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Recruitment and Selec

Name: Designation: Department: Total Work Experience: Q) In which economic sector(s) does your organization operate? a. Media (TV) b. Oil & Gas PARISHEY EXECUTIVE OFFICER (EO) HUMAN RESOURCE 18 MONTHS

c. Insurance
d. Banking e. Automobiles f. Airline g. Hotels h. Others (_______________________) Q) How many employees are there in your organization? a. 1 - 10 b. 11 - 25 c. 26 - 50 d. 51 - 100 e. 101 - 200

f. 200+
Q) Which forecasting technique is applied to project HR needs? a) Trend

b) Ratio
c) Scatter Plot d) Marker e) Workload Analysis

f) Job Analysis
Q) Difference between budgeted headcount and actual headcount?

Not major
a) Market Changes b) Headcount Freeze c) Downsize/Rightsize

d) Others ( NA )
Q) Does Line department controls HR budget? a) Yes

b) No
Q) What percentage of HR budget is spent on recruitment and selection? a) < 5% b) 6 10 %

c) 11 15 %
d) 16 20 % Q) What is the breaking of external and internal candidate ratio? External Internal a) 0 0 b) <5% <5% c) 6 10 % 6 10 % d) 11 15 % 11 15 % e) 16 20 % 16 20 % NOT ANSWERED Q) What are the sources of recruitment? a) Social Media (Dynamic / Static)

b) Linkedin
c) Academia d) College

e) University f) Others (Websites & company website (careers) )

Media a) Print

b) Newspaper
c) Magazines Employee Referral a) Consultancy b) Outsourcing c) Third-party Q) Do you us competencies in your hiring process?

a) Yes
b) No

Q) If Yes then please specify? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NOT ANSWERED Q) What are the selection techniques of a candidate? a) Test

b) Personality based test

c) Competencies
d) Background checks e) References

Q) What type of interviews do you conduct?

a) Situational
b) Behavioral c) Job Related d) Structured e) Unstructured f) Stress g) Descriptive

h) Panel
Q) Are interviews linked with Job Descriptions?

a) Yes
b) No Q) Who has more say in selection of a candidate? a) Line b) HR

c) Both (Line & HR)

d) Others (_______________________) Q) Do you provide interview guidelines?

a) Yes
b) No Q) Panel Interviews (Do they have weightage assigned)

a) Yes
b) No Q) Average number of interviews per hire? a) 1 b) 2

c) 3
d) 4 e) Others (_______________________) Q) What form of Interview forms used?

a) Qualitative

b) Quantitative Q) Do HR interviews form an imperial part in selection process?

a) Yes
b) No Q) Does your company have a reemployment policy?

a) Yes
b) No Q) Does your company hire relative?

a) Yes
b) No Q) Hiring of relatives in same or other department?

a) Yes
b) No Q) Does your company have a pre-employment form?

a) Yes
b) No Q) Do you keep record? (If yes please specify for?) a) All applicants b) Applicants who applied c) Shortlisted applicants

d) Applicants who were interviewed

e) Applicant who are selected Q) What is the data storage period?

2 years

ent and Selection Project Questionnaire







Sector Organization Core Competencies

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Integrity Ethics Honesty Peer Relationship Passion Flexibility/ adaptability Communication Skills Learn Continuously Customer Focus Business Acuman

Insurance EFU Insurance

visionay strategic planning Strong financial/business acumen Ability to engage stakeholders Ability to evaluate board performance Board succession planning knowledge of risks commitment to board development

Chief Executive
Visionary Strategic Innovative Collaborative knowledge of risks Compelling Communicator Disciplined Leader Analytical/problem solving skills

Chief Manager
Organizing & Planning Innovation & Creativity Financial Management Engaging Evaluating Information to Determine Compliance with Standards decision making/ problem solving Coaching and Team Development

Head of Sales & Marketing

Leadership Delegating Appraising/motivating Effective Interactive Communication Management of Personnel Resources industry knowledge/market Knowledge product knowledge Critical Thinking delegate and hold others accountable persuassive

Oral Comprehension Deductive Reasoning Problem Sensitivity Fluency of Ideas Selective Attention Persuasion Active Listening Social Perceptiveness Negotiation

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