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Sarateni-Soroca road rehabilitation under the scrutiny of communities

The 12 villages located along the Sarateni-Soroca road to be rehabilitated with Compact funds are actively engaged in monitoring the rehabilitation works. In every village social impact monitoring committees were created from people who enjoy the trust of the entire community.

Domestic fruits will be competitive on the European markets when modern storage and processing technologies will be applied It is a member of the Association of Fruit Producers and Exporters Moldova-Fruct and one of the companies that are allowed to export fruit to Russia.

The members of these committees represent various social groups or village entities, such as healthcare,

Interest rates on Compact loans have dropped The annual interest rates on the Compact Credit Facility loans provided to participating banks revised in May 2012 will apply till August 31, 2012.


educational, social assistance entities and the local government and nongovernmental organizations. Therefore, students, retirees, ordinary people, as well as representatives of the construction supervision company and MCA Moldova are on such commissions, 30% of the members being women.

The community commissions created to monitor the construction works is a new practice in the international assistance projects which provide investments into road infrastructure rehabilitation. Although a construction supervision company has been contracted to supervise the construction works, the role of these community committees will be to communicate to it any violation noticed by the community people and their solutions to the detected problems.

1 US D from Compact loans causes 1.74 US D to be invested in post-harvest infrastructure in Moldova 11 loans amounting to 2.94 million USD were provided by the end of May for investments in construction of cold storage and procurement of associated equipment for storing fresh fruit and vegetables and other investments in post-harvest infrastructure in Moldova.

In the meantime, the social impact monitoring committee will also monitor the impact of road rehabilitation works on environment.

January, 2013


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