ect to ,interpretation.% Cnce the ma*ority can e

convinced to ignore the inner voice that determines right and wrong then their amoral monstrosity, the evil o" utter sel"ishness, ecomes normal, even pre"era le% >ere are the thoughts o" a moral relativistF (The tenth rule of the ethics of rules and !eans is that you do what you can with what you ha$e and clothe it in !oral argu!ents. 6the essence of Lenin/s speeches during this period was (They ha$e the guns and therefore we are for peace and for refor!ation through the ballot. When we ha$e the guns then it will be through the bullet., )aul 'lins!y% #Barac! C ama taught the amoral philosophies o" 'lins!y as a community organi;er in <hicago% >illary <linton made 'lins!y the topic o" her undergraduate thesis% In 'lins!y/s philosophy /the end always *usti"ies the means/%$ An Illusion Of Collectivism Blo alists are not collectivists themselves ut avid collectors o" material wealth and social !udos% In personal ehaviour they are usually at the opposite end o" the spectrum to collectivists, pre"erring an a errant "orm o" sel" indulgent individualism to the asceticism o" true collectivists such as Mohandas = Bandhi% Many see crimes li!e paedophilia, rape, even murder as eing *usti"ied y their superiority, they cannot e governed y the same rules as apply to /little people/% ' solipsistic attitude ena les them to see the most reprehensi le crimes as eing *usti"ied y their desire% They even see conscience as a restriction on their personal "reedom% -hat they do not grasp is that the inherent nature o" conscience is a gi"t, one which has so "ar !ept humanity "rom total sel"0destruction% <onscience is not a urden ut a shield% The elitistDs insane ideal o" sel" indulgence without sel" discipline is in contract to the collectivist li"estyle they constantly promote yet they see no contradiction in admonish individualism or sel" interest in common people
0ehind the !ask of collecti$is!

as ,sel"ish. or ,narcissistic.% Elitists see no irony in demanding the highest standards "rom others

while o serving no moral constraints on their "reedom tp pleasure themselves% :eople o"ten con"use ,collectivism. with ,community.% This is caused y a lac! o" understanding as well as a lac! o" e(perience% <ommunity is a voluntary gathering o" individuals "or the purpose o" mutual aid% <ollectivism is the gathering o" people y threat o" "orce or loss, "or the purpose o" consolidating power into the hands o" a "ew% It is the act o" destroying individualism in the name o" ,protecting the group.% In the west, particularly the English spea!ing nations, we have a disappearing sense o" real community ecause our communities, "amily units, culture and traditions have een under attac! while the ,advantages. o" collectivism and multiculturalism are eing promoted in a "lood o" propaganda generated y use"ul idiots in the media on ehal" o" the glo al elite%

-llustration 2& The gathering of people by threat* for the purpose of consolidating power into the hands of a few.

I" the population can e convinced that they are devoid o" inherent +ualities and characteristics, and that their environment is the totality o" their e(istence, then they will hand over all power to anyone who promises them the est possi le surroundings% That is to say, when we have no "aith in our own individualism and sel"0responsi ility, we will automatically see! protection, usually "rom a nanny state or apparently enign dictatorship% This process o" wrenching sel" determination "rom the populace has the goal o" -orld Bovernance and total dominance as :resident

Eisenhower and many others have warned% The powers of financial capitalis! had another far7reaching ai!* nothing less than to create a world syste! of financial control in pri$ate hands able to do!inate the political syste! of each country and the econo!y of the world as a whole. This syste! was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert* by secret agree!ents arri$ed at in fre8uent !eetings and conferences. The apex of the syste!s was to be the 0ank for -nternational ettle!ents in 0asel* wit+erland* a pri$ate bank owned and controlled by the world/s central banks which were the!sel$es pri$ate corporations. #ach central bank6sought to do!inate its go$ern!ent by its ability to control Treasury loans* to !anipulate foreign exchanges* to influence the le$el of econo!ic acti$ity in the country* and to influence cooperati$e politicians by subse8uent econo!ic rewards in the business world. G <arroll Kuigley L<MR mem er, mentor to Bill <lintonN, Tragedy And %ope% (-n the next century* nations as we know it will be obsolete9 all states will recogni+e a single* global authority. :ational so$ereignty wasn/t such a great idea after all., G )tro e Tal ot, :resident <lintonDs 8eputy )ecretary o" )tate, as +uoted in Ti!e ;aga+ine, Ouly 20th, 1112% Elitists are very !een on use o" the ,no le lie.9 a lie employed to attain a ,positive goal.% In their view, citi;ens lac! the capacity to understand the igger political and social picture, and so, we must e lied to in order to ma!e us do what is est "or ourselves% #Recall mem ers o" the 6= 5a our government and the C ama administration spea!ing o" ma!ing glo al warming scepticism a crime on a par with holocaust denial, *usti"ying this curtailment o" "ree speech with the e(cuse that /ordinary people do not understand what is at sta!e/ -e did understand what was at sta!e, a car on ta( that would not solves the pro lem ecause it is not caused y <C2 emissions, ut would drive the ma*ority o" people into poverty%$ C" course, their version o" what is est "or our culture always seems to include "irst and "oremost what is est "or them%

The no le lie is a logical "allacy o" such monumental immorality it could only have een dreamed up y politicians or scientists% I" you need to lie to people in order to get them to accept your ideas, then there must e something terri ly wrong with your ideas% Ideas with vitality and honesty do not need to e ,sold. to the pu lic through chicanery9 the truth ta!es on a li"e o" its own% Cnly ideas harm"ul to the interests o" the wider population need a "oundation o" lies in order to ta!e root #,Tell the lie ig enough and repeat it o"ten enough and it will ecome the truth. Oose" Boe els, <hie" o" :ropaganda in >itler/s Third Reich% But it wasn/t *ust himF$

(We are at present working discreetly with all our !ight to wrest this !ysterious force called so$ereignty out of the clutches of the local nation states of the world. All the ti!e we are denying with our lips what we are doing with our hands., G :ro"essor 'rnold Toyn ee, in a Oune 1131 speech e"ore the Institute "or the )tudy o" International '""airs in <openhagen% (<ur =ob is to gi$e people not what they want* but what we decide they ought to ha$e., G Richard )alent L"ormer <B) &ews presidentN% RE5'TE8 :C)T)F
'genda 21F -yoming man "aces P3H,000 a day "ines "or uilding a garden pond Meeding The Monster -hen Mainstream :arties )ay The British 're Qenopho es They 're 5ying Cur &ew 6nhappy 5ords )laves To The Machine ' Manu"actured )ingularity & - C desta ili;es 6!raine Elite :lan Mor Blo al Ta!eover The Molly C" Trying To In"late 'way 8e t 8e t Threat To <ivilisation &a!ed "inance, how the de t crisis was engineered )acri"icing the "uture to save the Euro Interesting Times Blo al Bovernment 7 )cienti"ic 8ictatorship

>oly <ity #poem$ <hasing u les #poem$ Rolunteers "or slavery

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